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Resin. The way to go. Options
#281 Posted : 11/18/2009 4:22:05 PM

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Mind you guys, SWIM has performed this tek (but not tried yet) but the use of citric acid (either as such or lemon juice) could of the hallmarks of this tek.

Mescaline citrate may be much more heat resistant than the cognate mescaline present in the cactus. On top of that, antioxidants from lemon juice can offer additional protection to the alkaloids from heat.

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#282 Posted : 11/18/2009 4:41:53 PM


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optyks wrote:
Perhaps the way to go, then, is to simmer for a long time with as little heat as possible to achieve said simmer?

What my friend does is simmer the pot for 5 hours, then freezes it over night, then cooks another 5.
After this the cactus isn't bitter at all and is discarded.
#283 Posted : 11/20/2009 1:56:38 PM

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I'm trying this bad boy right now to test some material from a new supplier. I've only ever done pure mesc extractions before... I've been missing out on the smell! So fruity and delicious Smile

I'm brewing so that the pan is just ever so lightly steaming on the lowest hob setting for the brew.

For the reduction would it be a good idea to evap in a wide dish in an oven set to 90C (194f)?... hmm. It sounds much more mescaline friendly in celsius... maybe 70c (158f)?

Edit: 2 things are now on my mind:

1.Huge lack of information on mescaline and it's different salt forms.

2.Slimey spoon Smile

#284 Posted : 11/20/2009 8:47:03 PM

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the slime will SOON turn into a taffy..just stir that shit a bit...it will happen...but if you leave it for LONG enough..and if its potent enough...it just may crystallize slightly
it's a sound
#285 Posted : 11/21/2009 1:40:19 AM

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I wonder just how old this Resin tech actually is?

I also wonder who actually invented this tech?

Here's a copy of one version of this tech which is many years old. It appears in the attached PDF copy of the book Psychedelic Chemistry by Michael Valentine Smith. This book is from 1981 but this tech is much older than the book is.

This is from the chapter Mescaline and Friends.

Another source pressure cooked the peyote in acidic water 15 minutes at 15 lbs. and poured off the liquid. This process was repeated 5 more times and the combined water extracts evaporated slowly to a tar which is cooled until able to be formed into small pills. The pills are dipped in Salol (phenyl salicylate), which has been liquefied by heating, and allowed to dry. This forms an enteric coating which is said to allow ingestion without nausea. Others merely put the tar in gelatin capsules. Either way the nausea of whole peyote is greatly diminished. Three or four tabs are supposed to have the impact of 15-20 buttons.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

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#286 Posted : 11/21/2009 1:45:52 AM

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I wouldn't be surprised if this tek isn't a couple of thousand years old... minus the gel caps of course.

It's just so easy.

I'm going from cactus to caps in less than 24 hours... never tried this batch before, but with thorough low temperature soaks, I'm sure I'll get all that is available.

Any idea of how citrate works with the limonene tek? I've only heard of folk trying aetate, hydrochloride and carbonate so far. Very intrigued about citrate. Smile
#287 Posted : 11/21/2009 1:58:56 AM

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Well citric acid works with the limonene tech, that's for sure, but it's hard to remove the excess citric acid at the end, that's why vinegar was used instead. Although I've heard mescaline citrate can be freeze precipitated in ice cold water, but that never worked for SWIM. Maybe a certain concentration is needed? I'm not sure.

You can easily make mescaline citrate from mescaline acetate by dissolving mescaline acetate in lemon juice and mixing for several minutes before drinking. This frees the acetic acid. Mescaline citrate seems to come on more slowly than mescaline acetate; it's a little more like mescaline HCl. Mescaline acetate comes on quicker then the others, at least that's SWIM experience, so mescaline acetate feels stronger than mescaline citrate or mescaline HCl.

SWIM would like to be able to use the limonene tech and get mescaline citrate crystals. If anyone could figure out how to remove the excess citric acid using a way that always works, that would be fantastic. Freeze precipitation in water has never worked for SWIM and I don't know why.

I like the phenyl salicylate idea in the old resin tech found in Psychedelic Chemistry by Michael Valentine Smith. SWIM has never tried that. But SWIM doesn't get nausea from cactus, so it's no problem for him, but others do. I wonder how effective a coating of phenyl salicylate actually is.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#288 Posted : 11/21/2009 2:02:14 AM

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thats interesting Ron.... 15 pounds of pressure in a cooker is well over boiling point isnt it?
#289 Posted : 11/21/2009 2:06:59 AM

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antichode wrote:
For SWIM, he didnt like the other alkaloids that were in the acetate.... muscle tension, sedation and dizzyness.....

SWIM, too! Is pure HCL really that much different?
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#290 Posted : 11/21/2009 2:12:59 AM

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69ron wrote:

You can easily make mescaline citrate from mescaline acetate by dissolving mescaline acetate in lemon juice and mixing for several minutes before drinking. This frees the acetic acid. Mescaline citrate seems to come on more slowly than mescaline acetate; it's a little more like mescaline HCl.

I take it that acetate's a freak and most other acidic forms of mescaline are easliy cleaned via acetone/IPA? Is mesc citrate soluble in acetone?
#291 Posted : 11/21/2009 3:39:18 AM

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rumplestiltskin wrote:
antichode wrote:
For SWIM, he didnt like the other alkaloids that were in the acetate.... muscle tension, sedation and dizzyness.....

SWIM, too! Is pure HCL really that much different?

i thought muscle tension was due to the mescaline?
#292 Posted : 11/21/2009 4:31:22 AM

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Mesaline does cause muscle tension, but the rate of release within the body can have a very noticeable effects on that part of the experience.
Acetate's meant to be pretty quick like that.
#293 Posted : 11/21/2009 6:15:41 AM


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A friend took just over 1g of his resin yesterday and said it felt like about 100mg of mescaline.

