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#1 Posted : 12/22/2016 7:55:48 PM

You create your own reality

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Hi Nexians!

I've been noticing something peculiar recently in myself. Whenever I stop actively thinking about something, I get this weird effect where my inner voice (that's the only way I can describe it lol) just goes on its own. It's random words, sentences just coming up continuously. It's hard to describe. It's like a jumbled up, completely random recording playing in my mind.

Like, I said earlier, this happens whenever I stop actively thinking. Usually it happens when I lie down to sleep. I've been trying meditation recently, (not too seriously mind you lolLaughing ) so it also happens when I try to get into a meditative state. What happens is I stop actively thinking, then very quickly, this jumbled internal monologue starts.

To be honest, I'm not too concerned about this. I can stop it whenever I want. It only happens when I stop thinking so it's not a constant, incessant thing. I actually quite like this phenomenon. It feels very strange to me.(in a good wayBig grin ). Like , even when I'm not thinking, I'm thinking. Or something like that, lolLaughing. When it happens, I usually just let it happen. During the few times I tried meditation I've managed to attain very brief states of "no mind" as they say. No thinking, just being. So it's not like I have any trouble shutting off the inner monologue. I don't think I'm crazy (at least I hope so lol). The title of the thread is just clickbait, really. Twisted Evil

I just wanted to get your thoughts on this. Have any of you experienced this? Like I said I'm not concerned. I just think that it's my overactive mind.

Anyways, thanks for reading and thanks in advance for the replies! Big grin
JustAnotherHuman is a fictional character. Everything said by this character should be regarded as completely fabricated.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."-Benjamin Franklin.

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#2 Posted : 12/22/2016 8:04:31 PM

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Don't forget to separate your bat wings from your collard greens!
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#3 Posted : 12/22/2016 8:19:24 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I can't relate, but I am curious.

Have you talked with a doctor about this?

...could be some neurological anomaly.

...And you said you perceive this as positive?

#4 Posted : 12/22/2016 8:32:31 PM

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Same happens to me when i'm falling asleep, sometimes it happens when i'm still awake and i take it as a sign that i should sleep, it's totally random and meaningless and each word in a different voice

It doesn't feel like something to be concerned about for me too

Though another voice that makes me really concerned and that i hate is a voice that attacks me when i'm in a negative state(usually when i smoke cannabis) it says bad things about me and others in a very awful disgusting ways it also suggests bad things to me, i don't know how exactly but it seems that i succeeded in reducing that voice or making it less awful.

"Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
#5 Posted : 12/22/2016 8:37:13 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sounds perfectly normal. As you say, even when your not thinking, your thinking.

This is one of the goals, and a very hard one to achieve at that, of a meditative practice; to stop that voice to allow clear(non) thought to enter.

An integral part of my practice involved using the hypnogogic state which is where and when the phenomenon you describe occurs to me, to allow my mind to go on'trips' unencumbered by rational thought. Sometimes it's nonsensical jabberwocky, but I've also been able to astrally project from this launch pad. I can give you some info on how I've done this of at ask interested.

. Have you talked with a doctor about this?

...could be some neurological anomaly.

Don't freak this poor person out! There no need to line a MDs pocket with unnecessary concerns. What they describe is not psychosis. By the way, OP, hire old are you? Psychosis most often (tmlu) manifests between the ages of 18 to 30. If you've made it past then with no clear signs, then you're most likely good.

Sounds to me like you just started paying attention to what's been there all along.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
#6 Posted : 12/22/2016 8:47:55 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I usually ignore clickbait but the only ad is Rueshop so no harm done!

It is hard to prevent thoughts, ideas and so on when meditating. I find the benefit to come from routinely trying to achieve no thought rather than actually attaining it. Starting meditation can draw attention to how hard it is to turn off thought.

Is this just your stream of consciousness? Has it only just started happening or have you only just noticed it? Was it triggered by anything? If it troubles you with negative, controlling or self destructive instructions that you are concerned about seek help. I and most people I know have some form of this and I'm always suprised and a bit jealous when someone tells me that they don't.
#7 Posted : 12/22/2016 10:34:45 PM
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How much is your mind overloaded with information such as Internet, TV stuff like that. How many things occupy your mind per day roughly.

