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DMT - Smell. Options
#21 Posted : 10/24/2009 1:44:42 AM

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Spiced wrote:
I never thought it smelled like burned plastic either, more like an old ladies garderobe as i mentioned, but a lot worse, like it's combined with that old ladies really bad breath, she probably died too, it just smells that bad to me, i'm really sorry.Razz

Laughing Now that's bad.

It seems like everyone has a very different reaction to the smell.

For SWIM it's a smell of plastic, but not burning plastic, more like the way a new keyboard or video game system smells, sort of like rubbery plastic. It smells completely synthetic and unnatural, but doesn't really stink to SWIM. It's just a very weird unnatural smell and SWIM doesn’t like it. SWIM would prefer a medicinal smell or plant-like smell, not the smell of plastic. 5-MeO-DMT is a little more medicinal and a tad more pleasant, but not nice either.
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#22 Posted : 10/24/2009 4:22:10 AM

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I think it smells like moth balls. When i first started smoking it....i would get chills, if i smelt it, or smelt something like it, because it really impacted me, and at first i was somewhat traumatized by the experience.

Now, since i've grown to know the molecule and have had some extremely beautiful and elightening experiences with it, the smell doesn't have the same effect on me.It's not like i love the smell or taste but it doesn't send shivers up my spine.

While i'm under it's spell, i've even grown to appreciate the taste because it is part of the overall experience, but at first i couldn't stand it.
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#23 Posted : 10/24/2009 4:59:21 AM

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lonewolf123 wrote:
benzyme wrote:
kemist wrote:
It`s all question of purity IMHO

Clean, very pure DMT should have flowery smell

Contaminated (with indole derivates or decomposition products) it could smell like shitt or say putrescine and cadaverine which resemble smell of putrefying flesh, bad breath and tonsilitis, vaginosis etc

The nasty smell should be the one of the burned DMT Crying or very sad


pure DMT smells similar to pure AMT, or even tryptamine. it's an indole smell, with a hint of amine fishyness.
definitely doesn't smell like flowers..
well, maybe a little bit; both indole/tryptamine have traditionally used as a base note for perfumes

periwinkle has good expression of tryptophan decarboxylase, thus contains tryptamine.

So swim decantted heptane from one of his containers and smelled it, and it definately had a fishy smell... he was about to put it back in the bottle but decided with a smell like that, (smells nothing like heptane), that he should probably evap and re freeze..... does this fishy smell in decanted solvent indicate more spice to be yielded??


that fishy smell indicates the ethylamine moeity; tryptamines are technically arylamines, but may still have that characteristic fishy smell.

the predominant smell is one of plastic, that's the indole backbone.
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#24 Posted : 10/24/2009 8:39:50 AM


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Hang on folks , He didn`t say it smelled like nice roses or lilies or like some fruit.

It smell like the sort of flowers his mum used to put on cemetery where his dead grandparents lying on almost every visit over there. The flower has neither beautiful nor nasty odour for him. Is just flowery smell to him, but some folk can classified as stinky, lol
Jungle spice extracted with DCM smelled very spicey ILPT understood straightaway why people start naming it `spice` Smile

About Indole
ILPT encountered only smelly Indol, it didn`t smell like shitt but more like railwail tracks. He thinks it wasn`t a clean chemical as he read in literature it should have flowery smell when clean and shitty smell when dirty. It also resembled the smell of mothballs as somebody said. It was heavy penetrating smell.

When is spice burned sufficiently(when cleaning glass pipe) it smells pretty much like this dirtier indol

It doesn`t matter
Smell is a bit subjective thing.
ILPT encountered extremely stinky chemicals(organosulphuric compounds Confused) in past and it was very penetrating stench .
Maybe he is just `trained` and get use to, lol
As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!
#25 Posted : 10/24/2009 8:48:39 AM


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benzyme wrote:


pure DMT smells similar to pure AMT, or even tryptamine. it's an indole smell, with a hint of amine fishyness.

Really? Wut? Fishy Shocked
It was pure Dmt obtained by extraction or synthetised dmt, heh ?
As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!
#26 Posted : 10/24/2009 6:26:00 PM

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The wife and a number of other friends and family members say it smells like moth balls, especially while it is burning. That might be the combination of the DMT and the Harmala Freebase combined, butt a lot of them say the straight DMT smells similar to moth balls too.
#27 Posted : 10/24/2009 7:14:04 PM

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kemist wrote:
benzyme wrote:


pure DMT smells similar to pure AMT, or even tryptamine. it's an indole smell, with a hint of amine fishyness.

Really? Wut? Fishy Shocked
It was pure Dmt obtained by extraction or synthetised dmt, heh ?

extraction, purified by sublimation under reduced pressure.

