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#461 Posted : 3/27/2014 1:39:54 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Theres a changa sub-forum have a look there Im sure it has all the info you need.

Explore our global analysis service for precise testing of your extracts and other substances.
#462 Posted : 3/28/2014 1:37:48 AM

dysfunctional word machine

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neo-kusto wrote:
i have read that its possible just to smoke the rue
even without extraction
(https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=9137 )

but i dont know huw much to smoke,is it better to make changa with it,ot just add it to the bong
what quantity will be good

The little seeds will not burn nicely. The oils inside stink badly and additionally will cause the seeds to pop. If you try to smoke the seeds along with other herbs, be prepared for little explosions and smouldering herbs flying around (have you never smoked hemp seeds by accident?)
#463 Posted : 3/29/2014 6:22:37 AM
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Hello. The following statement was communicated to me by aliens, and through his telecommunication has found its way to me and then here to you.

While scouring the forms and many threads of the interwebs I have been searching for the best method of Defeating a pull of Acacia Comfusa. I have read on at least three separate occasions that the most successful defat was something that never occoured would work until I read it.
After the solvent (i.e. Naphtha, Heptane, Ronslow, whatever you use) pull is complete and filled with DMT from whatever extraction method you use instead of letting the DMT freeze precip you pour a mix of 5g Sodium Hydroxide in 100ml of water go through solvent solution (I am sure this depends on the pull but this was the basic measurement I read for the pulls I read.) I am sure this might work as a simple and very good defat stage that might take care of the tricky oilyness that is famous from Acacia extractions. I can't see why it wouldn't work. I just wanted input from the obvious wisdom of the Nexus. Has anyone else tried this with success?
#464 Posted : 3/30/2014 3:10:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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guys, SWIM have 1g of salvia extract at 50x, but SWIM is thinking about making a combination of salvia and dmt, what do you think about it? has anyone tried it? is a good idea? or SWIM should leave it as it is?
"If I dont know you, you don´t exist."
Cosmic Spore
#465 Posted : 3/30/2014 7:50:38 AM

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wesker wrote:
guys, SWIM have 1g of salvia extract at 50x, but SWIM is thinking about making a combination of salvia and dmt, what do you think about it? has anyone tried it? is a good idea? or SWIM should leave it as it is?

leave as is.

use separately.
#466 Posted : 3/30/2014 12:38:23 PM

Homo discens

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Yea, I'm with CS. Leave the 50x as is. I have heard of people adding just a pinch of plain salvia leaf to changa batches (subthreshold doses), but IMO the 50x extract and the DMT should be enjoyed on their own.
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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#467 Posted : 4/1/2014 2:38:22 PM
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I have 2.3g of Paganam Harmala of which I may eat as much as all of it

And I have over 10g of ACRB.

What is the least of each I would need of each to sufficiently break through?
#468 Posted : 4/1/2014 4:50:25 PM

dysfunctional word machine

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ScriabinAnime wrote:
What is the least of each I would need of each to sufficiently break through?

PLease read the (excellent!) thread "DMT & Harmala: Dosages and Routes of Administration (Complete overview!)"

#469 Posted : 4/11/2014 3:34:08 AM

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Question is in the subject!!

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And I am you and what I see is me.
And do I take you by the hand
And lead you through the land
And help me understand
The best I can.
#470 Posted : 4/11/2014 3:50:33 AM


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WT, ........?

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#471 Posted : 4/14/2014 5:01:25 AM
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Has anybody used more than one color of caapi (independently of each other but with a DMT or psilocybin admixture)? In what ways did the effects of the caapis vary?
#472 Posted : 4/15/2014 9:24:41 PM

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hello! i've been wondering if heart arrhythmia is "serious enough" to change my behaviour with spice since i get this feeling of a hammer smashing my chest for every heartbeat. should i be more careful or is it more or less safe with my HA disorder? if so, how? anyone else with the same problem?
"..undisturbed by order, chaos creates balance. it is not the artifical balance of scales and weights, but the lively, ever-changing balance of a wild and beautiful dance. it is wonderful; it is magickal. it is beyond any definition, and every attempt to describe it can only be a metaphor that never comes near to its true beauty or erotic energy."

"the angel is free because of his knowledge, the beast because of his ignorance. between the two remains the son of man to struggle."
#473 Posted : 5/20/2014 2:44:10 AM

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Hey everyone ,

Has anyone on the forum had a direct experience with Ayahuasca, and if so what was your trip like? Also i know Ayahuasca contains DMT but how did it differ from a smoked DMT experience apart from the time length difference and the purging?

