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Dendrobium nobile - A psychoactive Orchid with effects similar to Cannabis Options
#41 Posted : 1/12/2014 10:40:26 PM

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So anyone with new plants have any new data or info? I have a real interest in this plant, but unfortunately not the funds to follow haha.

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#42 Posted : 5/5/2014 11:07:03 AM

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It took me a while...but look what I got today! Love
steppa attached the following image(s):
WP_20140505_09_04_45_Raw.jpg (248kb) downloaded 505 time(s).
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#43 Posted : 5/5/2014 11:26:36 AM

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Very nice!
#44 Posted : 5/5/2014 2:00:17 PM

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Yeah, isn't it?

So...now I have this plant. I will do a bioessay. Is there anything how I can contribute to this thread, beside writing down the results here?
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#45 Posted : 5/6/2014 9:54:42 AM

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Does anything speak against putting the flower in a vaporizer without drying it first?
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#46 Posted : 5/6/2014 10:27:29 AM


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steppa wrote:
Does anything speak against putting the flower in a vaporizer without drying it first?

You bring the substances in the flowers to the boiling point with the vaporizer. If the key substance doesn't need oxidation or UV radiation to be converted into being active, why not?
Drying just removes the water molecules from the flowers slowly, you basically do this quickly with the vaporizer. PPL do vaporize buds fresh from cannabis plants successfully, I don't see, why you can't do this with your flowers as well.

Maybe you want to be careful with plants fresh from the nursery. As this isn't a plant ppl normally ingest, it's possible that it's heavily treated with lipophile pesticides. They stick to the plant, so water doesn't wash them away. Just a thought.
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#47 Posted : 5/6/2014 10:34:09 AM

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Just a thought.

And a good one. Is there any way to find out if this is the case? I could wash the flower with ethanol, lol. Razz
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#48 Posted : 5/6/2014 10:58:19 AM


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steppa wrote:
And a good one. Is there any way to find out if this is the case? I could wash the flower with ethanol, lol. Razz

Probably only with a GC/MS analysis. Or your body will tell you Smile The idea with the ethanol could work, but the question is, if the plant has absorbed the pesticides. But this is just guessing from my side.

If you don't need quick results clone the plant and grow them yourself with or without biodegradable pesticides like "Spruzit" or Neem oil. Or just ask the seller what they did with the plant. You want to put it outside and don't want to harm any bees. Or you're hyperallergic and are afraid it will affect your health.
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#49 Posted : 5/6/2014 12:53:26 PM

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You really made me insecure now. Embarrased

I think, what I'll do is to wait till a new flower forms and opens. Then I'll take this one.
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#50 Posted : 5/6/2014 1:07:23 PM


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steppa wrote:
You really made me insecure now. Embarrased

Haha, well I made you think Laughing

steppa wrote:
I think, what I'll do is to wait till a new flower forms and opens. Then I'll take this one.

Good choice. Getting high on pesticides isn't very scientific and spoils the test result.
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#51 Posted : 5/6/2014 2:02:17 PM

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Haha, well I made you think

You made me aware. Yes. Thank you for the help.
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#52 Posted : 5/6/2014 2:11:57 PM

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Once i'm in a more comfortable monetary position i will get some of these for my garden Smile you can expect a bioassay then.

Any suspicions about the active component of the plant?
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#53 Posted : 5/6/2014 3:00:29 PM

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This is an interesting find. I am curious to see what exactly is in it. I have been fascinated by psycho-actives similar to cannabis like Lion's Tail, and wondering about their medicinal effects beyond what it does in terms of psycho activity. Can't wait to hear more Smile
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#54 Posted : 5/9/2014 8:34:26 AM

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Ok. So...

...yesterday I vaporised about a little less than half of a flower in my Herborizer at about 180°C.

I can confirm, that the effects had a lot in common with a canabis high. Colors brightened a bit, slightly shifted headspace but no sign of the so called "couch lock".

It took me a wile to vape this, as it was fresh. About 10 minutes till the petal pieces changed their color to brown. During this time the onset already took place.

After half an hour or so I took a few hits from a joint that was passed arround. I think the effects of the canabis were intensified by the dendrobium nobile.

It all felt pretty good. ...yesterday.

Today, this morning I woke up with the first signs of a cold. I had a runny nose and my throat feels a bit rough. This could be coincidence, tough. I'll give it another try in a week or two.

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#55 Posted : 6/10/2014 12:32:34 PM

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I finally got around to ordering my own dendrobium nobile to add to my ethnobotanical collection and it arrived in the mail this morning. It's a pretty mature one too but is a few months from it's flowering period.

There was a smaller section of stem that was snapped at the base from the travel through the post so I cut it up into little slices (around 3.3 grams wet material which should come to around 0.33grams dry going off of Nicita's earlier posts) and is currently drying, awaiting to be bioassayed.

Once the stem is completely dried would it be possible to vaporise the stem material in a vaporiser in the same fashion as the flower material instead of burning the material in a pipe?

Once I've bioassayed I will add my two cents in to this thread to keep it going, cheers nexians (and Nicita especially!)
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The Runner
#56 Posted : 6/15/2014 5:18:03 AM
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Hey , i know this post came so late ,but do you think that other kinds of dendrobiumm are trippy too ? cuz i couldnt find any clear research about this ..
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#57 Posted : 11/13/2014 3:50:04 AM

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So... I collected some material and today also got a good Soxhlet apparature. Therefore I can do a pretty effective extraction now.
Any inputs on what solvent could be best? I was thinking about isopropanol, because it should yield a broad spectrum of substances and is not too volatile.
#58 Posted : 4/7/2015 10:30:51 PM

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Dendrobium nobile extract contains several chemicals. Main chemical compositions:Alkaloids, sesquiterpenoids, Phenanthrenes,Bibenzyls, small amount of polysaccharides. Main active alkaloid: Dendrobine, Dendroxine, Dendramine, nobilonine, 6-hybroxydendrobine, B-Phenylethylamine, N,N-Dimethyl-B-Phenylethylamine, and N,N-Diethyl-B-Phenylethylamine, etc.

So it's defintely psychoactive in some way. It's for sure better than taking pure PEA alone with some hordenine.
Damn Nature it's awesome!

I was looking for something that wasn't like DMAA or nasty stuff, and came upon this, really good news!

Anyway, I think I'll give a shot, I'm curious.
#59 Posted : 4/9/2015 3:26:49 PM

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I think those phenethylamines are not known from the orchid, they are probably added to the extract.
Btw vaping fresh plant material might not be such a good idea if the plants is known to produce hydrocyanic acid, but then again, the quantities you'd probably be using would not hurt you with most plants.
#60 Posted : 5/12/2015 10:52:06 PM

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Came across this interesting supplement ....

"SD Pharmaceuticals' DENDROBIUM 600™ delivers 600 mg of top-quality Dendrobium powder in every capsule! SD Pharmaceuticals' DENDROBIUM 600™ delivers a 10:1 Dendrobium nobile extract that supplies a wide array of alkaloids!"

ALKALOIDS: Dendrobine, Dendramine, Dendroxine, Nobiline, Dendrine,
6-hydroxydendroxine, 8-hydroxydendroxine, 3-hydroxy-2-oxodendrobine.
VOLATILE OILS: manool, ionone

"In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Dendrobium is used to promote the health of the stomach, kidneys and lungs.* In addition to its use as a supplement, it is also used as a powerful strengthening tonic!*
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