EZ4U2Shoot wrote:
The wife and a number of other friends and family members say it smells like moth balls, especially while it is burning. That might be the combination of the DMT and the Harmala Freebase combined, butt a lot of them say the straight DMT smells similar to moth balls too.

that's the aromatic nature of the double cyclic indole structure, aka benzopyrrole. indole smells like mothballs (mothballs are actually napthalene, two fused benzene rings)
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#28 Posted : 10/25/2009 2:14:58 AM
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SWIM first smelled MJ as a kid and he thought it stunk pretty bad. After using a few times it really smelt great and almost refreshing to him!

Right now, he smells DMT and it's neutral to him. Not great, but not bad either.
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#29 Posted : 10/26/2009 8:08:19 PM
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Well, all SWIM can really say is it brings a big fat SMILE to his face Pleased

...so I guess he likes it... Cool
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#30 Posted : 10/27/2009 11:14:45 PM

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I think DMT has somewhat of its own smell. Burning plastic, mothballs, rotting jasmine all come close, but after spending time with it I think it is unique. Sometimes I catch a whiff of it when walking outside and I can't help but grin.
#31 Posted : 10/28/2009 1:34:59 AM

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you smell it when walking outside?

Confused where on earf do you live?
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#32 Posted : 10/28/2009 3:01:17 PM

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North America? It's not often, and it's most likely just something similar but not DMT. Either way, kind of comforting in a way.
#33 Posted : 10/28/2009 3:24:17 PM
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The dreamer loves the smell!

When you walk pass DMT festering in an unwashed bong, you get a wonderful fragrant whiff of dank moss-infested primeval forest. It makes him think of naked maidens dancing through trees wearing twig-horned headdresses in golden smogs of wild flower pollen. Pleased

I guess you could also think of it in a less exciting way as damp socks, but where's the fun in that?!

There is undoubtedly a degree of Pavlovian conditioning going on in the smell. He also likes the smell of skunk. Both are very earthy smells, very natural, alluring smells of ancestral urges. There is sex, food and death in the smell of DMT.
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#34 Posted : 10/28/2009 3:55:10 PM

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"Sex, food, and death"

I like that.
#35 Posted : 10/28/2009 10:38:23 PM

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I would like to second Slane's experience of having caught whiffs randomly just out and about. It's really weird, but it's definitely happened and I've had a friend confirm it...bizarre, I know. I find the smell to be somewhat floral as mentioned, but definitely plastic/mothball. It's interesting, I find that I classify the smell as natural, but that may only be because I found/find the experience to feel so natural. My first experience killed me, i came up, died, and found myself in front of my face flowing with the universal stream of consciousness out to another realm - Taj Mahal-esque it was. But the only thing I associate with death (at least in terms of taste/smell) is after I come back and I cough up/taste the thick mucus that seems to trap the flavor of the spice. Even this doesn't taste "bad"... i dunno, I no longer really associate death with bad since the start of my spice experiences.
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#36 Posted : 10/28/2009 10:44:28 PM

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what you guys whiff are aromatics.. conjugated ring-structured compounds.
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#37 Posted : 11/17/2009 1:23:27 PM

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Jorkest wrote:
i LOVE the smell of dmt...it makes me feel warm and cozy.. comfy and safe..it scares me and excites me..

Great line. Ying and yan. Smells kinda strange and all my friends hate it, but i quite like it. it tastes quite sweet too, from the machine of course Very happy
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#38 Posted : 11/17/2009 3:17:57 PM


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I also seem to love the smell of DMT. Not that the smell is actually good, but the uniqueness and the sharpness of the smell really is fantastic, not to mention that I know what kind of molecule I am sensing the smell of! I guess it's kinda like Shulgins fascination with the taste of his substances^^
#39 Posted : 11/17/2009 4:44:30 PM


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I must agree. At first I thought it smelt really gross. But the more I did it the more the smell grew on me. Now I love the smell. I keep my dmt bong under my desk and sometimes I get a whiff while I am at the computer. It always makes me want to take a huge rip. Smile

#40 Posted : 11/17/2009 6:27:14 PM
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polytrip wrote:
I had moments that i thought i smelled it. And all those times it brought back good memories.

Last time i had that was at a campingsite in the woods. I don't know if i just imagined it or that some people where realy smoking it there.

One time I had some dmt on a plate which had finished drying. It was very light tan in color. Almost white but not quiteSmile. I spilled it on the carpet in my room.

To this day sometimes I'll get a whiff of it. And if I'm on the ground for some reason I'll smell it strong where I dropped it.

I honestly can't say it smells bad. Also not good either. It resembles an some type of spice to me maybe thats why they call it "Spice" Razz.

I relate the smell to its psychedelic power. Its F'''in strong so when I smell it it brings back memories of overwhelming power.
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