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SWIM can never go back Options
#21 Posted : 12/25/2008 12:22:25 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: In my mind
SWIM is finding now that it actually is much easier to be like a big kid. He's no longer afraid of making a fool of himself as he did before. But he also knows when to behave. He is getting more fun out of life, and he realizes, the very few select movies still touch him now that once did. In some ways, he's more in touch with his emotions, in others, things don't get to him nearly as much.

So he's really enjoying the journey now.
Nanaki, of course is a fictional video game character. He never does drugs that would alter consciousness. He only thinks he does.

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#22 Posted : 12/25/2008 4:49:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM can relate to the OP's sentiments via previous spice experiences. However, sorry for my n00bery, but what is the "red pill"? Is this just another term for spice or a different way of using it that I am unfamiliar with?
#23 Posted : 12/25/2008 7:14:50 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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ahh. gotcha!
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