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newbe need help, thinner instead of naphta ? Options
#1 Posted : 9/18/2015 12:57:57 AM

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Hi all, I will perform my first DMT extraction 😰. I have been reading all I could. I will follow this tek

Since my extraction has failed probably due the zippo fluid, im trying to get naptha, but i found thinner which is also a solvent but not sure if can work, here is the wikipedia link, im going to run a test and see, but would love hear some opinions.
Edit2: nope didnt worked Sad



I wanted to confirm if this will be ok as naptha
Any advice beyond that will be appreciated


Well as you can see, I think all went fine. But the pull was not milky once it hitted the plate, I put it in the freezer anyway to see what I get after the 18 hours.


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#2 Posted : 9/18/2015 1:22:50 AM


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The MSDS looks okay.

Be sure to do an evap test. Put a few drops on a piece of glass and let it evaporate, if it evaps clean it's good to go, if it leaves any kind of residue don't use it.

Haapi extracting. Thumbs up
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#3 Posted : 9/18/2015 1:29:37 AM

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dreamer042 wrote:
The MSDS looks okay.

Be sure to do an evap test. Put a few drops on a piece of glass and let it evaporate, if it evaps clean it's good to go, if it leaves any kind of residue don't use it.

Haapi extracting. Thumbs up

Thank you very much for your time sir. Will do that
#4 Posted : 9/18/2015 6:33:42 AM

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In the step six of the tek I'm following, where I add the naptha pr gas zippo , mentions I have to do 5 extractions. It mentions it can takes 1 hour th first one, and the other for 45 minutes each one or 45 mins the 4? Guess as soon as I see the separation of the naptha is good pull it?
#5 Posted : 9/18/2015 7:07:03 AM

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The first pull when putting it in the plate, didn't turn milky: ( why ?
#6 Posted : 9/18/2015 11:06:01 AM

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Lenmiscate wrote:
Guess as soon as I see the separation of the naptha is good pull it?

when you see separation, you mix it again. You do it 6 time and then you can pull.

Lenmiscate wrote:
The first pull when putting it in the plate, didn't turn milky

The naphtha is not saturated enough (hence, did you mix it enough ?)
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#7 Posted : 9/18/2015 2:12:20 PM

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I would not trust Zippo fluid if I were you.

1. Looking at the MSDS it has 30% light petroleum distillate & 70% of some other distillate.
What the distinction is between the two I do not know but it seems a little strange to have two fractions of something so close labelled separately.

2. I evapped a little a couple weeks ago out of curiosity. Evapped clean & smelled normal, however, on freeze precipitating & evaporation after a small test extraction it was yeilding clear gelatinous material gunking up my spice.
Not the typical goo or fats. Almost like petroleum jelly.

I also noticed it didn't seem to cloud the way other naphtha I have used in the past did.

If you end up with those weird little jelly blobs in the end product I would toss it & try again with a different brand of naphtha. I`m betting the results will be much more normal.
#8 Posted : 9/18/2015 2:20:34 PM

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I put in the zippo fluid in the mix while warm, almost hot. Softly shake in 8 shape for 1 minute. waited an hour to pull it. Since I didn't saw it was milky (was pretty much clear as water) I didn't continue with the other 4 pulls Last night. I put it in the freezer anyway to see what happens after the 18 hour ma rk?
Thanks guys

Edit: the evap test was clean, zippo didn't left anything after evaporated
#9 Posted : 9/18/2015 2:43:50 PM

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concombres wrote:
I would not trust Zippo fluid if I were you.

1. Looking at the MSDS it has 30% light petroleum distillate & 70% of some other distillate.
What the distinction is between the two I do not know but it seems a little strange to have two fractions of something so close labelled separately.

2. I evapped a little a couple weeks ago out of curiosity. Evapped clean & smelled normal, however, on freeze precipitating & evaporation after a small test extraction it was yeilding clear gelatinous material gunking up my spice.
Not the typical goo or fats. Almost like petroleum jelly.

I also noticed it didn't seem to cloud the way other naphtha I have used in the past did.

If you end up with those weird little jelly blobs in the end product I would toss it & try again with a different brand of naphtha. I`m betting the results will be much more normal.

Ok thanks. I will chek in some hours the end result, maybe post a pic so you can see it too

Thanks friend
#10 Posted : 9/19/2015 1:33:13 AM

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Well I went to the freezer to check my plate .. And something extrange happened... As soon as pour the zippo fluid to another container to re use it, it turned milky...so not sure but I put it in another plate in the freezer .. This first plate after evap all the zippo fluid there were nothing :/ so I will check what happens to the milky zippo fluid tomorrow.. And I will try another pull in another plate.
Any ideas please?
#11 Posted : 9/19/2015 2:22:27 AM

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You keep saying "plate" is that just a euphemism or are you actually using a plate?
Your freeze precipitation container should be sealed to prevent moisture from condensing on your product. Also, I personally would never use zippo fluid although I might need to look for other sources of naptha comsidering my only source for it just stopped carrying it :/
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#12 Posted : 9/19/2015 9:10:30 PM

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Firemetal420 wrote:
You keep saying "plate" is that just a euphemism or are you actually using a plate?
Your freeze precipitation container should be sealed to prevent moisture from condensing on your product. Also, I personally would never use zippo fluid although I might need to look for other sources of naptha comsidering my only source for it just stopped carrying it :/

