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Changa: A smoking blend containing Ayahuasca and other herbs Options
#121 Posted : 4/30/2015 12:21:57 PM

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I've been getting through a fair bit and have made several blends. For harmalas I thaw a fully decocted brew from the freezer and add that as moisture makes the spice dissolve. I've used everything from Mullien to tobacco and San Pedro extract to Canabbis.

Most recently I've been using Green Crack - a Sativa - Mullien, passionflower and blue lotus.
Makes a lovely blend and the aroma lasts much longer



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#122 Posted : 4/30/2015 2:16:12 PM
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Twisted Evil Cool Love Thumbs up Big grin Drool
#123 Posted : 4/30/2015 4:05:11 PM

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Try some Pau Darco / Heimia salicifolia / Damiana, they are all great for Changa.
#124 Posted : 5/1/2015 10:03:36 PM

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Some people don't like Cannabis in their changa and I understand why, but a good sativa goes great in a changa blend. Thumbs up

Damiana is also one of my favs. Great for flavoring a blend.
#125 Posted : 7/8/2015 3:31:55 PM

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A lot of changa in the early days was made with caapi leaf, because it was easy to get and prepare. And also, caapi leaf is easy to smoke, clean and clear and apart from adding it to a vine brew, there is not much else you can really do with it, as it tends not to carry a brew on its own.

#126 Posted : 5/27/2016 4:37:51 AM

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Something a little weird from a blend the other week, I had some cannabis, san pedro and ayahuasca in it.
I blew through to hyperspace almost to the three-way crossing -- lie there was a door to the pot spirit, a door to the cactus and a door to the aya. Think I'll be keeping to enhanced leaf for a while playing with different native flowers. California Poppy Petals have been an extraordinary find. Has anyone ever enhanced Morning Glory leaf or petals? Think that could be interesting for sureBig grin

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