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Why you should NOT take DMT Options
Bill Cipher
#161 Posted : 12/11/2012 5:35:46 AM

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You know, you've kind of hijacked what is actually a very important thread here. This isnt really the appropriate spot to solicit a bunch of trip reports.

May I suggest you start another one where you can ask all the questions you have?


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#162 Posted : 12/11/2012 6:35:33 AM

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sc001: I think you're missing the point. Notice that no one is coming to your defense and saying, "Yeah, it sounds like you've got a reasonable grasp on this!" Don't you think there might be a reason for that?

Whatever you think you know about the DMT experience, you don't.
And whatever you think you don't know, well, you don't even know that either.

Once you've been there, you might get the illusion of gnosis from time to time... but sooner or later it'll set you straight again.

There's a wormhole down that rabbit hole, wrapped around a möbius strip, tucked inside a non-Euclidean fractal that's stuck in a piece of gum on your shoe.
#163 Posted : 12/11/2012 6:37:28 AM
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Uncle Knucles wrote:
You know, you've kind of hijacked what is actually a very important thread here. This isnt really the appropriate spot to solicit a bunch of trip reports.

May I suggest you start another one where you can ask all the questions you have?

ok i shall, i didnt mean to ruin the thread i thought it might be good place to ask.
#164 Posted : 12/11/2012 6:39:43 AM
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Entropymancer wrote:
sc001: I think you're missing the point. Notice that no one is coming to your defense and saying, "Yeah, it sounds like you've got a reasonable grasp on this!" Don't you think there might be a reason for that?

Whatever you think you know about the DMT experience, you don't.
And whatever you think you don't know, well, you don't even know that either.

Once you've been there, you might get the illusion of gnosis from time to time... but sooner or later it'll set you straight again.

There's a wormhole down that rabbit hole, wrapped around a möbius strip, tucked inside a non-Euclidean fractal that's stuck in a piece of gum on your shoe.

yes im not saying im right and others are wrong, i know im wrong and dont know thats why im here talking to you guys.

if the answer to my question is what you just explained then thats fine i accept that answer
#165 Posted : 12/11/2012 3:08:18 PM

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In reference to control and lucidity I posted a little on this further up the thread. The answer is, from my experience, that it doesn't follow any definite stereotype. Sometimes you may be fully lucid, other times there will be no you to be lucid with and from there every point between. Sometimes you may have full interaction abilities in hyperspace, sometimes it will just do what it wants to you and you will have no control at all.

The only way to have any start on an idea of the depth of all of this is to dive in. The idea of this thread is more to warn potential travelers of the ramifications of this path, rather than us trying feebly to illustrate subjective experience.

If you wish to read of experiences we have two sections of the forum devoted to that which cover it as well as is possible:

DMT Experiences
Quality Experience Reports

I try to avoid experience reports most of the time as I have found that it can influence my journeys and I would rather have journeys that are mine rather than that of those around me.
D × V × F > R
#166 Posted : 12/11/2012 3:35:45 PM
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d*l*b wrote:
In reference to control and lucidity I posted a little on this further up the thread. The answer is, from my experience, that it doesn't follow any definite stereotype. Sometimes you may be fully lucid, other times there will be no you to be lucid with and from there every point between. Sometimes you may have full interaction abilities in hyperspace, sometimes it will just do what it wants to you and you will have no control at all.

The only way to have any start on an idea of the depth of all of this is to dive in. The idea of this thread is more to warn potential travelers of the ramifications of this path, rather than us trying feebly to illustrate subjective experience.

