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Jorkest's D-Limonene & Fumaric Acid Approach Options
#41 Posted : 5/29/2009 4:55:15 PM

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I started out doing the acid soak but after filtering out the solids from the first soak, I decided to just basify the liquid from that first soak & used it to turn things into a STB by pouring that water back into the beaker with the plant matter.
Then I did three, 75ml D-Limo pulls & filtered the result. And three, 25ml FASWater pulls & filtered the result.
Then Evaporated.

I'm about to scrape it up & wash the excess Fumaric acid out of it...we'll see how much is left after that.

I don't know if the single acid soak helped anything or not, I'll probably try following through with all three acid soaks & actually finish it up that way to see if things ca even be better.


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#42 Posted : 5/29/2009 7:58:31 PM

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one or two more pulls left...but so far SWIM got roughly 650mg...and this is from untested chaliponga that has been sitting in a drawer for a long time..not too bad..but SWIM wants some wicked high yieldin stuff
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#43 Posted : 5/30/2009 6:29:04 AM

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Jorkest wrote:
oh well..water and sodium carbonate...you take say 100mg dmt fumarate in around 12ml water..and then filter..then saturate some water
with some sodium carbonate..and then with a dropper...drop the sodium carbonate saturated water into the dmt saturated water..
it will get all cloudy..and over the next few days it SHOULD start to crystallize

So are the crystals just freebase? If so how would SWIM make sure there is no sodium carbonate that gets stuck in them?
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#44 Posted : 5/30/2009 2:54:19 PM

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So SWIM is having a little trouble with the freebase portion of this tek. SWIM used this tek for the second pull from a STB, and yielded 700mg of fumarate and fumaric acid. It looked exactly like the pictures SWIM had seen others post as their results. Then SWIM took 1.4 grams of Sodium Carbonate and mixed it with the fumarate, then added just a tad bit of water, it started to fizzle and swim continued stirring for the next few minutes, crushing up all the larger pieces. SWIM allowed this to dry completely using a fan, and then placed it in a small glass vial, and added acetone. After giving it an hour or so to settle, swim decanted the acetone and evapped, he did this twice. What SWIM yielded was around 50 - 80mg of a very goopy substance that does not seem to solidify or dry. If anyone knows what the reasons for the low yield could be(SWIM has never had much luck with this conversion step), or a solution to yield something a little less hard to deal with than goop, SWIM would appreciate it. If there is not much SWIM can do, SWIM is interested to hear if anyone has had luck using this goop to enhance leaf. Thanks!
Everything I post is made up fiction. SWIM represents a character who is not based in or on reality.
#45 Posted : 5/30/2009 3:53:54 PM

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umm here this is really just experimental

http://www.dmt-nexus.me/....aspx?g=posts&t=2546 and check out the file attachment
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#46 Posted : 5/30/2009 5:01:35 PM

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It seems to have dried up a bit, taking on more of a peanut-butter like consistency, if it doesn't get any more dry SWIM thinks he'll stick with that, easier to weigh than the honey anyway, don't have to lose some every time you hit the scale Smile
Thanks for the info, will definitely try that route next time, SWIM would love to not have to use any acetone for the whole tek.
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#47 Posted : 5/30/2009 5:33:44 PM

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Did you work the honey-like goo (or even the peanut buttery stuff) over the surface of a glass dish for a while?

Spreading the goo out flat, then letting it sit for a few minutes, then scraping it up & spreading it out again, over & over definitely helps to dry it out pretty quick.
It will never solidify on its own, just letting it sit.

My freebase from this tek literally looked like a red-ish, clear liquid, the consistency of thick honey. But after working it over the
dish for 5 minutes, it pretty much solidified for the most part, save a few oilier spots.

Jungle Spice is more of a softer consistency than pure DMT crystals even when its totally dry.
If you are wanting something that is more solid, you could try washing the yield from this tek using Naptha instead of Acetone or water. The "Jungle" elements of the soft spice are not soluble in Naptha & it will clean them out of your product, hopefully leaving a crystal-like product.
You could also freeze precipitate the Naptha/DMT liquid to retrieve the (even more pure) crystals.
However, then it will just be N,N-DMT, the other alkaloids in the plant will no longer be part of your yield.

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#48 Posted : 5/30/2009 7:36:45 PM

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warrensaged wrote:
It will never solidify on its own, just letting it sit.

Not true from SWIM's experience. He's seen his freebase go from goo to wax in a matter of a couple days. However, usually he just lets the majority of the goo solidy, then when he scrapes the dried freebase through the little bit of goo left, it gathers it up and causes it to become much more solid. He can definitely understand where working the goo could cause it to solidify, due to his experience with this and with other gooey/waxy extracts, but he has not tried solidifying the goo completely manually.
#49 Posted : 5/30/2009 11:03:57 PM

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amor_fati wrote:

Not true from SWIM's experience. He's seen his freebase go from goo to wax in a matter of a couple days. However, usually he just lets the majority of the goo solidy, then when he scrapes the dried freebase through the little bit of goo left, it gathers it up and causes it to become much more solid. He can definitely understand where working the goo could cause it to solidify, due to his experience with this and with other gooey/waxy extracts, but he has not tried solidifying the goo completely manually.