I think it's part of Attention deficit issues. I won't worry about it if you are aware of it you are already on the right track with your mind. I have chatter all day long. It's tiring at some point. And the only times it all shuts down and I am silent and my focus is set on one thing like a buddhist monk. Those are the only times I can think clairvoyantly and am in peace.

peace. btw, not that sure about this just my immediate go-to reaction.
#8 Posted : 12/22/2016 10:37:16 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Oh yeah try feeling how your emotional center affects your mental chatter.

And.. A magnificent trick I read about not too long ago IS to stop all incoming thoughts as they happen. I personally feel them coming from the body into the head at some point.

Set this intent for a few minutes and feel the difficulty but you are rewarded with visual (dream-like) so best to do this in the evenings.
#9 Posted : 12/22/2016 11:14:19 PM

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Sakkadelic wrote:

Though another voice that makes me really concerned and that i hate is a voice that attacks me when i'm in a negative state(usually when i smoke cannabis) it says bad things about me and others in a very awful disgusting ways it also suggests bad things to me, i don't know how exactly but it seems that i succeeded in reducing that voice or making it less awful.

This happens to me a lot and I also hate it. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to shut it off or deal with it in any other way, so I just listen to that voice and usually try to confront it to stop. Surprised
#10 Posted : 12/23/2016 12:44:19 AM

You create your own reality

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null24 wrote:
Sounds perfectly normal. As you say, even when your not thinking, your thinking.

This is one of the goals, and a very hard one to achieve at that, of a meditative practice; to stop that voice to allow clear(non) thought to enter.

An integral part of my practice involved using the hypnogogic state which is where and when the phenomenon you describe occurs to me, to allow my mind to go on'trips' unencumbered by rational thought. Sometimes it's nonsensical jabberwocky, but I've also been able to astrally project from this launch pad. I can give you some info on how I've done this of at ask interested.

. Have you talked with a doctor about this?

...could be some neurological anomaly.

Don't freak this poor person out! There no need to line a MDs pocket with unnecessary concerns. What they describe is not psychosis. By the way, OP, hire old are you? Psychosis most often (tmlu) manifests between the ages of 18 to 30. If you've made it past then with no clear signs, then you're most likely good.

Sounds to me like you just started paying attention to what's been there all along.

Tell me moar about using this phenomenon to astral project null24! I'm definitely interested in that. I've tried to astral project, never successfully but I've had sort of pre-launch phenomena(sleep paralysis quite a few times, vibration in the pineal gland) so some tips would be great!

To answer your question about age, I'm 20 years old. So very much in the danger zone lolShocked.

You said it seems like I'm starting to pay attention to what was always there. It certainly feels like that. This is something that only started happening recently and now that it is something that I'm paying attention to, it's something that happens all the time. There's a scientific term for that, I learned it a while back but I forgot it now lolBig grin


I usually ignore clickbait but the only ad is Rueshop so no harm done!

It is hard to prevent thoughts, ideas and so on when meditating. I find the benefit to come from routinely trying to achieve no thought rather than actually attaining it. Starting meditation can draw attention to how hard it is to turn off thought.

Is this just your stream of consciousness? Has it only just started happening or have you only just noticed it? Was it triggered by anything? If it troubles you with negative, controlling or self destructive instructions that you are concerned about seek help. I and most people I know have some form of this and I'm always suprised and a bit jealous when someone tells me that they don't.

I agree totally with what you said here Incal. Meditation is hard. Which is why I don't do it as much as I should lol. I think what you said about starting meditation is so true. It shows you how overactive your mind is.

To answer your questions yes, it is just my stream of consciousness. Like I said earlier, it's something that I've been noticing lately. I honestly don't know if it's been happening before. It's nothing negative so no worries on that front. The chatter is completely random. It's nonsensical actually. There's no meaning to it.

How much is your mind overloaded with information such as Internet, TV stuff like that. How many things occupy your mind per day roughly.

I think it's part of Attention deficit issues. I won't worry about it if you are aware of it you are already on the right track with your mind. I have chatter all day long. It's tiring at some point. And the only times it all shuts down and I am silent and my focus is set on one thing like a buddhist monk. Those are the only times I can think clairvoyantly and am in peace.

peace. btw, not that sure about this just my immediate go-to reaction.

