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things from the garden Options
#1 Posted : 11/12/2013 5:26:21 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 186
Joined: 13-Aug-2013
Last visit: 19-Jun-2014
Just a few pics from the garden
sleepypelican attached the following image(s):
20131112_071425.jpg (1,199kb) downloaded 58 time(s).
20131112_071649.jpg (2,218kb) downloaded 50 time(s).
20131112_071406.jpg (1,202kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20131112_071334.jpg (2,570kb) downloaded 50 time(s).
20131109_072452.jpg (1,408kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20131109_072326.jpg (944kb) downloaded 50 time(s).
20131112_071436.jpg (1,067kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20131109_072227.jpg (1,335kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20131109_072208.jpg (1,222kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20131109_072045.jpg (1,222kb) downloaded 48 time(s).
20131103_085459.jpg (2,103kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20131109_072213.jpg (1,284kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20131103_085533.jpg (1,326kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20131103_085520.jpg (1,115kb) downloaded 50 time(s).
20131103_074237.jpg (964kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20131103_074202.jpg (2,515kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20131103_074134.jpg (1,790kb) downloaded 50 time(s).
20131103_074131.jpg (1,860kb) downloaded 50 time(s).
20131025_081612.jpg (1,245kb) downloaded 52 time(s).
20131025_081639.jpg (1,288kb) downloaded 50 time(s).
20131025_080459.jpg (3,292kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20131025_080451.jpg (2,565kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20131025_080423.jpg (2,466kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20131003_094624.jpg (2,115kb) downloaded 48 time(s).
20130822_064544.jpg (1,325kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20130822_064441.jpg (1,048kb) downloaded 47 time(s).
20130907_083008.jpg (1,260kb) downloaded 49 time(s).
20130822_064419.jpg (862kb) downloaded 46 time(s).
20130822_064337.jpg (907kb) downloaded 46 time(s).
20130822_064203.jpg (1,122kb) downloaded 47 time(s).
20130821_235806.jpg (2,425kb) downloaded 47 time(s).
20130302_120143.jpg (1,435kb) downloaded 47 time(s).
20130302_120143.jpg (1,435kb) downloaded 46 time(s).
20130821_235806.jpg (2,425kb) downloaded 47 time(s).
20130821_235806.jpg (2,425kb) downloaded 47 time(s).
20130821_235806.jpg (2,425kb) downloaded 40 time(s).
20130822_064203.jpg (1,122kb) downloaded 40 time(s).
In dreams...I walk with you
In dreams...I talk to you
In dreams...Your mine
All of the time
We're together
In dreams...In dreams

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 11/14/2013 9:39:02 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 186
Joined: 13-Aug-2013
Last visit: 19-Jun-2014
Well I thought they were pretty. ..
In dreams...I walk with you
In dreams...I talk to you
In dreams...Your mine
All of the time
We're together
In dreams...In dreams
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