DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4342 Joined: 02-Oct-2008 Last visit: 19-Jan-2024
what works pretty well is a half gallon milk jug..and after you put in your 50ml d-limo...fill it up with more basified water so that it pushes the d-limo up into the narrow part of the jug...then suck out anyway you can....
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 131 Joined: 19-Jul-2008 Last visit: 11-Sep-2012 Location: electric ladyland
Hmmm, was wondering about that. What water to lye ratio? Good morning.... good afternoon.... goodnight, what have you done with your life? Everybody's time come to be embraced by the light, you're only scared to die when you're not living right.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 133 Joined: 11-Oct-2008 Last visit: 15-Apr-2023 Location: Rings of Saturn
SWIM tried a new extraction of this tek following the instructions exactly, using acetone and not doing any washes on the fumerate. Freebase turned out quite brown but powdery. This stuff is not to be underestimated. Had one of the most amazing experiences ever when took some caapi copy orally waited 40 minutes mixed in some of the last batch that was washed with ISO and smoked out of the new 2 and a half foot hookah with ice chamber. Still doesn't seem to be as visual as naphtha extracted stuff but definitely powerful and amazing! Seems much more clean and easy on the body. This tek is definitely the way to go. All posts are from higher vibrational alien entities. These entities are not physically real to your understanding and do not exist in this dimension, therefore accounts of all posts did not take place in reality.
 The Root
Posts: 2458 Joined: 02-Jul-2008 Last visit: 27-Sep-2023 Location: The asteroid belt
After doing this tek as is - salting with vinegar seemed to pull more (perhaps some jungles fumarate is soluble dlimo as with mesc)- cant say much until its freebased tho. antrocles wrote:...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...
...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".
Quote: ‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell Quote: ‹xtechre› cheese is great He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4342 Joined: 02-Oct-2008 Last visit: 19-Jan-2024
nice Logos!! it certainly is very powerful...but seems very easy on the body...i dont notice as much tension from it...and the visuals seem to be sticky to me...always nice hearing somebody liked the stuff though..its my favorite  im gonna do this vinegar pull with my old d-limo
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 133 Joined: 11-Oct-2008 Last visit: 15-Apr-2023 Location: Rings of Saturn
The alien would like to share a trip report with the forum from this tek. The alien drew 3 tarot cards from the Osho deck. First it got the Traveling card. Then it got the Adventure card....and finally it got the Breakthrough card. The alien knew that it needed to smoke that night. The alien said that it was reading on here about vaporization techniques and it realized that it had a heat gun sitting around. The alien smoked a bit of THH with the heat gun in a separate glass piece from the hookah. This seemed to kick their ass with just 2 hits compared to 3 or 4 that they normally smoke. 15 minutes later the alien puts the heat gun up to the custom made large colored glass bowl hooked to the 2 and a half foot hookah, the 2 large cobra snake hoses twisted to symbolize the rising kundalini are bitten in the aliens mouth so one hand would be free to work the carb. The large glass bowl seems to nest perfectly within the heat gun. The alien then draws the first hit and notices that the smoke does look more watery and vapor like than usual just as the other aliens had told him. The alien then draws the second hit.... the chamber now very full of vapor. The alien then begins to notice that it seems much more powerful when smoked in this fashion... the visuals and body sensations already kicking in when last time the alien needed to clear the chamber at least twice for intense visuals......hold it in.... hold it in.... Now time to clear the chamber. CLEAR! The aliens body sensations now more overwhelmingly intense than any other hit! The alien then hears a voice within. "Put it down...Put it down. When we say put it down, you should put it down." OK.. the alien puts the hoses down and decides to keep his eyes open this time. Time almost seems to slow to a stop. The hyperspace dejavu kicks in while the alien's psychedelic artwork melts off the walls. All writing on posters and walls seems to be backwards. The alien has been to this realm before. It calls it "The Backward Universe" An entity to the left in the corner vision and a female child like entity popping in and out of psychedellic rifts in the room who is being trained?? by the other entity. The entities comunicate telepathically that the hookah is indeed very powerful, it is alive and has a female energy??? The female child like entity communicates to the alien that it has wanted to visit it for a while but that it cannot be seen. Every time the alien turns it's head to look at her, she pops into a psychedelic rift, goes back in time and erases the aliens memory of what she looks like. The alien also wonders who is behind him. It knows