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#21 Posted : 1/18/2024 2:11:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 61
Joined: 17-Mar-2022
Last visit: 11-Feb-2024
Pandora wrote:

Surrender - it is the ultimate letting go. It is like saying, Hmm my soul is being torn into shreds by monsters. . . I'm here to learn and surrender. Let whatever is going to happen and help me to accept it with gratitude for the lesson it will later become. It's like saying, "This is okay. It's okay to die. I can let it all go."

Voidmatrix talks about Commit Surrender and I have given that a lot of thought. We live in a Man's World that insists on the exact opposite. Our culture says FIGHT, CONFLICT, don't let go, don't give up! Our culture says smoking DMT is illegal. Therefore the goal for me is to COMMIT SURRENDER.

Very interesting, Pandora. I have problems with surrendering, but I feel that can be a place to me to help me trust and improve myself. DMT terrifies me, but also calls me and intrigue me.

Pandora wrote:

There is the chance that DMT may not be for you. It is not for everyone, not even all stalwart psychonauts. If that is the case, no worries, you are in very good company. Countless folks come here, try DMT a time or three and put the pipe down for good. They can still enjoy their lives and psychedelics.

I hope you find what you seek.. I suspect it will not be what you think you want. I hope it will be what you need.

I hope that's not the case for me because I have had some experiences with DMT but not a deep one yet because I have some problems surrendering.

Loved your words of wisdom.
Helped me a lot.
"Whenever we pronounce something, we singularly devalue it. We believe we have plunged deep into abysses, but when we resurface, the drop of water on the pale tips of our fingers no longer resembles the sea from which it comes. We dream of having discovered marvelous treasures in a mine, but when we return to the light of day, we bring back only fake stones and shards of glass; nevertheless, the treasure gleams, unchanged, in the darkness." (Maeterlinck)

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