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Acacia Confusa Problems... Options
#1 Posted : 5/16/2011 8:09:45 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello a few months ago I followewd Nomans Extraction Tek using mimosa and was very pleased with the results. I went to try again but wasn't able to obtain any mimosa so got a kilo of Arcacia Confusa instead. My favourate seller of ethnobotanicals (who I hold in a very high regard) assured me the feedback from it had been excellent. When it arrived it looked allmost identical to mimosa so foolishly didn't check whether another tek would be more appropriate. I followed the extraction again as I had done the first time and yielded nothing. I had a look on the internet and a few people reccomend a defat early on in the process- howevers others have stated you can just do as you would with mimosa. Im not a rich man and cant really afford to throw a kilo of bark away.... if anyone could give me any advice? A stronger solvent maybe? Can I roll back a few steps and do the defat then try again?
Any help or advice would be infinitely adpreciated!

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#2 Posted : 5/16/2011 8:42:44 AM

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What do you mean "yielded nothing" ? Literally nothing, or an oil? If its an oil, did you try recrystallizing it? (hopefully you didnt throw it away)
#3 Posted : 5/16/2011 8:51:20 AM

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Literally nothing, I freeze precipitated it and filtered the naptha extactely as I did the previous time. No crystals, No oil, No bits. Would evaporating the naptha help maybe?
Thank you for your reply!
#4 Posted : 5/16/2011 4:54:40 PM


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hey mate, i got the same thing happen to me, but i got a wierd orangey goo i re-xd an got a lighter dryer pasty stuff. but not much really, i ended up throwing that stuff out.
i kept the dark orangey goo stuff and mixed it in with some changa an got my misses to try a pipe of it on its own, its certainly active but defo not dmt that i pulled.
the changa i made seemed weak until i added some more dmt from a mimosa ext an it ended up being some really trippy an weird stuff an completely different to normal dmt changa.
but yea my results were extremely unimpressive an i dunno where the company is getting their feedback from. i will never buy it again thats for sure an will just stick with mhrb. i think the actual root bark is a good part to use but the company i got mine states its lower stem bark from nearest the roots so probably not potent enough.
PROHIBITION?? - just say NO!!
#5 Posted : 5/18/2011 5:13:06 PM

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ah, maybe thats the case Sad just had a look on the site I got mine from and it says it uses the lower stem bark too. Nevermind, I'll get some MH. Do you think if I did a xylene pull I might get something?
Thanks for your help!
#6 Posted : 5/18/2011 10:58:14 PM


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It has been noticed after yielding fumarate salts from FASW washing limonene, the salts were dissolved in basic water and pulled and precipitated from naphtha. The result was a clear oil that would not crystallize. Even upon recrystallization. The oil oxidized slightly over a few days.
During a/b extractions of Acacia Confusa bark, a nasty emulsion was observed often and was delt with by the addition of NaOH and NaCL.
The freebase oil has not been bioassayed.

β€œRight here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna
#7 Posted : 7/8/2011 6:57:52 AM

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See this is so frusterating to me, Acacia confusa will give better yeilds than MHRB if you have the actual root bark, there are all these vendors giving confusa a bad name because theyre selling bark, not root bark, which theres a huge difference in potency! A/B with confusa is not neccesary, STB has given me the best results repeatedly. Damn i wish i had a higher ranking because i know a good vendor that sells real root bark, not just bark from the bottom of the tree, but unfortunately im not allowed to say anything Sad Read some of my other posts ive had many successful extractions with confusa, you just have to have the real stuff!
#8 Posted : 7/8/2011 10:12:44 AM
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..the stem bark should be similar to trunk bark or root bark, only slightly lower %..
which is the case for most tryptamine acacias
#9 Posted : 7/8/2011 10:18:33 AM

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cytokinesis420, write an introduction essay and you'll be promoted Pleased

I should have the results of some acacia stembark tested with TLC in the next few days.. Later this summer I might get some rootbark and compare with it. Indeed from what i heard it seems stembark is much worse than rootbark. Maybe stembark has less alkaloids and maybe more NMT than DMT ?
#10 Posted : 7/8/2011 10:34:56 AM
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..look forward to hearing results, endlessness!

except for refusing to crystalize, NMT may not be so bad a concelation...
#11 Posted : 7/8/2011 4:14:35 PM

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From what I've read of peoples issues extracting from this plant, I probably will not use it as a substitute for jurema.

