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Bulgaria - a precious piece of land scarred by communism and poverty Options
#1 Posted : 3/20/2019 9:33:50 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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As someone who has been born and raised in this country, the below video hits exactly on the heart:

I've never been a nationalist or a fanatic blinded by patriotism, deeds and achievements long forgotten. I also have been raised in post-communism Bulgaria, with the promises of democracy and dreams of a brighter future. Needless to say, the future isn't as bright.

Rural areas of this country are severely impoverished and rapidly dissipating into hollow ghost towns - crumbling shells of once prosperous little villages. The deep, saddening scars of communism are still present even in the capitol, albeit not nearly as obvious as in smaller tows and villages.

Elder people (and younger folk too!) are still as humble and kind-hearted as they were back in the day. The difference is that now they're not only poorer, but also more lonely. Their children run away to the prosperous cities and follow rapidly developing economic trends with dreams of fortune and happiness, while their parents and grand-parents are left to live the last of their days alone in little clusters of houses with a barely audible heartbeat. It's honestly heartbreaking, and makes me tear up. Those people are forced to live alone, in the simplest and most restrictive way possible, but they've learned to enjoy the little they have. They've learned to fight those negative emotions, and they keep on living - day after day, year after year, lifetime after lifetime.

The situation is absolutely the same with many other countries that were under communist rule years ago. And there are many such countries too. But there's something about life in such a place that affects you. The calmness and timelessness of such villages is captivating and mysterious. Life goes on, but does it really? You can't tell when you're there.

If there are two things that Bulgaria stands out with, those would be people with very kind hearts, and absolutely gorgeous nature. Apart from that it's pretty much like every other poverty-recovering country in the world. A beautiful, god-forsaken piece of land with an unclear future and millions of heartbroken people that pray to their deities that "things change" some day. I have felt the urge to counter that with "change comes from within", but in this case I'm not sure that's true.

I didn't mean this post to be depressing or heartbreaking or anything like that. Its goal was to outline the realistic state of decay that might not be apparent to potential tourists that browse Google and look at famous tourist sites and vacation villages - there's so much more behind those often superficial experiences. Go deep into the heart of this vibrant country, and you will find a soul there that will follow your memories. There's not much to see in the flashy parts of this country - they're like every other.

I know the few Bulgarians in the Nexus feel the pain from this situation most of all. To all the rest, I assure you that if you visit Bulgaria for its timeless rural life and secluded nature you will leave it with a broken heart, but with something else inside. Something special and unique.

With immeasurable amounts of love,
Nydex Love



Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 3/27/2019 1:36:09 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thank you for sharing this and some images of your beautiful country!

The trend of shrinking population in the country side is something that can be seen in many places...
It is my believe that slowly, as people start to get more miserable in the cities, and wealth keeps increasing (admittedly also the split between poor and rich), there will again be a new wave of re population in the countryside by young people and families. You can already see that trend happening, in climatically more attractive countries like Portugal. People from all over the world come there, to build a new life. This is an increasing trend, that I have noticed on my travels. It is starting now with very wealthy people, who understand the mental and physical health benefits of living closer to nature, but imo this is just the start of the wave. As this understanding creeps into other parts of society it will spread out and new villages will start to pop up all over the place.
#3 Posted : 3/27/2019 12:11:19 PM

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woogyboogy wrote:
Thank you for sharing this and some images of your beautiful country!

The trend of shrinking population in the country side is something that can be seen in many places...
It is my believe that slowly, as people start to get more miserable in the cities, and wealth keeps increasing (admittedly also the split between poor and rich), there will again be a new wave of re population in the countryside by young people and families. You can already see that trend happening, in climatically more attractive countries like Portugal. People from all over the world come there, to build a new life. This is an increasing trend, that I have noticed on my travels. It is starting now with very wealthy people, who understand the mental and physical health benefits of living closer to nature, but imo this is just the start of the wave. As this understanding creeps into other parts of society it will spread out and new villages will start to pop up all over the place.

I hope with all my heart that you are correct, my friend. I've noticed such a trend here in BG as well, albeit a bit slower and weaker. The government has also noticed that though, and has taken some measures that lead to pure profit for them. An infuriating example would be the documentation and certification needed to grow crops. You'll encounter not only a plethora of administrative hurdles on this path, but also a ridiculously high price to pay (and that's one of each PER crop, not for your entire production...).

