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The Truth Changa: A smoking blend containing Ayahuasca and other herbs Options
#21 Posted : 7/6/2017 7:01:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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yay cyb,
on ya bro ,
nimbin upCool
good to here ya love it bro,
we love it here too,

spent many ayear pickin cubes shrooms ,
and smokin dimi in the park at mardigrass.
then goin to climb wollumbin on shrooms and smokin dimi up there all night.
then comin back down to go to the nimbin doofs.
oldskool SPACETRIBE days.

lovin life and smokin mullumbimby madness till the cows come home!

lovin it
Cool Thumbs up

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#22 Posted : 7/6/2017 7:03:13 PM

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I wasn't saying that the effects from different acacias are all the same. In that case there will be other alkaloids, as mentioned, which can change the effect.

I was saying that if one were to isolate the dmt from those extracts, and smoke just dmt, then it should be indistinguishable regardless of source. This is according to our current understanding of pharmacology. This might be reviewed if new information requires the understanding to change, but so far this is the best according to the information we have.

If one were to claim that you could feel a difference between purified DMT from all these different sources even after removing all the other alkaloids, then that goes against the current understanding of pharmacology, so the burden of proof would be on that person to show it. If its true, then it will be reliably shown in a blind test, and we would all be greatly interested and even promote the results, regardless if its the results we expected or not.

If this was true, it would be fascinating. We could test for example whether that "difference" is mediated by 5-HT2a or otherwise, by for example testing whether ketanserin would block also the "differentiating effects".. We could find that there are other properties of the molecule appart from chemical structure, that mediate their effects.. etc etc.. But before all of that happens, we need to see if its really true with a simple double blind research Smile

Lastly, that being said, we can also do a fascinating research which is not with purified dmt, but with different acacia extracts with their secondary (or even primary?) different alkaloids, in blind tests, and then see what differences we find. We could find a lot about the effects of these other alkaloids, specially if quite a few people do this test, it would be amazing novel research.
#23 Posted : 7/6/2017 7:21:11 PM

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i fully agree my friend,
and i know that outher people would get involved
here in australia.
alot of people, with time and means.!
there is so much to be learned and fully documented,
iv been looking for years bro for people who could help do these experiments.
it needs to be done.
we know that there will be many many amazing things that will test our understanding
and belief systems.
we are living this as pioneers ,
but without the directed help that we need to fully
EGA this year could be a place we could get togather and comunicate some
sollid ideas.
if anyone is going this year,?
please let us know and choco and outhers could do a talk about this,
and get some real interest started bro.
it shouldnt be too hard!
im def keen as.
an and will be easy to get alot of different samples by then
of atleast 6 or 7 spieces ,
probably alot more between us.
im sure jeremy will have some input too.
amoung outhers!

what do you think?Smile
#24 Posted : 7/6/2017 7:34:08 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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I'll be one of the keynotes at EGA this year. I'll also be at Rainbow Serpent, I believe.

We can start working on coordinating analysis efforts well-before then, though Smile
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#25 Posted : 7/6/2017 7:35:51 PM

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acacaya wrote:
nimbin upCool
good to here ya love it bro,
we love it here too,

Some of the best trips on Mullumbimby cubes way back in 88'
OldSkool yup.

Please do not PM tek related questions
Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
#26 Posted : 7/6/2017 7:39:45 PM

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cool bro.
be good to hear ya talk.
havnt been for few years,
be good to catch up with the crew!
probably alwready met?
ya never know bro.
chocs ,
and rak.
be good ta see darps as well.
and the trollinator ,
if he comes.sham aus.

Yay cyb,
mullupbimby madness,
mainarm dreaming.
upper huenbrook pinkfloyd dayz
oldskool obtuc red jam


big brother dreaming
#27 Posted : 7/8/2017 9:04:48 AM

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Thumbs up
i think this is a gret addition to this thread

The Improbability of Hyperspace Options


Posted : 1/15/2011 9:50:02 PM


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Someone asks “Does hyperspace really exist?”, and then the usual debate begins:

The Debate

x: Yes, it exists. I’ve had experiences that have convinced me.
y: No, it doesn’t exist. We have no scientific evidence for its existence.

x: But we don’t know everything about reality yet.
y: As we learn more about reality, it will become apparent that there is nothing beyond the physical.

x: You can’t say that with absolute certainty.
y: No, not with absolute certainty, but with a high likelihood.

x: Well, what about the primacy of consciousness?
y: There’s no evidence that the primacy of consciousness is correct.

x: But neither is there evidence that the primacy of matter is correct.
y: Well, it seems to be, and there’s no evidence that it isn’t correct.

x: Yes, but…
y: …


Suppose I have a small black box and eight marbles of different colors. I randomly put some of the marbles in the box (or all, or none), and ask you to guess which ones (if any) are in the box. There are 256 combinations of marbles possible (including the “empty box” state). If you make a guess about the contents, the probability of you guessing right is 1/256.

