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Weed for dmt after quitting *EDIT* Fell back in love with DMT Options
Bill Cipher
#21 Posted : 6/25/2010 7:45:28 AM

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Listen, I'm not trying to come off like the keeper of the true experience. I've been hanging around here a year and a half now, and I've still yet to write up a trip report. I would love to, really. I like to write, and this is a topic that for better or worse NEVER strays from my mind. I'm just not able to articulate it with any honest accuracy. Where I go doesn't translate at all, and I don't expect that to change. I can tell you what it means to me, I can break it down into pieces, but it's all just metaphor - and here's the thing - so is everything else.

What I can tell you is this (and please take it with a grain of salt; this is just a ridiculous attempt to articulate something I can't begin to understand):

For me, the experience goes MUCH deeper than anything I see or hear - and as mindblowingly, earth shatteringly, overwhelmingly visual as it certainly is at that level (and I'm not talking about sensing things you can only track peripherally; when you go deep, EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING is RIGHT THE FUCK IN YOUR FACE), DMT (for me) is not a fireworks display; it's not a movie or iTunes visualizer. To go there is to BECOME the movie and look back through the screen from within. I myself become transformed and actually cease to be. I am de- and re-constructed perpetually, as part of a greater whole. It is revelatory beyond ALL human comprehension. I play a part in an infinite cycle of collective death and rebirth, and as much as I've been (which is more than some and not as much as some others), I can tell you that I HAVEN'T SEEN SHIT. THE RABBIT HOLE IS BOTTOMLESS.

If what I'm saying doesn't make sense, you'll just have to trust me when I say that you have only played around the edges. I don't care who you are, how many other drugs you've taken or how hardheaded you claim to be. DMT is just different. When you get it right, it will hit you like an atom bomb square in the face, and you'll come back shaken to the fucking core and humbled in ways you can't imagine.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 6/25/2010 8:12:00 AM


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Uncle Knucles what an eloquent post, I completely agree with you though I have no sense of what you are saying..There is no way this realm of language and thoughts, and experience can even come close to that. It's not presumably so..Maybe! I have yet to experience.
"That which I avoid I will become a slave to, that which I confront I will master."
#23 Posted : 6/25/2010 8:39:54 AM

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I think you can believe them if they say that it will blow your mind. I myself only had sub breakthroughs, similar to what you've been describing. It's amazing, it can give you revelations through alien contact but it's not a breakthrough. Why do i say this with such a certainty? Because i wholeheartly believe that my brothers at the nexus aren't bullshitting me one bit. DMT is serious stuff and noone who is truly experienced would use it as some tool to gain entertainment from others by pretending that it will "blow your mind" if it doesn't.

I also feel that its a problem that most of the people want to see things. This prevents letting go. The next time you smoke it, really do smoke it in a quiet (!) dark (!) room and try to blend into the experience as soon as possible. Disregard the mind chatter. You've done everything the right way, and you will continue to do so during your experience!

Pack your bowl with lots more than you can smoke. This makes a huge, huge difference. If you are loking for a more calm transition, dump the weed and use caapi leaves (or vine). I think this will give you what you're looking for. Or stay for a bit in the lower realms as this is no damn contest.

#24 Posted : 6/25/2010 9:19:40 AM

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Do you guys think I will ever be amazed? I don't want to loose the faith.

Bro, you could be amazed if only you could/would allow yourself to realize the implications of what you just said. Smile

"I am Everything". Could you amaze me? Please? Pleased
#25 Posted : 6/25/2010 9:40:09 AM

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"I am Everything". Could you amaze me? Please? Wink

There are some things you can sense, and some things you can experience deeply.
#26 Posted : 6/25/2010 4:38:29 PM

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cellux wrote:
Do you guys think I will ever be amazed? I don't want to loose the faith.

Bro, you could be amazed if only you could/would allow yourself to realize the implications of what you just said. Smile

"I am Everything". Could you amaze me? Please? Pleased

obliguhl wrote:
"I am Everything". Could you amaze me? Please? Wink

There are some things you can sense, and some things you can experience deeply.