Hopefully this wave gets bigger and bigger. A revolutionary tsunami that will level the tyrannical obelisks of the modern economy and bring people back closer to nature.

Be well. Love


#4 Posted : 3/27/2019 8:57:24 PM

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Nydex wrote:
You'll encounter not only a plethora of administrative hurdles on this path, but also a ridiculously high price to pay (and that's one of each PER crop, not for your entire production...).

Hopefully this wave gets bigger and bigger. A revolutionary tsunami that will level the tyrannical obelisks of the modern economy

There's some really freakin corrupt stuff going on in eastern Europe, which seems to make these countries like a paradise for rich criminal people, but the average citizen do suffer poverty and are literally forced into petty crimes partially...
I don't understand why there is something like so called "EU" and the trend only goes in profitable directions in terms of the already affluent countries, leaving behind the smaller and more traditional countries... eating/consuming them up and disrespecting their culture...
it's the same concept we do with the third world in a globalized aspect... it's really sad...

everyone should be allowed to live independent with no borders at all.... but it's all calculated and it's all necessary only in a monetary aspect... Mad
It's the job that's never started as takes longest to finish. - J.R.R. Tolkien

How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas? It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it. - Alexander Shulgin
#5 Posted : 3/27/2019 9:33:27 PM

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Do you think bulgaria joined the EU to soon?

In western europe, or at least where i live, there are a lot of people from eastern europe. Especially young people. I would add, especially young, talented people.

They are often quite negative about eastern europe. Some are homesick every now and then, but even those people will often say that they don't see a future for themselves in the countries they came from.

I find that very sad.
I am from a rural area myself, and i feel a very strong connection with the northern european flora and fauna. I think i understand very well, why some of those people get homesick.

No matter how exciting and beautiful a city can be, in the end it's just a place with concrete walls all around.
#6 Posted : 3/28/2019 9:34:53 PM

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Camponotus wrote:
There's some really freakin corrupt stuff going on in eastern Europe, which seems to make these countries like a paradise for rich criminal people, but the average citizen do suffer poverty and are literally forced into petty crimes partially...
I don't understand why there is something like so called "EU" and the trend only goes in profitable directions in terms of the already affluent countries, leaving behind the smaller and more traditional countries... eating/consuming them up and disrespecting their culture...
it's the same concept we do with the third world in a globalized aspect... it's really sad...

everyone should be allowed to live independent with no borders at all.... but it's all calculated and it's all necessary only in a monetary aspect... Mad

I agree man. Truthfully corruption has spread its rot in every single government in the world. It's just that in countries that are already struggling it's even more dominant and obvious. Denmark is corrupt in some areas too, but overall every aspect of its government policies and the general welfare of its citizens are so strongly present that the negatives are often even ignored by most people. But in a country like Bulgaria the overwhelming corruption and dark schemes are just an insult to injury - rubbing salt and vinegar in an already open, bleeding wound.

The conservative way of thinking, and the sheep mentality of people, is a big part of the reason of course. A well educated and thinking population wouldn't allow the situation to get as bad as it is I believe.

dragonrider wrote:
Do you think bulgaria joined the EU to soon?

In western europe, or at least where i live, there are a lot of people from eastern europe. Especially young people. I would add, especially young, talented people.

They are often quite negative about eastern europe. Some are homesick every now and then, but even those people will often say that they don't see a future for themselves in the countries they came from.

I find that very sad.
I am from a rural area myself, and i feel a very strong connection with the northern european flora and fauna. I think i understand very well, why some of those people get homesick.

No matter how exciting and beautiful a city can be, in the end it's just a place with concrete walls all around.

It is sad, my friend. And yes, most of eastern europe's genius and talent runs away to more prosperous countries where they can be noticed, given room to grow and flourish, and become the dream-chasing machine most of us are conditioned (successfully or not) into being from a very early stage...

I was never too big on politics, so I can not and want not to discuss the political aspect of the situation. It's a multi-faceted problem that is so complex in its nature and characteristics that it completely obliterates my desire to think about it for more than a few minutes. I've learned to live with it for 25 years. I am aware that this type of compliance with the situation is part of the reason countries like BG are in such a dire situation, but at this point in time, and as of my current mindset, I do not wish to stress myself as much by participating in riots and similar "revolutionary" activity.