Now someone (person X) might come along and say, “I am certain that the box contains a red marble, a blue one, and a black one”.

Someone else (person Y) might say to person X, “You have no evidence that the box contains that combination of marbles. In fact you have no evidence that it contains any marbles at all. So until there’s some evidence, I’m going to assume the box is empty.”

Who’s Right?

Who’s right? Who’s wrong?

Person X is wrong in claiming certainty. The probability of any combination of marbles in the box (the probability of the box being in any particular state) is always 1/256.

But person Y is wrong in assigning special status to the “empty box” state. The “empty box” state has the same probability as any other state. The probability that the box is empty is 1/256.

Exponential Growth

Before moving on, I want to mention the amazing property of exponential growth. In the example I gave, each of the eight marbles can either be in the box or not – 2 states. The number of possible states is therefore 2^8. (2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2) This is the number of states raised to the power of the number of objects.

As the number of marbles (or objects, or elements – whatever you want to call them) increases, the number of possible states increases dramatically:

8 marbles = 2^8 = 256 possible box states
16 marbles = 2^16 = 65,536 box states
30 marbles = 2^30 = 1,073,741,824 box states (that’s over 1 billion unique states)

Not only do the number of states grow dramatically, but the likelihood of guessing the state decreases dramatically: The odds of guessing the contents of the box correctly when 30 marbles are used are less than one in a billion.

There is no Special State

Using the eight marble example again, it’s important to stress that there is no statistically “special” state. The probability of the box containing all eight marbles is the same as the box containing between one and seven marbles which is the same as the box containing no marbles at all: 1/256. When pondering the unknown, all possibilities are equally unlikely. There is no special state when we’re dealing with the unknown.

We should keep all of this in mind not only when thinking about our interpretations of the psychedelic experience, but also when thinking about the nature of our everyday reality. The probability that anyone knows or understands “The Truth” - the probability that anyone's ideas conform to the "true" nature of reality - is very close to zero.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.

Oneiros Glass
Trippy glass for trippy people.


Posted : 1/15/2011 11:07:11 PM

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If there is a "Truth", then it is not one of those states. The "Truth" is that which governs these states, which makes them possible. The "Truth" is that which provides and enforces the rules by which we can think about this experiment of yours. The "Truth" always exists on the meta-level. And until there is a meta-level, there is always a higher "Truth".

(acacaya agrees that!)
As I see it, the direction towards the "Truth" Trees trunk is always perpendicular to what "is". With every step up this ladder, we get to a meta-level which is simpler than the previous one, but contains everything below. There is a hierarchy in existence. The infinite number of states you are talking about are in the (phyllodes) and,. As you descend down the rabitwhole from the( phyllodes,) through the branches to the (root bark,) of the tree, the whole world gets packed back into the one(,universal cone,) and unfolds from there again back into existence back from HYPERSPACE!Twisted Evil Shocked I said godam what a rush.!

This kind of "Truth", which shows the inner workings of the world, does not interfere with anything. This is a knowing about the mechanism of everything that is. An important attribute of this "Truth"Tree is that it doesn't give anything, except itself. Everything remains the same, nothing is forced to change, it is just illuminated with light.

The Improbability of Hyperspace
The Improbability of Hyperspace II
A pragmatic approach: What is "real", and when is it actually useful to ask this?

sorry snozz.
dont know how to make the link from here,?

and not trying to draw attention from that outher post,
i just think it goes along way here bro.

and i am starting to get where you are coming from?
and i respect your view!
and all Truth is relative


we are the cocreators of our own realities

#28 Posted : 7/8/2017 10:14:16 AM

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Now people ,
here is an exert from
the cern official news letter.
apparently this is real official science,!
by real scientists ,!!!?
it just shows wat i realy think of

CERN And The War On Consciousness
In5D March 12, 2015 Exiting The Matrix

CERN And The War On Consciousness in5d.com

by Michelle Walling, CHLC
Contributing writer, In5D.com

As usual, the majority of humanity has no idea of the true threat of CERN and how it is trying to be used in the Draco/Annunaki’s war on human consciousness. The mainstream media is diligently programming humanity to assure them that the investment of billions of dollars for a particle accelerator is necessary in order to advance scientific knowledge of our origins out of dark matter. What we are really facing is a final attempt by the madmen behind the curtain to reset the world in a hit and run scenario.
What is CERN?

