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Jorkest's D-Limonene & Fumaric Acid Approach Options
#21 Posted : 5/24/2009 1:42:48 AM

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so SWIM just got done doing his first evaporation of 25ml FASW from 75ml d-limonene that had been pulling from 80g chaliponga..its nice and yellow with beautiful feathery clear crystals...SWIM will try to take a picture

here it is
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#22 Posted : 5/24/2009 2:36:56 AM

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Fuck yah!!

Right on man, is it any sticky or gooier than the Mimosa extracted stuff?

I may try this out on some Chacruna once I'm finished with the Mimosa extraction I'm still doing.
Did you do the same exact process again?
Or were there any other necessary steps to take when doing this with a leaf?

I have some Chaliponga here too, I'll have to give that a try as well.
But I'm really excited about using some DMT-Fumarate from Chacruna, plus a mix of Harmalas to make Pharmauasca!!

Also, I've always been a bit curious about the subtle differences in the DMT extracted from the various plant sources, but to extract from leafy material in the past was too much of a pain for me to really consider.
So if this works as well with other sources, I think I'm going to make a small collection of DMT from a number of different plants!!

Ya know...I was thinking, in Terence McKenna's "classic" description of DMT & the smoked DMT experience, he talked about it being a "light orangish, waxy substance, the consistency of crayons, or hard earwax".
Plus his description of the experience was, too me, a bit more reminiscent of the effects I got from "Jungle Spice" I've extracted from Mimosa than had already been extracted using Naptha. So it probably was weak in N,N-DMT.
I used Xylene to pull the spent bark again & I swear, that gooey crap never did fully dry out. I did eventually try some of it however & it was good stuff, if you could get past the never-dying chemical scent.

Anyway, I also remember reading one time when I first started researching this stuff, that back in McKenna's heyday, they where either using Synthed DMT, or they were doing extensive, difficult extractions on Mimosa & Chaliponga that used Xylene, or Toluene as the solvent (the early days of DMT extraction...). Then recrystalizing, over & over & over again until they had something that was somewhat solid.
So I'd bet that the spice extracted here is a better, cleaner version of what the ole' pioneers were talking about.
Like I said earlier, the shitty, gooey Jungle Spice I pulled out of spent Mimosa bark with Xylene was much more "three dimensional"...if that makes any sense...and that was the only stuff I've ever experienced that had the distinct "sucking motion & sounds where the walls met the ceiling & floor" of the "place" I went to, like TMK always talked about!!

I'm excited to smoke some...maaaaybe tonight...maaaaybe tomorrow!!

Very happy

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#23 Posted : 5/24/2009 4:13:32 AM

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Jorkest wrote:
so SWIM popped two cherries last night with the spice from this tek..and both people had absolutely LOVELY experiences...he got the hand shake..then the hug and the big thank you...also two other people that have done it before tried it out and said it was very very nice..haha then he gave his friend a nice fat pile of the stuff so that him and his gf(one of the cherries) could experiment with it to their hearts content..they were very thankful

He also went to a party and after having a few beers..he went outside like a sketchy person and smoked some crumbs and then walked back into the party...it was really fucking cool...no negative feelings being around all those people...he was able to stand fine and have conversations easily...except everyone looked like cartoons..or gumbyish...really really nice stuff..

Haha awesome! SWIM can't wait to try this extraction. That's what he was trying to get at in the other thread. He was wondering if one converted it to fumerate after acetate or instead, then freebase, if it would be more solid. Tell SWIY good job! SWIM will try anhydrous iso and let SWIY know how it goes. SWIM was always wondering if they could smoke a hit and handle themselves in a party atmosphere.

HAHA crumbs =) Sounds much more natural than "Hey you wanna smoke some DMT crystals?" Also telling people that it is a food grade method of extraction, I think more people would be down to try it.
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#24 Posted : 5/24/2009 7:50:52 AM

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haha yea dude(logos) SWIM has never really had a good time smoking CRYSTAL around too many people..but this stuff is just soooo euphoric and chill..

and warren..it would be awesome if TMK was smoking something similar to this...because..this is most certainly something he would enjoy...the scraping of that picture is going kinda tough..the stuff is really on the glass dish..but he IS able to get it up..its just hard...hes been pretty busy tonight so he hasnt gotten a chance to weigh it..or even scrape it all up..but he'll get to it and report back...

but the thing is...its not gooey at all..there doesnt seem to be any oils or fats..no DEFATTING!! it happens with the process...its lovely...

he gave it to another person tonight(his newly extracted spice) he seriously gave him only a TINY little bit..and the dude said it was EXTREMELY strong..it goes very very good with peppermint...he recommends anybody smoking spice to add some peppermint to their leaf bed..it makes it much smoother
it's a sound
#25 Posted : 5/24/2009 8:05:17 AM

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alright..so he just scraped up those lovely looking crystals and it was less than he was hoping for..but hes only done ONE FASW..he came out to 240mg...hes also never tested the potency of this chaliponga...it could be old..who knows..but anyway..hes thinking he might be able to squeeze 500mg out of the 80g...and it is slightly sticky what scraping it up...but its also hard at the same time...it kinda turns a bit redish as well..we will see what it looks like after freebasing..but he needs to get more acetone to do that
it's a sound
#26 Posted : 5/24/2009 8:08:14 AM

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also..its a bit harder to powderize the chaliponga..so it took awhile for the stuff to stop floating into the d-limo...as of now..it looks like its fully saturated..and he may even get better pulls next time..
it's a sound
#27 Posted : 5/25/2009 7:08:30 AM

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So Jokerst, how did the Chali extraction end up?
Have you tried any yet?