Maybe a day will come when I'll get sick of it to the point where I join those that rebel against the oppressor. But before that day, I want to first fully explore my own little corner of the universe that is snuggled inside my skull. Maybe it'll give a fresh perspective and an innovative solution, who knows.

Love you all. Love


#7 Posted : 3/28/2019 9:51:48 PM

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Well in that case i realy hope that you will find that same connection you had with your country of birth, in your new homeland. That it may truly be a home to you.
#8 Posted : 3/28/2019 10:30:16 PM

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I had a strong connection with my country back when I was uneducated and brainwashed by propaganda. Once I was liberated by the mental chains of the construct, I found out that my home was inside of me. I can carry it wherever I want. It I love myself and life, there's nothing that can go wrong. Thumbs up


#9 Posted : 3/28/2019 10:52:36 PM

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Nydex wrote:
I had a strong connection with my country back when I was uneducated and brainwashed by propaganda. Once I was liberated by the mental chains of the construct, I found out that my home was inside of me. I can carry it wherever I want. It I love myself and life, there's nothing that can go wrong. Thumbs up

That's even better.
#10 Posted : 3/28/2019 11:18:05 PM

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dragonrider wrote:
Nydex wrote:
I had a strong connection with my country back when I was uneducated and brainwashed by propaganda. Once I was liberated by the mental chains of the construct, I found out that my home was inside of me. I can carry it wherever I want. It I love myself and life, there's nothing that can go wrong. Thumbs up

That's even better.

Btw, i wasn't realy refering to country as in nationstate. More like the types of trees and birds, the geological climate and those kind of things.

I personally do feel such a connection. I think i would definately miss the cold winters for instance, if i would have to live in a warmer place. Or the way each season has it's own typical smells.
#11 Posted : 3/30/2019 2:37:44 PM

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although financialy poor..this video shows an inocent simple ..peacfull and wise way of life..that many of our ancestors came from my grandfather was from croatia..

today the world has gotten so complicated with the high technology of time!

that was a beautyfull video of simpler times! thanks..
#12 Posted : 3/30/2019 3:17:43 PM

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i want to share another veiw of this video as i see it..

i would call this ...the circle of life video... as i see everything in the video has an important link to each other...

the farm animals supply food to the people.. and the people care for and feed the farm animals ..mother nature supplys water and air for life of all living things ..in the earths soil vegetables are grown as a result of these important links the people and the animals and the soil and plant life all thrive and live a long healthy existance on mother earth..

there is a knowing look [or smile] on the faces of these poor people .. that says they are not ignorant people...even though poor they apear happy healthy and at peace !
#13 Posted : 3/30/2019 4:43:10 PM

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dragonrider wrote:
Btw, i wasn't realy refering to country as in nationstate. More like the types of trees and birds, the geological climate and those kind of things.

I personally do feel such a connection. I think i would definately miss the cold winters for instance, if i would have to live in a warmer place. Or the way each season has it's own typical smells.

Yes I feel what you mean. I will most likely miss some of the stuff from my homeland when I move to Peru. One of the things I'll miss the most is the relative safety of the forest in regards to flora and fauna that can harm you. Pretty much no plants, animals or insects can harm you, let alone kill you. That is not exactly the case in the Amazon rainforest Big grin

starway6 glad you liked the video man. I know what you mean. We live in such a dynamic age of technology...it's even scary sometimes.

Life in the villages is way slower and more relaxed. That doesn't mean it's easier of course. I believe the way to get the best of both worlds is to balance...spend some time in the busy metropolis, but then go back to the rural areas and connect with nature once again. A healthy balance between the two is key to be adaptive and durable IMO.

Each of those two worlds have their pros and cons...A local groceries market makes it so much easier to get good fresh produce, but on the other hand, albeit more difficult, there's a gratification and a spiritual connection you develop to food you've grown yourself.

Be well. Love


#14 Posted : 3/30/2019 4:57:30 PM

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Loved watching the video Thumbs up
A lens on a hidden life, rare inside information.
#15 Posted : 3/30/2019 5:24:25 PM

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Jees wrote:
Loved watching the video Thumbs up
A lens on a hidden life, rare inside information.

Glad you liked it bro. Being there gives you a whole new level of perspective and understanding. There's a very special vibe in places like that. It sticks with you even long after you've left. Smile


#16 Posted : 3/30/2019 9:17:40 PM

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Nydex wrote:
dragonrider wrote:
Btw, i wasn't realy refering to country as in nationstate. More like the types of trees and birds, the geological climate and those kind of things.

