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#41 Posted : 7/17/2017 5:49:24 AM


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Bluelight report of harmaline smoked with DPT circa 2004:


StagnantReaction wrote:
Personal advice: It's pretty much goddamn inactive without some tryptamine involved. Harmaline extract (10x) smoked works well with DPT. Harmaline freebase + weed doesn't. I'll update this as I experiment, I suppose.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#42 Posted : 7/17/2017 6:11:57 AM


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Information on smoking dmt freebase with harmine freebase circa 2000 from The Hive.


gnrm23 wrote:
dmt freebase is quite easily smoked (or vaporized) (dose ~= 20-50 mg) and does not need an MAOi...
if MAOi is used in conjuntion with smoking dmt (MAOi such as 150 mg harmine HCl oral or 50 mg harmine freebase smoked) the dmt high will tend to last quite a bit longer...
if the dmt is done orally (as freebase or as a salt i.e. HCl or citrate/ascorbate or acetate) along with prior or concommitant MAOi) a bit more dmt will need to be ingested (say 40-100 mg) and the duration of the expeirence is usually about 2 to 4 hours...
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#43 Posted : 7/17/2017 11:11:07 AM

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dreamer042 wrote:
Deoxy.org article dated Feb. 1, 2001 that mentions smoking mixtures containing DMT being used in the jungle.


Normally DMT is not active when taken orally - it has to be smoked (and there are several other snuffs and smoking mixtures in jungle sorcery that do contain only DMT). But it's been found that harmaline prevents the breakdown of DMT by the digestive system and allows it to enter the bloodstream when one drinks Ayahuasca. Harmaline also extends DMT's visionary effects for up to 6 hours. So it turns out that DMT, which I had always considered to be an exotic laboratory drug, has actually been used by sorcerers in the Amazon for thousands of years.

This one to me looks to be a false positive, dreamer. The smoking mixtures are mentioned as containing only dmt. That makes them "enhanced leaf", not "changa".
#44 Posted : 7/17/2017 1:29:59 PM


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Google dates this one at Feb 1, 2001. Using passiflora extract to potentiate LSD and mushrooms.


for our fist experiment into MAO inhibitors, three volunteers participated (two prominent users on this bbs and myself). all of us are experienced users of various psychedelics across most possible doses; between the three of us, we would probably log a couple hundred psychedelic trips, incl. combinations of various substances.

the b-carboline containing plant we used was passion flower (see my recent posts on this sub on using passion flower in conjunction w/ marijuana and sassafras root bark). I was able to obtain passion flower in two forms at a local herb store: dried chopped plant material packaged in gel caps and 60 ml of the plant extract - which is more than enough to achieve MAO inhibition (getting the extract was a stroke of luck, for sure, it saved me the very tedious and time consuming extraction process). to obtain a smokable substance of passion flower, I mixed about 1500mg of the plant material (the content of five gelcaps) w/ 50 drops of the extract, forming a smooth emulsion. the mixture was then dried in the microwave for 3min on low power, which left us, w/ a soft, crumbly substance, hash-like in color and texture.

we rapidly took 10-15 hits, resulting in a very mild, pot-like high, which by itself surely wouldnt be worth scorching your throat and lungs w/ the harsh smoke. two of us (incl myself) then took 400-500 mics (4-5 hits) of LSD, while the other volunteer took 2.8 grs of potent stropharia (magic mushrooms).

at this point Ive only obtained a few details of the content of their repective trips from the other two participants, and I havent quite integrated the scope of my own experiences yet. Ill post some of the more relevant details to the board as they come to me; on the more
general side, all of us agree on the following:

- the dose felt subjectively three to four times more potent than it actually was, incl. a much longer lasting trip (about 10 hrs for me) than is normal for the doses we took.

- closed and open eye imagery were greatly enhanced with circular, highly detailed, bright and (for me) incredibly colorful and vivid images.

- the mental state we achieved for all of us was the most 'altered' that any of us had experienced under the influence of psychedelics. to quote one of our participants: "fuck, I sure have *never* tripped on shrooms like *this* before!!"
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#45 Posted : 7/17/2017 4:11:22 PM

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#46 Posted : 7/17/2017 10:21:44 PM

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That's actually a good find! No real conversation proceeded from that interestingly!

The rest of it, isn't really that relevant though.

I noticed someone updated the wikipedia page!

I think editors there are going to look at this and go, wait? What? Who drank some draino?
What has all this got to do with anything?

Have Prosopis glandulosa alkaloids been tested to contain betacarblines? Is there any human history of people using Prosopis glandulosa as an MAOI? And what has this got to do with Changa anyway? Laughing
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