However, to anyone who has stem bark and thinks they have wasted their time/money etc, I highly recommend using 10g's of this plant orally with 3g's rue or RIMA equivalent.

Whatever's in there is very active and very pleasant Smile
#12 Posted : 7/8/2011 10:39:54 PM

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I shall certainly write that intro essay! In my succesful extractions I have had pure white crystals that looked like refined sugar (crystalline powder) and was probably pure n,n-dmt. Lately however ive been ending up with crystalline clumps that are yellow in color, probably because it has more dmt-oxide in it which is nothing to be worried about, it still takes u to the same place! These crystals dont melt at room temp and have a pleasant perfume smell. Really the most important part for preventing your crystals from melting into yellow goo is when u take it out of the freezer and scrape it onto a dish, this needs to be done quickly, and the dish needs to be tilted as much as possible so the remaining amounts of naptha can drain off; if u dont then it pools up and melts your crystals into the yellow goo, which isnt neccesarily bad either, when i let yellow goo sit out for long enough it starts to dry and harden and turns into what i call semi-crystalline amber, which is really just as potent as the crystals it just doesnt look as good. I think i might have to write a tek for acacia Smile
#13 Posted : 7/9/2011 1:26:35 PM
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soulfood says:
Whatever's in there is very active and very pleasant

from my own experience the same could be said of plants in which the major base is N-Methyltrptamine...Cool


p.s worth re-reading this older thread i dug up in light of quickening developments...Acacia confusa, some notes and thoughts
#14 Posted : 11/27/2013 3:15:20 AM

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please be really careful using xylene or Hexane they can cause serious irreversible neurological damage.. it might not take much exposure, after a bit you cant smell it anymore.
#15 Posted : 10/12/2014 7:35:41 AM

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Hello friends...just wondering if you ever had any good results with ACRB and people are saying they are using hexane instead of naphtha, is hexane a safe and efficient replacement for naphtha? Seeing how it and other solvents make up naphtha, hexane may be a better choice for one who wanted to pull the most and the cleanest. What do you all think? Thanks!Wut?
#16 Posted : 10/14/2014 10:39:04 PM

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Hey Friend's :-)
Here are some pic's from the defat step by me with a seperatly funnel and you can see the fat and oil after Run iff the acid.
This is only from 100 g Acrb and a half liter hexan from 5 100 ml pulls.

I think it's realy important to defat the Acrb because i have never Seen this by mhrb.

This is now in the frezzer but I how you the Resultat after i get it out from it.

It looks realy good and the First crystals was forming in the Moment who the hexan Hit the pyrex after the Mini a/b. :-)


#17 Posted : 10/14/2014 10:50:24 PM

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Due to my short experience with Acacia confusa, I can share some tips:

If you want crystals, defat with mini A/B is a must! Some say that recrystalization of goo can also give you crystals, but I don't know about that from personal experience. Check Earthwalker's tek for detailed instructions.

If you want goo, just simple A/B will do fine.

Check pH levels. pH of maximum 3 is desirable for acidic solution, and pH of minimum 12 for basic.

Be patient with pulls. Patience is a virtue. When you add fresh naphtha, wait. Shake/stir many times (5 for example). Wait at least 10 minutes before shaking/stirring. Be careful not to cause an emulsion.

If you're doing everything correct, and still yielding almost nothing, it's the bark. Acacia confusa root bark can have variable amount of alkaloids, sometimes almost non existent. It may take few times and disappointments to find a good bark. Once you do, stick with it as much as you can. And look for inner root bark.

I hope that my few tips will help you out.

Peace and love.Smile
#18 Posted : 10/14/2014 11:37:24 PM

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I would recommend doing an acid base extraction when using acacia. People seem to have better results. Also, I find the defat step absolutely necessary, otherwise you will only get goo. I have not tried a heptane reX thought and many say that works as well.
#19 Posted : 10/14/2014 11:39:06 PM

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Aslo check out my post titled "How to get the proper pH without a meter or pH papers". Then you will make sure you are getting the proper pH and you don't need to have papers or a meter. Smile
#20 Posted : 10/15/2014 1:58:15 PM

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yes an ph Meter is an good item and not so expensive, at Aquarium Shops you can get it for
under 15€ :-) and it works perfectly.
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