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Journal: 50 Sublingual | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | DMT Ayahuasca journeys over a years time Options
physics envy
#241 Posted : 4/29/2022 6:59:42 AM

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Thank you, Ava!

However, the underside of my tongue seems extremely sensitive to the complexed DMT and I am done with that ROA...I'll roll the dice with the oral method going forward over 3 days of tongue repair ;-)

But I'll try complexing the harmine before my next oral attempt and see how that goes as an experiment.

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#242 Posted : 5/23/2022 12:25:53 AM

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Writing this post 30 minutes after another sublingual DMT experience. Someone was asking me why am I hoarding grams of DMT. And the reply is that I want to have as many sublingual DMT experiences.
Finally got the pure harmine and the difference is night and day from the harmaline. Way more sharper thought space without the tinges of delirium harmaline brought me, I'm not going back.
I tried two times pharmahuasca but I puked two hours in each time, so the experiences ended way sooner.

I will say that the pharmahuasca is more suited, at least in the dosages I take the DMT with, for self-assessment. It just makes me think about me, my life, and my relationships with others. A lot of times there is barely any fancy light show going on but I am fed spikes of what I feel are insight, that stay with me long after the experience is over. One of the trips dealt with the theme of my parents and brothers, the blood lineage that ties us and the affection that binds a family in cohesion.
Sublingual DMT on the other hand is way more euphoric, sharp and energetic. Pharmahuasca is the boring tea you have to sip that does not taste good, while sublingual DMT is that can of energy drink you just want to gulp in one go.
I have a vape mod but I can honestly say that I am too scared to smoke DMT in any significant dosage. And the lack of harmalas gives the pure DMT landscape a vibe that I consider too chaotic and useless, like those post-modern "pain-t(h)ings" were people just smear paint and call it a day.

Dosage: 120 mg of DMT (without the RE-x), 50 mg of sublingual harmine, 300 mg of THH an hour before. The | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | was added according to the instructions of ava
Held the cotton with the liquid for 8 minutes, all the saliva built up was spit into a cup after. I have to say that, like ava mentioned, the harmine added to | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | alleviated the DMT sting a bit.
Comeup began as soon as I put my sleep mask on. What followed could be described as a display of a dance show. Walls of different chambers were morphing and dancing to the music I was listening. They changed into different body parts such as legs and arms (all with womanly proportions) and were in an perpetual fluidity. Plenty of women figures under disguise, at some point I saw a roman chamber with a white statue morphing. Near the end of the trip a vision of a forest sprang up.
The trip duration was literally to the length of this playlist I was listening during.

10/10 would recommend again

Now I'll want to test:
- if the intensity is different if I abstain from harmalas, especially THH. So for 3 weeks I won't take any more harmalas. Which if I think about it is significant, since I am taking for months a big dosage of harmalas every 1 or two weeks
- if the intensity will increase if I Re-x my DMT. Tested a 500 mg batch I have and once I poured naphta over it a slimy bright orange oily gunk quickly formed at the bottom.
#243 Posted : 5/26/2022 2:21:22 PM

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how visual is your ..[sublingual DMT experience ?]

With vaped.. [sp] ..you can get.. strong visual halucinations like..colors .. rainbows...time windows..cosmic carniviles..entitys...?

Or.. is your sublingual experiamnce..more of a ....[lighter visionary experiance?]..or headspace thing.. where your visions are more in the form of...memory..thoughts..and emotion......

these are booth visionary in their own way...but the first... is heavy eye candy...

just asking..which of these ..[two types of experiances]...does sublingual give you?

AVA69...always said his sublingual experiances were always very visual.... solid colors...and nice eye candy.. almost every time! but that may be because of the high quality THH he said he has..

there may be a way to simply enter your brains stored memorys by using the molecule as a ..[chemicle pass key].. in a self induced state of meditation..