I personally do feel such a connection. I think i would definately miss the cold winters for instance, if i would have to live in a warmer place. Or the way each season has it's own typical smells.

Yes I feel what you mean. I will most likely miss some of the stuff from my homeland when I move to Peru. One of the things I'll miss the most is the relative safety of the forest in regards to flora and fauna that can harm you. Pretty much no plants, animals or insects can harm you, let alone kill you. That is not exactly the case in the Amazon rainforest Big grin

Yes, i'm so glad that i don't live in a place like australia with all those venomous snakes they've got there. Our adders are pussies compared to those ausie snakes.

I don't know if i would be comfortable, taking psychedelics in the woods, if there could be an agressive and deadly snake under every little leave. Especially in the dark.
I would probably start seeing deadly snakes attacking me, everywhere.
#17 Posted : 3/30/2019 11:24:17 PM

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dragonrider wrote:
Nydex wrote:
dragonrider wrote:
Btw, i wasn't realy refering to country as in nationstate. More like the types of trees and birds, the geological climate and those kind of things.

I personally do feel such a connection. I think i would definately miss the cold winters for instance, if i would have to live in a warmer place. Or the way each season has it's own typical smells.

Yes I feel what you mean. I will most likely miss some of the stuff from my homeland when I move to Peru. One of the things I'll miss the most is the relative safety of the forest in regards to flora and fauna that can harm you. Pretty much no plants, animals or insects can harm you, let alone kill you. That is not exactly the case in the Amazon rainforest Big grin

Yes, i'm so glad that i don't live in a place like australia with all those venomous snakes they've got there. Our adders are pussies compared to those ausie snakes.

I don't know if i would be comfortable, taking psychedelics in the woods, if there could be an agressive and deadly snake under every little leave. Especially in the dark.
I would probably start seeing deadly snakes attacking me, everywhere.

Trust me, as someone who dreams of following the healer's path, I've put some thought into this. But I believe that once you let Mother Aya work her magic on you, a new perspective on life will be gained. Along it, a new connection with all life is established. The indigenous shamans have been doing it for ages, and they've been fine.

I do realize that maybe all the articles, videos and exposure to the idea that the Amazon rainforest is this thick jungle brimming with super deadly things from the roots to the very top of the canopy have had an effect on my vision of this place. But this may very well be exaggerated and blown out of proportions significantly. Maybe it's not THAT crammed with deadly stuff. Some people live 80 years without having a close, life-threatening encounter with venomous fauna. Maybe we've been conditioned into believing how dangerous a place it is.

Guess I'll see for myself... Big grin


#18 Posted : 4/5/2019 5:43:09 AM

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Nydex you have your own opinion and I respect that.
But I also have my own opinion and I ask you to respect that.

I am also a Bulgarian and will express my point of view.

The film represents only 1 side of the coin. It's never just black, only white or just gray ... they make little hyperbolised in the movie to make the film more dramatic. In fact, things are changing every day, all in all ways for the better.

I have lived in many Bulgarian towns, lived in the capital of Bulgaria (Sofia), lived in many villages in Bulgaria, currently live in a village and creating permaculture. I have traveled a lot in Bulgaria. At one point I lived as a bum (like falcon peregrino) who travel by foot, by hitchhiking, by buses, by train, by bicycle and by cars.

I changed many villages and towns in Bulgaria.(not just to visit them but to live in them for weeks, months and years there) As I visited many wild places in Bulgaria. (mountains, rivers, and even the sea when we had still a wild Black Sea)

At one time I lived for over a year in a tent in the mountains. (Old Mountain) Bathing in a solar shower (water bag), or in the rain or on the waterfalls. (of course without soap: D)
I have lived in other mountains like the Rhodopes and visit many more. Bulgaria has an incredibly beautiful Nature and a variety of life.
Then I lived for 1 year on the Danube River, traveling with a wooden raft. (again and again...)
I was bathed in the river and fed mostly with what the river gave me, because at that time I almost did not have money, and I did not carae about money. I'm grateful to the River for giving me so much and teach me so much.
But I lived an extremely happy, fun and peaceful life. Though it was not all sunny all the time, but I had storms too. Oh, what storms have I seen ... that I took with a smile. The storm is trying to kill me and I laugh like a madman. Maybe only my madness saved me. Or the Creator has decided to keep me alive.

