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#41 Posted : 11/23/2014 9:50:17 PM

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Enlightened_One wrote:
More importantly, your "neighbors" are now short a beautiful cactus top due to your greediness and lack of care... Which is a big shame.. I don't mean to come off as judgmental, but I find this act of cutting someone else's cactus down for your own wants and needs is a disrespectful and heinous act, especially involving something meant to be such a powerful and healing cacti.. In this case, it wasn't even the correct cactus..

Might I suggest you returning that cactus to the rightful owner? Tis a shame they are short a cactus top due to your lack of care and repsrct...

I was at a client's house yesterday and noticed his pedros were cut, badly, and asked what happened. Knowing this person is not into psychedelics I asked why they were in such bad shape (thinking maybe he harvested them himself). Apparently, some kids went through the neighborhood snatching psychedelic cactuses. I could tell he was physically troubled and pressed on. It seems they were some of the last remnants of a deceased partner which he had tenderly cared for for over 30 years.

And in one night some kids caused irreversible damage. The plants are nearly dead as a result.

Not cool.
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#42 Posted : 11/24/2014 12:22:10 AM
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Don't steal peoples plants man, that's low. Even if it was active, you probably would have a terrible experience as a result of your reckless means of obtaining it.

How would you like it if someone came and stole a cactus or other special plant that you had been growing for many years, creating a special bond and hoping to one day harvest for a deep personal explorative experience?
Everything published by Gone-and-Back are the mad rantings and ravings of a mind who yearns to be free and thinks he knows what he is talking about. However, these are just delusions made to feel that freedom, because that freedom will never come. Any experiments done are purely figments of the imagination, and are falsified to the highest degree. Nothing should be taken seriously from a crazy mans mind.
#43 Posted : 11/24/2014 12:30:16 AM

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Cereus species is what that is. And you stole it... That's not cool man. I bet you they would have given you a cutting if you had asked. I've never been turned down by anyone when asking them for a cutting off their plant. Unless it's some super special clone or something. Being a cactus lover i can understand how sad it would be if somebody came and chopped the top off one of my big columnars or snatched one of my globulars, but if they asked for it I would gladly share.
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#44 Posted : 11/25/2014 12:08:21 PM

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My last post, FYI , I took that from my neighbors whom I've known fifteen years. I didn't ruin the plant and we are always cool no matter what , so quit thinking I'm a horrible person. New cactus, is this it?
Hypernoid attached the following image(s):
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image.jpg (769kb) downloaded 303 time(s).
#45 Posted : 11/25/2014 12:15:23 PM

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Do tell?
Hypernoid attached the following image(s):
image.jpg (855kb) downloaded 302 time(s).
image.jpg (855kb) downloaded 301 time(s).
#46 Posted : 11/25/2014 12:22:28 PM

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I would say PC clone (=pachanot) but i'm a total noob so wait for more experienced fellow advice

Still a nice cactus !
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#47 Posted : 11/25/2014 12:29:16 PM

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Did you ask them for it or was it stolen again thinking they will probably be cool with it?
#48 Posted : 11/25/2014 12:34:58 PM

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Did you ask them?? Who cares if you've known them for 15 years.. It's a matter of respect.

Not cool to just chop into your neighbors cacti plants... This is only speculation, but I'm guessing that there are two cacti plants missing tops in their yard..

With that said, it looks like a PC clone or a Pachanot... Lacking or devoid of any alkaloids. I'm no expert though...

#49 Posted : 11/25/2014 12:42:08 PM

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The first one was taken from my neighbor whom I've known fifteen years... He didn't care and I knew that or wouldn't have done it
#50 Posted : 11/25/2014 12:45:11 PM

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And this was taken by permission. So how do I know when I get a good one
#51 Posted : 11/25/2014 12:46:15 PM

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Hypernoid wrote:
The first one was taken from my neighbor whom I've known fifteen years... He didn't care and I knew that or wouldn't have done it

So basically you didn't ask him.

And judging from your previous thread (https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=61857) you could very well had done it regardless of whether he cared or not.

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#52 Posted : 11/25/2014 1:09:29 PM


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There are plenty of vendors who sell cactus cuttings, they are a quick google search away. Purchase a cactus of your own and leave those that belong to others alone. I'd suggest that if you lack the patience to cultivate a relationship with this powerful teacher in the correct way, by growing it yourself, you are not ready for this medicine.
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#53 Posted : 11/25/2014 9:20:47 PM

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Hypernoid wrote:
And this was taken by permission. So how do I know when I get a good one

probably the best way is to ask the person you got it from
#54 Posted : 11/25/2014 9:53:22 PM

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LOL sry had too Razz you rele need to check yourself and realize what your doing just trying to find "is this the one" it comes down to a whole lot moar then just trying your hardest cutting cacti to find the right one imo
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#55 Posted : 11/27/2014 1:32:31 AM

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Hypernoid wrote:
I snagged it from a yard in Hollywood ca, by my house. Sorry neighbors!

Snagged? Why use a mealy-mouthed euphemism? You are a THIEF and you STOLE it !!!
Shame on you !! Hope you get the bad karma you deserve.
Life is a shit sandwich - the more bread you got, the less shit you eat.
#56 Posted : 11/27/2014 1:35:25 AM

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boogerz wrote:
You would be surprised at how generous a lot of people are with their plants if you asked for some

And the gift of life is a precious one. Mrs. Fly is always after cacti to give as gifts - I usually donate a Encephalocarpus strobiliformis or Lophophora williamsii, the two species that I can reproduce most prolifically.
Life is a shit sandwich - the more bread you got, the less shit you eat.
#57 Posted : 11/27/2014 1:46:03 AM

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There are so many ribbed columnar cacti that all look very much the same.

Why don´t you go on line and order (and PAY for!) the real thing?!
Life is a shit sandwich - the more bread you got, the less shit you eat.
#58 Posted : 11/27/2014 4:01:25 AM

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It's a nihilogitustoned stoleniiensis.
The only thing that can be extracted from them is BAD KARMA MAN !!!
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#59 Posted : 11/27/2014 6:15:45 AM

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bad vibes will come out of that move.
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#60 Posted : 11/28/2014 4:59:26 AM


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Don't believe anything people say about PC "pachanot" because there is literally no scientific evidence to support such a theory. I am an avid opponent of that whole fabricated conundrum. Phenotypes can vary wildly depending on growing conditions. Your cactus looks like a pedro. That's all anyone can say.
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