195g of Caapi Shredded were split into two batches of 97.5g
I wanted to compare the THP method with powdered and shredded vine, to see if powdering was really necessary, since the wiki was inconclusive about it.
So I powdered batch #2 and left batch #1 as is, then constructed two identical Herbal Percolators.
Then I began pouring water+vinegar through the percolators. I boiled the water, added vinegar and waited till it was cool enough to funnel through without melting the plastic bottle. I used the following ratios of H2O:5% acetic acid 1.7l:0.1l.
Here you see the THP for the shredded vine and the color of the tea that came out.
And here is the THP for the powdered vine. The tea was notably darker here.
All in all I used 9l of liquid on each batch. Then the fun part began of reducing 9l of each batch to a workable amount, which is something between 400-700ml for me. Though the liquid was pretty light for the shredded version it turned very dark upon reduction:
Finally after many many hours I filtered the liquids into separate jars and basified using Sod. Carbonate.
when adding the Sod. Carbonate you get some foam on top from the reaction with the acetic acid
After what I estimated to be enough sod. carb. I decanted. For both batches I performed the test on the decanted liquid to see if there was anything left in there by adding more sod. Carbonate. For batch #2 I got more clouding and a very white precipitate. Since this looked different from the other precipitates I decided to treat it separately.
(sorry I forgot to take a picture of it at this stage :/ )
After washing several times, I let it dry. The next day I redissolved both batches in acetic acid and filtered out some black insolubles. Basified again. washed about 7 times until the water was clear. Each time I decanted the liquid I decanted through a coffee-filter to catch the floating goodies too.
I did not re-A/B the white stuff since it appeared to be ... white. I just left it the way it was.
Finally I let the cleaned product evap in a baking dish in my oven on low with the fan on.
These are the results:
plus the white stuff 0.325g
makes a total of 2.1g equalling or even surpassing my 5*45min boiling experiment with the same vine.
To summarise:
shredded, 9l warm H20+acid: 0.9g
powdered, 9l warm H20+acid: 2.1g
I think the result speaks for itself.
Much love
Edit: As was pointed out below my extract is very dark so I decided to do some purification steps on all of my extracted alks. The purified results are the following:
From just boiling caapi 5*45min yield was: ~ 1.1-1.3%
From the THP with shredded I got a yield of ~ 0.43%
From the THP with powdered I got a yield of ~ 0.8%
From the cold extract after 3*3days yield is ~ 0.8%
From the cold extract pulls 4 & 5 yielded... ~ 0.4% so total of 1.2%
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. ---
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energy conserving caapi extraction