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Cant remember..... Options
#1 Posted : 2/2/2009 8:18:10 PM

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So earlier tonight, SWIM loaded up his VG with 50mg.
Took it all in one hit, layed back, closed his eyes and waited for the ride.
The thing is, he cant remember what happened. He didnt black out, He knows he experienced something, but what it was he cannot remember. He can remember coming down from the trip, and his room was doin the crazy shit it does on sub-braekthrough doses, but the peak, he cannot remember for the life of him.

Did he do too much or what?
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 2/2/2009 8:22:23 PM


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damm dude idk what happened.. i wouldnt say you did too much, maybe you simply just didnt remember, you feel it all slip through your fingers like gold.

Id recommend once again to take it with lsd or shrooms, you will remember & it will slow things down, it just happened to fast for your brain to hold onto it all...
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#3 Posted : 2/2/2009 8:32:03 PM

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modsquad09 wrote:
you feel it all slip through your fingers like gold.

Fuck man, thats weird, its like you read my mind. I was gonna quote the Joe Rogan rant where he says its like gold dust slipping through your fingers!!
But yeah i think that must be what happened to him, coz he defo remembers experienceing something, but its like theres an amnesic barrier around it. Maybe it was just all too fast and intense that his brain didnt bother to register it. Would take up too much memory on the hard drive type thing

But your right, Il tell him he needs to find a way to slow it down. I was thinkin caapi extract, but I think hes gettin some acid soon too, so il tell him to try that.Smile
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#4 Posted : 2/2/2009 9:06:32 PM

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thats interesting..that has happened to SWIM as well...perhaps with the VG..it vaporizes it so well that you DO get a massive dose and not remember a damn thing about it..happens to SWIM if hes not paying attention...another thing is..perhaps you are holding the lighter on the VG for too long and somehow the dmt is degrading..i dont know
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#5 Posted : 2/2/2009 9:13:28 PM

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SWIM found the BEST way to smoke dmt (for him), so that one remembers and makes the best out of everything is to take mushrooms before and smoke in the post-peak. Its really incredible, the visuals are slower, you are already on a perfect platform and come back still open minded to work it all out.

smoking when straight is a big shock, makes it hard to remember.. SWIM has had some trips where he remembers, some where not, so now he's gonna try to at least most times have taken some mushrooms before
Bill Cipher
#6 Posted : 2/2/2009 9:20:00 PM

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This is pretty much SWIM's experience every single time. The second he's over the peak he is already losing the details. He tends to retain nothing but the tiniest little fragments. It all seems to flood back instantly though, each time he takes the next hit.
#7 Posted : 2/2/2009 9:22:29 PM

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4dimensional thought cannot fully enter 3d space
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#8 Posted : 2/2/2009 9:43:34 PM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
This is pretty much SWIM's experience every single time. The second he's over the peak he is already losing the details. He tends to retain nothing but the tiniest little fragments. It all seems to flood back instantly though, each time he takes the next hit.

Yeah thats it man. precisley it. He can remember like nanoseconds worth. Tiny flashes., but nothing long enough to write in the experiences section.
And then the nest time he does it, the first few seconds, it all comes rushing back to him.
I know its great when your in it, but it kinda feels like a waste if you cant remember. Gonna experiement with some MAOIs and some shrooms and acid when he can get em, see if it slows it down so at least he'll be able to intergrate some of the experience.
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#9 Posted : 2/2/2009 10:49:04 PM

tryptamine photographer

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Yes, that's all great advice!

I can 100% confirm Endlessness' remarks about mushrooms. If you're already half-way there, the transition is less of a shock.
My next attempt will be with Caapi tea, <1 gram of dried Golden Teacher and smoked DMT as required. It's about time, last time was the first SHE event.

That feeling of gold or water slipping through the fingers... exactly! I even literally held up my hands and looked at them while coming down. It coincides with the slowly disappearing taste of the DMT in the mouth while it's being broken down by the enzymes. Kind of melancholic.

It's just impossible to take it all back here, there is nothing like actually being there. Like with dreams but more extreme...

Soulman, maybe some memories will come back during the next weeks or in subsequent launches. Good luck!.
#10 Posted : 2/3/2009 12:06:22 AM

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tryptographer wrote:

Soulman, maybe some memories will come back during the next weeks or in subsequent launches. Good luck!.

Thanks brother,
Im sure it will.

In fact something you just said reminded me of something else. He wasnt sure at what point this happened, but he got a sensation in his mouth that was like shards of prickly stuff. Its hard to explain. It was definitley a sensation, but they felt really real, like he had something in his mouth.
Anyone else get that?
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#11 Posted : 2/4/2009 2:36:03 AM

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Jorkest wrote:
4dimensional thought cannot fully enter 3d space

Well said. While I can bring back images of 3D space imploding into itself geometrically, I cannot bring back the whole feeling (I think they call it the Gestalt).

Nanaki, of course is a fictional video game character. He never does drugs that would alter consciousness. He only thinks he does.
#12 Posted : 2/4/2009 5:35:14 AM

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perhaps soulman..that prickly feeling...feels like soda or beer bubbles??
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#13 Posted : 2/4/2009 5:25:58 PM

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hey dude; actually this happened to SWIM just the other day - weird ... synchonicity.

