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Acacia Confusa tek by KloudQ7 Options
#1 Posted : 10/15/2015 6:33:52 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Acacia Confusa tek by KloudQ7

Photos at bottom of page.

Room temperature crystals, no Lye, A/B.

1 large pot "boiling pot"
1 small pot "reduction pot"
1 half gal jar, small mouth."extraction"
1 qt jars, wide mouth. "Crystalization "
A few extra jars will come in handy
Glass turkey baster & pipette.
1 pyrex tray.
1 metal strainer.
1 lb  ACRB.
2 gallon distilled water.
1 gal distilled white vinegar5%/citric acid/HCL
1 lb pickling lime.
1 qt naptha.


 Remove 700 ml water from each of the gallon bottles and fill them back up with vinegar/acid.

Fill pot with bark and .5 gal acidic water

 Boil heavily for 2 hours with lid on. 

  Pour through strainer into pot B.

  Repeat steps 1-4 three times "4 boils total" while condensing pot B . Boil with lid off. Combine all acid pulls and reduce to 1250ml total. 

Let the acid reduction cool completely and pour into half gallon jar through cheesecloth.

*Bass*  wub wub

Add 150 grams of picking lime to the jar. If you use lye instead do this VERY SLOWLY or it might just explode in your face, plus excessive heat destroys spice and i dont have to worry about burning my skin/going blind. 3 main reasons i switched to calcium hydroxide. 


Add 500ml naptha and Warm up jar with hot water bath 

agitate jars for 30 seconds every 5 min for 45 min making sure water stays fairly warm, BUT NEVER BOILING " dont brign flames near naptha!!!!" Use a hot water bath

Let the naptha separate completely and pour into quart jars, be very careful not to get any of the lower solution in the jars, make sure no red/brown particles float around. If you see any let it settle and pour in different jars. collect excess naptha with turkey baster and pipette your crysalization jar should be half full. 500 ml

As the naptha cools you will see it become cloudy. The better the pull the faster it will cloud. crystals are precipitating because naptha at room temperature cannot hold the amount of dmt it does when hot. 

Place jars in a cool dark spot for about 12 hours. Preferably overnight. You will begin to see the first crystals crash out within 30 minutes. If the pull was really good you will see crystals popping up everywhere within 5 minutes of decanting.

The next day,  check the jars...  ..
. IT'S SNOWING!!!jars should be covered in huge fluffy crystals. At least 1g or more!!!!

Shake the crystals off the glass and let them settle to the bottom. 

Pour off naptha into second x jar. If your careful the xtals should remain in the 1st jar.

Scoop out xtals and place on paper towels or something to absorb naptha let stand till dry/No naptha smell. 

You should now have 1+ grams of very pure beatiful xtals. 


ACRB has an extra alkaloid present NMT.

NMT precipitates as a wax/oil. And at much lower tempuratures than DMT.

Once you have collected all the crystals there's still about 1 gs of NMT and a small amount of DMT in each jar . 

Put your naptha in the freezer for another 12 hrs to yeild NMT

NMT is gentler but last longer. Combined,  the two potentiate each other really well 

Repeat the "Pull" phase with the used naptha till no more spice is retrieved.  Get more jars and precipitate many pulls at once to speed up waiting time between pulls but you will use more naptha this way. 

Done correctly,  this tek will yeild 10+ grams of white dmt xtals and 10+ grams of nmt wax.


I love to make INFUSED HERBS. "DMT/NMT melted/evap into a smoking blend" it's simple. 

Your used naptha will still have a bit of Spice 


Just add about 1-2 grams of your preferred smoking herbs to each jar before evaporating your used naptha in pyrex trays.

This makes a great screen for crystals!!! (:


You can also skip making any xtals and throw herbs into your super saturated naptha right away to produce EXTREMELY POTENT leaf!!!

You could also just melt down your crystals into the herbs which would be much cleaner, and eisier to tell dosage. herbsVery happymt 1:1= 1× 1:2= 2× 1:3= wow...

I actually prefer this to crystals. By far the best way...

If you evap naptha you should let it sit out for a few days, or use some kind of vacuum purge/dehydrator so you dont smoke any naptha.

If you can get a hold of or extract harmaline/freebase maoi add this to your blend to create CHANGA. You will be BLOWN AWAY!


Photos at the bottom of this page!!!

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 10/15/2015 8:14:22 AM

Hyperspace Cowboy

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40g of actives from 1 pound of ACRB? Am I reading this wrong, or is something messed up?