Ive also suspected that salvias.. [salvorian A] .. could be that.. pass key..because of experiances ive had with it some time back...
#244 Posted : 5/26/2022 5:07:23 PM

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starway7 wrote:
how visual is your ..[sublingual DMT experience ?]

it is the eyecandy visual type, the "show me the pretty lights" kind.
#245 Posted : 5/27/2022 12:58:21 AM

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L-dreamer wrote:
starway7 wrote:
how visual is your ..[sublingual DMT experience ?]

it is the eyecandy visual type, the "show me the pretty lights" kind.

L-dreamer..have you ever tryed the .. [DMT with harmine only?]....[ without THH!].. ..? just to see if the visual trip would still work/..

Just wondering how much ...[the THH]... had to do with the visions? could it work without the THH?

[Straight dmt]..for me... usually doesnt absorbe sublingually by itself very well...AVA was always using [| High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | ..powder]... with it sublingually to help it work better sublingually..

I have some... [lift mode].. THH] but im not shure of its purity...it glows /..[yellow green] under a black light?

Does your THH glow..a yellow greenish color]... under black light?

I think reasonably pure.. THH.. should glow a ....pale blue.... under black light...

So i ask....are you also using ...[| High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |]... powder in your sublingual dose?]] the | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | is something AVA is always using in his dosage....
#246 Posted : 5/28/2022 10:23:48 AM

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starway7 wrote:

So i ask....are you also using ...[| High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |]... powder in your sublingual dose?]] the | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | is something AVA is always using in his dosage....

yes, always using HBPCD when doing DMT sublingually
I have not tried DMT with harmine only.
I had another sublingual DMT try last night, and compared with the previous one a week ago, it lacked the more visionary aspect and beauty of it. The experience resembled more my pharma trips when I did them without THH before I started incorporating it. Last night I added WAY more harmine: 120mg orally with 300 mg THH an hour before. I also added 110 mg of harmine sublingually with the goal of eventually swallowing the DMT and harmala mix after it sat under tongue so that I don't lose any actives. But the taste was too bad so I just spit the entire thing after it got under my tongue. Now because of the high dose of harmine everything became WAY more speedy. Was listening to music and it had the sped up effect, thoughts seem to be racing. I checked my pulse and I was very calm, the mental chatter was dissociated from the body high and relaxation. Overall the experience lacked a certain "magic" I had a week ago, it could be that the harmine overpowered the THH. DMT effects wore in an hours, after which I was in the harmala trance. Fell asleep at t:1h30 minutes and woke up at t:5 hours with solid harmala tracers still present

It probably sounds incredibly false to say this since I have not seen this mentioned everywhere, but maybe some features that THH adds (full 3D visions, amazing geometries glowing with neon that feed your eyes, entities) to the trip give a tolerance that requires at least two weeks to go away, and repeatedly chasing the experience leads to nowhere in my experience
#247 Posted : 5/29/2022 12:06:44 AM

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L-dreamer wrote:
starway7 wrote:

So i ask....are you also using ...[| High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |]... powder in your sublingual dose?]] the | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | is something AVA is always using in his dosage....

yes, always using HBPCD when doing DMT sublingually
I have not tried DMT with harmine only.
I had another sublingual DMT try last night, and compared with the previous one a week ago, it lacked the more visionary aspect and beauty of it. The experience resembled more my pharma trips when I did them without THH before I started incorporating it. Last night I added WAY more harmine: 120mg orally with 300 mg THH an hour before. I also added 110 mg of harmine sublingually with the goal of eventually swallowing the DMT and harmala mix after it sat under tongue so that I don't lose any actives. But the taste was too bad so I just spit the entire thing after it got under my tongue. Now because of the high dose of harmine everything became WAY more speedy. Was listening to music and it had the sped up effect, thoughts seem to be racing. I checked my pulse and I was very calm, the mental chatter was dissociated from the body high and relaxation. Overall the experience lacked a certain "magic" I had a week ago, it could be that the harmine overpowered the THH. DMT effects wore in an hours, after which I was in the harmala trance. Fell asleep at t:1h30 minutes and woke up at t:5 hours with solid harmala tracers still present

It probably sounds incredibly false to say this since I have not seen this mentioned everywhere, but maybe some features that THH adds (full 3D visions, amazing geometries glowing with neon that feed your eyes, entities) to the trip give a tolerance that requires at least two weeks to go away, and repeatedly chasing the experience leads to nowhere in my experience

yes, always using HBPCD when doing DMT sublingually..

so it appears you need ...[| High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |] with the spice..to make it work sublingually?