My mind is very overloaded with information. I don't watch TV, but I'm on the Internet all the time.

You said it could be attention deficit issues, this is a definite possibility. Like many kids, I was diagnosed with ADD and put on Ritalin. I hated that stuff though, and I stopped using it after a while. So that could be a factor.

It's good to know other people have experienced something similar to what I experience. Very reassuring lolBig grin
JustAnotherHuman is a fictional character. Everything said by this character should be regarded as completely fabricated.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."-Benjamin Franklin.
#11 Posted : 12/23/2016 5:28:59 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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^ Smile

Voices in the head suck. They distract you from all the cool things you could be experiencing like seeing your friends in telepathy and talking with them etc. lol . But internal dialogue needs to be shut off to open this world.

I suppose when you're unattaching the mind from dialogue and you start to listen to it as if it's an "Other of self" that you are becoming aware of the mind's autonome existence. That's good. Right.

In contrast to hearing the mind you can also hear beings chatting. I often hear friends chatting away. Just before sleeping I hear the voice of someone I started talking to today. At one time I heared aliens talking about seeing a lot of humans tuning into the sky today. Atleast that's my interpretation of what they said.. But that's a different receptor for this In my experience than for the only mind stuff

I'd love to hear about using this in any hypnagogic state. I am very interested in the state just before dreaming. This is a weird turn for this thread that I personally would love to indulge to
#12 Posted : 12/23/2016 9:00:33 AM

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TotalTotalness wrote:
Sakkadelic wrote:

Though another voice that makes me really concerned and that i hate is a voice that attacks me when i'm in a negative state(usually when i smoke cannabis) it says bad things about me and others in a very awful disgusting ways it also suggests bad things to me, i don't know how exactly but it seems that i succeeded in reducing that voice or making it less awful.

This happens to me a lot and I also hate it. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to shut it off or deal with it in any other way, so I just listen to that voice and usually try to confront it to stop. Surprised

Of the things i tried to reduce that voice are to recognize it and see it for what it is, simply it's not true it comes from doubts, delusions, fears.. sometimes you can see why it said this thing exactly things buried deep in your subconscious, then after that accept it don't shut it down when it comes and then it started fading, it's not as disturbing as before..

I tried many times to confront it and had intentions to heal it on smoked and oral dmt experiences but the trip never went that way it never occured to me during the trip but maybe some background healing was going on or the things i confronted helped healing it..

One other thing is that the process was slow

I hope you get better Smile
"Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
#13 Posted : 12/23/2016 1:44:19 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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null24 wrote:
Sounds perfectly normal. As you say, even when your not thinking, your thinking.

This is one of the goals, and a very hard one to achieve at that, of a meditative practice; to stop that voice to allow clear(non) thought to enter.

An integral part of my practice involved using the hypnogogic state which is where and when the phenomenon you describe occurs to me, to allow my mind to go on'trips' unencumbered by rational thought. Sometimes it's nonsensical jabberwocky, but I've also been able to astrally project from this launch pad. I can give you some info on how I've done this of at ask interested.

. Have you talked with a doctor about this?

...could be some neurological anomaly.

Don't freak this poor person out! There no need to line a MDs pocket with unnecessary concerns. What they describe is not psychosis. By the way, OP, hire old are you? Psychosis most often (tmlu) manifests between the ages of 18 to 30. If you've made it past then with no clear signs, then you're most likely good.

Sounds to me like you just started paying attention to what's been there all along.

Maybe I was misunderstanding the phenomena being described...

You guys say this happens to you as well?


#14 Posted : 12/23/2016 2:33:21 PM

You create your own reality

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Infectedlsd wrote:
^ Smile

Voices in the head suck. They distract you from all the cool things you could be experiencing like seeing your friends in telepathy and talking with them etc. lol . But internal dialogue needs to be shut off to open this world.

I suppose when you're unattaching the mind from dialogue and you start to listen to it as if it's an "Other of self" that you are becoming aware of the mind's autonome existence. That's good. Right.

