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Sweet Acacia Options
#1 Posted : 11/4/2018 4:39:35 AM

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I've been getting to know Sweet Acacia for a year or so. I started with some root bark made into a mild tea (think normal herbal tea). I've experienced it several times now like that and discovered that its certainly active alone. Yesterday i created a brew with about 2 g of stem bark and several other plants. I like it better as a stand alone plant. It's something like ayahusca in one plant. It seems to me that Sweet Acacia may contain mesculine, or perhaps an undiscoved psychedelic. I think I read somewhere once that someone found mesculine in it.

Im very exited about continuing to heal with Sweet Acacia. It's spirit and energies are amazing and wise like Mother Ayahuasca and the other master plants. I can see myself healing others with this plant.

In fact id like to acknowledge the traditional ayahuasca plants and the shamans for keeping ayausca alive in the present time so id desire to take sweet acacia medicine in the first place.

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#2 Posted : 11/4/2018 9:49:51 AM

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You mean Acacia suaveolens or Vachellia farnesiana?
#3 Posted : 11/4/2018 1:52:18 PM

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Vachellia farnesiana
#4 Posted : 11/4/2018 2:47:45 PM

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Anyone have some info about the alkaloids content? On wikipedia I found this:
Traditional medicine
In Brazil some people use the seeds of V. farnesiana to kill rabid dogs.[24] V. farnesiana has been used in Colombia to treat malaria, and in one in vitro study an ethanol extract from the leaves showed some activity against the malarial pathogen Plasmodium falciparum with an IC50 value of 1 to 2µg/mL (as did almost everything tested), though it showed no activity in animal models or a ferriprotoporphyrin biomineralization inhibition test.[32] In the Philippines the leaves are traditionally rubbed on the skin to treat skin diseases in livestock.[33] In Malaysia, an infusion of the plant's flowers and leaves is mixed with turmeric for post-partum treatment.[34]

These are also synonyms

Acacia farnesiana var. farnesiana (L.) Wight et Arn.
Acacia acicularis Humb. & Bonpl. ex. Willd.[5]
Acacia densiflora (Small) Cory
Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd.
Acacia farnesiana var. lenticellata (F.Muell.) Bailey
Acacia farnesiana subsp. pinetorum (F.J.Herm.) Ebinger, Seigler & H.D.Clarke[6]
Acacia ferox M.Martens & Galeotti[7]
Acacia indica (Poir.) Desv.
Acacia lenticellata F. Muell.[8]
Acacia minuta (M.E. Jones) R.M. Beauch.
Acacia minuta subsp. minuta (M.E.Jones) R.M. Beauch.
Acacia minuta subsp. densiflora (Alexander ex Small) R.M.Beauch.[9]
Acacia pedunculata Willd.
Acacia pinetorum F.J.Herm.[4]
Acacia smallii Isely[10]
Farnesia odora Gasp.
Farnesiana odora Gasp.
Mimosa acicularis Poir.
Mimosa farnesiana L.[1]
Mimosa indica Poir.
Mimosa suaveolens Salisb.
Pithecellobium acuminatum M.E. Jones
Pithecellobium minutum M.E. Jones
Popanax farnesiana (L.) Raf.
Poponax farnesiana (L.) Raf.
Vachellia densiflora
#5 Posted : 11/4/2018 3:14:17 PM

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With sweet acacia I sort of skipped the quantitative way in favor of qualitative experiments.

Also from Wikipedia:

Acacia farnesiana
Tentative identification of 5-MeO-DMT and an unidentified β-carboline from immature seed pods;[9] tryptamine in stem bark.[24] A claim of β-methyl-phenethylamine from flowers is not supported by the reference given.[42] Ether extracts about 2-6% of the dried leaf mass.[13] Alkaloids are present in the bark[43] and leaves.[44] Others found no alkaloids.[25] Claims of amphetamines and mescaline in the tree[39] appear to be groundless.

#6 Posted : 11/4/2018 6:34:04 PM

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The effect you felt are more like triptamines, betacarbolines of phen type? Very Interesting.
#7 Posted : 11/5/2018 12:56:43 AM

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BeJake wrote:
The effect you felt are more like triptamines, betacarbolines of phen type? Very Interesting.

It feels like both a mescaline like effect and something like dmt and/ or 5-meo-dmt. The tryptamine effects definitely seem active without added harmalas, so it seems very possible that it has b-carbolines of of some sort in it.

What are the odds that Sweet Acacia creates some kind of yet to be descovered psychedelic(s)? Seems possible to me.