it must be one of the elves but every time the alien turns it's head it gets only a shadow glimpse before it disappears behind. "We were never here...We were never here" she repeats. She communicates to the alien that perhaps she hasn't erased it's memory well enough and perhaps the alien knows to much. Oh well she thinks to herself as both entities depart. Contemplating what has just happened, with psychedelic artwork still melting off the walls, the alien realizes that it's body is siting on the chair next to it. Not having had an out of body experience before, the alien thinks, "How can my body be over there?" Immediately the aliens consciousness transfers back to it's body and it sits there shivering in an ecstatic state for 5 minutes trying to remember all that happened. Amazing! All posts are from higher vibrational alien entities. These entities are not physically real to your understanding and do not exist in this dimension, therefore accounts of all posts did not take place in reality.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 131 Joined: 19-Jul-2008 Last visit: 11-Sep-2012 Location: electric ladyland
Yeee ha!!!! SWIM just tried his first ever dose of spice, extracted using this tek and then freebased; very amazing!!! Thank you Jorkest! Good morning.... good afternoon.... goodnight, what have you done with your life? Everybody's time come to be embraced by the light, you're only scared to die when you're not living right.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2291 Joined: 26-Mar-2008 Last visit: 12-Jan-2020 Location: The Thunderbolt Pagoda
rumplestiltskin wrote:Yeee ha!!!! SWIM just tried his first ever dose of spice, extracted using this tek and then freebased; very amazing!!! Thank you Jorkest! Congratulations. SWIY's incredibly lucky that he came into it when he did, extraction's come a long way within the past couple of years.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4612 Joined: 17-Jan-2009 Last visit: 07-Mar-2024
SWIM apologizes in advance if he didn't see this question answered, but SWIM had browsed through the forum to look for the answer.
In this tek, it says to use 80g MHRB and 80g sodium hydroxide.
SWIM was planning on using 1 lb of MHRB and do the beginning A/B stages up through the basification step.
So SWIMs question is: Should SWIM just do what he would normally do for his standard A/B extraction (uses marsofold) as far as the amounts of vinegar/h2o for the heated soak go? And just use what he would normally for his lye/water ratios?
And if the above part of what SWIM just typed is correct, then what would the ratios be that SWIM would use as far as the furm acid/water & d-limo since SWIMs using a lb of mhrb?
And last question: How many pulls would be done with the limo on the lb of bark?
Thank you. PEACE n' Love
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4342 Joined: 02-Oct-2008 Last visit: 19-Jan-2024
just do your normal tek...then add the limo...do at least 4 pulls...well mixed...and the amount of fumarate to use should be around...2g..maybe a bit more...and do like 100ml-150ml d-limo pulls...i like 100ml best for a pound
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4612 Joined: 17-Jan-2009 Last visit: 07-Mar-2024
Jorkest wrote:just do your normal tek...then add the limo...do at least 4 pulls...well mixed...and the amount of fumarate to use should be around...2g..maybe a bit more...and do like 100ml-150ml d-limo pulls...i like 100ml best for a pound Ok dude. Got ya on some things to note. 1: Do normal A/B up through basing. 2: AT LEAST 4 D-Limo pulls @ 100ml prefer. each pull. Now to clear up a few things.. Q1: You say 2g of furm acid to use total for the solution of furm/water? Whats the ratio for the 2g/water mix? Q2: Now once the furm acid/water solution is mixed, then how much of the FASW does SWIM add to each D-Limo pull? Q3: Can SWIM combine all the FASW pulls into one pyrex to evap? Thank you for your help man!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 133 Joined: 11-Oct-2008 Last visit: 15-Apr-2023 Location: Rings of Saturn
It is weird cause it says 1 gram in the supplies section but then it says to put 450mg into 75ml water later on. The aliens think they used close to the 450mg to 75ml ratio but really SWIY will probably want as much as will possibly be soluble in the water, then you can decant the top and leave the excess in the bottom. What helps if there is problems with it dissolving in the water it to put the jar that it is mixed in in a pot of water on the stove on low heat. Keep a good eye on it and mix it around a bit making sure it doesn't get too hot. When the aliens used the 450mg ratio there was just a bit excess even after heating on the stove. Just times out the ratio of water and fumaric acid accordingly to how much bark you have and add a third of it to the limo for each pull. It should all fit in the pyrex dish. The aliens did 700 grams bark and it fit alright. SWIY also might want to decide if they want to do the new tek with the FASIPA so they don't have to eveporate the water All posts are from higher vibrational alien entities. These entities are not physically real to your understanding and do not exist in this dimension, therefore accounts of all posts did not take place in reality.