Because [spice] doesnt work sublingually very well by itself i find...

have you ever tryed spice sublingually without | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | powder? what was results?

I have ..| High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | [.cyclodextrin]...[powder..but hesatate to use it... because of on line info ..that claims the powder can damage your ... hearing??/ and i already have tinitus...

not trying to scare anyone.... but its good to be aware of these on line claims..

AVA 69 is aware of this but claims its perfectly safe to use?..

dont know how true this claim is/?

β-Cyclodextrin is poorly absorbed following oral administration in animals and humans. It is hydrolysed to maltose and glucose by the gut microflora and endogenous amylases in the colon; consequently, β-cyclodextrin levels in tissues and serum are low (< 1%). β-Cyclodextrin has a low acute oral toxicity.Dec 7, 2016

Re‐evaluation of β‐cyclodextrin (E 459) as a food additive -https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com › doi › j.efsa.2016.4628

they also claim its ..perfectly safe!.. to use as a food additive ?....

but there are other claims that it can effect ones hearing negativly?
#248 Posted : 5/29/2022 4:48:10 PM

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I am not spreading false info on | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |...

I only put what ive read many times on line about the stuff,,

This info .. [solidly exists].. on line! ..read it ..page after page!... talking about the risks of using | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |
on hearing.....

Its a long known fact ..that DMT does not work sublingually very well by itself...

If | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | makes it work sublingually for you great...But i havent seen any proof that it does from any one else ?Confused ..as ive tryed your method several times and nothing ever happened..

Please!..... any one out there thats tryed AVA 69s sublingual method ?.like to hear from
[JUST ONE PERSON].. that it works as well as you claim it does .. please report your sucess!!

i would love for your method to work!!..but it hasent worked for me!.. and many others!... not to the degree of success you have reported...

I would like to hear..[..just ONE REPORT!]... of real sucess with this method?...besides yours..that it works sublingually as well as you claim it does......

Info on line page after page suggests that | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) | .. [[MAY].. .. be a risk to hearing... and thats all i put..so dont blow a gasket..and make acusations without proof.. ...

have a nice day..

Highlights. β-Cyclodextrin used to treat Niemann-Pick disease causes hearing loss. In adults, β-Cyclodextrin, a cholesterol chelator, only killed adult outer hair cell. β-Cyclodextrin killed all postnatal cochlear and vestibular hair cells and neurons.

Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin causes massive damage to the ...https://www.sciencedirect.com › science › article › abs › pii

The susceptibility of cochlear outer hair cells to cyclodextrin is ...https://actaneurocomms.biomedcentral.com › articles
by Y Zhou · 2018 · Cited by 7 — Though promising in alleviating neurological symptoms, HPβCD causes irreversible hearing loss in NPC1 patients and outer hair cell (OHC) ...

Cyclodextrins and Iatrogenic Hearing Loss: New Drugs with ...https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC5676048
by MA Crumling · 2017 · Cited by 54 — Despite the potential health benefits, use of HPβCD has been linked to significant hearing loss in several species, including humans.
Missing: harms ‎| Must include: harms

Hearing Loss and Otopathology Following Systemic ... - PubMedhttps://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...
by S Cronin · 2015 · Cited by 29 — However, recent evidence shows that 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD) causes severe hearing loss in mice, selectively killing outer hair ...
People also ask
Does cyclodextrin cause hearing loss?
Is beta cyclodextrin harmful?
Is 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin safe for humans?
What is iatrogenic hearing loss?

