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What scale do you use? Options
#101 Posted : 3/27/2010 7:43:07 PM

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If you can find the ProScale Precision-10 available anywhere GET IT! You'll be very glad you did. It's apparently not made anymore, so there is no new stock anywhere. I looked and ended up getting the inferior American Weigh DIA-10. I thought because it looks exactly the same that it was built the same, but it’s not.

The American Weigh DIA-10 is better than nothing though. The ProScale Precision-10 floats at about +/- 0.001 gram, while the American Weigh DIA-10’s I’ve used float at about +/- 0.003 grams.

The American Weigh Gemini-20 was even worse, it floated at about +/- 0.015 grams! It would float even at 0, endlessly, going up and up and up without touching the damn thing.

Like I said, I think a lot of the American Weigh scales are counterfeit cheap crap. I didn’t buy the scale directly form American Weigh, but from a place called “EZ SALE”. I had to return quite a few before I got one that even worked! So BEWARE of counterfeit cheap crap!
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#102 Posted : 4/6/2010 12:03:24 AM

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My scale from the ebay link earlier in this thread (http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110492286503&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT ) arrived earlier today. It was very easy to calibrate and although it does seem to hover sometimes from .003 to even as high as .030, resetting it by turning it off and on will clear that up instantly.

Comments posted about the scale state that in some of the orders recieved, even having the scale turned off will drain the batteries. Right now, I do believe that happens (Solely based on the eBay comments), but I'm testing it since I have an abundence of AAA batteries. If it goes out, I'll edit this post, if not, you are good to go.

I do recommend this scale, it took a little over a week to arrive and it is very good quality. The packaging was nice and it comes with a soft cover that you can slip the scale into. It comes with a 10g calibration weight along with a small pan that goes onto the scale to keep your diamonds in place while measuring.

Thanks for the recommendation, SnozzleBerry!

Now, if you have a few pretty pennies to spare, here is a very helpful link to a review of scales that seem to be worth their money:

I hope this post even helped a tiny, tiny bit.
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#103 Posted : 11/13/2010 2:29:19 PM

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SWIM just received 2 lbs MHRB from a source found here on nexus. Ordered Mon pm was here friday SWIM is very happy with timely service. He plans on using Noman's tek for extraction next weekend. Honestly SWIM is a little nervous but moving forward. Any advice on scales? This guy isnt Bill gates.
#104 Posted : 11/13/2010 3:15:18 PM

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That's what I have. It's not accurate enough to measure out some RCs (ie when 2 or 3 milligrams matter) but at D doses it seems to be accurate enough.

It also appears to be the same scale as was posted here https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=14266
#105 Posted : 9/3/2011 4:52:59 PM

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Hello Nexians,

I know I may be beating a dead horse here and I have read many comments and threads regarding scales.. When someone is in need of one, most say to get one for 20-30 on ebay.. Well i knew going that route would produce some undesirable results being that you get what you pay for.. I knew even before buying, that to measure that minute of a quantity would require a quality piece of equipment..

Well anyway, I did in fact get one of those portable american weigh milligram "jewelry" scales.. And yes, it is a piece of crap so to speak.. i'm not able to calibrate it because it only came with a 10g weight. being that the scale measures up to 20g, that means i would need a 20g weight to calibrate..

that aside, when i put the 10g weight on, the scale is off by 15mg, reading 10 and 15mg. seems like a big gap for trying to weigh such an exact amount for a substance i dont wanna mess around with..

i've tried to weigh other things and have come up with this... to put it in perspective, a cannabis seed weighed in at about 7mg.. then a little piece of bud, about twice the size of the seed weighed in at 13mg. so im sure most of you know how big most typical cannabis seeds are.. it terms of size (loosely regarding density) does this sound about right? i want to take 15-20 mg my first time..

ive seen a lot of people asking about how to know how much to use without using a scale, but not anyone responding with any sort of size comparison.. even tho i know there are dif densities.. maybe use a grain of rice for comparison? anyway, can anyone relate?
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#106 Posted : 9/3/2011 5:00:00 PM

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You need to calibrate your scale, it should have came with 2 10 gram weights.

The reason no one ever replies with tips on how to eyeball is because you can't eyeball DMT accurately for the reasons you mentioned, all DMT does not look the same/have the same density.

Try weighing an empty gel cap and seeing how much it weighs on your scale. Open it up and add some DMT. Weigh it again and subtract the original weight it gave you for the gelcap. It probably won't be 100% accurate, but it's the closest you are going to get without calibrating your scale.