Posts: 628 Joined: 12-Feb-2009 Last visit: 08-May-2023 Location: Aetherville
. . Just amazing. This stuff is SOOOOOOO beautiful. Easy on the body, warm and pleasant. I thought Caapi copy made spice smooth, but using it with N.T. just changed everything! No more 10 G-force launches! It's like your cool new friend who says, "Psst, lets use THIS door instead, it's a shortcut.". You simply arrive on the otherside without preamble. Thanks to Jorkest for the leap forward. My christmas is complete. J . . Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4342 Joined: 02-Oct-2008 Last visit: 19-Jan-2024
logos2012 wrote: SWIY also might want to decide if they want to do the new tek with the FASIPA so they don't have to eveporate the water
exactly what i was thinking logos...the new BLAB tek makes this whole process sooooooo much easier...it was kinda one of those....OMG moments..when the first idea popped into my head...and then when i tested it...it worked better than i could have hoped.. Quote:. . Just amazing. This stuff is SOOOOOOO beautiful. Easy on the body, warm and pleasant. I thought Caapi copy made spice smooth, but using it with N.T. just changed everything! No more 10 G-force launches! It's like your cool new friend who says, "Psst, lets use THIS door instead, it's a shortcut.".
You simply arrive on the otherside without preamble.
Thanks to Jorkest for the leap forward. My christmas is complete.
J . . and yes J...you just kinda appear on the otherside...no 10-g launch...just...smoke...close eyes..and bam..you are there.. thanks for the kind words friend!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2291 Joined: 26-Mar-2008 Last visit: 12-Jan-2020 Location: The Thunderbolt Pagoda
Jorkest wrote:the new BLAB tek makes this whole process sooooooo much easier. The emulsions on this STB one are a bit tricky compared to hybrid STB/A/B extractions SWIM's done.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4342 Joined: 02-Oct-2008 Last visit: 19-Jan-2024
really amor? what was happening?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2291 Joined: 26-Mar-2008 Last visit: 12-Jan-2020 Location: The Thunderbolt Pagoda
Jorkest wrote:really amor? what was happening? Nothing seriously hindering, they're just thicker than any he's had in the past, as this was his first STB. It's more like thick seafoam, while his past emulsions have been bit more like soap foam and easier to knock down. He still managed to retrieve the vast majority of his limonene, but it just took a bit longer and a bit more work to get it (he hadn't agitated it in a few days). Also the lye water in general is more thick than his past extractions, causing much of the material to float. He didn't use the specific amounts from your tek, so this is just an observation about STB in general, really: Either it requires a hell of a lot more water than SWIM's using (which is already more than SWIM would like) or it's just inherently thick. SWIM's already achieved a decent yield, but these little difficulties make him barely want to try and get the total yield.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4342 Joined: 02-Oct-2008 Last visit: 19-Jan-2024
hmmm well the lye mimosa soup IS thicker...but i have had separation happen in like 15 minutes...at first he had a lot of emulsions because he was testing 100g of lye..but he just added more until the emulsions broke...which were around 250g total...but as of now...i have no emulsions what so ever...have already reached 1.5% and still has one more pull left...try adding a bit more lye...perhaps that will help a lot
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 133 Joined: 11-Oct-2008 Last visit: 15-Apr-2023 Location: Rings of Saturn
So in the aliens last bufo extraction when was freebasing with sodium carbonate he thought he may have put a bit too much water in cause it was more like a pudding than just barely wet. He kept stirring for about 5 minutes and the water quickly dried to a hard paste, then still a bit wet but almost powder after not stirring for 25 minutes. Does sodium carbonate help in drying water? If so, if someone wasn't worried so much about having fumerates and wanted just freebase, couldn't they put sodium carbonate into the FASW/jimjam and stir for a while to dry it? Or would it be too much sodium carbonate that one would have to use? Then it would freebase in the same step right? Then after it dries I guess one could always put a bit more water and mix just to make sure. He will probably try the FASIPA tek next cause he likes that you don't have to use a separatory funnel but this was just a thought of perhaps speeding up the original tek. Edit: He just realized that Phlux was pretty much saying this same thing earlier in the thread. Phlux- wrote: i bet u could add sodium carbonate to the fasw (because there is very little - add loads of sodium carbonate) making it a paste - dries fast this way, then dry and pull with acetone.
All posts are from higher vibrational alien entities. These entities are not physically real to your understanding and do not exist in this dimension, therefore accounts of all posts did not take place in reality.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 304 Joined: 29-Nov-2008 Last visit: 09-Apr-2011 Location: In my mind
A quick question. I did an A/B extraction, and used Naptha to pull pure DMT with freeze precip. Once I get all the DMT I can, I'm switching to using d-limonene. So when I put in the d-limonene, in with the Naptha and basified mixture, do I just then pull the d-limonene out after, and mix in FASA? Then rinse with Acetone? Nanaki, of course is a fictional video game character. He never does drugs that would alter consciousness. He only thinks he does.