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Salvinorin Olfactory Embodied Memory Space Options
#1 Posted : 8/13/2015 6:48:02 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Since I was just promoted and can post over here in the Salvia section I am gonna make this conversation as a thread. I dont have any answers, just some ideas. Once I had experience that illuminated that the route of Salvia was working with the smell pathways, and that Salvia = Smell everything made so much more sense on how to work with the Sage to open up and encourage the consciousness into these spaces.

T.Harper wrote:

She is directly activating the Olfactory Memory,

and since

this triggering of Embodied Memory
is not from an actual smell,

----------- the consciousness, searches for the connection ------------------

(((("i know this, what is this" )))

((("of course, how could i forget" )))))

with a world that is unzipping from the inside out

Smell is the oldest sense
Smell is the strongest sense
Smell is the most powerful memory

The world around you becomes variations on a theme, no longer imbedded within the linear time stream... balance teh two poles, cycles, spinning, orientation. Disphoria, imbalance, the world around becomes these themes a symbolic template where memory has built the foundations, why are looking around the meat world....close your eyes, man. look inward. reaching back into the memories the world you exist in becomes overlayed with it. Dark visions, Saliva isnt here to seduce you with lightshows of colors and fractals..... she has no time for games. Balance the worlds, this is medicine. The film strip of multiple versions of the self, this past has lead you to this point in time..... is this model correct? Adjust your program.

drfaust wrote:
Thanks so much for the creative response. It sent me on an interesting journey into researching the sense of smell and its connection to memory and emotion.

I also researched kappa-opioid agonists and memory enhancement and memory recovery and there is some research on that, but not too much I could find.

I'm interested in the connection to the sense of smell, taste, and intuition.

Smell, as the oldest distal sense is also the most diffuse and open ended, the most in need of association and intepretation. In some senses it maps well to intuition as a vague sense of something, or a hint of something.

And then we have our proximal senses, of which the most primitive is the kinesthetic sense or the sense of movement. Salvia is rich in that domain as well, which may be a part of some of its most paradoxical and disorienting effects.

β€œOn the basis of time, we understand movement, and on the basis of movement, time” --Fink

"kinestheses are correlated only with other kinestheses." Our sense of movement and place is so basic to us and so self-referential that it cannot be an object. Movement is related to movement and very sense of being alive is a sense of movement.

Salvia, by destabilizing that most basic sense of position and movement and time, takes me to the sense of being vs. becoming.

I wonder on the connection between intuition, smell, movement, and position. Perhaps smell was the first distal sense and basic motor and position sense was and is the primary proximal sense and somehow Salvia brings a plasticity to those domains?

I do see that the sense of smell is one of the most plastic and quickly adjusting and regenerating senses. Is that true of kinesthetic sense as well?

Also I am going to throw out some little tidbits:

Salvinorin A is a diterpene, and of course, Terpenes are the primary constituents of the essential oils of many types of plants and flowers. They are the aromatics and anti-fungals.

Research with mothers-babies-smell conection comes up with some goodies, its the first and strongest information/emotional/and survival bonding. A Common Salvinorin spirit encountered is the "main one" a large motherly and caring one, encountering these beings ones perspective/orientation is very tiny.

Hemispheric differences (from wiki, olfactory memory page)
.... Different parts of the brain are involved in olfactory memory, depending on what type of memory is being processed (e.g. implicit memory-habituation or explicit memory-recognition) and this is evident in the results of explicit and implicit tasks of memory. Studies have shown that the left hemisphere is activated during verbal semantic retrieval of odor-related memories, while the right hemisphere shows activation during non-verbal retrieval of semantic odor-related information.....
This I find really interesting, with a rapid onset (smoking) one really cant control which direction they go into, some people always go to the right some always go to the left, some go up some go out. Some people it changes, some dont. Curious if there was a way to see and see if the right goers are more engaged at going into the space and the left goers are trying to process the experience more, less comfortable or have brains that are more into language and writing, errr i dunno maybe something this brain stuff gets me.

Olfaction " projects to the hippocampus and is involved in motivation and memory. Odor information is stored in long-term memory and has strong connections to emotional memory. This is possibly due to the olfactory system's close anatomical ties to the limbic system and hippocampus, areas of the brain that have long been known to be involved in emotion and place memory, respectively."--->wiki olfaction

If i understand this corrrectly its the thin outer layer of hippocampus is the smell transfer zone, its a thin membrane that retrieves the codes and projects it out. That basically what everyone says is happening in deep and long Salvia Space.

i have more to sya but gotta jet.