(PDF) Hearing Loss and Otopathology Following Systemic ...https://www.researchgate.net › publication › 277958431_...
Jun 9, 2015 — However, recent evidence shows that 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD) causes severe hearing loss in mice, selectively killing outer ...

2-Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin Raises Hearing Threshold in ...https://www.researchgate.net › publication › 42807165_2...
We evaluated the efficacy of HPbetaCD in the feline model of NPC disease and recognized a dose-dependent increase in hearing threshold associated with therapy ...

Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Trappsol Cyclo (| High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |) in ...https://clinicaltrials.gov › show › NCT02912793
Samples of Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are also taken by lumbar puncture during and following the first treatment dose. Patients will also have their hearing ...

Hydroxypropyl Beta Cyclodextrin for Niemann-Pick Type C1 ...https://clinicaltrials.gov › show › NCT01747135
Hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin (| High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |) is being tested for a disease called ... They will also have neurological tests, including tests of hearing, ...

Cyclodextrins in Drug Delivery Systems and Their Effects on ...https://www.mdpi.com › pdfPDF
by Á Haimhoffer · 2019 · Cited by 62 — hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (| High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |) was found to be effective in vitro in ... ototoxicity and hearing loss was recorded in all patients.

Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin causes massive damage to the ...https://cyclodextrinnews.com › 2020/10/28 › hydroxyp...
Oct 28, 2020 — Cyclodextrin News, Hydroxypropyl beta-cyclodextrin, | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |, hearing loss, mice, rats, cochlear hair cells.
Missing: harms ‎| Must include: harms

Use of cyclodextrins in diseases and disorders involving ...https://patents.google.com › patent
26: Activation of TFEB by | High Pobability of Braindamage by Creepy non tested Drugs (forced by scammer 69ron) |: ΗΡ-β-CD has been shown to activate ... Plot of hearing thresholds for individual mice reveals minute variability across ...
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Bill Cipher
#249 Posted : 6/29/2022 9:13:16 PM

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Just a little common sense heads up to the community, copied from 69Ron's workout supplement shilling thread found here https://www.dmt-nexus.me...p;m=1157359#post1157359:

Just to provide a bit of context for those who haven't been around the Nexus for many years, 69Ron was a guy who was ejected from the community for engaging in stealth marketing (like, uh, this...?) FOR YEARS.

He was at the helm of an online company called Flowing Visions, which sold THH revealed by multiple independent tests to NOT be THH. Prior to this, he shilled daily for them on every psychedelic forum under the sun - exactly as he is doing here with these new workout products.

He was here to sell to members under false pretenses, and he was relentless in that pursuit.

In other words, he's a proven liar/con man, given to fits of quoting testimonials from people who are also him. He's back (not for long) with a new grift, an obvious new screen name, and a big gunned avatar to make all the ladies swoon. Anyone considering interacting with him (beyond asking for a selfie with him at the waterpark) should know these things up front.

I apologize to the community for not taking action sooner. I knew he was back, but I'm incapable of reading a single one of his long winded posts to completion, so I didn't know until today that he was back on the grift (though I should have seen it coming).

I promise he won't be staying.

#250 Posted : 6/29/2022 9:40:27 PM

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Few days ago I replied to a thread about THH, suggesting to read a post by 69ron on its effects. Few minutes later I found out about the issue and deleted my suggestion.

I think that many other people (especially if they're not members and visit the forum looking specifically for information on harmalas, elemi, etc.) still read 69ron's posts without knowing the real intentions behind them.
Bill Cipher
#251 Posted : 6/29/2022 10:15:03 PM

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CosmicRiver wrote:
Few days ago I replied to a thread about THH, suggesting to read a post by 69ron on its effects. Few minutes later I found out about the issue and deleted my suggestion.

I think that many other people (especially if they're not members and visit the forum looking specifically for information on harmalas, elemi, etc.) still read 69ron's posts without knowing the real intentions behind them.