For plate I mean the container, its not a plate actually, and its sealed as you mention. I can say I followed the tek I mentioned on my post from a to z. Could to please tell me what kind of naptha do you use? And can I leave the mix just there until I try to get a different naptha?
#13 Posted : 9/20/2015 2:49:59 AM

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Lenmiscate wrote:
Firemetal420 wrote:
You keep saying "plate" is that just a euphemism or are you actually using a plate?
Your freeze precipitation container should be sealed to prevent moisture from condensing on your product. Also, I personally would never use zippo fluid although I might need to look for other sources of naptha comsidering my only source for it just stopped carrying it :/

For plate I mean the container, its not a plate actually, and its sealed as you mention. I can say I followed the tek I mentioned on my post from a to z. Could to please tell me what kind of naptha do you use? And can I leave the mix just there until I try to get a different naptha?

Up until now I have used crown vm&p naptha and it has given me amazing results but it's next to impossible to get naptha in cali anymore... I'm thinking about traveling to NV when I end up needing more
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#14 Posted : 9/26/2015 3:00:00 AM

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dreamer042 wrote:
The MSDS looks okay.

Be sure to do an evap test. Put a few drops on a piece of glass and let it evaporate, if it evaps clean it's good to go, if it leaves any kind of residue don't use it.

Haapi extracting. Thumbs up

Hi. So since my first fail. I got 99% pure naptha from PEMEX. So I'm re using the mix from my last attempt .. so after adding the naptha to the warm mix, and waited by now like 20 minutes ..I see 3 divisions .. The black one, in the middle something that seems that are particules shining with the light, and at the top clear naptha. What is that ?

#15 Posted : 9/26/2015 3:39:53 AM

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Looks like an emulsion to me
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#16 Posted : 9/26/2015 3:50:16 AM

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Firemetal420 wrote:
Looks like an emulsion to me

I will give more time to see if separates... I will start over again with my last 50 Grams of mimosa.. Nor sure what went wrong.. My vinager is 5% ..It's fine? Im not sure what to think. Maybe even the mimosa root wasnt even mimosa ?

I like this tek. Looks so simple.. Maybe not.
#17 Posted : 9/26/2015 12:41:32 PM

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Please be patient when doing extractions.Doing more reading usually helps you out dealing with simple extraction issues on your own,makes you feel more confident in yourself and trust that you are moving in the right direction.

You can use the search function provided by the nexus in the bar under the banner,there are plenty infos regarding what you are after,already posted around here,please read read.Smile

If you won't get your answer as fast as you'd like that's because people around here are used to give advice to the more complex queries,and by this way we all try to encourage new commers to do their reding and gather as much baseline information as they can.

"No spoon feeding" Trav once said!

This way it is simpler for you and us to get along,send and receive advice.

Now back to the extraction issue:
More reading on emulsions would be a great ideea.Emulsions form for a coupple of reasons but they're nothing bad or something that you can't get rid of.Pleae don't consider starting a new extraction just because you encountered an emoulsion..The best thing to do now is stick with this extraction and try to learn from it as much as you can.

An emulsion can get settled in time!warming up the extraction vessel in a warm water bath could help greatly,but usually letting the nps separtate for some time will have the emulsion settled as well.If this does not happen,help it with a warm bath.

I see no point in thinking that vinegar was not good if you've done a STB.People add vinegar to help lyse cell walls of the plant matter and to better assist in the migration of alkaloids from one phase to the other.So vinegar is not your issue as any type would work for that purpouse.

From what i can see in the pics you;ve posted,your basic sludge looks a lot like mimosa sludge would look after basifying.So i wouldn;t worry too much about it not being mimosa.There could be the possibility that the bark you have is low on alk%.But even so a 1% yield is common for low % starting material.

Just have more patience,thoroughly mix the solvent with the basified soup and let it separate at least 4 times.Assist it in warm water baths if you may,but generaly a clear solvent once in there and mixed well should come out yellow.After you've done this there is no way it won't cloud upon blowing air on it's surface.

And of course do more than 1 pull.I would recommend 5 pulls,but a minimum of 3 is also good.

Then proceed to pre-evaporating the solvent,and freeze precipitation or whatever method of crystalising you have chosen.

Conclusions: patience,instead of waiting on people to answer on the forum look for the answers yourself cause they are all up here,research helps to increase the patience greatly and helps time passing in a faster and more constructive manner.Do not throw anything away until you have finished the extraction,retreived your final product or exhausted the plant material.In the case of anything not turning the way you've expected it,saving your solutions might come in handy if something went wrong.And of course you can always hit the chat button and connect yourself to the welcome area there where you could get more help in real time.

Welcome to the dmt nexus !
#18 Posted : 9/27/2015 9:27:12 PM

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That sludge looks very red. If vinegar was added before basification, it might not be high enough pH = another possible reason for failure...

It would therefore help us to help you if you could describe exactly what you did.

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#19 Posted : 9/28/2015 3:08:29 AM

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Yeah i will second the low pH.
It looks very red. Enough lye should of made it almost black.

I have found this out the hard way a few times now.
If you add too much vinegar - you need to add too much lye.
#20 Posted : 9/28/2015 3:44:37 AM
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maybe you are using liquid lye, and is not enough to basify it proper.
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