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Does Anyone Else Think All TV Is Soul-Sucking? Options
#21 Posted : 4/14/2014 6:27:37 PM

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I agree more with Hug on this one. There is good TV.

I watch a lot of PBS. The commercials are all at the end of the program and most of the shows are educational or documentaries. When they do have dramas or scripted shows it tends to be things like Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, or interesting British comedies. When they show movies, the movies are usually deep and culturally significant. And the news is not nearly as biased or fear mongering.

Public television stations are non-profit and largely exist by the support of their viewers though. They get money from donators and in return provide a much more wholesome product than big networks that are in it for money.

But I don't think that all shows on for-profit stations are all garbage. National geographic, animal planet, the science channel. These stations have many interesting documentary and semi-documentary type shows.

And laughter is the best medicine. There are plenty of very intelligent comedy shows out there. Go watch The Simpsons and try to decode every reference you can find.

To be honest. I'm a big fan of television. There are things about TV I find soul-sucking such as commercials, subtle and not so subtle indoctrination, sports, most dramas, and a lot of reality TV. But if you are discerning and use television as a tool for learning then it can be very useful.

I would even say that my use of TV as an escape mechanism has been very useful for me. I would consider the ability to profoundly dissociate and separate myself from my surroundings to have been a very useful coping mechanism in my childhood. And TV played a large part in cultivating this. Ultimately, it has allowed me to be able to decide what my mind tunes in and what it tunes out.

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#22 Posted : 4/14/2014 6:32:27 PM

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Fear, belief, love phenomena that determined the course of our lives. These forces begin long before we are born and continue after we perish. We cross and recross our old paths like figure skaters; our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.
---David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas
#23 Posted : 4/15/2014 12:57:45 AM

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Everyones so crazed by HD tv's. Sad that no one realizes going for a walk in a park or thru a reserve or forest is in HD+.
"A troop of elves smashes down your front door and rotates and balances the wheels on the after death vehicle, present you with the bill and then depart. And it's completely paradigm shattering. I mean, ya know, union with the white light you could handle. An invasion of your apartment by jeweled self dribbling basketballs from hyperspace that are speaking in demonic Greek is NOT something that you anticipated and could handle!' -T.M.

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#24 Posted : 4/15/2014 1:52:38 AM

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I've never owned a TV, but I watch a lot of stuff on my laptop, sans advertisement.

Though TV is afterall a wonderful invention and a great medium for art and culture to thrive in ways it couldn't have happen'd otherwise.

It's the wielder of the weapon and those who choose not to leave the battle that I have no time for.
#25 Posted : 4/15/2014 3:55:14 AM

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ALL TV being soul sucking is a bit of an absolute.

Lots of garbage out there, but there are a few which I would consider beautiful art that I appreciate. I never watch something live, maybe you are referring to live TV but like I said some shows/movies are amazing and enjoyable.
#26 Posted : 4/15/2014 7:27:01 AM

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I just stream documentaries, shows and movies and skip all the advertisement stuff. Can't handle it. It's been about 2 years now since I've watched cable or satellite TV.
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#27 Posted : 4/15/2014 8:55:27 AM


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Youtube. All I need is uploaded there. Available 24h, skipable, ad-free. I never bought a TV in my life and I ceased watching it ~ 9 years ago. Program your mind with your own program.
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#28 Posted : 4/15/2014 12:51:01 PM

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My grandpa used to say TV is the eye of the evil Rolling eyes
#29 Posted : 4/15/2014 3:35:55 PM

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I grew up in a house with no TV on except Sesame Street until I was in my teens, and by then the habit of watching for its own sake just hadn't become a part of me. I'm very grateful for that, I think it's made it easy for me to be a TV free adult.

I was in a relationship in my twenties with someone who was really into her tv shows and naturally I sat and watched with her. By the end if that year I believe it had changed me- I was finding myself concerned with my image, what car I was driving, silly sh#t like that. Getting sucked into it. Because across almost all TV programming is an infusion of consumerist values, so ubiquitous that it's impossible to avoid. When I say the word "environmentalist" I'm just saying a word. When it's spoken by a reporter hack on a commercial news station there's a tone of voice, a context etc that fills that word with derision and suspucion, because an environmentalist is fundamentally opposed to runaway destructive consumerism. So everything being said is spoken through this set of filters. I agree that public programming is a notable exception. These days I mostly avoid TV for its time sucking, rather than soul sucking properties. But make no mistake, regular exposure to commercial programming will bend you, reshape your value system, twist your neurons into a shape more suitable for selling to. Buyer beware.
#30 Posted : 4/15/2014 4:13:54 PM

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What's the point, everything is online. I can choose what colours my brain paints a picture of the world with.
Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.
#31 Posted : 4/15/2014 6:58:01 PM

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I haven't owned a tv for more than 6 years now. Watching it only when i am at somebodys place and even then i only watch if i can ˝educational˝ programs that are nature and wild animals oriented and even that is rarely. Tv is in general garbage but i did watch once a really good movie on it...it was called.... THEY LIVE Big grin Now that movie kicks ass. Trip down the memory lane. Cool

˝What you are is this deep deep thing...and you love to play.˝ - ?
#32 Posted : 4/15/2014 7:03:55 PM

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What a crazy thread...