In contrast to hearing the mind you can also hear beings chatting. I often hear friends chatting away. Just before sleeping I hear the voice of someone I started talking to today. At one time I heared aliens talking about seeing a lot of humans tuning into the sky today. Atleast that's my interpretation of what they said.. But that's a different receptor for this In my experience than for the only mind stuff

I'd love to hear about using this in any hypnagogic state. I am very interested in the state just before dreaming. This is a weird turn for this thread that I personally would love to indulge to

A lot of what you said here resonates with me Infectedlsd! Like what you said about detaching from the internal dialogue. It also helps me become aware of the autonomy of the mind.

You said you often hear other beings chatting, friends, random people you encountered etc. I get the same thing. Oftentimes the internal monologue will be in other people's voices for me too.

I must say, I love the supportive nature of this forum! You guys have given me very comforting and also very useful information. I was reading another guy's post in this forum and he was saying something similar, about how if he had asked his question on another forum(he mentioned Reddit) he wouldn't have gotten informative responses and the responses he would've gotten would've have been full of unnecessary vitriol. I thought that was so interesting because that has also been my experience in my short time being on this forum. The Nexus really is the place to be! Big grin

JustAnotherHuman is a fictional character. Everything said by this character should be regarded as completely fabricated.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."-Benjamin Franklin.
#15 Posted : 12/23/2016 7:31:48 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Tell me moar about using this phenomenon to astral project null24! I'm definitely interested in that. I've tried to astral project, never successfully but I've had sort of pre-launch phenomena(sleep paralysis quite a few times, vibration in the pineal gland) so some tips would be great!

By the sheer nature of it, there never really any guarantee of anything happening and conditions seem to have to be just right to have some kind of experience. For me part of those conditions involve the use of cannabis, it really helps me with allowing my mind to free flow and sort of quiet the chatter that infectedlsd and others speak about. Then, rather than getting hung up on some trivial event or bothersome worry, my mind free flows. Sometimes I'll try to fix it on a visualized object or meditative concept after the chatter ceases.

I've heard the term "liminal dreaming" applied something similar, and i guess a good way to describe it is a sustained hypnogogic state. I achieve it most easily by setting my body in a position that allows me to begin to drift but that prevents me from fully falling asleep, such as propping my head up so that I'll drop it and wake if i do fall fully asleep. Eventually, I'll be able to just stay in a semi conscious dream like state.

The majority of the time, it's all just fantastic nonsense, jabberwocky dreams that don't have any deep meaning, but are still fun. Other times, especially when using the meditative techniques above, things like traveling into a cave that represents my subconscious where internal concepts and memories and such are brought to life and can be interacted with occur.

The one time i was able to astrally project from this state happened when for some reason I was overcome with emotion and began to cultivate it until i was near tears, then, and i wish i could tell you exactly how, i "turned on" my left brain, examining the right brain emotive state with detached reason. This was something i had read in a book on Freemasonic magic techniques some time ago. At once my brain did something and i felt a presence behind me. It was kind and supportive, a pure loving entity, that i visualized as female and in a dark blue robe, crouching behind me (i had actually sat up in bed cross legged before trying the right brain thing) with one hand on my left shoulder. She asked where I'd like to go and instinctually i answered 'where I've always wanted to go", although that really had specific meaning to me at the time.

Instantly it seemed i was pulled out of my body and the room and had a sensation of flying at tremendous speed. When i stopped, i was staring at a giant globular star cluster, as bright as the million suns within it. The entity was still there and she told me to listen, which i did. Not to an actual sound (you know, outerspace and all), but to what i can only describe as a song that was all universal Love, the big-L Love that is cosmic glue.

This event was prior to my first drug-induced OOBE with DMT compounds, actually within a year of my intro to 5meo. It was a powerful experience on par with any great psychedelic one. I've not since been able to replicate it, but i think if conditions were right and i applied myself to it, it'd probably work.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#16 Posted : 12/23/2016 11:26:10 PM

You create your own reality

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null24 wrote:
Tell me moar about using this phenomenon to astral project null24! I'm definitely interested in that. I've tried to astral project, never successfully but I've had sort of pre-launch phenomena(sleep paralysis quite a few times, vibration in the pineal gland) so some tips would be great!

By the sheer nature of it, there never really any guarantee of anything happening and conditions seem to have to be just right to have some kind of experience. For me part of those conditions involve the use of cannabis, it really helps me with allowing my mind to free flow and sort of quiet the chatter that infectedlsd and others speak about. Then, rather than getting hung up on some trivial event or bothersome worry, my mind free flows. Sometimes I'll try to fix it on a visualized object or meditative concept after the chatter ceases.

