IntroductionQuote:Disclaimer: This guide is meant to educate and inform this community about the direct e-mesh administration method for vaping DMT as smooth, safe and effective as possible. Any forum member that disagree's with any info in this guide please post your concern so that this guide can be updated. Any info that needs to be added please post a reply so this guide can stay properly informative.
Chart for common dose sizes wrote:Threshold:
5-10mg (none to very slight CEV's & OEV's psychedelic thought patterns)
10-15mg (none to slight CEV's and very slight OEV's possible)
15-30mg (Most common Breakthrough range)
30-45mg (Pretty insane, can be very difficult to handle for some)
45mg and up (Not Recommended, most who vape this properly NEVER do it again)
Get a good Scale Disclaimer and chart are borrowed form the DMT vaping thread, which contains important information about dosage. Know your dosage! You can read the thread here: direct e-mesh method for vaping spice, is in my humble opinion the safest and most effective way to enter hyperspace in one hit. No need for a second hit, as you can empty a breakthrough dose in about 5 seconds. It delivers smooth vapor, and no burned taste or smell with the correct temperature settings. With the e-mesh method you can breakthrough every time with a minimal use of spice. I haven’t used the GVG since April, as I find this method of administration more effective and safer if you travel without a sitter. (No torch lighter)
This tek is inspired by the initial mesh thread by Aum Shanti, which uses a more advanced setup.
You can read Aum Shanti’s posts here: e-mesh method has a long thread discussing details here : Some One's e-mesh howto: to all the good people who have participated to develop the e-mesh method, giving advice and feedback to the original thread. Special thanks to Aum Shanti & Some One.
This method is perfect for those who want a one hit breakthrough. I would advice to use a scale measuring your amount of spice, because if you do a bit too much, it will hit hard. Personally I am gone for 5-9 minutes on 25mg, so thread carefully and scale your dose.
1. Equipment needed:1. An e-cigarette battery mod with temperature for SS (stainless steel) and manual TCR (Temperature Coefficient of Resistance, see for more info). Vaporesso and Geekvape are recommended quality brands with good temp control.
2. An e-cigarette mesh RDA – Rebuildable Dripper Atomizer The vandyvape mesh has a bit wider post holes for the mesh, so you can get a bigger mesh piece inside. The first vandy vape mesh rda is a bit hard to find these days, so the V2 might be the best option. You can still find cheap clones on Wish, which will do the job.
If you want quality, order the V2 from a vape shop.
3. Mesh SS sheet or roll. I find the
100 microns size perfect (sheet). The
vandy vape SS 150 rolls are also good.
4. Rechargeable battery of good quality, if needed in the mod. Some mods have built-in batteries, others use an external battery.
5. Battery charger if necessary.
6. A longer drip tip to avoid burning lips and hot vapor is better, but not a must. recommend the
Geekvape M100 mod, which I use myself. A robust and lightweight mod with very good temp control. This one has a built inn battery, so no external battery needed. You can buy or order this from any proper vape shop.
Mesh sheets are cheap on ebay. With a fitted sheet you will get more surface, and I find it is easier to load the spice with this than the roll sheets without spilling.
2. Fitting and mounting the mesh.These parameters are suited for the vandy vape mesh rda v1. If you have an other rda than this one, you might need to adjust the mesh size to fit your RDA.
Mesh Roll:If you choose to use the vandy vape mesh roll, the mounting is pretty straight forward.
1. Cut a piece of the roll 4cm long.
2. You want to bend the mesh so it fits the post and to get a surface area as big as possible for the spice.
3. Bend it in a mushroom form, so the flat surface on top are made wider, as wide as round you can get it, without the mesh touching the top cap or the base.
4. No hard bends, try to curve the mesh bends, see image.
5. Open the post holes with the screwdriver and insert the mesh ends and fasten tight.
6. When you mount the mesh RDA on the mod, the ohm/resistance should read between 0,20-0,30 on the mod’s display with a 4cm long mesh strip from the vandy vape SS 150 roll.
7. Max wattage should be set to 35w or higher.
The loading of spice is a lot more tricky with this setup, as the mesh is thin and flumsy. The fitted mesh is so much more practical to use when loading spice. See next chapter.
Fitted mesh:The better alternative is the fitted mesh. Thicker, rigid , more surface and ‘fences’ makes it a lot more easier to load spice without spilling.
1. Use scissors and cut a sheet about 2.5cm wide and 4cm long. Trim some of the ends sides, so they fit into the post holes.
2. Use the scissors and form the mesh so it looks like the cross on the image. The wide part off the mesh should fit the cap. 'About 1.4 - 1.5 cm long
3. Bend the sides int he cross upwards as fences, to better keep the spice in the middle when loading. Then bend the ends to fit into the post holes.
4. Fasten the legs in the holes, and check that the mounted mesh fits into the top cap, without touching it or the rda base.