If you wish to read of experiences we have two sections of the forum devoted to that which cover it as well as is possible:

DMT Experiences
Quality Experience Reports

I try to avoid experience reports most of the time as I have found that it can influence my journeys and I would rather have journeys that are mine rather than that of those around me.

thanks thats the sort of answer i was looking for Smile
#167 Posted : 1/5/2013 1:25:08 AM

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I think anyone who dares to go down the rabbit hole will find there is no bottom. And I they aren't careful it could become a decent into madness...I use DMT whenever I feel that I have become too rooted in this physical reality. It has defiantly helped me with becoming comfortable with my eventual death.
The M tea
#168 Posted : 1/14/2013 4:16:04 PM

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a decent into madness...

I remember loosing it,years ago,going nuts.
I had always been afraid of it,but it eventually happened,
as if fear itself pulled me into the experience.

So i learned from that,a lesson,a big one.
Not to be afraid of the void and the nothingness,but to surrender to it and become it.
Its dying,its changing and experience how everything can be turned around,for the good.g

being afraid of going mad is actually the ticket to the lunatic asylum.

#169 Posted : 1/16/2013 12:48:00 AM

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Electric Kool-Aid wrote:
Nice write up! Disclaimers are a great thing. Maybe this could be in the health and safety section some day. Or something like this on the prescription DMT that the Doctor prescribes!

Yup just scary out there!!!!!! Brrrrrrrr
One day... No hurry.. The right place and setting.
But just the glow (low dose) for me! Big kahuna later...

BTW. 9th pull and still spice from my 1st extraction!!! Woohoo!! Time with the mix sitting and naphtha in for 3 or more days. 2 weeks with naphtha and I got tons on my 8th pull.

Yes, there is likely a good place for this or a similar caution in the health and safety(I realize there is, but I wonder if there's a way that the server recognizes all new addresses seeing this are approached first by this statement when first viewing the site before exploring the great Niagaras this site offers on subjects, personalities and perspective). I can say for most its something you never really get over and is that's something not appropriate for whom have difficulty relating to other people already, although some may say to the contrary so I digress. I am sure some will articulate how serious knowledge of this is and responsibility it entails for all, keeping in mind the perspective of those who haven't experienced a hefty exogenous dose while not appearing to go over-board with our perception. Since it is such a consistently profound moment for what I feel like all here then in the introduction words of caution, appreciation and respect can always be touched up for always ever changing times. Smile
Much LoVe <3
#170 Posted : 1/17/2013 11:46:22 PM

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Good thread. I should be in a position soon to show some people I know well and whom I know can benefit greatly from the healing as well as the transcendental properties of DMT. I have been talking with them about my experiences with it, but some things are just, well, ineffable. In trying to come up with how to prepare them for it- I wish someone had let in in a little more before my first go-I've come up with one thing to say. Basically this- When you come back from this trip YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE THE SAME. No matter your experience with psychedelics, I'm sorry, nothing can quite prepare you for DMT. Even level 5 trips on psilocin or LSD are not the same.
We go through life with a lot of questions. Some of have ones like "what am I going to eat?" and some wonder "what is God?" or something similar. Figuring out that you want pasta is one thing, discovering that yes, Virginia, there is a Great Universal Creative ForcePleased,that you can never place truly meaningful names or definitions on what it is, but it exists and you can interact fully with it is an entire other. And especially if it is nothing that you expect, this can be shattering. Powerful, incredibly beneficial and healing as I said, but will rock you to the foundations of your being.
DMT is powerful stuff and Ill proselytize it to my grave, but it is not for everyone, it is a true spiritual tool, and should only be used by those with strong emotional and psychological foundations. The power of it visions, pure, is staggering and can show you many great wonders, but mixed with one's ego and personal delusions, it could create a true psychosis.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
#171 Posted : 1/18/2013 3:59:48 PM

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sc001 wrote:
to make it easier can people with exprience just tell me some recent trips they remember and what happened in as much detail as posiible. from when you consumed dmt, to what happened next etc?

a strange things about trips is that ones from long ago can be as clearly "remembered" as recent ones -- one of the "insights" that (once/sometimes/always) comes to me as the effects begin is how surprisingly familiar it all is; and another is how it's nothing like i think it is, or like i thought it was, or like i think i thought it was, or like... and down the rabbit hole we tumble Smile
"The highest good is like water.
Water gives life to the ten thousand things and does not strive." - Lao Tzu
#172 Posted : 1/18/2013 5:00:58 PM

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My Ego died many years ago, and strangely since then I've had a weird type of Empathy for everyone I meet, can even tolerate Racism hehe

Anyway Religion, Sports, Generic Music does absolutely nothing for me, Id say this has made it a lot easier for me to explore this substance without any Subconcious baggage or distractions.