Good luck!
#107 Posted : 9/3/2011 5:20:43 PM

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I find weighing a playing card, taring it and then putting the DMT on the card works great for weighing on an improperly calibrated scale. Putting it in a gel cap can have issues with it sticking to the gel cap and whatnot. Over time I became comfortable with eyeballing my doses (my doses are usually lower compared to most people - I only load up 10-15mg so "overdoing it" can often be just right Wink ). I have a scale that used to be good, but it sucks now, so it becomes too frustrating to weigh it out, but if you can weigh it accurately, that would be preferable.
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#108 Posted : 9/3/2011 5:23:48 PM

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yeah but it only came with one :/ i guess i am curious to hear what other people are doing or what their spice amounts actually look like because i havent done it yet nor have i seen anyone do it.. maybe i will just buy another 10g cal weight.. they may have some at a store near me.. thanks for the advice actualfactual.

global, i am going to call and see if they have another weight, if not then your card trick seems like a good idea. thank you for that! and i dont have any gelcaps to try that with. but it seems like you would lose some if it stuck to the sides.. who knows.. thank you both for your help!
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#109 Posted : 9/3/2011 7:28:15 PM

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My scale only came with 1 - 10g weight. The calibration directions should have came with it. If they didn't, let me know and I'll post how to calibrate the scale.
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#110 Posted : 9/3/2011 7:57:26 PM

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it tells me that the weight value should be the capacity of the scale.. the scales max weight is 20g and they only sent me a 10g weight.. is this your same situation?
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#111 Posted : 9/3/2011 8:04:25 PM

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It says the same thing for mine but the 10g weight works just fine. I don't know why it says it needs to be the capacity of the scale.

After you calibrate it, put the 10g weight back on and it should be spot on 10g or pretty close.
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#112 Posted : 9/3/2011 10:09:57 PM

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This is the one I have that came with the 2 10 gram weights to use to calibrate it.

At first it asks you to put on a single 10 gram weight during calibration, after a couple seconds it asks you to put the other weight on to total 20.000 grams.

If you have this scale you need 2 of the weights to calibrate it.
#113 Posted : 9/3/2011 11:12:55 PM

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That's the same scale I have and I can calibrate it with the one 10g weight.

It's always either dead on or within 1-2mg after calibration.
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#114 Posted : 9/3/2011 11:41:26 PM

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yeah thats the one.. i went to a nearby store because they said they had cal weights but not anything that came close to what i needed.. i planned on blasting off tonight so i will just use the 10g weight to calibrate.. ill probably end up ordering another 10g weight tho.. Thanks for all your help! safe travels..
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#115 Posted : 9/4/2011 11:48:16 AM

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I have the same scale and found that a coke spoon holds roughly 20mg to 25mg
#116 Posted : 9/6/2011 1:02:36 PM

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DimensionlessBeing wrote:
I have the same scale and found that a coke spoon holds roughly 20mg to 25mg

Actually I bought a set of measuring spoons with measurements that include "pinch", "dab" and "drop". The "drop" measuring spoon is slightly bigger than a coke spoon and olds roughly 20mg.
#117 Posted : 9/6/2011 1:20:46 PM

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I got the asian version of that scale (called "diamond scale"Pleased i think, not the american weight brand. I just tested it and it is 2.6mg off per 1g. I think that is very acceptable for DMT (read: for DMT!).

I would not worry too much. A rough measure is pretty acceptable if yu take into account , that "dosage" is only 1 part in the spice equation.
#118 Posted : 2/10/2012 3:34:31 PM

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My GPR-20 has been holding strong..... Only drawback is it turns off pretty fast....within thirty seconds or so
#119 Posted : 6/20/2012 4:07:01 PM

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Good evening, all.

A few questions about equipment, namely for measurements.
A friend of mine is an aspiring culinary student in need of a scale relatively accurate to 0.01g or ideally 0.001g, for spices. He's found a great deal of difficulty in finding suitable equipment locally, though he has not ventured very far into nutritional supplement stores("vitamin scales", perhaps?).

His questions relayed are thus:
-Is there any legality/suspicion in purchasing such an accurate scale, for legal purposes? Is there any reason to not purchase online? (Flagged, etc)
-Other than jewelers and possibly nutrition supplement stores, where else might he find a scale other than lab/chem hobby shops? (There aren't any locally).
-Are there specifications to watch out for, or are certain types better/more economical than others? eg. Analog v. digital.
-Are there any specific models others have found to be particularly reliable, well priced, or which should be avoided?

Insofar as specific sources, PMs are welcome if one would rather not post them here.

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#120 Posted : 6/20/2012 4:25:01 PM

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I purchased one through an online seller. There are many uses for a milligram scale, I highly doubt you would get flagged for buying one, unless the US are becoming an orwellian nightmare, and even then...

I just would steer clear of cheap chinese ebay scales. Chinese imported gadgets can be affordable and generally they will work, but such a precision instrument can be rendered useless by simple transportation hazards unless it's very well wrapped, and also customs might bug you for extra money... the price difference I saw here was small, around 19 euros for a chinese scale, shipping included, or 25 for a scale purchased from a local online seller.

I doubt you can find anyone who received a warrant after buying a precision scale.
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