5. The mesh should only be in contact with the post holes and nothing else. Form the mesh, and cut the legs so the mesh fits inside the top cap without touching it.
The mesh sheet I got is SS304, not SS316 as the mesh rolls. SS304 has a higher TCR than SS316, so it is better to use the TCR mode, and set TCR to 130-180. Start at 130 and work your way up if you don't get enough heat. Resistance should be around 0,10-0,20 ohm. With lower resistance and more metal, the max wattage must be a lot higher than the roll mesh strips. I set mine at max 60w.

When you are done setting up the mesh, set the temperature to 240-250C and pulse the fire button holding 1-2 seconds. The mesh should glow evenly without hotspots. Heat it up a few times to be sure that eventual residue are burnt away.
NB! It is very important that the mesh is NOT touching the top cap or bottom, except the post holes!
Image: The mesh roll and fitted mesh setups side by side glowing away any residue. As you can see the fitted mesh has about 50% more surface and coarser mesh. 
3. Finding the correct Mod settings – TCR, max temperature and max wattage.I will use the geekvape aegis solo settings as an example. If you have another mod, adjust it to the same settings.
For the mesh roll mesh, you can use the standard SS temperature mode. Set the initial settings to:
1. Mount the mesh RDA on the mod, check resistance.
2. Set the aegis/mod in wattage mode and set to 13-14w.
3. Remove the RDA top cap and bring the mod and RDA to a dark room.
4. When you press the fire button,
the mesh should glow faintly red or dark orange in a dark room.
5. Adjust the wattage up or down until the mesh glows faintly red. This is the wattage you should aim for in temperature mode when firing. See line 11.
6. Enter Temperature mode SS or TCR on the mod.
7. Mesh Roll: Max wattage 35w, SS mode
8. Fitted mesh: Max wattage 60w, TCR mode - set TCR to 130-190.
9. Lock the resistance/ohm when the mesh is at room temperature.
10. Set the temperature to 200C
11. Push the fire button. Adjust temperature up and down until the wattage stabilises at the value found in line 5.
Since each setup is different, you might need to experiment with the temperature and if necessary the TCR to find the optimal settings. Normally somewhere between the 190-210C range should be optimal. you can’t get the temp settings to work properly, you can try wattage mode at 15-20w, depending of how hard you draw and the airflow. But temp control is better if you find the correct configuration. In temp mode, the temperature is constant while the wattage varies with the airflow and inhalation method. With more air cooling the mesh when inhaling, the higher wattage will be delivered in order to hold the temperature level.
4. Getting ready for hyperspaceFor me, a treshold doses would be around 5-10mg, visuals at 10-15mg, hyperspace 20-30mg. Never done more than 30 with this method, and I don't see the need too.
NB! Please DO NOT load 50+mg if you are used to smoke spice. This method is a lot more effective, and 50mg is a heroic dose. There is no looking back with the e-mesh so travel safe, start low and increase step by step.
For a full breakthrough dose, weigh up 20-35mg (Start with 20mg) and carefully spread it on the mesh surface , without touching the mesh. For easy transfer of DMT to mesh, I use the half of a capsule, whick is also convenient when you weigh the dose onthe scale. If you touch the mesh with your tool, spice will be spilled, so be careful. A dab tool is perfect for this job. Some people find it easier to load the spice and melt it in in 3 turns (Vandy vape mesh roll strips.)
When the spice are evenly spread on the mesh, set the temp to 140-150C and do some fast clicks on the fire button to melt the spice onto the mesh. You don’t want to inhale crystals!
When done, set the temperature to the correct value as found in chapter 3. (Faint red glow in a dark room)
Adjust the RDA airflow to be half open. The airflow holes should be placed so they are on line with the mesh posts/legs on both sides.
Mount the top cap, and you are ready to go.
When ready, hold the fire button and start inhaling as long as you can. Remember to hold the mod/rda vertically when vaping so the melted spice stays on the mesh until emptied. You should empty the whole dose in one hit. Hold breath for at least 20 seconds, longer if you can. A second hit shouldn’t be necessary, but if you suspect you didn’t get all in the first hit, take another. wotofo profile with mesh roll strip, 30mg before and after melting of spice) mesh, 25mg spice on fitted mesh, Before and after melting. Here is a short video demonstrating 30mg vaporized in about 5 seconds on the fitted mesh:
5. Cleaning and maintenanceAfter you come back for landing, you should clean the mesh by holding the fire button to clear any leftovers or residue on the mesh. The mesh will last for many rounds of vaping and is cheap and easy to replace when needed.
Spice can be spilled into the RDA bottom. This should be easy to gather by holding the RDA upside down and scrape off the leftovers.
If you need to clean the RDA, just use plain water, or vinegar + water.
Safe travels 🖖