I don't think DMT changes you that much, other than your perspective on Reality, but Ive always thought there was more to life than what a book could tell me.... so yea Rolling eyes

So remember in the Meta-physical Realms Thumbs up only your "thoughts" can harm you....

"Symptoms of Circumstance Soooo believe we are equal!"

I have a pretty detailed report Smile
"See- Do- Know- Share-
"Your Beginning To Believe"
#173 Posted : 1/18/2013 9:42:23 PM

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null24 wrote:
Good thread. I should be in a position soon to show some people I know well and whom I know can benefit greatly from the healing as well as the transcendental properties of DMT. I have been talking with them about my experiences with it, but some things are just, well, ineffable.

Why do you project your thinking about dmt upon others. There is no reason to "show others"
they will find it themselves.Please try not to tell others to take such a powerful substance.
and whom I know can benefit greatly

Something you mention later in your post might just happen. Your not the one who can judge if someone might or might not be able to cope with dmt.

DMT is powerful stuff and Ill proselytize it to my grave, but it is not for everyone, it is a true spiritual tool, and should only be used by those with strong emotional and psychological foundations. The power of it visions, pure, is staggering and can show you many great wonders, but mixed with one's ego and personal delusions, it could create a true psychosis.

please be careful

I'm worried about these post especially because i read your thread about you mother.
If I sound judgmental Im not this is me loving you and i think your intention are very good.

just be careful

much love

All Expandeum's notes, messages, postings, ideas, suggestions, concepts or other material submitted via this forum and or website are completely fictional and are not in any way based on real live experience.
#174 Posted : 1/19/2013 12:41:14 PM

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There's not really a lot more I can add, that other members haven't stated already. However, every little helps and it is important for newcomers to understand exactly what they are in for. This of course is impossible, though a strong word of caution from those who have experienced DMT should really be taken on board.

This is our duty as experienced travellers, and it is the newcomers responsibility to ensure that they are embarking on such a journey for the correct reasons. Newcomers, no matter what you think you will encounter when you breakthrough, you don't, you really really don't.

My first breakthrough scared the absolute living daylights out of me. Luckily, I was able to integrate this experience, and further experiences, though I really could have gone either way. Others may not fare so well, just because of the sheer illogical nature of such a life changing event. The absolute enigma of it all could twist your brain, leaving you scratching your head for a very long time.

Please remember to treat this substance with the absolute respect it deserves. Set and setting is extremely important and that is paramount. After your experience, try to integrate it into your life for the better. Consider starting with Changa. Remember that at the end of the day, it is your respnsibility to make the correct decision, and think wisely.



All things stated within this website by myself are expressly intended for entertainment purposes only.

All people in general, and users of this site are encouraged by myself, other members, and DMT-Nexus, to know and abide by the laws of the jurisdiction in which they are situated.

I, other members, and DMT-Nexus, do not condone or encourage the use, supply, or production of illegal drugs or controlled substances in any way whatsoever.