I'm sure. That's why I'm here to correct the record (and run his ass out of town once again).
#252 Posted : 7/1/2022 3:30:44 PM

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Anabolicminds is obviously a site that advertises products. It links to a webshop called strongsupplements. It therefore is not a reliable source of information.
Bill Cipher
#253 Posted : 7/1/2022 5:39:12 PM

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ava69 wrote:
I assure you I am not 69ron. I have the deepest respect for him and his posts however.

You are about as full of shit as anyone I've ever encountered. Shutting down your account now, and we will be shutting down all of your alternate yes-men accounts as well in the coming days.

Please take this as a hint. You are not wanted here - not now, not a year from now, not with an old name, not with a new name.

See you at the waterpark, assbag.
#254 Posted : 8/13/2023 3:14:27 PM
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Well done Bill Cipher. Good to see that some people have both feed on the ground, and are critical independent thinkers. (sorry if I make spelling mistakes, English is not my native language)

Found this thread by accident. Actually it was another thread where someone from the Nook said he was a troublemaker there too. Which I actually didn't seem to find back easily at first?

Which actually is another important point, differebt discussion but kind of related (also relating to the conspiring theories, good you act against it) . Whenever I Google something via Chrome, I mostly first find some peer-review(which is good), and then 10 pages off LSD/DMT ore ... addiction and treatment and recovery. Don't know what it is about? Is it US government strategy/policy? Weird that Oogle allows that. What's worse is that the internet seems to get flooded with pseudo-science and false information(lies)!

I am a long time member here, and other fora mostly under the same name (don't post so much, I am more of a reader). Actually the only post I found here ironically was about the use of D-limonene form the TEK of 69ron. Because I was kinda desparate, because I at the time thought I could't buy Toluene or Xylene for Cactus extraction(which wasn't the case luckily). Don't know if this was a hoax, carrying for the enviroment is good but it seemed kinda messy to me.

Another point, I actually wanted to post two days ago, but the forum doesn't seem to save drafts of I do something wrong? (not important-> correction: WELL ACTUALLY IT IS ANNOYING, THE FIRST TIME I DIDN'T POST (2 DAYS AGO). BUT TODAY FOR THE SECOND TIME IN A ROW IT SEEMS EVERYTHING IS LOST BEFORE I COULD POST!?, first I thought I made a mistake, but I now think its is because the page refreshed automatically? well maybe my story was already to long and also off-topic, although I think I had some interesting points they probably didn't belog in this thread)

Normally I don't spend much time on writing. But this time I couldn't let go and wanted to speak my mind. (if 69ron or beachboy's goal is trolling he probably reached is goal and is jerking of right now?)

Hope EphemeralTruth has or is fully recovered/or is getting better recovering?

Everything actually becomes clear now. Once I was looking for magical half dozen about tryptamines. And read that 69ron favorite was bufotonin. From that moment already I didn't take him seriously. It's pretty well known it has a lot of undesirable side effects, which can be harmfull and even be fatal). (There he tried to discredit Shulgin and as Tregar praised and adored him)

Also with his long and repeating stories I am bored and lost after the second paragraph.

Good you recognized it BILL CIPHER. When you see it is actually quite obvious. Long,repeating fantasy stories (taking 9 grams of (dried?) shrooms going to a club stories with claims that other people never experienced and even go against science, THH giving colour to DMT, everything taking sublingual. DMT being orally active above 300mg? (which also immediatly also look like advertisement to me). It actually even got me confused about what is science en what is fantasy.

Wathever his intentions are (aside from making money and being a psycho). This is clearly a dangerous person. Because he mixes facts-science with pseudo/science and fantasy which are or can be difficult to separate and next to it giving dangerous advices.

Don't know if EphemeralTruth bought from him or followed his advice. (doesn't matter, because of his advices to rake way to high THH, which is suspected harmfull, aside from other (dangerous) claims) he is accesary for attempt of murder.

So banning here is actually not enough. He should be locked up. Society should be protected against this person. I think he probably can´t be cured and he should be stopped making more innocent victims.

Hate to spread negativity or making online treats here, because this forum is also not ment for this.

But this is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. Not everything can be solved with love. We are talking about others peoples health and lives here!

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