These events have cleared me somehow. Before that, I was a man who did a lot of bad things and I was not proud of myself. I wanted to change something and started changing with me. (inside of me)

At the end of the river, I merged with the universe, I met the love of my life. (my wife, my half soul) This is one of the best things in my life. This woman makes the best of me. I have existed literally before to meet her, and now I live. Every day, i gets better thanks to her. I was on my way, but now I am the way.

So please take my point of view. The point of view of a crazy man.

Bulgaria is a holy place. Bulgarian is a holy man. Bulgarians suffer to redeem sins, both to themselves and to the peoples around them. Bulgaria is like the liver of the Earth.But with the new age, Bulgaria and Bulgarians are again blooming like a flower.

More and more people are coming back from abroad. There are people who leave, but many of whom have spent years there out from Bulgaria , now returning because they can now serve to Bulgaria.

Yes our politicians are corrupted and rotten. But now the whole nation is beginning to see it. People perceived despite the manipulations of the media. Because the politicians are so fat and greedy that everything is worth mentioning. Just so many are the kings and hurt the people that even the most misguided and asleep woke up and saw.
It's time for new politicians to come up with new values. Who are willing to give up and build for the benefit of all. New politicians who respect people and nature, and use the strengths of others. Because there will always be someone who is better than anything in you. It is better to use the strengths of one another to move towards common progress.

But I do not care about politics. Like most people in the villages are not interested in politics. Because a man in a village grows his food and lives happy with a little. The less they can, the happier they are.

I have been abroad. In other countries. But I only vibrate in Bulgaria this way. Here the ground under my feet gives me strength, the Sun give me strength, the water here give me strength (we have very good water), the air gives me strength, even the grass that I walk is giving me strength. It may be placebo, but this placebo gives me such a charge that I feel very good as if I can achieve everything.

Our folk music touches my heart and my soul. It makes me laugh, cry to sing and fall asleep ... to wake up and repeat it again.
Our folk clothes make me feel comfortable in my skin. Living clothes made of plants and animals, white plant material with hand embroidery with symbols of sacraline fractal geometry. Many young and old have forgotten them, but I see more and more people begin to remember. People start wearing their clothes. This is our pride. I am proud to be a Bulgarian. I am proud to be a child on Earth. I am grateful to be here in this dimension, this is the best thing that has happened to me and it gives me real pleasure and joy.
Our rituals make me tingle my fingers.

Call me washed, but I love this place, I love people here. I'm grateful to the Creator for being born here. That the Creator has chosen here in Bulgaria to be my entrance to this dimension. The experience Bulgaria is incredible, I have no words to describe it.

Home is where you belong (in this case the earth and this dimension), although we are very dimensional creatures, our home now is here on Earth.

Unfortunately, I can not show you everything because you have to experience it to feel it. Welcome to Bulgaria.
There are so beautiful places, even small but very beautiful.

This is Bulgaria via drone :

Rodopi Mountain:


Stara planina Mountain:


Pirin Mountain:

The Seven Rila Lakes:


River Dunav:




Music and clothes:

Nestinari (fire dance) :

It is up to us to born and develop more children. With respect to oneself, to humans, to plants, to animals, to mushrooms, to The Earth, to Nature and Creator.

If you want a change you have to be the change you want to see. First you start with an inner change in yourself.

I have no intention of offending or attacking anyone. I just wanted to share my point of view.

All the best, good luck and love. Love
Phylogeny repeats Ontogeny - IIYI
#19 Posted : 4/6/2019 2:12:53 PM

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Trust me, my dear friend, our love for this land is shared. Maybe you feel more attached and in harmony with the land of Bulgaria than me, but there is no doubt or arguments in me against the beauty and preciousness of this country.

The people indeed have kind hearts. Our rituals are spectacular. Our nature is mostly pristine and untouched by the rot of greed and malevolence. But this is again just one side of the coin.

I believe you took what was shown in the video only from a limited perspective, maybe because you love Bulgaria so much, and I do appreciate that. But there's always good with the bad, and vice versa. You can see the resilience in the filmed people's eyes. You can see their strength, and their will to just keep going and stick to the traditional, simple, wholesome life that the rural areas offer.

I don't believe the creators of this mini movie had the intention to make Bulgaria look like this grim, half-dead place. The way the filmed it leaves a bit to the observer - they let you decide which side of the coin you want to focus on.