#175 Posted : 1/20/2013 5:43:42 AM
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I wondered what the experience of DMT would be like if I am afraid of the dark and of seeing spirits,would I freak out or would it put me in a different state of mind. Also what about people who say they have seen demons or been possessed. That's scary and seems as if may be opening self to something we know little about. What if the knowledge we are seeking is in the bible and the demons that are seen are the ones Jesus had to cast out of people when they were possessed. Just wondering what are thoughts on psychedelic drugs concerning demon possession?
Parshvik Chintan
#176 Posted : 1/20/2013 8:11:47 AM

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lashonda wrote:
That's scary and seems as if may be opening self to something we know little about. What if the knowledge we are seeking is in the bible and the demons that are seen are the ones Jesus had to cast out of people when they were possessed. Just wondering what are thoughts on psychedelic drugs concerning demon possession?

i would lean more to trusting the texts the bible plagiarized more than the bible. if you really are so concerned, i recommend thoroughly studying scriptures and their origins.

but you are right (to some extent) what we are dealing with is nothing new, and has been talked about before writing was a thing, but everyone has their own take on it.
My wind instrument is the bong
#177 Posted : 1/20/2013 11:53:41 AM

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lashonda wrote:
I wondered what the experience of DMT would be like if I am afraid of the dark and of seeing spirits,would I freak out or would it put me in a different state of mind. Also what about people who say they have seen demons or been possessed. That's scary and seems as if may be opening self to something we know little about. What if the knowledge we are seeking is in the bible and the demons that are seen are the ones Jesus had to cast out of people when they were possessed. Just wondering what are thoughts on psychedelic drugs concerning demon possession?

I would consider this a two-fold situation. Firstly, one of set and setting; secondly, one of outlook. If you worry about the dark there is nothing stopping you leaving a light on, you could also incorporate music to comfort you and perhaps alleviate a sense of being alone to deal with it. A solid pre-flight ritual (meditation for example) and comforting power objects nearby will also help.

Outlook is another side to the point you raise. What you believe in is entirely up to you, no-one can tell you what to believe or not to believe. I've said before that the pragmatic/agnostic approach is an outlook not be overlooked. Many of us here at the Nexus take such an approach, but equally many do not, as diversity is one of the numerous things that makes this community great.

No matter what you experience, you will come back to Earth, back to your current life. This is the time to integrate the experience and integrate it some more. During the experience, completely let go and get what you can get out of it. Afterwards, look at the situation pragmatically (without starving yourself of valuable lessons you may have learned). Whether it is real or not is unknown to us, no matter how real or ultra-real it feels, we can not give definitive answers.


All things stated within this website by myself are expressly intended for entertainment purposes only.

All people in general, and users of this site are encouraged by myself, other members, and DMT-Nexus, to know and abide by the laws of the jurisdiction in which they are situated.

I, other members, and DMT-Nexus, do not condone or encourage the use, supply, or production of illegal drugs or controlled substances in any way whatsoever.

#178 Posted : 1/20/2013 3:13:35 PM


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lashonda wrote:
I wondered what the experience of DMT would be like if I am afraid of the dark and of seeing spirits,would I freak out or would it put me in a different state of mind. Also what about people who say they have seen demons or been possessed. That's scary and seems as if may be opening self to something we know little about. What if the knowledge we are seeking is in the bible and the demons that are seen are the ones Jesus had to cast out of people when they were possessed. Just wondering what are thoughts on psychedelic drugs concerning demon possession?

With dmt i find that my mind doesn't get warped like how lsd or mushrooms might do so whatever you see or experience can be thought about rationally. As macre says, if you are afraid of the dark there is nothing stopping you vaping dmt in a well lit room and keeping your eyes open.

Ive seen entities with eyes open though and they could be interpreted as demons or whatever. You need to stay headstrong though and just observe and accept what you are seeing.

A freak out is possible if you see shadow entities and are scared of them but they can't hurt you. Do you have any experience with psychedelics?
#179 Posted : 1/23/2013 2:52:26 AM

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DeMenTed wrote:
With dmt i find that my mind doesn't get warped like how lsd or mushrooms might do so whatever you see or experience can be thought about rationally.

