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Centrifugal purification of DMT Options
#1 Posted : 3/17/2015 4:09:05 AM

Communications-Security Analyst

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It's simple, STB, A->B, doesn't matter how you extract. Just follow the steps:

Once your dmt has been liberated from the plant material, and is in its freebase form, extract it using your solvent of choice. You will do well to do this at room temperature. Filter it as best as possible. You may do a sodium carbonate wash, then wash your solvent 2 more time with distilled water.

Next, add a bit of activated carbon to the solvent. You can find this at the aquarium section of most stores. Stir for a minute, and allow it to sit until all has settled. Now filter your solvent, the filtrate should be very clear now. Coloration is indicative that impurities are present; if your solvent is distinctly off color, repeat the carbon treatment with slightly less carbon, and filter again. Vacuum filtration will enhance this considerably. Reduce the volume of your solvent, and precipitate out your DMT overnight in the freezer.

Disregard the tiny deposits of carbon left over from last night's precip. It's a small matter, and not important. Scrape off your DMT and pack it into a conical centrifuge tube. I use 15ml centrifuge tubes.

Heat hexane or heptane to boiling. This can be done by microwaving water in a dish, and placing the solvent in the dish inside of a shot glass. Make use of your microwave provided waiting period by washing small flat glass dish. Rinse it off with distilled water, then acetone, then water, and finally acetone. How clean this dish is will help dictate the purity of your final product, so be meticulous. Good in, good out.

Take your dmt tube, and submerge it in the hot/boiling water with your now boiling solvent. Using a glass pipette start adding solvent until the dmt is mostly melted, put the cap on and shake. Add just a few more drops, and cap it. Set it aside. Remicrowave the water and be certain it is boiling, insert the tube, let the solvent boil. Be sure to loosen the lid.

This next part it is important that you only take as long as needed in completing these steps. Once all the dmt is dissolved you should have a thick milk colored liquid. Make sure the lid is on tight, and centrifuge at max rpm for 2 minutes. You will have 3 layers: The bottom layer an orange/red resin. Atop this, an black tar looking resin, and your milky semen looking fluid. Decant the sweet blood of jesus into your dish - crystals should begin to appear immediately as you do so.

Seal the dish with aluminum foil, crease the edges, and seal it with a hair tie or rubber band. Set this somewhere where it will not get disturbed for 4-6 hours.

Remove Excess solvent with a syringe, and evaporate the rest. A fan is ok. Scrape up and enjoy bliss!

THIS guide will help you be certain you get all the spice out of the hexane/heptane.


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 6/9/2015 8:46:21 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 11
Joined: 06-Nov-2014
Last visit: 12-Aug-2020
That is some nice looking spice..
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