Who wouldn’t want to know what the “God code” really is? The Large Hadron Collider. a.k.a. CERN. is supposed to be able to recreate the split second after the Big Bang in order to “study” the origins of our Universe. The carrot dangled to the human population is that they want to study the beginning of time in order to know how we were created. The truth is that they are trying to play God and they do not have humanity’s best interests in mind.

Here is a video which shows how CERN works with the false light grid that has been set up all over the planet. This video also shows how the acceptance of CERN has been subliminally advertised by the media for public acceptance:

CERN was turned on to 75% capacity on December 21st, 2012 and was forced offline due to technical issues. Isn’t it interesting that that was the New Age planned day of ascension? There were reports all over the area of being able to see “demons” and other beings of another realm at its highest capacity. They have been working for over two years now to get CERN back online.

CERN is scheduled to start its faster levels of firing stages again on Friday the 13th of this month, and subsequently will be ramped up during the Spring Equinox March 20, 2015. Coincidentally at that time there will be a solar eclipse. Throughout history we have seen that equinoxes, solstices, new moons, and solar eclipses are used as powerful black magic ritual dates. With that being said, it is imperative to understand what CERN really is.

Here is what they want you to know, from CERN’s website:

“The instruments used at CERN are purpose-built particle accelerators and detectors. Accelerators boost beams of particles to high energies before the beams are made to collide with each other or with stationary targets. Detectors observe and record the results of these collisions. Founded in 1954, the CERN laboratory sits astride the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva. The name CERN is derived from the acronym for the French ‘Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire’, or European Council for Nuclear Research, a provisional body founded in 1952 with the mandate of establishing a world-class fundamental physics research organization in Europe. At that time, pure physics research concentrated on understanding the inside of the atom, hence the word ‘nuclear’.”

Did you catch that? Nuclear? That alone spells trouble, however the implications of this machine that they have built right under our noses is much worse than that. Did you know that the ideas for CERN actually began all the way back in 1949, and they began to officially start working on CERN in 1954, 61 years ago? Why is Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction placed outside of the entrance to the Hadron collider? Does “Hadron” have anything to do with Hades?

Check out this short video about Shiva, CERN, and the Osiris Stargate device connection:

Here is the 2014 update from the CERN newsletter about the upgrades they have completed:

“It’s almost two years to the day since the team in the CERN Control Centre switched off the beams in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at 7.24am on 14 February 2013, marking the end of the accelerator’s first three-year run. Hundreds of engineers and technicians have been repairing and strengthening the laboratory’s accelerators and experiments in preparation for running the LHC at the higher energy. So what has the work achieved?

When the LHC restarts this year, the energy of particle collisions will be 13 TeV (or 6.5 TeV per beam) compared to 8 TeV (4 TeV per beam) in 2012. This higher energy will allow physicists to extend their searches for new particles and to check previously untestable theories.

To prepare the machine for this new energy frontier, 18 of the LHC’s 1232 superconducting dipole magnets, which steer particle beams around the accelerator, were replaced due to wear and tear. More than 10,000 electrical interconnections between dipole magnets were fitted with shunts – pieces of metal that act as an alternative path for the 11,000 amp current, saving the interconnection if there is a fault. The machine will operate at a higher voltage to run the higher energy beams, and has been fitted with new sets of radiation-resistant electronics. The vacuum system that keeps the beam pipe clear of stray molecules has been upgraded, and the cryogenics system for the LHC’s superconducting dipole magnets has been refurbished.

Bunches of protons in the accelerator will be separated in time by 25 nanoseconds compared to 50 nanoseconds. The LHC will thus deliver more particles per unit time, as well as more collisions, to the experiments. To prepare for the challenges of more collisions, the LHC experiments, including ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb, underwent full consolidation and maintenance programmes, including upgrades to their subdetectors and data-acquisition systems.

The CERN IT department purchased and installed almost 60,000 new cores and over 100 petabytes of additional disk storage to cope with the increased amount of data that is expected from the experiments during run 2. Significant upgrades have also been made to the networking infrastructure, including the installation of new uninterruptible power supplies. When the LHC starts up again this spring, CERN’s accelerators and experiments will be ready.”