We live in both the worst and the best era of television ever. The overwhelming majority of TRADITIONAL BROADCAST television (which I can only assume is that to which everyone here is referring) is, from what I gather from snippets glanced at friend's houses, of exceedingly base, lowest common denominator quality. Most of it is patent voyeurism (I am referring to so-named "REALITY" TV); the only difference between this type of TV and gazing through your neighbour's window is that Reality programs are often loosely organized into competitions to give them some semblance of structure and intent.

However, the rise of extremely high quality episodic television cannot be ignored. The best of them rival the best of (albeit commercial) feature films.

Hollywood used to work like this:

A) A studio producer finds/creates a story
B) The producer hires a writer or team of writers to pen the script
C) the producer assigns an in-house director and either in-house actors, or borrows talent from other studios at a premium (or "discovers" an unaffiliated unknown.)

With the rise of the french "auteur" film, hollywood film sales suffered and the studios had to abandon this model and take risks on crazy maverick directors in the late 60s and early 70s, like Scorcese, Coppola, Peckinpah etc., who either wrote or found their own scripts.

Then Spielberg inadvertently invented the BLOCKBUSTER with Jaws, and put the power back in the hands of the execs by giving them a formula to print cash. Enter the 80s and the multi billion dollar grossing BLOCKBUSTERS.

What is the relevance? Writers were left high and dry. (bear with me a few more sentences Smile )

This new money era ushered in an era of "spec" scriptwriters (writers who wrote stories with no affiliations to studios and no cash up front to write, who would then sell the finished scripts to studios). It was war, tooth and nail, take no prisoners and show no mercy:

Writers, the smart ones, would check out Paramount, Universal and Twentieth Century Fox's roster of films and then write accordingly. If a space western was in development at Universal, a writer would write a space western, on "spec", then play the studios off one another in a bidding war (in a best case scenario, of course):

Another studio might buy the "spec" script to compete with Universal in a posturing war. Often, both projects would get canned because the risk of losing money had now skyrocketed. More often though, Universal would buy the script, for 30-80 grand, then shelve it, just so no other studio would get a chance to either make it or shut down Universal's development by introducing a variable and a risk ( i.e. another studio making the same movie).

So writers in this era (from the 80s until recently, and arguably ongoing), would write 2-3 scripts a year and haul in salaries of 60-240 thousand dollars a year, and NEVER have a movie made. EVER. Hollywood was filled with wealthy writers who had never had a credit on screen. The lucky ones had a couple of scripts made out of the 40 plus sold, but, believe it or not, that was rare.

So along comes HBO and SHOWTIME (and now Netflix). They see this glut of disgruntled and underused screenwriters with no screen credits, no health insurance or dental and certainly no job security. They hire the talented ones and give them all of the above and, more importantly, a sense of worth and a sense of working and contributing. The writers write the shit outta some kickass series proposals, attracting name directors and stars, who are starved of well written projects.

Voila: the dawn of a new industry and a new era of quality TV: Walking Dead, Sopranos, Spartacus, Homeland, Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, The West Wing, Arrested Development, 30 Rock, 24, Dexter, Parks and Recreation, Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones, Californication, Downton Abbey, The Borgias, Mad Men, House of Cards... etc, etc...

I work in film and television. And, for the record, I have watched a meagre 4 hours of broadcast TV in the last 2 years: once a year, the academy awards. Before that, it had been likely 20 yrs that I had not switched on the TV to watch network programming.

My TV is now a screen for movies and rented or streamed Episodic TV programs.

A television is a box of wires and phosphorescence or LEDs, no more. The content is what we are discussing here, and the content is the very art of story telling, one of the first - likely THE first - of the arts. Don't deny yourself the best episodic motion picture experiences that have ever existed just because traditional broadcast television is so deplorable - look at the upper echelons of the programming, not the lower. I swear to you:



JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#33 Posted : 4/15/2014 9:04:57 PM

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Alot of tv is crap now a days because the actors are second generation want to bees example..[pawn stars].[.pickers] [cop shows]and many of the new paid preview shows....
But.. i still enjoy the real clasic movies that are put together right with good actors and good mesages...
I grew up watching ..flash gorden..lassie...batman..superman [george reives]....
crusader rabbit cartoons..mighty mouse...Beretta...A Team...star trek...the list goes on they are fond memorys.. those actors almost take the place family i never had..
The right..Tv showes are harmless and entertaining ...
But now a days.. I prefere DMT tv better..Smile
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#34 Posted : 4/15/2014 9:28:22 PM

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I have to say I think American TV, from what I've seen of it, is much more soul sucking than British TV, what with the commercials every other minute and all. That said, we don't own a TV anymore here either, so there's that.