I might have gone with sodium carbonate (if you insist on avoiding NaOH) due to it's higher solubility (I believe a saturated CaCO3 solution has a pH of about 11.8, where I prefer it to be 12+).

That said, I may have just answered my first question. Have you washed your crystals with a mild alkaline solution after extracting? The reason I ask is that you may have some calcium acetate contamination. The crystals appear similar to DMT, but would wash off with cool water (if present).

Good tek otherwise.

KloudQ7 wrote:
You can also skip making any xtals and throw herbs into your super saturated naptha right away to produce EXTREMELY POTENT leaf!!!

Forgot to mention; I tend to avoid using non polars for making changa. They don't evap as effectively as acetone or alcohol and may leave some solvent trapped in the plant material.
"Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be a spirit of tolerance in the entire population." -Albert Einstein

I'm not a big fan of SWIM. I mean, I've never met the guy, but any time I hear about him, he's doing something sketchy.
#3 Posted : 10/16/2015 7:04:33 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thats 1 kg= 2.2lb i get the same yeild from using either lye or lime. Im not picky, but i prefer CaHO.

I also usually use really fresh bark get myself and i choose the trees of highest potency i can find. Theres forests of it here. Ive learned how to pick out ones that are strongest.
#4 Posted : 10/16/2015 10:23:44 AM

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KloudQ7 wrote:
Theres forests of it here.

I want to live near forest of Acadia confusia trees.
Peace, Love, Mercy
#5 Posted : 10/16/2015 10:27:55 AM

Hyperspace Cowboy

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You should probably remove the "1lb" from the top of the thread then.

Sorry, in Australia, lime more commonly refers to calcium carbonate. If you're using CaOH, you can probably save yourself some money. Using 300g is overkill. Calcium hydroxide is only sparingly soluble in water (about 1.5g/L) and a saturated solution yields a pH of about 12.3 (so well above the dielectric point of DMT).
"Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be a spirit of tolerance in the entire population." -Albert Einstein

I'm not a big fan of SWIM. I mean, I've never met the guy, but any time I hear about him, he's doing something sketchy.
#6 Posted : 10/16/2015 11:44:39 AM

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What does any one person want with 40g of Spice??

A reminder of the Attitude here:

Attitude wrote:
No commercial-scaled extractions and reckless “spreading”

The Nexus is not a place for commercial operations and we do not want to support drug dealers; we believe in using these substances for personal use.
If and when sharing these substances, we believe that it has to be done without money or other payments involved, with a careful approach and care when facilitating the introduction and/or experience of others.
It is imperative to take care that the person ingesting has no contraindicating medical/psychological history, takes it in a proper set and setting, and correct dosage/method of ingestion. This cannot be done if the substances are spread on a large scale. We do not want to "turn on the world", those who are ready will seek it. Indiscriminate spreading of psychedelics can lead to potential serious damage to people and is a big legal liability. Big extractions (and the preparations leading to it and gathering of materials) can attract the attention of the Law.
Spreading of the message of psychedelics itself through superficial YouTube videos showing use or extractions can also cause a lot of damage to the community (as happened with salvia) and is frowned upon.
Please do not PM tek related questions
Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
#7 Posted : 10/16/2015 4:41:25 PM

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That much lasted me well over a year sharing every so often. I suppose you could just cut the nimbers in half if it seems too big. Is 20 a more reasonable number?
#8 Posted : 10/16/2015 5:35:03 PM

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There is such a massive subculture here that its easy to share that much over a period that long while still being very discreet.

Plus there are quite enough alchemists here that it makes it nearly impossible to sell if i even tried let alone tell where which products are coming from.

It just didn't seem like i was doing that much in comparison.
#9 Posted : 10/16/2015 5:41:11 PM

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Considering that, should I still go cut those numbers in half for everyone else's sake?
#10 Posted : 10/16/2015 6:47:36 PM

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This is what you face in the USA. (DMT is schedule I btw)

So considering this, yes 20gs is still quite a bit in my oppinion.
ThatDirtyHippy attached the following image(s):
Screenshot_2015-10-16-13-45-07.png (135kb) downloaded 242 time(s).
Peace, Love, Mercy
#11 Posted : 10/16/2015 8:41:45 PM

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Im definitely still worried about it, but im very careful. I usually stash most of it till I need it which is eisier than extrating every once in a while. Haven't done it in about a year and it's almost out. A few Christmas presents to some really good friends that are quite experienced and ill be outta spice. Smile
#12 Posted : 10/17/2015 3:28:22 AM

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Changed the numbers, I'll edit more later. Thanks to all
#13 Posted : 10/17/2015 3:36:16 AM

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It seems like it would be harder to make smaller amounts of good spice, like a few grams. I also just love seeing big crystals /large rocks
#14 Posted : 10/17/2015 8:24:40 AM

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KloudQ7 wrote:
It seems like it would be harder to make smaller amounts of good spice, like a few grams.