Maybe I just thought I would see vast landscape with aliens frolicking in a field or something.
When I became everything, at first I saw all the morphing fractals and then somehow they grew past the edges of my vision and enveloped me. I even got the buzzing sound but it sounded like the normal ringing in my ears amplified. The very highest point was full synesthesia. All of my senses were one and they were the universe. I melted away into the energy of the cosmos. I could never bring that experience full back with me but I know it happened. When the DMT completely wore off I almost couldn't believe what happened. But I remember thinking that I could go no further. At the peak, I was just ONE. Everything was ONE. That was amazing, but even though the visuals were vastly more complicated and much quicker, they were always in the same colors and type of black background.

Entities are what made me want to try DMT in the first place. I believe people have seen them but I just can't tell if they are real right now. If there is more to this drug then I must only be at the chrysanthemum. It is amazingly complex and truly the most amazing things I've ever seen. But, I feel like I'm missing out. I want to take a toke and be talking to entities on another planet. I want it to feel and look real. By all the experiences I've read I thought thought the experiences I would have would always be different in style, or at least at vivid as a dream. They are always the same and if I am completely breaking through , then I just can't remember it.
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Bill Cipher
#27 Posted : 6/25/2010 4:48:56 PM

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Go huff some paint. You've peaked this shit. It's clearly time to move on.
#28 Posted : 6/25/2010 5:04:11 PM

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TrustLoveMan wrote:
I went farther than ever just now. I became everything and understood everything. I didn't even have to ask any questions, I just knew the answer. I saw everything at once. I think I peaked this drug to be honest. I don't think I could possibly ever go any farther. But I was never confused or saw any entities. I'm starting to think entities don't exist. Most entities are helpers and I think that's the brain trying to cope with it's obliteration. It goes scitzo for a send but it's still you. Much like a dream, every entity is you. I think my brain understands it enough so it doesn't have to cope with fake helpers. I don't think I will ever see entities or and amazing landscapes. I used to think this drug would make me be in a dream state with faries that looked as real as the trippy art posted on this site. But It never makes me say wow and I've never talked to an entity.Even with open eyes I saw every but I had like an eagle vision and could zoom in.

Do you guys think I will ever be amazed? I don't want to loose the faith.

Where do I begin?

You say you became everything and understood everything, but it’s very clear you understand nothing. Absolutely nothing.

You “peaked this drug”? I think it’s the other way around – the “drug” has peaked you. You’ve reached a point where you can’t imagine what lies beyond, so you claim that nothing lies beyond. You haven’t seen entities, so you claim that you have superior understanding and don’t need entities. Do you know what hubris is?

It’s obvious that your smoking technique, whatever it is, is just awful. You may load 200mg into your pipe, but that means nothing. What matters is how much ends up in your lungs. And your descriptions indicate maybe 10-20mg is all you’re actually smoking.

Here’s my prediction for you. Either:

------ 1. You’ll continue with your lousy smoking technique and conclude that you’ve experienced all that DMT has to offer, and then move on to your next “drug”.


------ 2. You’ll improve your technique, take the same huge doses you’ve been taking, you’ll get a faint glimpse of the true power of this substance, become psychologically traumatized, and vow never again to use DMT.

Either way, it’s clear that your relationship with DMT is going to be short and unfulfilling. That’s truly your loss.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#29 Posted : 6/25/2010 5:09:49 PM

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Soooo, youd rather just see some crazy stuff than merge with the universe?....drink some ayahuasca if you want to spend some time with "them"...ayahuasca tends to do that more than vaped DMT for me..vaped DMT is like blasting through the stargate and you never know what your gunna get, but it always beyond profound.

