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Mexico! Options
#1 Posted : 10/31/2016 4:30:42 PM

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Man the universe provides. I've been wanting to go to Mexico to spend some time in a warmer clime for some time, and have an opportunity to do so this winter.

I'm planning to bus down to San Diego, wall across the border to TJ, from there fly to Puerte Valarte, and then make my way to a small town a little north of there.

This is my first visit out of country, and if like any tips or advice experienced travelers have for me or others doing this.

I'm going to stay down there as long as i can, basically bumming around, working my book and licking my wounds. I have a feeling my life is going to be divided along these lines, pre and post Mexico.

Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#2 Posted : 11/1/2016 10:59:37 PM


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null24 wrote:
This is my first visit out of country, and if like any tips or advice experienced travelers have for me or others doing this.

Learn some Spanish to have an easy access to the locals. Thumbs up


Don't go 100% gringo.
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#3 Posted : 11/2/2016 4:47:59 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Get a travellers guidebook! Something like Lonely planet, it will give you the most information. Mexico is a huge country with a LOT of great places to see/things to do.
More imaginative mutterings of nonsense from the old elephant!
#4 Posted : 11/2/2016 2:01:28 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks, done and done. For anyone have experience crossing at TJ on foot? Legally.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#5 Posted : 11/2/2016 9:16:08 PM

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Location: México
from there fly to Puerte Valarte, and then make my way to a small town a little north of there.

This is my first visit out of country, and if like any tips or advice experienced travelers have for me or others doing this.

Sayulita is a wonderful place near Pto Vallarta, and in general all the little beach towns around that area (Bahia de Banderas) are quiet pleasant to visit. Bucerias, Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Punta de Mita, etc. are really beautiful and is not uncommon to see huichol (wirrarixa) indians around even some curanderos.
Also of interest is the fact that in the near mountains in the state of Nayarit there are some Mimosa Hostilis farms.Wink
Enjoy your visit!
Bienvenido amigo!
Tepezcohuitl Hueypatli moyolotatzin
#6 Posted : 11/3/2016 8:44:56 AM

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null24 wrote:

I'm going to stay down there as long as i can, basically bumming around, working my book and licking my wounds. I have a feeling my life is going to be divided along these lines, pre and post Mexico.

How much cash do you have to spend?

Travelling around Mexico aint cheap. Central America is better suited to 'bumming around' on a shoestring.
More imaginative mutterings of nonsense from the old elephant!
#7 Posted : 11/3/2016 11:49:21 AM

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It's ok round Puerto Vallarta but I'd really recommend the coast of Oaxaca - about a 100 km between Puerto Escondido and Huatulco. Mazunte is a small village alternative with lots of interesting things going on, pretty cheap to live; Zipolite a little bit bigger but still with an alternative feel to it and nudist beaches. The coast is unspoilt with no high rise. Mainly "palapa" buildings (palm frond roofs). My girlfriend is from the state of Oaxaca so we're regular visitors and will probably move there next year.
In all of reality there are not two. There is just the one thing. And I am that.
#8 Posted : 11/23/2016 3:13:16 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Aaargh! Damn passport is being held up.Stop Get this one, since the actual atomic structure of two of the three documents that i provided uncle Sam to prove my citizenship is less than two months old (recently lost wallet, new ID & SS card), they want 5 , not four but five, FIVE MORE documents that are over five years old that contain Sig and photo. I don't have these. I'm trying to appeal. Does anyone else have this experience? I have a friend that was told when he was getting his some years ago that his documents were too OLD. There must be a particular vintage of govt ID theyre looking for. Pretty messed up and arbitrary if you ask me.

Dammit, looks like it's December in Oregon. Getting down there one way or another.. .
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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