I still don't feel as attached to this land as many people like yourself, but unlike you, I haven't traveled as much. Maybe when I embark on a journey that takes me far from the place that my soul inhabited this physical vessel I will understand how strong actually my connection with this land is.

I appreciate and respect your opinion, my brother. I feel your pain, but also your joy. And I truly hope that you are right, and that we are on the brink of a mental revolution where people will take a step back to their roots and get closer to Nature and give it more love and respect. Time will tell.

Thank you for sharing your point of view. Be well.

Love & Light Love


#20 Posted : 4/7/2019 6:04:00 AM

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Nydex wrote:
Trust me, my dear friend, our love for this land is shared. Maybe you feel more attached and in harmony with the land of Bulgaria than me, but there is no doubt or arguments in me against the beauty and preciousness of this country.

The people indeed have kind hearts. Our rituals are spectacular. Our nature is mostly pristine and untouched by the rot of greed and malevolence. But this is again just one side of the coin.

I believe you took what was shown in the video only from a limited perspective, maybe because you love Bulgaria so much, and I do appreciate that. But there's always good with the bad, and vice versa. You can see the resilience in the filmed people's eyes. You can see their strength, and their will to just keep going and stick to the traditional, simple, wholesome life that the rural areas offer.

I don't believe the creators of this mini movie had the intention to make Bulgaria look like this grim, half-dead place. The way the filmed it leaves a bit to the observer - they let you decide which side of the coin you want to focus on.

I still don't feel as attached to this land as many people like yourself, but unlike you, I haven't traveled as much. Maybe when I embark on a journey that takes me far from the place that my soul inhabited this physical vessel I will understand how strong actually my connection with this land is.

I appreciate and respect your opinion, my brother. I feel your pain, but also your joy. And I truly hope that you are right, and that we are on the brink of a mental revolution where people will take a step back to their roots and get closer to Nature and give it more love and respect. Time will tell.

Thank you for sharing your point of view. Be well.

Love & Light Love

Friend you know I love you and I care a lot for you. I am fully sure that our love for this land, people, nature and rituals is shared. I have no doubt about it.

I've been to Altimir 5-10 times. I do not remember the exact number because I did not try to remember it, and it was years ago. I do not even remember if it was 7 or 10 years ago or more. I had a few jobs there (short, but something was supposed to be done there) and I went several times just to get there. (to make a nice walk) So i know the place and locals. Yes it was years ago and for sure things have changed.

People in the movie are alcoholics. What Happiness Can Alcohol Have? It is very important to what substances a person is. Also, most of the person's addiction has grown into some trauma in his life. They have not overcome their own traumas, what example can these people give to the young ? How young children and people to live with such people? How to raise your children in such an environment ?

The creators of this movie show only the black. But where is white and gray, and other colors like green, blue, yellow, red, orange, brown, purple, violet and so on? The creators of this video definitely do it deliberately to make the video more dramatic. The drama is more popular than the truth. The lie is more popular than the truth.

Why this movie creators have not shown other villages ? Other point of view.

When a person repeats the same thing, he is attracted to it. That is why it is important to think good and positive to attract good and positive. It is difficult, but at one point it stops demanding effort, and things become natural.

I know villages where old people live alone and are very happy and smile, but they are just not alcoholics. They just do not drink any alcohol. I also know many other villages where young people are being brought and the old are very happy that there are already young people who return to the villages and even develop villages and help to the whole community to develop.

It is even very interesting, because the old ones see the efforts of the young. Young start to help to the old one and old people are beginning to help the young people and a two-sided process takes place. Everyone (young and old) is starting to make progress to everyone and everything in harmony.

I fully agree with you that we are in the process of a mental revolution. It is up to us to develop things better.

Everyone is different and I respect that. When you go on your trip, you will know where your place is. Whether you are strongly connected to this land here, whether you will accept another for yours or will continue to travel. Some people stay on 1 place all life. Some people travel and go around for life and this is very good and I respect that. (even at one point I've been like them) This has a huge effect on their growing and expanding viewpoint, and some of them with their travels make incredibly useful things for other people as well. Combining pleasure with useful.

We love traveling with my family, but after trip we love going back home and to developing our home.

Whether I'm mistaken or just right, time will show. And there can be neither a mistake nor a right. The time will show. Alea iacta est Smile))

Thank you for honoring my opinion.

I wish you many successes, be well and love Love

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