- it was a fairly large dose (he doesn't measure so he doesn't know) and there was the destinctive blasting off sensation, and then nothing, and then back to reality, everything still shaking and swim still verymuch UTI and shakey.

The only thing I can suggest is don't worry about it, just move on and smoke some more. I suspect it happens on large doses when the blastoff is quite rapid, and you get a kinda rushy trip. I can't explain it... but d/w, it happens to other people too.

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#14 Posted : 2/4/2009 6:58:00 PM

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I read or heard somewhere once a very appropriate term for this 'bringing information/memories from the dmt world': dimensional smuggling

indeed it feels this way, as if its somehow nearly forbidden to have this knowledge and one needs all sorts of tricks to bring it back Very happy
#15 Posted : 2/4/2009 7:38:22 PM

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ahh yes dimensional smugglers...hehe
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#16 Posted : 2/4/2009 8:10:38 PM

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Jorkest wrote:
perhaps soulman..that prickly feeling...feels like soda or beer bubbles??

yeah kinda, but the bubbles would be like short fat needles with prickels on em. Stop
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#17 Posted : 2/4/2009 8:54:05 PM

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interesting...one time when SWIM was one 2CE he wanted to see what a breakthrough was like with it..so he loaded up his VG...and blastoff...cant say whether the elves were approving or not..but the air in the place that he got to..was all bubbly and kinda styrofoamy...crunchy even..and the closest thing that he could relate it to was that first sip of really cold beer or soda..but crunchy tooSmile
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#18 Posted : 2/9/2009 9:27:17 PM

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Ok, it seems like this is becomming a common theme for SWIM....not being able to remember that is.
Tonight is a full moon and it is also raining like a mother fucker. So he thought it would be a great opportunity to take a trip to hyperspace.
He loaded his VG up with the usual 50mg. It wasnt as bad as last time in the fact that he can remember slightly more, but certainly not enough to write about. Its like its all in super fastforward!! He remembers that there was a lot of gasps of understanding and "Aha" moments.At the back on of the trip when he was reintergrating, and what he was shown was a little more fresh, he felt pure grattitude for the sharing of this knowledge, and said out loud "I love you guys so much" and he meant it from the bottom of his heart. But when hes back to chanel normal he has a feelin of saddness that he cannot remember what he was shown. He knows what he was shown was amazin, but his waking consciousness cannot remember it. Theres a part of him that knows that his subconscious will have absoarbed it, but it would still be nice to come back down with memories intact.
With his next pay check SWIM is gettin some kind of MAOI, preferably THH HCl, so that he can sit in there experiences longer and hopefully remember them.
But in the mean time, what advice can any of you give him on remembering it?

PS he got that prickly sensation in his mouth again!!!
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El Ka Bong
#19 Posted : 2/11/2009 10:11:27 AM

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I get that mouth prickle tooo ! It used to be common; just as the trip kicks in, and I know I'm going under I feel like I have tiny 'ants' running around on my tongue .. or I have the urge to scrape 'ashes' off my tongue with my teeth - but there is nothing there ! elf soda !

I have learned to recall just from repeating the experience - maoi's are an easy way to recall more too, just smoke ~200 mg roasted Syrian Rue seed, wait 5 min before dmt. You'll find the trip will last twice as long, maybe less visual but more emotionally charged with rue.

Another easy blaster mixture is 1:2 well mixed dmt:mj and cacoa ! Drink cacoa first, and load up with the Mj mix using at least 100 mg dmt in the bowl - this is 5 or six huge hits to share. The come-on is slower, but you absorb a good amount of dmt, so you still 'get there' ... Who knows if the Cacoa is a placebo effect - But I love it - perfect with dmt !
#20 Posted : 2/11/2009 10:22:38 AM

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El Ka Bong wrote:
I get that mouth prickle tooo ! It used to be common; just as the trip kicks in, and I know I'm going under I feel like I have tiny 'ants' running around on my tongue .. or I have the urge to scrape 'ashes' off my tongue with my teeth - but there is nothing there ! elf soda !

I have learned to recall just from repeating the experience - maoi's are an easy way to recall more too, just smoke ~200 mg roasted Syrian Rue seed, wait 5 min before dmt. You'll find the trip will last twice as long, maybe less visual but more emotionally charged with rue.

Another easy blaster mixture is 1:2 well mixed dmt:mj and cacoa ! Drink cacoa first, and load up with the Mj mix using at least 100 mg dmt in the bowl - this is 5 or six huge hits to share. The come-on is slower, but you absorb a good amount of dmt, so you still 'get there' ... Who knows if the Cacoa is a placebo effect - But I love it - perfect with dmt !

Yeah its strange isnt it. SWIM always thinks he has drawn some ashes through the pipe. but theres never any material in his mouth. Elf soda indeed : )

I did read your other post about toasting and then smoking rue seeds. I will defo give this a try. So you toast them on a low heat in a frying pan for a couple of minutes first right? And then smoke them? Do you have to smoke them or can you put em in a VG, would that work do you think.

With regards to the cocao thing. Not tried that yet either. SWIM got given a bar of 80% cocao chocolate. He usually hates dark chocolate, its so bitter. He was gonna give it away, but when he read about its synergy with spice, he deicided to keep it. How much should i tell him to eat?
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