You're the opposite to what I'm like most of the time then! Occasionally I can look at things rationally but most of the time I am quite the opposite and this can in extreme cases end with weeks thinking quite irrationally (by my standards anyway).

vaping dmt in a well lit room and keeping your eyes open.

...I find proper darkness with spice scary but I think I'd bend my brain about as much in bright light I would in the dark. Subdued light is about the only comfortable way I've found for myself.

lashonda wrote:
what about people who say they have seen demons or been possessed.

I think if you decide to embark it's important to go with an open mind. Spice often shows what's happening inside and around you and anything can become an influence - a book or film you read, problems in your life. If you're thinking about demons then you may well be shown them.

Some time ago, after reading some D.M. Turner I decided to test his idea that water has an effect on the DMT experience. I decided to have a pipe in the bath (yes, this may be considered risky and yes, I knew how D.M. Turner died working in the bath with Ketamine) whilst there was a massive rainstorm going on outside.

I lit candles, opened the windows wide, jumped in the bath and hit the pipe. With the vapour hitting the lungs I am presented with massive fear, panic, the "I shouldn't have done that" feeling. I try not to absorb too much by breathing out quickly but I'm far gone. I look down at myself in the bath and I am several different people a second. I feel as if there are things invading me without my permission and feel abused and uncomfortable. With this I jump out of the bath and turn on the lights and thrash my arms about as some kind of a banishing.

I would describe myself as non-spiritual, agnostic. That experience left me confused, scared and delusional for a couple of weeks, who knows what it was? My head? Did I do that to myself? Something outside of me? It felt like it was an external force and that was my conclusion for a while, but now I couldn't really say what I thought it was.
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#180 Posted : 1/28/2013 6:16:18 PM

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This will be controversial, and I do understand why, but I think that everybody in the world who is alive, who has been alive, and who will live should have at least 1 psychedelic experience of some sort, though not necessarily through DMT. I have only every had 2 bad trips, out of more than a hundred, both with DMT (the whole - "Oh shit!, I have done it this time, I have accidentally killed myself" thing). The reason why I say this is that even the bad or "negative" experiences teaches us volumes. I realized through time that the 2 bad trips I had were extremely beneficial, they taught me how to "let go". I was holding on and trying to control the circumstances of the higher-dimensional informational avalanches without success. It taught me that ultimately reality and circumstance cannot be controlled or mastered no matter how hard we try. All we can possibly do is respond as creatively as possible to circumstantial chance events as they occur. I no longer have excessive anxiety, something with which I have lived with all my life - I have learned to 'let go'. Combining Alan Watts with these experiences really put the icing on the cake. Afterwards, after encountering fear and threat with DMT, as soon as I refused that interpretation of reality, all became beauty and light in an instant, like a switch had been flipped. Studying a bit of the "Tibetan Book of the Dead" also helped with this.

But, it is definitely true that having DMT experiences can be a burden, you will never get over it. Some say that the experiences are like a dream and that you forget them in minutes or seconds. That is not true for me. I can bring up any one of my 100 experiences if I try and think about it, which I do all day it seems. I am a very busy man, but DMT can be the ultimate distraction from here and now and the 3-dimensional "meat-bodies" that accompany our dimension.

I wonder sometimes if it was ever a good idea to begin with.
For me though, I think it was and is anyway. I want to experience all I can and not live in shadows while I am here.
I just wish I knew for sure whether or not those experiences are simply a grand hallucination, or are really occurring outside of myself. Either way they are beneficial. It is the way I go to church.
Possessing this 'secret knowledge' of having been on 'the other side', while probably 99% of the rest of the world's population has not, can also be a bit burdensome as well when you want to compare your sanity to others in the usual population around you.

Meditate before you venture, take it seriously, use it as medicinal—it is good psychotherapy if needed. Realize that you, the Earth, others, and the Universe are all one and the same process. Then take that knowledge back to become, as you already are, one with nature. Eternity in every moment. Divinity in every particle. All is one organism.

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