According to one of the top scientists in the field, Dr. Stephen Hawking, the acceleration of the God Particle could cause time and space to collapse! This would be a detriment to not only Earth but the whole Universe. I have to question how Dr. Hawking could make such a public statement while the presidents/kings/queens/czars of the world are doing nothing to stop it!

They even have gone as far as to create documentaries based on years of footage in order to sell the idea. Here is a media documentary on CERN for what seems as entertainment purposes, as they follow employees around as the anticipation builds up as they wait for the day that they can bring CERN online back in 2012:

The pole shift

According to Goz Stone and “Lily Earthling”, the actual date of the pole shift on the planet was 56 BC. The Earth titled on its axis 23.4° and this caused the astral dimensions to be split off from the physical. The planet did this on her own because the Draco/Annunaki were trying to completely take over the planet and she knew of their plans to completely “zombify” humanity and to make us fully unconscious slaves.

When Earth shifted it closed the stargates and mis- aligned the grids. This also cut the Dracos off from using Earth as a source of energy from prime creator. It kept those already inside the quarantine from leaving the planet and it kept the Anunnaki from returning. Those that were trapped had no choice but to continue to use human bodies for their source of energy. Humans are connected to the planet and thus are connected to the Source. Without a connection to the planet and without an energy source, they would not be able to survive. Keep in mind that these beings wanted to take Earth completely for themselves and enslave all human beings at any cost, in a selfish and greedy plight for survival due to the consequences of their own free will choices.

Here is an interview that Alan Stockdale did with Lily Earthling and Goz Stone. The first hour discusses CERN:

The real war

We are currently reeling from the continued war on human consciousness and the control of physical bodies since 56 B.C.. Without the ability to keep humans in an unconscious state, humanity will be waking up to the fact that they have been enslaved and tricked by the archonic led Draco, Anunnaki, and reptilian members of the negative polarity snake family.

Earth has helped humans wake up and expand their consciousness. This started with the pole tilt and continues with higher frequencies of love coming from the planet, our sun, the Great Central Sun, and all the way to Source energy itself. The Draco family knows they have lost the battle for the planet and for survival through feeding off of humans. This will have a huge impact on the rest of their plans for a New World Order, which includes a one world religion, currency, and government. CERN is their last ditch effort and they are about to have all of their cards on the table.
My observations

From what I can tell, CERN could be being used to open a portal for escape either through creating an artificial stargate or by trying to shift the pole of the planet once again to line up the prior connection with the astral world and the stargates that once allowed travel through the underworld. One would think that if this super collider is successful in opening the gate to the underworld, that all hell would break loose.

Earth, however, is much more powerful than the false light creation and will not let this happen.
Non-consent and side effects

Is it a coincidence that one of the number one messages we have been getting from the other side of the veil is to use your DIS-CERN-MENT? Perhaps that message has a double meaning as we have a CON-CERN about bringing this thing online to its full nuclear particle accelerating potential.

The planet will not be allowed to be destroyed now just as it wasn’t allowed on December 21st of 2012. Just by having the awareness of what is happening and by using your galactic voting card (free will) to vote NO to CERN, we are standing in our rights as sovereign human beings to oppose the possible opening of the stargate that connects to the astral realms.

Some people, including myself, were extremely ill on December 21, 2012. The effects of CERN and the energies of the astral realm hit me like a ton of bricks to where I could not walk, crawl, or hardly move. I mention this not because I expect the same thing again, but I am bringing awareness to the final showdown that may last until 2017 (unless we quicken the end). I don’t feel like they will get a chance to turn the dial up as far as they did before, but actually they could already have been turning the dial up gradually.

If you are having some serious energetic problems, flu-like symptoms, and are drained of energy, it might have something to do with this serious so-called scientific experiment. The best thing you can do is to ground with the planet and practice more “earthing”, and to know that things will be improving as soon as they show their last card. Another thing you can do is to declare to the universe that you do not consent!
Astral dark matter light creation

Here is a video from BP Earthwatch about the explanation of the “dark matter” experiment CERN is attempting to define:

A light carrying particle is also a dark matter particle. This is similar to the extreme light and dark polarity we are seeing in our reality all over the world. It seems if they can impart mass to all other particles, they will be harnessing all of light creation. It sounds like pure dark magic to me in order to weaken the quarantine of the earth but to also find an escape path to the Universe as well as an entry path from the astral realm.