Right on, I definitely did not wait that long.
The first time I did this tek however, I did wait for like 12+ hours after it had turned to the red-honey-like goo & it had not changed consistency any more at that point.
So I piled up the clear goo & as I started to spread it back out, it immediately began to solidify, so I did that like 4-5 more times & it was as dry & waxy as it was going too get.

It really only takes minutes to go from clear goo, to a solid orange/white wax, working it with a knife (Jokerst suggested doing this), or I just use 2 razors.

This is after letting all the liquid evap & waiting for the result to "gum-up", of course.

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#50 Posted : 5/30/2009 11:44:02 PM

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Oh, and I'm finished with the extraction of 100g of Chacruna leaf using D-Limo & FASW.
I ended up with 175mg of beautiful off-white, crystalline, DMT-Fumarate powder.

That's about what I was expecting, actually it's a bit more.Very happy
Keeping in mind, I only used 100g of leaf, which really only equals two average sized doses of good Ayahuasca.
I usually use 50-75g of Caapi with 50-60g Chucruna, when I make a brew & that's pretty normal...I think.

So I plan to mix this with some isolated Harmala crystals & divide it up to make two very nice Pharmahuasca doses!!

That's 87.5mg of DMT in each dose..nice!
And it really didn't take any more work or time, than it takes to brew a double batch of Ayahuasca...maybe less in fact!!
It is definitely less of a mess in the kitchen, especially if your keeping it a STB tek from the begining.Wink

Anyway, I'm planning to test some of this out either tonight, or tomorrow night.
Let you know how it goes!!

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#51 Posted : 5/31/2009 12:19:07 AM

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^^Ooo, bet that's going to be some scary stuff. SWIM's jealous. Suppose it won't be too long before he gives that a try though...that and bufo.
#52 Posted : 5/31/2009 3:59:01 AM

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ooo lovely warren...wicked sweet
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#53 Posted : 5/31/2009 5:46:04 AM

The Root

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yeah on that goo going solid thing.
swim had spice from a dry tek that wouldnt solidify - it stayed goo - the spice from this tek comes out goo and within minutes it starts hardening, irritating it with a pin works it to peanut butter in 5 mins then swim puts it in a box of dessicant - it seems to help - after a few days of occasionally playing with it, its hard enough to be chopped up - kinda like stickyish sand.

Swim decided to convert everything he had from all his natural tek's back to fumarate - as a cleaning step - then back to freebase, cant wait to see if its made a diff.
The fumarate xtals are growing atm, swim likes his spice quite raw and natural so hopefully it wont remove too much.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#54 Posted : 5/31/2009 2:46:12 PM

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awesome dude...thats wicked sweet..

so far my friend has pulled ~650mg spice fumarate from 80g chaliponga..granted at about half the weight is fumaric acid..SWIM has been a bit lazy lately...so he still needs to finish the extraction

hes interested to see how this stuff freebases...hes pretty excited about it...300-400mg from 80g isnt too bad is it...SWIM knows nothing about chali extraction yields
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#55 Posted : 5/31/2009 5:10:05 PM

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Phlux- wrote:
yeah, on that goo going solid thing.

Something about this phrase cracks me up!!

"This sounds like a medical problem...maybe you should see a doctor." Laughing

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#56 Posted : 6/2/2009 8:10:14 AM

The Root

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so swim took his final product - converted to fumarate

then freebased again to get this

just a repeat of the fumarate step cleaned it so much

lots was misplaced(hehe didnt end up where expected) during the conversion tho - so lots to clean up - swim thought it best to just put everything together in a very basic solution and basically repeat the tek pulling with d-limonene.

antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#57 Posted : 6/2/2009 3:48:08 PM

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can you clarify this a little bit?

looks awesome though!!
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#58 Posted : 6/2/2009 4:11:33 PM

The Root

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well swim followed ur tek and came out with the stuff pictured in the vial - nice stuff as is but swim wanted to play with it so he mixed it with acetone, added fasa - collected the precipitates, cleaned them by water xtalization and filtration then freebased them as usual and pulled with acetone - this stuff is preddy dry and swim is happy with it. the proceedure was not very efficient but swim took everything from the extraction, basified it with loads of water - and basically repeated the tek, the fumarates from the cleanup are drying atm.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#59 Posted : 6/2/2009 5:36:54 PM

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nice dude...thats wicked sweet...SWIM cant wait to get some acetone...geez
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#60 Posted : 6/2/2009 6:31:17 PM

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That is some nice looking schtuff!!

I just finished making some Changa from the basified J-Spice I yielded from this tek. Have not tried it yet.
I used:
* 900mg - of this light-orange, soft-ish J-Spice
* 400mg - of crushed B.Caapi leaf
* 300mg - of Mullein leaf/flowers
* 125mg - of MJ
* 75mg - of Peppermint

Smells wonderful!

How do you fellas recommend smoking Changa, rolled in a paper, in a bong, Vapor Genie?
I normally use a bubbler-pipe with Brillo in the bowl to hold & vaporize the DMT.
But that is for my clear shards of pure DMT & I don't really want to get peanut buttery stuff all over the bowl & foul it up...

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