Does that seem about right?

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#294 Posted : 11/21/2009 7:32:44 AM

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rumplestiltskin wrote:

SWIM, too! Is pure HCL really that much different?

Well, its not different, it just lacks any of those effects SWIM mentioned. Its just a smooth ride to bliss....

Swim had a revelation today, he consumed 3 capsules from his resin batch and was very surprised to feel as tho he had taken about 300mg of mescaline. The initial effects were as expected, dizzy with muscle tension etc... But as usuall, this stops after about 3 hours or so and gives way to the clean mescaline feeling. MUCH stronger than what swim was expecting.

He would guess that house and jorkest are correct, each cap would contain roughly 75mg (perhaps even 100 from this particular batch) of mesc. That puts the total yield from swims cacti to just over %4!!!!

This batch of cacti yielded %2.7 with the limonene teks.

If you can stomach the other alkaloids then this tek without a doubt, gets much more form your cacti

There must be alot of extra goodies trapped in the white flesh, as phlux has noted now also

#295 Posted : 11/21/2009 8:28:57 AM


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I also wonder who actually invented this tech?

I remember reports of Ayahuasca brews being reduced to resin and smoked, but I can't currently find the source.

So I'd imagine this is something that may be 1000s of years old.

I am Teotzlcoatl, older cousin of Quetzalcoatl. My most famous physical incarnation was Nezahualcoyotl, but I have taken many forms since the dawn of the cosmos. In this realm I manifest as multiple entities at a single time. I am many, I am numbered. I am few, but more than one. I am a multifaceted being, a winged serpent with many heads. We are Teotzlcoatl.

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#296 Posted : 11/21/2009 6:15:25 PM


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hehe ;]
#297 Posted : 11/21/2009 7:11:54 PM
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Hmmm if one while evaporating the resin adds a hydrochloric acid solution , would this turn alkaloids to HCl form? I suspect it also has to do with the initial acid used, if HCl could somehow displace it (my chemistry is more than rusty).

Then, could one try dissolving the resin in a small volume* of acetone and refrigerating it so the alkaloids could precipitate? Is anyone with resin at had willing to try? If it fails, evaporate the acetone and you are back to resin.

*if i tried it i would use the minimum amount of acetone possible.This could help precipitation as well as evaporation if things dont go as intented.
#298 Posted : 11/21/2009 8:32:14 PM

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Yes the hcl should convert the alks. SWIM wants to try this but doesn't have any acetone at the moment. SWIM thinks it will be a tad more tricky than imagined. The resin is so tacky that acetone may not dissolve it, and the acetone would have to dissolve all the oil's as well.... If it can't do that (which swim imagines it can't) then you wont be able to get clean mesc.

A normal Limonene STB should work fine on the resin tho.... And swim intends to do this as he would really like to know if what he ate had as much mescaline in it as he thought. Perhaps the other alks in the resin are just potentiating the experience?

If swims resin caps had say 50mg mesc in each. That would bring his yield to %2.7 Which is exactly what the limonene teks retrieved. But what swim had yesterday felt much more than 150mg

swim is using the same amount of cacti he would normally use if he was trying to end up with 100grams of dried green flesh (about 2.5 feet worth), except he is using the whole cactus minus the core. It also might be worth trying a STB on 100 grams of dried whole cactus, just to compare the results
#299 Posted : 11/21/2009 10:32:29 PM


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heres what i got guys

i made 2 resins

1- just outter green flesh using 4 feet of brigdesii and 2 limes, let it be on low on my crock pot and stirred occasionally, the next morning (12 hours or so) i poured off the water and did a second brew from the same material, hours later i added it all together in a pie dish and with a hairdryer rigged up next to it, evapped this dish over night, left with about 2x resin that was greenish yellow (very opaque), i found that my nausea was reduced with this resin upon ingestion, however i get lil to no nausea what so ever, another subject suffered nausea but it was her first pedro party so you never know if it was just first timmers butterflies. i liked this resin but it didnt seem to yield any real purpose other than eating half as much and it being easier capped.

2. 2 more t brigdesii, with balsamic vinegar!!!! (terrible idea, i had no way of acquiring any more acid at that crucial moment, anyway) single brew on low again, poured off and evaped in a larger dish, this produced roughly the exact same amount of resin as the dried chips i would have harvested from it. this resin was dried on 175f with an open oven door over night, it never became baked on, rather remained this black good that became impossible to scrape after 2 tries. i found that it was active aswell, however this did nothing to reduce nausea and i had to eat roughly the same weight as dried chips and it was weaker.

in conclusion the resin is a great variance to san pedro preparation and should be attempted by those who pursue shamanism and other plant related activities; however, this resin dosent seem to best the potency of good ol' dehydrated chips, it does however seem to be more apealing to newbies so they dont have to taste the green goodies.

random notes"
even on very small amounts of resin i have had euphoric bliss throughout the day, its better than any anti depressant ive ever used and its dirt cheap and easy to produce, also i have been kept awake an entire night from dosing a third of a cactus 18 hours earlier..

another random note

i stopped eating on a regular basis, my eating is determined by how long ive already been pedroed and when more pedro will party. kinda funny
i really dont eat unless im sure im not going to trip, so i go a few days here and there with no food. i would like to try a triple dose day, ive only done doubles and it was a very long and intense experience *the second portion being wayyyy crazier* makes me think the third dose on an exhausted body and mind would be great for the soul.

paz y luz friends
#300 Posted : 11/21/2009 10:40:23 PM

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"makes me think the third dose on an exhausted body and mind would be great for the soul." - sounds awesome, having nothing in you brings such clarity.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

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