Still, your description sounds like you are orbiting the breakthrough level, but not really pushing through...where your senses start to blend, you hear the wave ad its like your comming apart, vibratig at the speed of light with geometric structures swarming around...there is more..then there is more...
Long live the unwoke.
#30 Posted : 6/25/2010 5:14:42 PM

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Lol, there might be something to this.Very happy Rolling eyes

I woke up and was intent to leave my body. I packed maybe 100mg on a small bed of nug and started to vape. I wanted it all in one lungful but it was too much and I could only hold it in for about 5 seconds. I went for the second drag and was getting and incredible bodyload and no visuals. The lack of smoking for the night was making me feel weirder than ever. I knew I was going somewhere, I could barley clear that hit and I was ready for the third.

Of course, the lighter had to die. I went under the covers to try and go deep. I had a little bit of looping but I was actually able to change it and make a crazy techno song. Some of the sounds were a low pitch going to high, futuristic zooms. Also, I could focus on a small part of my alex grey paining and change it. One was a bowl flowing water into another. And I made the top bowl go down and scoop the water back up.

I was completely 'shifted' in that first hit. I wanted to clear it all in one hit and I almost left without realizing it. I think I'm getting there, thanks for being patient with me. It's probably hard for those who have gone there.

I'll get another lighter and try again in a couple hours but I wanted to share one more impressive thing about this new experience. After lying on my back and throwing the covers over I was actually waiting for the visuals to start, but my mouth was opening. I couldn't help it I was trying to smile and was also breathing deeply because of my heart rate. Then I was trying to close my mouth because I thought I looked weird and the DMT queen didn't want me to. I felt my own body open my mouth and put my head back. It was so relaxing but I couldn't see how. I think I found my new tripping position. It was different and I've heard of people shooting fractals out of thier mouths. I think The body load was enormous and the visuals came on faster than ever. I WILL NOT GIVE UPStop
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#31 Posted : 6/25/2010 5:19:07 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
Soooo, youd rather just see some crazy stuff than merge with the universe?....drink some ayahuasca if you want to spend some time with "them"...ayahuasca tends to do that more than vaped DMT for me..vaped DMT is like blasting through the stargate and you never know what your gunna get, but it always beyond profound.

Still, your description sounds like you are orbiting the breakthrough level, but not really pushing through...where your senses start to blend, you hear the wave ad its like your comming apart, vibratig at the speed of light with geometric structures swarming around...there is more..then there is more...

I love to merge with the universe. It's just hard on my brain while I'm still in my body. I have definitely only been playing around the edge since I didn't even finish my bowl and I felt disconnected. I think I either need some maoi's or I need to get more smoke before the visuals start. I will try the latter in a bit.
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#32 Posted : 6/25/2010 5:20:21 PM

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I think the cannabis is holding you back..dump the weed and smoke more spice..some people even say cannabis dulls the DMT trip..felt like that for me, made it less sharp and hyperspacy.
Long live the unwoke.
#33 Posted : 6/25/2010 5:25:43 PM

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I don't want to think that mary jane is crippling me because it makes my smoking experiernce much better. But, since it seems that may be the issue, I'll go ahead with the mullien next. Also, I think I get more when the spice isn't covered. I can see the spice melt into the leaf at a certain distance and then I can burn the infused leaf. This has been working better than the sandwhich technique.

Do you know what hubris is?

You may think I'm arrogant because I have a hard time believing, but I did have the strongest trip of my life. And the entities not being real is just a theory. There are other people on this forum that subscribe to that theory. I'm not saying that I believe that, I'm saying that I can't imagine anything more powerful than what I've been through. Maybe I'm just a baby in the DMT world but I tell you that is more profound than any other psychedelic experience I've ever had.

Here’s my prediction for you. Either:

------ 1. You’ll continue with your lousy smoking technique and conclude that you’ve experienced all that DMT has to offer, and then move on to your next “drug”.


------ 2. You’ll improve your technique, take the same huge doses you’ve been taking, you’ll get a faint glimpse of the true power of this substance, become psychologically traumatized, and vow never again to use DMT.

Either way, it’s clear that your relationship with DMT is going to be short and unfulfilling. That’s truly your loss.