I washed & weighed the DMT-Fumarate that I yielded & I have 955mg of clean Jungle-DMT-Fumarate!!
It is a very light orangish/white color.
Like usual, the pics I added look darker than they actually are (especially the last one)...I gotta get a better camera if I'm gonna keep trying to post pictures...

I am going to try this with some Chacruna soon!!
Depending on how easy it is, I think I will start using Chacruna exclusively for DMT-Fumarate extractions, to use orally with Harmalas & stick with Mimosa for making freebase.

But first, I have an idea I want to try.
I am going to do another 80g of Mimosa this next week, doing an Acid soak & filtering with my vacuum funnel like I normally would with my other tek, to get all the plant materiel out of the liquid before adding the D-Limonene.
This would probably help with the leaf-based extractions...no leaf material to fall into the Limo!

Also, before I basify it, I am also going to go ahead and do the de-fat step, using Naptha to remove the "Jungle" elements & see how pure of a straight N,N-DMT product I can get using D-Limo & Fumaric acid.
Maybe even doing a recrystallization and/or freeze precipitate to grow the crystals.

Dig It!!


WSaged attached the following image(s):
Finished J-Fumerate Far.jpg (140kb) downloaded 484 time(s).
Finished J-Fumerate Close.jpg (121kb) downloaded 483 time(s).
Ground Bowl.jpg (258kb) downloaded 482 time(s).
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#28 Posted : 5/25/2009 4:58:02 PM

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hahah nice dude....SWIM hasnt finished the chaliponga yet..he was pretty busy yesterday and hasnt finished it..but
he DID get 240mg after the first FASW on the first pull...

that sounds like a good idea to do the acid bath first and separate the foliage...but after a day or two..the leafy
stuff has become saturated and sunk...now it just looks like mimosa tea...SWIM is gonna try to finish off this extraction soon
also hes gonna go with using fresh d-limo for all the pulls and see how it goes..
it's a sound
#29 Posted : 5/25/2009 5:19:56 PM

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Also, before I basify it, I am also going to go ahead and do the de-fat step, using Naptha to remove the "Jungle" elements & see how pure of a straight N,N-DMT product I can get using D-Limo & Fumaric acid.

Whoops, that didn't make any sense...did it.
What could I wash the solution with to remove the "Jungle" elements & leave just the N,N-DMT?
I'm guessing this would have to be done while it is still an acidic liquid.

Or I guess I could just wash the resulting freebase with Naptha after evaporating it. Then do a freeze precip to get the goods out of the Naptha.


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#30 Posted : 5/25/2009 5:52:10 PM

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yeah that would work better most likely...freebase then wash with warmish heptane or naphtha..then freeze..
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#31 Posted : 5/27/2009 6:16:02 AM

The Root

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so swim had a cactus extraction going - decided to wash the dlimo pulls with fasw - still gotta evap the pulls but swim wanted to know - can mesc fumarate be washed with acetone ? what is the best thing to do with the fumarates ?
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


โ€นJorkestโ€บ the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

โ€นxtechreโ€บ cheese is great

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#32 Posted : 5/27/2009 6:47:16 PM

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SWIM tried this as well..and it turns out...69ron posted mescaline fumarate is soluble in d-limo...so to recover it..you have to add sodium carbonate saturated water to the d-limonene to freebase the mescaline again
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#33 Posted : 5/28/2009 5:30:13 PM

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so jorkest..has you're swim tested out that chaliponga extraction yet?..interested in hearing about how that goes..
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#34 Posted : 5/28/2009 5:42:35 PM

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Yeah man, how'd that go?

I have an extraction of 100g of Chacruna that I'm about to do the FASW pulls on here in a minute, just went ahead & did the STB ext, wanted to try some Green Spice fumerate in some pharmahuasca this week!!

Was it so strong that you can't type?Laughing


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#35 Posted : 5/28/2009 5:43:33 PM

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he would but he doesnt have any acetone for the final freebase conversion..hes trying a water freebase conversion..but it takes
a few days to precipitate and crystallize
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#36 Posted : 5/28/2009 6:02:34 PM

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Jorkest wrote:
he would but he doesnt have any acetone for the final freebase conversion..hes trying a water freebase conversion..but it takes
a few days to precipitate and crystallize

Could you explain what you mean by using just water for the final freebase conversion?

I used water instead of a solvent to wash the excess fumaric acid out of my scraped up spice from this tek, but that as just for filtering...



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#37 Posted : 5/28/2009 10:55:13 PM

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oh well..water and sodium carbonate...you take say 100mg dmt fumarate in around 12ml water..and then filter..then saturate some water
with some sodium carbonate..and then with a dropper...drop the sodium carbonate saturated water into the dmt saturated water..
it will get all cloudy..and over the next few days it SHOULD start to crystallize
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#38 Posted : 5/29/2009 12:44:40 AM

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SWIM prefers using acetone, but it's handy to know how to do this anyway.
#39 Posted : 5/29/2009 5:04:19 AM

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So I'm evaporating the FASWater right now from my extraction of 100g of Chacruna leaf, it 's only about 1/2 evaporated & there are Fucking CRYSTALS forming already!!!!
Nice long, thin, clear ones!!
Lots of them too!!

These are DMT Fumarate crystals by the way, from the first evap of the extraction water!! Not even washed yet!

Damn Fine!

Looks like I'll be Pharmahuascing this weekend...In Style!!



WSaged attached the following image(s):
Evap Far.jpg (216kb) downloaded 380 time(s).
Evap Close.jpg (190kb) downloaded 380 time(s).
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#40 Posted : 5/29/2009 3:55:32 PM

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hot damn dude..thats awesome...SWIM is gonna have to get some chacruna..

did you do this one with the acid soak first?
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