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happy holidays nexus! Options
#21 Posted : 12/25/2009 7:37:03 PM

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I've been off the grid for a while, but i just wanted to stop by and wish everyone on the nexus a happy and safe holiday.......whatever you choose to celebrate. Very happy
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#22 Posted : 12/26/2009 5:14:26 AM

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dear nexus legends!

please indulge me my friends as I feel obliged say a few words 2 you all

people and spirits like us who humbly come from all corners of the globe,
you ladies and gents are a sensationaly inspiring, educative and liberating squad,
even though life can be a hazardous maze of unforseen circumstance you guys are always a compelling, positive, loving, strikingly blinding roar in the freezing breathes that flow by this time of year.

love you guysVery happy
ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions
#23 Posted : 12/26/2009 6:27:13 AM

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I celebrated Christmas with the kids. I’m very broke, but we somehow managed a small celebration.

I don’t believe in the religious aspects of Christmas. It’s nice that some people do, but for me, Christmas is just a fun time to celebrate life, family, and all. It’s more of a Winter Solstice celebration, than a religious event for me. Actually December 25 was long believed to be Winter Solstice, but was later found to be slightly off by a few days. The history of Christmas is very complex and it seems to borrow a lot from many different cultures. Some of its origins seem to be intertwined with pagan belief systems with Santa resembling the pagan god Odin. The Santa character is also very similar to Old Man Winter, Father Frost, and several other mythical characters.

Today’s American Santa has almost no ties to anything religious. He’s a fat old man in a red suite, long white beard, with a magic flying reindeer sled that he uses to fly across the sky giving gifts to children on the old Winter Solstice day of December 25th. There’s no spiritual thread to at all in the myth now. Even its Odin ties, and Saint Nicholas ties are nearly extinct. He looks nothing like Saint Nicholas, doesn’t wear a cross or anything that symbolizes anything remotely religious. But children LOVE the Santa stories. It’s a great magical time for children. What a fantastic myth it is. Whether you believe Santa to be a warped version of Saint Nicholas or Odin, or someone else, the children still love the story. These days it’s all about spreading joy, however you look at it.

So with that said, Happy Holidays to all, everyone, everywhere around the world from all different cultures and belief systems. Let’s celebrate winter, our beliefs, our families, life, and all other things that make this world a great place to live.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#24 Posted : 12/26/2009 6:30:46 AM


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jesus was a poser..
psychosisdoses attached the following image(s):
Krishna-arjun.jpg (123kb) downloaded 12 time(s).
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~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~
‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid
‹mattimus› dosesdosingdoses
#25 Posted : 12/26/2009 6:30:54 AM

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"Today’s American Santa has almost no ties to anything religious. He’s a fat old man in a red suite, long white beard, with a magic flying reindeer sled that he uses to fly across the sky giving gifts to children on the old Winter Solstice day of December 25th"

HAHA I read that and starting laughing and almost choked spitting my tea out on myself!..that was greatVery happy
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