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Pure LSA Extraction Options
#1 Posted : 3/5/2012 7:20:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey all,

A substance of my particular interest as of late has been the cousin of the famed LSD,... LSA.

Im actually pretty suprised LSA doesnt get more attention as it is a truely great substance. I can actually admitt I like it evenly with LSD. All you hear about is people eating Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds or Morning glories or sometimes Ololiuhqui. Some people even make crude alcohol extractions. I made a purified extract, with staggering results.

My first experience with it was a couple weeks ago. I had dug out some old HBWR seeds bought six months ago and thought 'I wonder what I could do with these?'. So, I got to work.

Began by blending 99 HBWR seeds into a powder. This was then defatted with 3 hr sessions of stirred naptha, 3 times. After allowing the powder to dry fully, it was extracted with 4 hr sessions of sirred IPA, 4 times. The resulting liquid was yellow. This IPA extract of about 900ml was then distilled to 100ml and evaporated. There was a brown powdery residue. This was then dissolved in ammonia/H20 which turned bright yellow. To this an equivalent amount of toluen was added and stirred for about 30 min. Turned strangely blue with some solids forming. This was filtered and then the water and organic layers were seperated. Discarded water and evapped organic. Yelloy sticky residue was formed of freebase LSA.
-After my experience with this substance, I then converted it into its salt form for storage. Although it is traditionally made a tartrate salt, I noticed tartrate and fumarate are quite similar in sturcture, which I DID have on hand. Mixed with acetone, mixed with a fumaric acid/acetone soln, evaporated to give light yellow/tan LSA fumarate 300mg. Guessing the freebase dose I took was equivalent to about 150-200mg LSA fumarate. (semi impure)

At this point I was alittle reckless because it really didnt look like all that much in the evap dish. I was basically like 'what the hel' and smirred an unknown amount on my finger and sucked on it a good 3 times. It actually tasted very bitter and 'amidey' the best way to describe it. I then waited like an hour and began seeing very defined tracers everywhere. At this point I wouldve probably been good for the night but...

I had been doing some reading on 'Postscriptum: The Secret of the Eleusinian Mysteries Revealed by Jonathan Ott' and the theoretical "LSH" or natural LSD when mixing peppermint oil + LSA + ethanol... so I scraped up another good amount and dissolved most of it in 95% ethanol + peppermint extract. It didnt really seem very soluble but I downed it anyway.

After that the experience very slowly came on and 2 hrs in I decided to lay down. The sensation of LSA is actually pretty relaxed, I wouldnt call it sedating, but definitly the feeling of drunkeness. The visuals gradually became stronger and stronger but not overwhelming like other drugs. They form very fragmented geometric patterns in the thousands. There was also an overwhelming sense of euphoria as I layed there in bed still coming up. When I closed my eyes I would see brilliant images that seemed like dreams. I could travel to far off places and see amazing images and landscapes.

The next 3-6 hrs were complete and utter chaos, at times I felt uneasy, but at no point did I feel overwhelmed. It felt like I could perceive the entire universe, like I somehow felt connected to it all. I actually felt like I came to some conclusion which I can no longer percieve, that time is somehow infinitly dimensionally expanding, and not simply continuing on in a linear fashion. It also seemed like I was part of a continuosly flowing life force, a milky way of energy, that cannot be extinguished, and that we are all part of that same force, except once we are born into our human forms, we are divided into isolated but interacting worlds of conciousness, almost like putting an eggshell ontop of a portion of the continual flow of force. I actually felt completely disconnected from my body and couldnt feel my legs. Opening my eyes revealed amazing symbols and images scattered throughout the room. The only way I kept myself at ease was knowing that I would eventually return to reality. At about 8am, 6-7 hrs after ingestion, I finally started coming down. I then drifted plesantly into a deep and dreamless sleep.

This was easily one of the most intense experiences I have ever taken, easily rivaling LSD, and only comparing to my most powerful LSD experience. This stuff is no joke I found out and should definitly get more attention.

