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Panaeolus Cyans vs Psilocybe Cubensis Options
#1 Posted : 4/12/2012 7:01:36 PM


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Until today, I didn't realize that there were different types of mushrooms that contain psilocybin. So far, I've only tried psilocybe cubensis type mushrooms. I'm very interested in panaeolus cyans mushrooms, which apparently produce a slightly different trip. Some say it much smoother than p. cubensis. Has anyone tried both types and if so could you give a description of the differences in the trips? Are there other types of psilocybin containing mushrooms that provide a different trip?
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#2 Posted : 4/12/2012 7:07:40 PM

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Panaeolus cyanescens are higher in psilocin content, and are thus, more visual (particularly when consumed fresh). they are greater than acid.

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#3 Posted : 4/12/2012 7:23:39 PM

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So far I've tried a number of strains of Psilocybe cubensis, Psilocybe semilanceata, and the Hawaiian strain of Panaeolus cyanescens a number of times and each has a distinct signature for me. For myself, the Pan cyans are my favourite mushrooms by far, and in fact I rate them among the best drug experiences I have ever encountered. Consistently really beautiful and blissful, I find them to induce a really clear, clean, lucid, crystalline experience, with really detailed and colourful shimmering visuals and deep euphoria, and they seem smoother on my mind and body than cubensis, despite their much greater potency by weight. By comparison cubensis can sometimes feel a bit muddy/foggy, more emotionally unstable, darker in nature and just not as clear and I tend to feel more 'drunk' on them. I can sometimes feel a bit more weighed down with cubensis while Pan cyans don't have this effect. Because you only need a gram and upwards dried of Pan cyans for a really immersive psychedelic experience, I think the fact you don't need to eat as much actual fungal material makes it easier on your guts and system. So yeah I highly recommend them. Also if you can grow cubensis from scratch you can definitely grow Pan cyans.
#4 Posted : 4/12/2012 7:31:06 PM

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Ive only done various cubes and liberty caps and the effects are very diffrent ime.

Liberty caps were very visual and had a very sober mindsate, whereas cubes are more sneaky and low key with the visuals and make me feel retarded, i haven´t gone to heavy with cubes yet my heaviest dose so far is abou 3,5g
#5 Posted : 4/12/2012 8:36:48 PM

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I had also only had liberty caps (psilocybe semileceanta) and various psilocibe cubensis strains so far.
I've noted variations depending of numerous factor such as preparation method, the lemon tek is highly superior in my experiences.
Look forward to grow pan.cyan. this year, this will also be the first fresh subjective experience with what seems like the holy grail of psilocinic mushrooms.
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#6 Posted : 4/12/2012 10:18:39 PM

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Pan cyan, Psil azure et el are a much higher experience then cubensis. After a handful of journeys with azures for instance I don't bother picking cubes despite their local availability.
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#7 Posted : 4/12/2012 10:42:21 PM

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I certainly notice a difference between Panaeolus Cambodginiensis and P. Cubensis (Burma)

Hands down the pans are better. Nothing against cubes, but pans don't really have any body load at all. Because the mind is not occupied with the body the trip has a different flavor. It's much easier to relax into the trip and go deep with pans.

Plus being able to trip on .75g is a real bonus. However they are a pain to grow. Horse manure and shit is a pain to deal with and they don't yield much at all, but for someone like me they yield enough for a few trips a year and that's all I really need....so from now on I'm a pan man.

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#8 Posted : 4/12/2012 11:02:42 PM

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Ringworm wrote:
Pan cyan, Psil azure et el are a much higher experience then cubensis. After a handful of journeys with azures for instance I don't bother picking cubes despite their local availability.

I have nto worked with psilocybe azurescens, but I have worked alot with psilocybe cyanescens and cubes and cyans are more clear like DMT..not hat cubes are not like DMT as well..but psilo cyans are much more potent. .5g of cyans is like 2g of cubes but cleaner.

Azures though I lost interest in after many people claimed to have muslce seizures with them and had to stop taking them.
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#9 Posted : 4/13/2012 12:25:08 AM

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psil cyans are near the same.

Either way, they are really clear, cubensis comes with it's own personality, which tho interesting is often like the annoying guy at a party that keeps interrupting and going "ya know what! ya know what!"

The greatest thing about cubensis is that they are perhaps the easiest mushroom to grow on the planet. This lets people get some success and learn the culture without dismal failure right off the bat.

"We're selling more than a cracker here," Krijak said. "We're selling the salty, unctuous illusion of happiness."
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#10 Posted : 4/13/2012 1:48:03 AM


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Weird this thread pops up I was thinking about getting cyanescens today and remembered Jamie saying a while back it was like a dmt trip that lasted 12 hours, swear I was thinking that earlier (twilight zone theme plays) Very happy

SHroomtroll wrote:
Ive only done various cubes and liberty caps and the effects are very diffrent ime.