It's effect is very clean feeling btw. Its very clear spiritually for me at least. At this time i lack a safe enough space and equipment to do really efficient exttactions. I could do a crude extraction but that wouldn't tell us exactly whats in it. I should also add that that the first couple of times I made medicine with sweet acacia, I used root bark. This time is stem bark which had lichens growing on it. It seems as if the lichens add something as well.

I made a brew last night much stronger than I've made with this plant up until now. Rather than boil it down to a shot, I left it as about 1 cup, so I can tritrate my dose. At any rate, it feels pretty powerful taking 2 grams in an infusion. The brew I made last night is with 5 grams and is a decoction rather than an infusion. It also stayed clear after it cooled down. I remember making medicine with acacia confusa and it clouding up once it cooled. It smells potent. I intend to report back after drinking my decoction.
#8 Posted : 11/6/2018 9:49:46 AM

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Interesting...some Mimosa species are said to be contain Beta-carbolines to make it orally active... and there are a few acacias with trace amounts as well but (almost) none that are widely understood to contain enough of a beta-carboline profile to orally activate the tryptamines.

So...which species does 'sweet acacia' actually refer to here ? (often colloquial names cover numerous species)
#9 Posted : 11/8/2018 11:40:35 PM

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JefFlux wrote:

So...which species does 'sweet acacia' actually refer to here ? (often colloquial names cover numerous species)

I'm fairly certain the tree is Acacia farnesiana aka Vachellia farnesiana. Next time i go to see the tree ill try to remember to take a pic. Its mature enough to have a nice acacia shape.

Btw, I drank the 5 gram tea and went out and about in the city of New Orleans. It produced an awesome spiritual experience, sort of like being around other people on LSD, just not as dramatic perhaps. It was very easy to be spiritually open with those I encountered, and the spiritual awesomeness of the city itself. Now that I've experienced it a few times on its own, next time I think I'll make it with P. Harmala.
#10 Posted : 11/9/2018 12:24:37 AM

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interesting, what was the noticeable visual/spatial/psychological phenomenon exactly? do you have any other experience with 5-MeO-DMT to compare ? Do you think there may be n-n-DMT present as well ?

Given that there are many 'tentative reports' of 5-MeO-DMT in the stem bark of various acacias, (some have even been redacted I believe)...their levels are all in the .00mg range, so upping the dose would be worth a try.

Also while 5-MeO is sublingually active, it is not orally active - so adding a SMALL amount of Beta-Carbolines SLOWLY and GRADUALLY would also certainly reveal the nature of this tryptamine's presence better.
#11 Posted : 11/9/2018 3:51:49 AM

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JefFlux wrote:
interesting, what was the noticeable visual/spatial/psychological phenomenon exactly? do you have any other experience with 5-MeO-DMT to compare ? Do you think there may be n-n-DMT present as well ?

Given that there are many 'tentative reports' of 5-MeO-DMT in the stem bark of various acacias, (some have even been redacted I believe)...their levels are all in the .00mg range, so upping the dose would be worth a try.

Also while 5-MeO is sublingually active, it is not orally active - so adding a SMALL amount of Beta-Carbolines SLOWLY and GRADUALLY would also certainly reveal the nature of this tryptamine's presence better.

If you subtract the blow out dmt visions, it was something like smoked dnt and mesculine. I have a feeling that when I add harmalas to it that will change. The energy i felt in the body was very much like other dmt/ Harmala brews ive had. Lots of love and sexual energy. One can say i have a tantric union with sweet acacia.

The only experience i have with 5-meo dmt is with Chaliponga and P Harmala. Its said that Chali has 5-meo in it, and when I experienced it, it was definitely differnent than the tryptamine experiences I've had with Acacia Confusa. Perhaps ill create changa with sweet acacia one day and smoke it.

Tbh, to me its not all that important whats in sweet acacia exactly as far as its alkaloid profile goes. The important stuff to me is that it heals my soul, body and mind. Its powerful healing medicine. The first time I tried it I was amazed by its effects at such a small dose by itself. When i was growing it before i tried it the first time I could feel in its energy that its really healing. Its like its spirit integrated with me before i even drank it and part of me knew it was going to be special, like the tree knows itself through me. Its basically a personality within my consciousness now in a way that I hadnt experienced with plants before that, yet I have that oneness with other plants now. In fact I needed sweet acacia to teach me some of the things i didnt understand about the traditional ayahuasca plants.

