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Sub-forum for Aya Options
#1 Posted : 10/29/2009 11:49:07 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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So I think there are alot of people here that can benefit from the knowledge here about Aya.

So im hoping all you Nexus members with any Aya info can contribute.

Dosages of different plant, methods of preparing, tips and tricks, what should be taken when. etc.

Maybe something can be added to the Wiki on this subject?

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 10/30/2009 4:20:19 AM

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Sounds like a good idea to me, being that they are so inter-related.

Ayahuasca.com is a good resource, but i can definitely see the benefits of a sub-forum that would allow people to discuss the aya phenomenon from a DMT perspective.

And definitely a wiki for Aya / pharmahuasca prep, doseage, recipes would be great too to further develop the interconnection between pure DMT and Aya.
#3 Posted : 10/30/2009 2:47:52 PM

The Great Namah

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If we did do this I think it should be for Authentic Ayahuasca not mimosahusaca, not pharmahusca, not any other combo, but true Ayahusac.

Maybe we could have 2 subforums, one devoted to Caapi with/without Admixture plants (Chaliponga, Chacruna) and another devoted to all other oral methods of consuming DMT+MAOI.

This is because there is A LOT that goes into making authentic Ayahuasca that just isn't there with pharma or other preparations. Many ritualize the making of the brew (me included) and there are so many different ways to make the brew.

Making that distinction between Aya and everything else, to me, is extremely important.

I think the idea is a good one though.

However, we already have broken The Nexus into so many different subforums....I'm not sure adding more is in our best interest...maybe it is though... I don't know.
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I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#4 Posted : 10/30/2009 3:03:27 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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There is indeed a difference between ayahuasca and DMT.
I don't think that ayahuasca needs a special subforum though.

I would prefer a subforum for all DMT-related entheogens:ayahuasca, 5-MeO-DMT, bufotenin, shrooms (although they already have their own subforum) and other psychedelic tryptamines like DPT.
#5 Posted : 10/30/2009 3:12:29 PM

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i think it's a good idea. Yes i could go to ayahuasca.com but i think it's different because this forum is special, and i would like to hear it from the people here, little by little i start to feel like i'm a part of this and after reading a lot of posts you kinda start to 'know' the people here. So getting information from someone you 'know' has an extra quality.Also i find it's a pain in the ass cause the aya information is all over the place, regrouping it would only make it more organized and easy
The Traveler
#6 Posted : 10/30/2009 3:59:52 PM

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Hi all,

About a seperate Ayahuasca entry, I have been thinking about this one.

As I see it Ayahuasca is a method of administration with many different preparations, dosages and ritualizations. Because of this I think it's best to make a new grouping of the current 'Preparations and Methods of Administration' with different subfora in it.

The new structure will be like this:

* Smoking
* Ayahuasca
* Pharmahuasca
* Other

The only problem I see here is with special combinations like oral rue with smoked DMT, that might be a bit confusing at times. As a base we should take DMT and see how that is consumed, in the case of the example it should be put in the 'Smoking' section.

What do you all think about this option/solution?

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#7 Posted : 10/30/2009 4:19:20 PM

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I think this is very good! I can not come up with any better idea, and the thought to separate based on how DMT is consumed is great. Good job!
#8 Posted : 10/30/2009 4:32:50 PM

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The Traveler wrote:
Hi all,

About a seperate Ayahuasca entry, I have been thinking about this one.

As I see it Ayahuasca is a method of administration with many different preparations, dosages and ritualizations. Because of this I think it's best to make a new grouping of the current 'Preparations and Methods of Administration' with different subfora in it.

The new structure will be like this:

* Smoking
* Ayahuasca
* Pharmahuasca
* Other

The only problem I see here is with special combinations like oral rue with smoked DMT, that might be a bit confusing at times. As a base we should take DMT and see how that is consumed, in the case of the example it should be put in the 'Smoking' section.

What do you all think about this option/solution?

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Sounds good trav, maybe these 'hybrid' cases that seem confusing should be exactly what fits in the 'other' sub category... , Does it have space for little description? because if so, in the 'other' subcategory one could gives a couple of examples, like "oral harmalas and smoked dmt, combinations etc", which could help..
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