There is another batch in the works this week and will be reported with pics! Very happy

--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
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#2 Posted : 3/5/2012 7:59:03 AM

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...a visual learner and would love to see pictures of this tek.
HBWR grows wild all over around here and is no problem to go out and pick a few hundered of em. I have tried alcohol extractions and that works alright but still a little rough on the stomach and hear eating them is even worse so ive been meaning to try this kind of extraction but have not yet. sounds like good stuff.
John Smith
#3 Posted : 3/5/2012 8:19:27 AM

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Thanks for the write-up thats the purest LSA tek I've seen by far. I'm wondering if basifying step(ammonia) could be replaced with lye or pickling lime and whenever follow-up pull could be done with acetone/IPA ?
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#4 Posted : 3/5/2012 5:50:42 PM

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i wouldn't use lye for this extraction. lsa isn't very stable at high pH,
isomerization to the inactive iso-lysergic acid may occur.
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#5 Posted : 3/5/2012 6:17:23 PM

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John Smith wrote:
Thanks for the write-up thats the purest LSA tek I've seen by far. I'm wondering if basifying step(ammonia) could be replaced with lye or pickling lime and whenever follow-up pull could be done with acetone/IPA ?

ammonia isn't hard to find...if you could find lime and lye i can't see why you wouldn't be able to find ammonia
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#6 Posted : 3/5/2012 11:18:53 PM

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John Smith wrote:
Thanks for the write-up thats the purest LSA tek I've seen by far. I'm wondering if basifying step(ammonia) could be replaced with lye or pickling lime and whenever follow-up pull could be done with acetone/IPA ?

Ya I doubt you could use lye. LSA is a pretty pH sensitive molecule and sodium hydroxide would probably be too much for it to handle. Maayyybee if you used a very small amount but otherwise it would likely decompose and/or form a mix of different things. Nice thing about ammonia is that it never gets much higher than pH 11.
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
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#7 Posted : 3/6/2012 12:05:18 AM

analytical chemist

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if you want to deaminate LSA to the carboxylic acid intermediate, lye in methanol would be the way to go; though this is beyond the scope of extraction of LSA. stick with ammonia

btw, kash.. that wasn't a pure LSA extract. lsa is clear and crystalline, turning amber with exposure to light and air.

this is a mixture of lsa and iso-lsa
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#8 Posted : 3/6/2012 12:48:54 AM

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Please keep us posted. Pics pics pics! I just tried a similar tek and havent tested the results. i wish you had posted this nice recipe two weeks ago Cool
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#9 Posted : 3/6/2012 1:12:25 AM

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Niiccceee pic benzyme! That gives me something to work towards.

Of course I know the extract I made wasnt perfectly pure it was the first attempt. It still contains some impurities but it is very pure compared to any other teKs I have found available, and very potent. I will be working to refine my procedure as I go.

To tell you the truth I had already accepted the possibility of not even getting a yeild because the seeds were so old, so I wasnt trying to invest a ton of resources.

Btw if you care to expand on what you did to obtain that level of purity in the pic yourself that would be awsome!

-Also, you are explaining the hydrolysis step to the carboxylic acid intermediate correct? Is there an advantage to using methanol over plain distilled h20?
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
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#10 Posted : 3/6/2012 1:42:34 AM

analytical chemist

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well, that was obtained from a fungal source. the culture broth was basified to pH 8.58 with dilute ammonia, bentonite was added and stirred for an hour, then vac filtered, and rinsed with deionized water. the bentonite was dried somewhat in a vac desiccator for a day, then transferred back to the buchner. concentrated ammonia in methanol was added, and filtered.
this was then combined with dcm (ethyl acetate should separate better, or use aqueous ammonia), then ethanolic tartaric acid was added. what you see there is about five drops, from a stock of about 50 mL.

spot test with van urk gave a distinct bluish-violet color.