#12 Posted : 11/9/2018 9:19:54 AM

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One genuine aromatherapy vendor states:
Although its use is strictly in perfumery, with no history of therapeutic uses, some sources indicate that emotionally, Cassie may be helpful in dealing with stress and depression, that it lifts the spirits, reduces fears, and encourages communication.

BundleflowerPower wrote:
The only experience i have with 5-meo dmt is with Chaliponga and P Harmala. Its said that Chali has 5-meo in it, and when I experienced it, it was definitely differnent from the dmt in acacia confusa. Perhaps ill create changa with sweet acacia one day and smoke it.

Chaliponga hasn't been found to contain 5-MeO-DMT. Several samples were tested and none showed any 5-MeO-DMT.

Still, it has a very distinct quality, and I feel it's due to a compound other than DMT. This plant invalidates all the navigation skills I've learned working with Ayahuasca made with Chacruna. It's as different from Chacruna as mushrooms are from cannabis. No matter how much experience you may have with Chacruna, none of it will prepare you for the Chali dimension.

Acacia confusa is not a good comparison as a DMT plant, because it has high levels of NMT.

I understand you've worked with Acacia farnesiana's root and stem bark only.
Wikipedia states that the fruit has been found to contain traces of 5-MeO-DMT, and the flowers contain β-methyl-phenethylamine (BMPEA). BMPEA is classified as a doping agent by the World Anti-Doping Agency as it is a positional isomer of amphetamine. A safety note from Wikipedia:
β-Methylphenethylamine was associated with a case of cerebral hemorrhage in a Swedish athlete and first time user. The female victim with no medical history had taken a Swedish food supplement with 290 mg β-methylphenethylamine per serving before commencing her usual exercises. After about 30 minutes the first symptoms appeared. The presence of the active ingredient was not declared on the label.[8] Use of β-Methylphenethylamine is also prohibited in sport [9]
#13 Posted : 11/11/2018 1:02:16 PM
member for the trees

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very good acacian work BundleflowerPower..

i reported two Australian acacias with some oral activity likely due to harmalas in that rather long thread.. there is one very rare aus species which is very active on its own, which i have described in private communications..and of course A. confusa has mild oral activity on its own, flavonoids being a possible candidate for activity.. also a number of Australian and American species contain phenethylamines..
with a bit of luck and less distraction i'll have a book done in another month or so, and go into oral activity more..

yes i completely agree that some acacias are powerful plant spirits in their own right with aspects ayahuasca plants can't offer..

keep up the good work BundleflowerPower
#14 Posted : 11/19/2018 11:56:52 AM

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My sweet acacia is about 3 years old now. I've been growing it from seed. It really had a growth spurt this last year when I transplanted it to a 30 gallon pot. I used natural soil in the bottom half and potting soil on top. I fertilize it with fish poop from my aquarium. Here are a few pictures.
Justintime attached the following image(s):
IMG_20181118_142225.jpg (4,116kb) downloaded 366 time(s).
IMG_20181118_142233.jpg (3,099kb) downloaded 362 time(s).
#15 Posted : 11/24/2018 2:11:20 AM

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Thanks nen.

#16 Posted : 11/24/2018 2:13:30 AM

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Justintime wrote:
My sweet acacia is about 3 years old now. I've been growing it from seed. It really had a growth spurt this last year when I transplanted it to a 30 gallon pot. I used natural soil in the bottom half and potting soil on top. I fertilize it with fish poop from my aquarium. Here are a few pictures.

Did you get the seeds from a wild tree? Ive been wondering about the natural range of sweet acacia.
#17 Posted : 11/24/2018 1:17:47 PM

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Yeah a old lady had it growing in her yard with some cactus growing around it. She couldn't speak any English. Her grandson ask her for me.
#18 Posted : 4/4/2019 10:25:13 PM

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Justintime wrote:
Yeah a old lady had it growing in her yard with some cactus growing around it. She couldn't speak any English. Her grandson ask her for me.

I wonder if she knows that the tree is medicinal. It’s interesting to me because it seems like there’s probably very few people who are aware of Sweet Acacia like talking about.

Btw, I went fishing last night at a fishing hole with a Sweet Acacia growing next to the water. It was full of flowers and I collected about a half a cup or so. When I made it home I made a tea. I infused it in water for ~10 minutes. The effect is quite different from the bark I’ve texted.
#19 Posted : 4/4/2019 11:22:30 PM

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How does it differ?
#20 Posted : 4/5/2019 12:55:49 AM

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It’s less tryptaminish. It was kinda phychedelic but more similar to yellow wild flowers I’ve eaten or made into tea. I thought maybe whatever the yellow pigment is might have an effect.
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