Liberty caps were very visual and had a very sober mindsate, whereas cubes are more sneaky and low key with the visuals and make me feel retarded, i haven´t gone to heavy with cubes yet my heaviest dose so far is abou 3,5g

Liberty caps have always been a lot stronger than any cubensis experience I've had, I've only tried a few kinds right enough and they are a bit more lethargic/dreamy but liberty caps have always been the stronger option though I've never tried Hawaiian or Cambodian, reason why I was thinking of them earlier as I hope to acquire some.
#11 Posted : 4/13/2012 4:52:19 AM


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Very interesting. I would love to be able to try pan cyans, they sound awesome. The two things I dislike about cubensis are the heavy body load and the foggy mindset. Unfortunately I doubt I'll come across them, since I rarely get shrooms anyways, but if I ever decide to move out CA and get some spores, I'll definitely have to try cultivating these.

Would you compare the lucidity and clear headedness of pan cyans to that of LSD? When I think of LSD I think clear and lucid, while I think of cubensis I think dreamy and foggy. Are the visuals and trip feelings similar to cubensis?
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#12 Posted : 4/13/2012 5:46:07 AM

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"Weird this thread pops up I was thinking about getting cyanescens today and remembered Jamie saying a while back it was like a dmt trip that lasted 12 hours, swear I was thinking that earlier (twilight zone theme plays) "

They are alot like DMT, I dont remember saying cyans go for 12 hours though. You have to redose for it to go that long or else eat a whole lot of mushrooms. 4-6 hours is normal for me..maybe 8 max till I am done. Mushrooms do not peak for too long..main peak is usually only an hour give or take. If you eat alot they might peak for 2 hours.

You got to be careful with cyans..they are every bit as powerful as DMT..I broke through with cyans from the forest here long before I ever smoked DMT..and the only experience that has ever really gone beyond that is my deepest ayahuasca experience. I ate alot of cyanas that night though..5-6g probly.

1g of cyans is a good solid dose..you can get away with .5 even if they are really strong.

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#13 Posted : 4/13/2012 1:27:02 PM


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Thanks for the info Jamie dunno where I got the 12 hours from though do remember you saying it was very close to dmt, hopefully Ill acquire some soon they do sound interesting.
#14 Posted : 4/13/2012 3:26:18 PM

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ya know whats like dmt for 4-5 hours? dmt. you should try eating the stuff.
"We're selling more than a cracker here," Krijak said. "We're selling the salty, unctuous illusion of happiness."
Infinite I
#15 Posted : 4/13/2012 3:35:51 PM


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Ringworm wrote:
ya know whats like dmt for 4-5 hours? dmt. you should try eating the stuff.

Why didnt I think of that Rolling eyes
#16 Posted : 4/13/2012 5:43:15 PM

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heheheehe. always happy to help Razz
"We're selling more than a cracker here," Krijak said. "We're selling the salty, unctuous illusion of happiness."
olympus mon
#17 Posted : 4/13/2012 6:17:29 PM

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For me, Id take some good strong Cube's over cyans. Being from the PNW cyans are a plenty but they tend to be a bit dark IMO.

I usually eat about 2g cyans or 4.5 g cubensis to get where I like to be. It could just be the particular cyan patch because Ive always eaten from that one patch icehouse has access to and he has agreed they tend to be dark and heavy.

To date the strongest and most powerful mushroom experience ever had was on PF's. These a the food of the Gods.

Im very anxious to start working with mushrooms and syrian rue when I get home. My good friend here in Peru says its his most favourable journey and very aya like.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#18 Posted : 4/13/2012 6:26:29 PM

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olympus mon wrote:

Im very anxious to start working with mushrooms and syrian rue when I get home. My good friend here in Peru says its his most favourable journey and very aya like.

I've experienced mushrooms with harmaline, it is quite an experience, but I've never had the chance to try aya..

Hope your journey well, OM!
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#19 Posted : 4/13/2012 7:44:56 PM

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Very interesting topic! Ive some jars with Psi Cyan's mycelium growing inside them and Im really looking forward to try the fruit of my hard work Cool

First I would like to say that I never took more than 3g of shrooms, so my perception of how each kind works might be distorted. For me Liberty Caps have a very clean effect on the body and create strong color/dimensional alterations, but dont bring any actual "psychedelic visual". I also feel that while under their effect nothing of a bad nature could ever happen to me. Cubes, on the contrary, are harder to digest and give a sense of weight/oppression on the body that leads to a subtle feeling of fear. Nonetheless they are much more psychedelic, images and patterns form freely while under their effect.

Here is my two cents Pleased
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#20 Posted : 4/13/2012 8:21:39 PM

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Just to be clear (as a couple posts have me questioning if it's starting to get muddled)...there are two P. cyans:
Psilocybe cyanescens
Panaeolus cyanescens

The Psilocybes, from what I understand, are woodlovers that (unless you've got some serious skills and something akin to a wine fridge) must be grown outdoors in patches and require a cold shock to fruit.

The Panaeolus are tropical dunglovers that grow in conditions very similar to P. cubensis.

Both species are significantly more potent than cubensis by weight.
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