I don't see an advantage to using water over methanol, only if you really need the extra hydroxyanions in solution.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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#11 Posted : 3/6/2012 1:50:16 AM

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Great. I will try doing some washes this time. I will pull from toluene with ethanolic fumaric acid.
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
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#12 Posted : 3/6/2012 1:51:32 AM

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good plan.
I'd try with maleic acid. a little harder to find, but a better preservative than
tartaric acid.
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#13 Posted : 3/6/2012 8:43:35 AM

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Well let me just state that aqueous ammonia seperates HORRIBLY from the impure LSA toluene extract.

Luckily I happened to have my friend the centrifuge on hand and I obtained about 95% of the initial organic soln back to give clear copper oxide color organic solution.

good posts on lsa ==> lsh theory
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
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#14 Posted : 3/12/2012 4:41:23 AM

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Here it is finally...
Total LSA Extraction Procedure 2:

Started with 518 seeds, estimated 92.5g, blended to a powder. Mixed 3 times with 3hr sessions of stirred naptha. Let seeds dry then extracted 4 times with 3hr sessions stirred IPA 90%. Seed matter was discarded and IPA total 1200ml.

This was distilled to 200ml and then evaporated to 100ml of mostly h20.

Aquesous NH3 was added and mixed for 1hr with toluene turned oddly blue. As it seperated nonpolar went yellow/white to copper oxide green oddly. Seperated layers keeping nonpolar. Solution was cloudy with solids, so it was filtered. After this an ammonia wash was added and mixed for 10 mins, giving a nasty emulsion. Had to use centrifuge to seperate, giving back 95% original solution.

Added soln Etoh and measured excess fumaric acid to this and changed to a very light yellow color. Mixed 30 mins. Seperated and poured Etoh into evap dish.

This gave lsa smelling mix of lsa/fumaric acid. This was dissolved in h20/nh3 and pulled with toluene for 30 min. Extracted again with 95% Etoh and a measured ratio of fumaric acid. Seperated and set to evap giving quite pure lsa fumarate 160mg.

I was alittle dissapointed with the yield and will be something I need to work on. I have read though that HBWR is only .0014% lsa by weight so this isnt too terrible. Definitly learned from this and it was a pretty fun experiment. Still need to test out the stuff too! Cool

EDIT: Found later that the seeds I bought were GHANA and possessed little to no psychoactive alkaloid content. End product was found to be ineffective.
--------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------
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#15 Posted : 3/12/2012 4:59:12 AM

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Hello Razz Mr. Noob here, first time poster. I just got my hands on some seeds and wanted to do an LSA extraction. Only problem is I don't have a clue what I'm doing? Laughing Is there a complete noob beginners guide or LSA for the masses guide with pictures/diagrams and VERY simple instructions somewhere? (I only just got my head around how to make DMT!)

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#16 Posted : 3/12/2012 6:24:03 AM

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Thanks for the pics!!!
How was the final product?
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#17 Posted : 3/12/2012 4:15:22 PM

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Godsarepeople wrote:
Hello Razz Mr. Noob here, first time poster. I just got my hands on some seeds and wanted to do an LSA extraction. Only problem is I don't have a clue what I'm doing? Laughing Is there a complete noob beginners guide or LSA for the masses guide with pictures/diagrams and VERY simple instructions somewhere? (I only just got my head around how to make DMT!)

I'd go with a tek like this: https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/PanoraMIX_HBWR_Extract
#18 Posted : 4/16/2012 4:52:33 AM

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Deleted. Posted in wrong thread.
All questions i ask here are strictly theoretical.
#19 Posted : 8/13/2012 11:58:05 AM
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Sorry to dredge this one back up, but I'm fascinated by this method. I have everything I need for this one, and I just have a few questions.

The problem with the toluene emulsion has me worried. Is there another solvent that can be used where there might be less of a chance of an emulsion forming? Maybe something like xylene?

I was also wondering what the dose should be like. Just from reading around it looks like it should be around 1-4mg. If this is true, then 150-200mg should be quite a powerful dose. I once had a very intense experience with a morning glory seed extract, but I can't imagine where your experience took you.
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