I will give you an analogy of this situation from my home state’s poker game. In this game of Texas Hold’em, the archons think they have a really good hand- a straight flush. However, Earth has the Royal flush and everyone’s all-in. Earth will either be flushing them right down the toilet, back to source or they can become space dust
(all is probable in reality, and infinite metaverses)

(and infinite realities,!)

(create infinite posibillities)





or what we feel or percieve.)
we know nothing of True reality.

I know nothing of true reality,!???

lets be honest here with every body,!!!???
this is not rocket science.
OR IS IT.???

#29 Posted : 7/8/2017 12:09:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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acacaya wrote:
Now people ,
here is an exert from
the cern official news letter.
apparently this is real official science,!
by real scientists ,!!!?

Hmmm only a small part of what you posted above was from the official cern news letter. The rest was written by Michelle Walling. She is a "holistic life coach" who charges $75 an hour to speak to her on the phone or $111 for a skype call. Hardly "real" science and she has no agenda to push???

I would be interested to see the results of a blind test of pure DMT from different sources.
#30 Posted : 7/8/2017 12:11:22 PM

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Cool snozz.!?
honestly bro.?
i get your devotion to the cause ,!?
but do you realy understand???

#31 Posted : 7/8/2017 12:31:14 PM

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Exactly my friend!
i aggree full heartedly.
nothing wat we will say is anything todo with the truth.!!@???
if anyone thinks that we can percieve the (FULL TRUTH )


Whether we think WE are ( GODS OR PLAIN OLD FOLK )





#32 Posted : 7/8/2017 2:02:49 PM

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Please understand everyone!!!???
that this is just a means to an end.

We are just trying to create entropy,!
well thats life isnt it.

Well thats wat they think .ANYWAY.

ow well
waz worth a try.preace out.

WE will never know.

And Thats THE TRUTH!!!???

#33 Posted : 7/8/2017 2:07:23 PM

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#34 Posted : 7/8/2017 2:20:11 PM

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Is the same as bullsharks bro.'
and if anyone thinks that mere chemistry can explain
consciousness ,
then they are full of bullsharks..!

ow well

#35 Posted : 7/8/2017 2:30:24 PM

dysfunctional word machine

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I am forever indebted for your clear, concise and eloquent explanation of consciousness.

PS: what a brilliant trick to throw the draco/annunaki off our trail, by deliberately subverting conventional spelling, syntax and punctuation!

PS2: limolords, perhaps now is the time to register under yet another nickname. The reptilians are quick to catch on. (I fear that Snozzleberry might be one of them!!)
#36 Posted : 7/8/2017 2:36:58 PM

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and bro im fully greatfull that you made the (33rd) post.
cool as.
it was my uncles birthday yesturday,
he was ( 77 on the 7vnth of the 7vnth 2017.)
and he still mows lawns and does gardening and prunes my acacias at 77 years old.!
and has been gardening for 63 years, and picken cubes , shrooms.
i had cubes with him 5 months ago in nimbin.
he was 76,
thats oldskool bro.



#37 Posted : 7/8/2017 2:58:34 PM

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Thumbs up Very happy Big grin


ill see snozz at EGA.!
if you think you can understand the infinite
good luck bro.
peace out.


honestly bro.
I love yas all.
im just havin fun aya.

love yas all .
and peace love and mungbeans to all you good folk out there.

just dont get to seriouse
its all about love and light!
and fun.


#38 Posted : 7/8/2017 3:08:58 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Wtf happened here??

All I said was that if you're going to make assertions, you need to have evidence to support the assertion (beyond "trust me bro, I'm an expert," as that's an appeal to authority fallacy). That doesn't seem like such a bold request to me.

Otherwise, as gibran2 points out, you're just making baseless assertions about which marbles you've got...or if you've got no marbles or all the marbles.

And limolords, it appears you've lost your marbles entirely Laughing

Twisted Evil Love Twisted Evil
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#39 Posted : 7/8/2017 3:15:23 PM

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Sorry snozz.

just my ego playin tricks on me bruz
too much changa, not enough timeShocked Cool
i realy shouldnt smoke changa,,
and listen to darkmatter izraely psytrance (DOOF RECORDS)
its a bit like drunk facebooking ,i call it (facecrack or crackbook)
just ignore my antics bro,
just trypin,!


sorry crew.

#40 Posted : 7/8/2017 3:57:51 PM

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Big grin Twisted Evil Crying or very sad

Sorry people.
just some old farts ,or me
havin a good old laugh.
hope i didnt offend anyone!

lovin life.
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