Jbark, that was a very interesting post. I agree with those who say there is such a thing as good TV!
#35 Posted : 4/15/2014 9:45:21 PM

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+1 for jbark's post, specially this -

We live in both the worst and the best era of television ever.

I do not have cable. I do not even have the actual cord to get a regular TV signal from the wall. My little HD TV is plugged to a DVD player and small and absolutely wonderful ASUS multimedia player, feeding from different hard drives my wife and I plug on top.

But actually I do work and teach in the media industry. I edit motion pictures and TV shows, and I am supposed to stay reasonably updated, which I do. Luckily for me, I don't need to stay up to date with crap I wouldn't like to watch.

As jbark implied, this era of TV/media in general can be lived in a passive way, the old way, and if you do you might be viciously raped by puerile, manipulative and outrageous contents of every genre and format. But if you become active and do your homework, there's been hardly an era in TV with better contents available than now. You just have to be selective and use the power to decide when and how to watch what, as long as you have access to the internet.

(in a side note... if you like fiction, do not overlook european productions: Les Révenants, Hit and Miss, Utopia...)
#36 Posted : 4/16/2014 12:19:26 AM

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I resonate with jbark, and that history lesson was pretty awesome. Never made the connection like that.

It always surprises me how few people know that an HDTV makes a really butt kicking computer monitor. I have not had cable tv for some years no. Don't miss it. I DO however have a 55" 3D hdtv to play games, watch movies, whatever shows I download, and just to surf the net on. A wireless keyboard and mouse, and the knowledge of how to zoom in or out of webpages (CTRL + or -) is all you need. It's even easier now a days with HDMI. Only one cable! I hook my laptop right up to my surround receiver and I have all my movies, music, shows, and the entirety of the internet. You can even watch 3D movies off the thing.

So, cable tv, bad. Tv by itself, GOOD. It's like any tool. I can use a hammer to bludgeon someone to death, or I could use it to nail nails into wood, or I could just throw it.

Also, jbark, tvs are phosphorescence (plasma) or LCD, the LED's are just back lighting to replace cold cathode ray tube back lighting (think compact florescent like tubes), but they still use liquid crystal displays for generating the image. The term LED TV is very misleading.
* Everything I write is made up tripe: whispers of wind coming off the blades in my face for I am a fictional man with a floor fan for a brain pan.

Say something to my face, I have no choice, but to replace my reply, with your Darth Vader voice!
#37 Posted : 4/16/2014 12:40:33 AM

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FloorFan wrote:

Also, jbark, tvs are phosphorescence (plasma) or LCD, the LED's are just back lighting to replace cold cathode ray tube back lighting (think compact florescent like tubes), but they still use liquid crystal displays for generating the image. The term LED TV is very misleading.

Yeah, i wrote that whole thing pretty quickly. My brain wanted to write LCD, but my fingers wrote LED. Smile Probably a few other inconsistencies in there that a discerning eye will pick out. Cool


PS - very happy to see a few people agree with me. I thought the thread was pretty depressingly one-sided. To me, saying TV is awful when only referring to network television is like saying eating in restaurants is bad because McDonald's has fed so many.

JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#38 Posted : 4/16/2014 2:29:28 AM

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I figured you knew what you meant (don't we all haha). It's just my O.C.D. and it's also fun to have an excuse to use big technical words.

Mythbusters! Nuff said Razz
* Everything I write is made up tripe: whispers of wind coming off the blades in my face for I am a fictional man with a floor fan for a brain pan.

Say something to my face, I have no choice, but to replace my reply, with your Darth Vader voice!
#39 Posted : 4/16/2014 3:59:57 AM

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So to be clear: I meant good old channel-flipping TV. Is it possible that using psychedelic drugs has given me an aversion to watching television? Others have had this experience? If so, why do you think?

Like, to me, there's something gross about when people who converse about Game of Thrones or the Walking Dead or whatever. Like there's something very impure about it.
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#40 Posted : 4/16/2014 5:38:59 AM

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Soul-sucking? Hmmmm, I did feel addicted to Breaking Bad so perhaps it did take a bit of my soul.Big grin

Great post jbark!

jbark wrote:
Voila: the dawn of a new industry and a new era of quality TV: Walking Dead, Sopranos, Spartacus, Homeland, Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, The West Wing, Arrested Development, 30 Rock, 24, Dexter, Parks and Recreation, Boardwalk Empire, Game of Thrones, Californication, Downton Abbey, The Borgias, Mad Men, House of Cards... etc, etc...

I'm sure some of those etc's were for Supernatural, Fringe, and Lilyhammer!Cool

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