That seems pretty harsh for someone who has done strong psychedelics. I usually become more understanding in my ventures. I've specifically said on this forum that I don't think DMT is a "drug". Also, my DMT adventures have already been fulfilling and it's nice you think that I'll be traumatized by trying to expand my mind further. I guess that's what you tell people who are trying to further their spiritual journeys.
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physics envy
#34 Posted : 6/25/2010 6:39:53 PM

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TLM - I'm a young grasshopper to this as well and haven't really been very far yet. But I wish you good luck and continued improvement in technique and in letting go. Enjoy it, stay positive, and apparently never say you've topped out or be ready to endure the ire of the elders!

Love and Gratitude to all!
Salvia quid enthusiast
#35 Posted : 6/25/2010 6:47:26 PM

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I just tried it again but I'm moving to this thread.>> https://dmt-nexus.me/for...aspx?g=posts&t=13498

I now feel really unworthy and I know I'm ignorant of the true face of DMT. I was denied passage. I know there is something more because I wasn't allowed to go there. I'm going to meditate and pray for forgiveness and mercy.
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#36 Posted : 6/25/2010 7:03:39 PM

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TrustLoveMan wrote:
You may think I'm arrogant because I have a hard time believing, but I did have the strongest trip of my life. And the entities not being real is just a theory. There are other people on this forum that subscribe to that theory. I'm not saying that I believe that, I'm saying that I can't imagine anything more powerful than what I've been through. Maybe I'm just a baby in the DMT world but I tell you that is more profound than any other psychedelic experience I've ever had.

My comment wasn’t directed at your belief or disbelief in the reality of entities. Different members have different beliefs, and I accept that. But you said:
I'm starting to think entities don't exist. Most entities are helpers and I think that's the brain trying to cope with it's obliteration. It goes scitzo for a send but it's still you. Much like a dream, every entity is you. I think my brain understands it enough so it doesn't have to cope with fake helpers.

You imply that those who see entities see them because they have inferior understanding of the “obliteration” that takes place during a DMT journey. You also suggest that you don’t see them because your understanding is superior. THAT is hubris.

TrustLoveMan wrote:
That seems pretty harsh for someone who has done strong psychedelics. I usually become more understanding in my ventures. I've specifically said on this forum that I don't think DMT is a "drug". Also, my DMT adventures have already been fulfilling and it's nice you think that I'll be traumatized by trying to expand my mind further. I guess that's what you tell people who are trying to further their spiritual journeys.

My words may seem harsh, but they’re necessary. If I didn’t care about your situation, I wouldn’t waste my time preparing these responses.

You say that you don’t consider DMT to be just a “drug”, but you’ve also said you consumed 10 grams in a few weeks. And just a few posts back you said you “packed maybe 100mg” for a dose. I think you said in one of your posts that you dosed 12+ times in one day?

Your statements and descriptions of your DMT use seem to be far from typical of someone who is seeking “mind expansion” or a spiritual path. They seem much more typical of someone who is recklessly curious about a new drug he’s discovered. But only you can know your true motivations.

And regarding the prediction I made – I’ve been reading posts on this forum for quite a while now, and many members have come and gone in that time. Your heedless enthusiasm is nothing new. My prediction is based on what I’ve seen repeatedly on this forum. I’d like nothing more than for you to prove my prediction wrong.

I’m not sure if there is a right way or a wrong way to further one’s spiritual journeys, but it’s very hard for me to see your relationship with DMT as something that will strengthen you spiritually. But what do I know? We all walk different paths to the same destination.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#37 Posted : 6/25/2010 7:15:16 PM

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I really don't want to do this wrong. If I need to re-evaluate myself and my intentions then that's what I plan to do. If anything I'm ignorant to the power of DMT and that can be very dangerous. Also, the last thing I want to do is fight with anyone. I've been trying to understand this substance for a little while now and I do think I'm going about it the wrong way. I don't think people are lying in their descriptions of another dimension so I must be doing something wrong. I'm going to try and respect this tool a lot more and not anticipate anything from other people's experiences. Hopefully I will be let into the other realm on good terms and I can show you guys that I have grown in my understanding.
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