I've heard the term "liminal dreaming" applied something similar, and i guess a good way to describe it is a sustained hypnogogic state. I achieve it most easily by setting my body in a position that allows me to begin to drift but that prevents me from fully falling asleep, such as propping my head up so that I'll drop it and wake if i do fall fully asleep. Eventually, I'll be able to just stay in a semi conscious dream like state.

The majority of the time, it's all just fantastic nonsense, jabberwocky dreams that don't have any deep meaning, but are still fun. Other times, especially when using the meditative techniques above, things like traveling into a cave that represents my subconscious where internal concepts and memories and such are brought to life and can be interacted with occur.

The one time i was able to astrally project from this state happened when for some reason I was overcome with emotion and began to cultivate it until i was near tears, then, and i wish i could tell you exactly how, i "turned on" my left brain, examining the right brain emotive state with detached reason. This was something i had read in a book on Freemasonic magic techniques some time ago. At once my brain did something and i felt a presence behind me. It was kind and supportive, a pure loving entity, that i visualized as female and in a dark blue robe, crouching behind me (i had actually sat up in bed cross legged before trying the right brain thing) with one hand on my left shoulder. She asked where I'd like to go and instinctually i answered 'where I've always wanted to go", although that really had specific meaning to me at the time.

Instantly it seemed i was pulled out of my body and the room and had a sensation of flying at tremendous speed. When i stopped, i was staring at a giant globular star cluster, as bright as the million suns within it. The entity was still there and she told me to listen, which i did. Not to an actual sound (you know, outerspace and all), but to what i can only describe as a song that was all universal Love, the big-L Love that is cosmic glue.

This event was prior to my first drug-induced OOBE with DMT compounds, actually within a year of my intro to 5meo. It was a powerful experience on par with any great psychedelic one. I've not since been able to replicate it, but i think if conditions were right and i applied myself to it, it'd probably work.

Thanks for sharing this null24! A lot of really good info in there I can use.

That experience you described was fascinating! I wanna ask about this song you heard. Was it a case of you hearing this song in your mind, or was it a feeling, what was it?

Hypnogogic states, dreaming, astral projections/OBEs, all these phenomena interest me greatly!
JustAnotherHuman is a fictional character. Everything said by this character should be regarded as completely fabricated.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."-Benjamin Franklin.
#17 Posted : 12/24/2016 4:24:12 PM
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So nice of you to share null24 that is beautiful. Love you compared it to 5-meo. It sure sounds like a 5-meo'esque experience to me.

this would be what Salvador Dali would do if he was a psychonaut. hahaha.

#18 Posted : 12/24/2016 4:49:32 PM
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entheogenic-gnosis wrote:
null24 wrote:
Sounds perfectly normal. As you say, even when your not thinking, your thinking.

This is one of the goals, and a very hard one to achieve at that, of a meditative practice; to stop that voice to allow clear(non) thought to enter.

An integral part of my practice involved using the hypnogogic state which is where and when the phenomenon you describe occurs to me, to allow my mind to go on'trips' unencumbered by rational thought. Sometimes it's nonsensical jabberwocky, but I've also been able to astrally project from this launch pad. I can give you some info on how I've done this of at ask interested.

. Have you talked with a doctor about this?

...could be some neurological anomaly.

Don't freak this poor person out! There no need to line a MDs pocket with unnecessary concerns. What they describe is not psychosis. By the way, OP, hire old are you? Psychosis most often (tmlu) manifests between the ages of 18 to 30. If you've made it past then with no clear signs, then you're most likely good.

Sounds to me like you just started paying attention to what's been there all along.

Maybe I was misunderstanding the phenomena being described...

You guys say this happens to you as well?


Yes well, especially after overloading my mind with all sorts of information. I can only speak for myself btw. It's very notable just before sleep. My consciousness is tired and not participating the mind tends to just carry on. It just doesn't stop without some conscious effort.