What? Why is that? I don`t see any problem with smaller amounts of bark, like 50-200g. Wink
#15 Posted : 10/17/2015 10:23:00 AM

Hyperspace Cowboy

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KloudQ7 wrote:
It seems like it would be harder to make smaller amounts of good spice, like a few grams. I also just love seeing big crystals /large rocks

Why would it be harder?? I find it's actually much easier. The photo attached is of an extraction of just 100g of a. Maidenii root bark. Total weight was 2.14g of beautiful fluffy snow Big grin
BongWizard attached the following image(s):
image.jpg (2,810kb) downloaded 192 time(s).
"Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be a spirit of tolerance in the entire population." -Albert Einstein

I'm not a big fan of SWIM. I mean, I've never met the guy, but any time I hear about him, he's doing something sketchy.
#16 Posted : 10/17/2015 5:12:49 PM

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Any pics to come with this KloudQ7 ? That would be nice.
Oh, wait..lol!! ..there they are [[ I saw the pics AFTER I posted this question Pleased ]]... NICE ! Good Job .. Oh, WAIT again! Those aren't your pics..man, please excuse me, I'm a bit strung out from the previous evenings recreations ..but, some pics would be nice to see if you can..
I use LJM's tek and get chunks covered in crystals.. it's been put through the test and its quite potent.
Just for the sake of sharing and not to say who's tek is better than who's because there are PLENTY of great teks, thanx to ACRB's versatility and ease of processing and also, it just depends on ones preference and the 'tools' that are available but this tek was used https://www.dmt-nexus.me...;t=67668&find=unread and though the end result may look different, the potency is there
I wonder why this is, that one solvent will form 'shards', another will form crystals such as yours and yet another will form a chunky layer with crystals on top..maybe it's the selective nature of the solvent used?
As in, like, one solvent will pull strictly DMT while another will pull various levels of a DMT/NMT combination?
I have yet to figure that out but this altogether shows the various and wonderful ways and seemingly endless combinations of solvents [[ Meaning as in using a Heptane/Naptha 60/40 ratio or other combinations that produce various results ]] we can get the goods out to enjoy with various results in experiences and that alone is just so awesome in my opinion...
As long as the tek employed results in the desired outcome to the best of the capabilities of the tools used?
I'm all for it
Great Job Friend Smile
locojuiceman attached the following image(s):
12169708_1017468981607868_1490938580_o.jpg (33kb) downloaded 169 time(s).
Everything I say here happened in My own Imagination. The more fantastic it sounds, the more you can count on it being in the realm of Dreams,
#17 Posted : 10/18/2015 3:36:44 AM

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KloudQ7 attached the following image(s):
1445135803381.jpg (4,133kb) downloaded 146 time(s).
20151017_162354.jpg (3,826kb) downloaded 144 time(s).
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#18 Posted : 10/18/2015 4:13:27 AM

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KloudQ7 attached the following image(s):
1445138018988.jpg (4,379kb) downloaded 144 time(s).
#19 Posted : 10/18/2015 4:29:45 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Pics came out in the wrong order

1st pic is: basified acid boil

#2: saturated naptha
#3 finished crystals
#4 crystals in jar after drying
#5 same, close up
#6: NMT wax
#7: DMT rocks (crystals melted down with heat)
#8&9: DMT citrate (Xtal jars washed out with citric acid and freeze precipitate in water)
#10 a collection of goodies (nicest peices) & size comparison
#20 Posted : 10/18/2015 4:45:27 AM

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BongWizard wrote:
KloudQ7 wrote:
It seems like it would be harder to make smaller amounts of good spice, like a few grams. I also just love seeing big crystals /large rocks

Why would it be harder?? I find it's actually much easier. The photo attached is of an extraction of just 100g of a. Maidenii root bark. Total weight was 2.14g of beautiful fluffy snow Big grin

I meant harder to get high quality without reX in single pulls
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