WisdomTooth wrote:You are an entirely new you each and every moment, if you are still enough, you can notice the shifts.
As the Buddha said. I AM Awareness. All else is illusory.
Even in meditation, that small period of time, shifts of change can be noticed.
Awareness has been a priority of mine since I was in high school. Very important to me.
Thank you for jumping in WisdomTooth

Dirty T wrote:I have a theory that we may actually be living in multiple timelines/universes at once. The way it works is as we go through life we have these 'close calls' or near death experiences we actually die which creates a split. In the timeline we are aware of we didn't die but in another we were killed. It's this same hypothesis that links the idea of the LHC to the Mandela effect. I believe they have opened a black hole on more than one occasion (I know, I know, physics says this is impossible and the tiny black holes would nearly instantly evaporate and that sounds nice on paper but with what we have learned from quantum mechanics Einstein was a genius but we have more information now. Either the black hole was a portal or it killed everyone in that timeline) leading to the entire world splitting more than once now. Of course this is all mere speculation but the more we learn about quantum mechanics the more I feel my idea has a solid foundation and the less I believe we actually "know" about the world and physics.
This reminds me of a version of string theory that I came across years ago (and forgot until reading your post). You definitely have some different details, but on a fundamental way they are very similar.
And I think it should be noted that a lot of cosmology is theoretical and the paradigm runs off of the theoretical framework that seems to have the most "strength," "cohesion," and "consistency," but they change all of the time. So, being predicated also on inductive reasoning (which is never absolute by definition) I find your idea plausible. Especially with how you threw the Mandela Effect in there. There always comes a point where we cannot any further justify the conclusion of an idea. Ends up boiling down to an amount of faith that we put in our "system" of obtaining "knowledge."
roninsina wrote:Intriguing Void. Throughout my life, every few years I have a premonition dream about a future me. The thing is, I can never recognize it as a future me, because I’m always in some circumstances that seem utterly bizarre and ridiculous to the current me, a state of affairs I couldn’t imagine myself in.
Anyway, Iirc some of the sadaka’s have mentioned similar concepts to these you’ve generated autodidactically.
That's actually a little funny (at least with how you've said it). I sometimes have a vision of my future self, made out of puzzle pieces, with some pieces missing (because they have yet to be filled by decisions for the future made by the current me) holding an orb looking at me in its past (my present).
And thank you. I hadn't heard of Sadakas before and had to look them up. Something I plan to explore a bit. Also, your observation is encouraging and validating, so thank you

Regardless of how we try to describe the self, it may really escape or transcend our current use of words and dialogue, and not be what we think it is.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.
Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims
DMT always has something new to show you

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