I've had it run wild for years. Then again I have spend much time on the internet and never learned to rest. I know people myself included whose minds tell them horrible stuffs about themselves. It's really just the self being messed up in my experience. I've watched carefully and 95% of the time there is a non-linguistic intention/force that preceedes the words.
In dreams , during hypnagogic states, you also tune into other people's thoughts. just this morning I heared a voice say: "'where is "My name". " you know how sometimes things around you tend to form in ur dreams, in my dreams I see someone looking for me. Simultaneous to that someone in my apparment was looking for me and someone knocked on my door and woke me from this dream. I have dozens of these little happenings. lol.

I am notably linked with my father. For instance, I can think of my father's perspective in relationship to myself. Most of the time these things have at least a relationship with myself for me to pick it up. At the same time I will expect him to begin about the subject and most of the time he will. Sometimes I will hear him say a word or two but the basis for this is non-linguistic.

other people's voices tend to just go off audibly in ur head preceeding sleep. most of the time this happens to me when you meet someone new. And you just pick something up and this person will present itself in dream life as well.

Amphetamine users experience a lot more of it too. A little memory of mine was after first (ab)using the drug after the initial high I got dizzy and in the shower I got scared and a voice of a trusted friend came up and said "don't be afraid now" and it totally changed my mood.

I'm being weird.
#19 Posted : 12/24/2016 5:44:53 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Infectedlsd wrote:
entheogenic-gnosis wrote:
null24 wrote:
Sounds perfectly normal. As you say, even when your not thinking, your thinking.

This is one of the goals, and a very hard one to achieve at that, of a meditative practice; to stop that voice to allow clear(non) thought to enter.

An integral part of my practice involved using the hypnogogic state which is where and when the phenomenon you describe occurs to me, to allow my mind to go on'trips' unencumbered by rational thought. Sometimes it's nonsensical jabberwocky, but I've also been able to astrally project from this launch pad. I can give you some info on how I've done this of at ask interested.

. Have you talked with a doctor about this?

...could be some neurological anomaly.

Don't freak this poor person out! There no need to line a MDs pocket with unnecessary concerns. What they describe is not psychosis. By the way, OP, hire old are you? Psychosis most often (tmlu) manifests between the ages of 18 to 30. If you've made it past then with no clear signs, then you're most likely good.

Sounds to me like you just started paying attention to what's been there all along.

Maybe I was misunderstanding the phenomena being described...

You guys say this happens to you as well?


Yes well, especially after overloading my mind with all sorts of information. I can only speak for myself btw. It's very notable just before sleep. My consciousness is tired and not participating the mind tends to just carry on. It just doesn't stop without some conscious effort.

I've had it run wild for years. Then again I have spend much time on the internet and never learned to rest. I know people myself included whose minds tell them horrible stuffs about themselves. It's really just the self being messed up in my experience. I've watched carefully and 95% of the time there is a non-linguistic intention/force that preceedes the words.
In dreams , during hypnagogic states, you also tune into other people's thoughts. just this morning I heared a voice say: "'where is "My name". " you know how sometimes things around you tend to form in ur dreams, in my dreams I see someone looking for me. Simultaneous to that someone in my apparment was looking for me and someone knocked on my door and woke me from this dream. I have dozens of these little happenings. lol.

I am notably linked with my father. For instance, I can think of my father's perspective in relationship to myself. Most of the time these things have at least a relationship with myself for me to pick it up. At the same time I will expect him to begin about the subject and most of the time he will. Sometimes I will hear him say a word or two but the basis for this is non-linguistic.

other people's voices tend to just go off audibly in ur head preceeding sleep. most of the time this happens to me when you meet someone new. And you just pick something up and this person will present itself in dream life as well.

Amphetamine users experience a lot more of it too. A little memory of mine was after first (ab)using the drug after the initial high I got dizzy and in the shower I got scared and a voice of a trusted friend came up and said "don't be afraid now" and it totally changed my mood.

I'm being weird.

I think I understand a now...

Sleep deprivation definantly induces this...I could see stimulant amphetamines inducing this as well...


#20 Posted : 12/24/2016 7:10:02 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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entheogenic-gnosis wrote:

I think I understand a now...

Sleep deprivation definantly induces this...I could see stimulant amphetamines inducing this as well...


Yes. But OP doesn't mention sleep deprivation so it would be assumption of us to say that is the "main driving factor" at work here.
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