#474 Posted : 5/20/2014 3:54:20 AM

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ab381, you need to use the search function or atleast do ANY research yourself and you can super easily find the answer to those questions. There are numerous experience reports on the website and elsewhere. You can use the search function to help you.

kaaos, arrhythmia's can be serious. If you think DMT is effecting your condition then I would suggest not doing it. Please be careful.
"I am cursed by the blossoming knowledge of my feminine ideal and she looks suspiciously like you."

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." -AE
#475 Posted : 5/28/2014 11:50:32 PM
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ok so Swim followed the q21q21 extraction tek. Swim folowed this tek to the best of my abilities and Swim have done alot of extractions in the past... after swim basicified the mixture it never turned black it looks like cappuccino and the naptha is red and will not separate there is a thin layer of something on top of naptha idk what it is and i dont know what ive done wrong but ive never had this problem before... also have never used lime always lye ... swim added some lye and still didnt help ... got the ph tester out and the ph is fine. im so confused PLEASE HELP
#476 Posted : 5/28/2014 11:51:19 PM
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can upload pictures if need be
#477 Posted : 5/29/2014 12:03:28 AM

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This is particularly frustrating to see, especially right after the thread about refraining from implying emergency situations in your thread title. Please lay off the exclamation points and the "SOS" ...

There is an official extraction help thread where your post would be much better suited, and more likely to be answered.

There is no reason to start a whole thread
#478 Posted : 5/29/2014 2:44:45 AM

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Pictures would help, always.

Otherwise no real idea. Are you sure its real bark? Red naptha generally implies basification/heat when naptha is added, but I'm not sure with q21q21s tek. Did you powder your bark yourself?
"I am cursed by the blossoming knowledge of my feminine ideal and she looks suspiciously like you."

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." -AE
#479 Posted : 6/3/2014 1:42:21 AM

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I've noticed the two states a minimum of a one hour.acid.soak but people.are.talking up.to 24 hours and max ion says 8.

If.you only.do the one hour soak are yields greatly affected or is soaking longer just going to get the other alkaloids out?

The difference between 1, 8, and 24 hours seems significant just wondering if it really is in practice.

I have one other question about the pulling phase. The two states it will take about 45 minutes to shake the naphtha and then let separate before pulling it out. I noticed when doing this the naphtha layer separated pretty fast and it took me no where near 45 minutes. I'd add the naphtha swirl roll and turn over end for about a minute and then set the jar down. Within two or three minutes it had separated.

Is this good or are you supposed to wait longer? I figured once it rose to the top there's no reason to wait as its no longer j contact with the soup and has grabbed all the DMT it is going to. What has me asking is that other teks have you waiting an hour before pulling it off. And I'm wondering why ?
That moment when you wonder if this time you went too far....

Obviously everything discussed here is the fictional accounts of someone with an out there imagination. I mean really could any of these tales be real?
#480 Posted : 6/4/2014 7:14:21 AM

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wakeup wrote:
I've noticed the two states a minimum of a one hour.acid.soak but people.are.talking up.to 24 hours and max ion says 8.

If.you only.do the one hour soak are yields greatly affected or is soaking longer just going to get the other alkaloids out?

The difference between 1, 8, and 24 hours seems significant just wondering if it really is in practice.

I have one other question about the pulling phase. The two states it will take about 45 minutes to shake the naphtha and then let separate before pulling it out. I noticed when doing this the naphtha layer separated pretty fast and it took me no where near 45 minutes. I'd add the naphtha swirl roll and turn over end for about a minute and then set the jar down. Within two or three minutes it had separated.

Is this good or are you supposed to wait longer? I figured once it rose to the top there's no reason to wait as its no longer j contact with the soup and has grabbed all the DMT it is going to. What has me asking is that other teks have you waiting an hour before pulling it off. And I'm wondering why ?

I've personally found about an eight hour soak is all that's needed for total yeild although it doesn't really differ greatly from 1-2 to 8 hr soaks if you're not going to follow the other technics that the max-ion offers !! Or if doing small extractions 100g or minus !!

And also with the separation soon as it's totally separated you can pull but sometimes I've pulled a little to soon I've pulled bark dust or purple coloured pulls and I've had to filter a couple of times to rid the ultra fine dust-particles and at other times I've thought it was separated only to find an hour later It's separated a couple of ml 10% or so of total naphtha still left in the soup ,, so I find I let separate till the glass has streaked free of the colour on the sides where the naphtha sits ! 😜 hope this helps !
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