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#2 Posted : 8/13/2015 11:03:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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After your original post I went and looked through some of my old Salvia journals to see when I first had this idea of an olfactory connection with Salvia. It was roughly about a year after I first started to explore this plant. I wrote, "Her spirit enters through the nose, always through smell. Like a cartoon character irresistibly drawn to a pie cooling on a window sill, her beckoning wave so intoxicating it cannot be denied."

It was an idea I've had a few times since then as well but never really pursued. I think you're really onto something here. The whole idea of relational memory or the connection between smell and memory when discussing Salvia is very intriguing. I also never really put it together that salvinorin A is a diterpene and the terpenes are usually responsible for aromas. Such an elegant and simple connection, I am jealous I didn't see it first Thumbs up

I'd also like to discuss the left brain right brain hypothesis but perhaps someone with more knowledge of neuroscience or just the anatomy of the human brain could do a better job at fleshing that idea out. I'm very much into languages and writing so I definitely use the left brain on a regular basis. But I'm also ambidextrous and I think I am one of those people that switches between the two quite often.

Very interesting ideas! Glad to see it being discussed here Thumbs up
#3 Posted : 8/14/2015 12:35:57 AM

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Metanoia wrote:

I'd also like to discuss the left brain right brain hypothesis but perhaps someone with more knowledge of neuroscience or just the anatomy of the human brain could do a better job at fleshing that idea out. I'm very much into languages and writing so I definitely use the left brain on a regular basis. But I'm also ambidextrous and I think I am one of those people that switches between the two quite often.

Same iwould love to hear someone with some neuroscience knowledge. If this is some of the actual mechinism behind it and has some merit to it, Im still not sure if there is enough data out there to parse it fully out. Possibly some of the more rigorous studies (P.Adddy or M.Johnson/Maclean/Griffiths) collected enough data to back up this model of action. Some of the online trip reports could be looked at too.

Still my anecdotal evidence is just from a few people and there is just something about Salvia's reliable spacial dimensions that just asks to be mapped out in certain ways.

Also the dramatic opening/entering/getting-pulled in directions (into memories) is less present in low-mid-high buccal administration methods, since the slower onset allows the consciousness to realign itself or bypass the alteration of this system.

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#4 Posted : 8/14/2015 12:43:21 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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My question is that if it is acting on the olfactory pathways, then I feel that we should expect to perceive more smell-related hallucinations, but instead, the bulk of distortion/hallucinatory activity seems to take place in the sense of touch and of vision than of much else. At least I speak for myself when I say that I feel that it doesn't dramatically alter my sense of smell (or perhaps the sense is too subtle to notice). Of course there is going to be the smell of salvia smoke in the air afterward, but for me, that is all I notice in that regard.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#5 Posted : 8/14/2015 12:50:20 AM

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Also I am offering this as more evidence for the Salvinorin Olfactory Memory model.

this report back is short section from a 2 hour high-dose buccal extract session I facilitated with someone. (The color bolding is mine)

" In the days following my Salvia session I have looked at different goals and everyday feelings with a greater sense of awareness. The smell of a summer morning reminded me of going to summer camp, which I did not really like, and so that smell makes me feel uncomfortable and somewhat upset. I had no idea that this is why summer mornings upset me or that I had a choice to realize and confront the feeling of sadness summer mornings gave me. When I walked outside on an early summer morning, I felt that sadness come on. I was able to identify the sadness, realize it was artificial and irrelevant, and dismiss it and feel quite better about myself and what I was doing. The sense of awareness of my own emotions and how my actions are linked to these emotions and memories is something I have never before felt. In engaging with my emotions addressing their roots, I find it easier to change them and make myself present, content, and aware more often "

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#6 Posted : 8/14/2015 1:13:13 AM

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Global wrote:
My question is that if it is acting on the olfactory pathways, then I feel that we should expect to perceive more smell-related hallucinations... feel that it doesn't dramatically alter my sense of smell

They way I am seeing it, you are correct it is not triggering actual smells, somehow just the pathway or some connection point, this trigger without having a smell where there should be one, asks the consciousness to reach back inside and search for connection from the current world into the memory banks.

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#7 Posted : 8/14/2015 1:24:55 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Then I would be curious how smells from consensual reality would affect things. We are constantly seeing how sights and sounds impact on the DMT experience, so it would be curious if you could intimate some noticeable effects by having someone spray particular colognes or perfumes either prior to or during the salvia experience.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#8 Posted : 8/14/2015 3:46:50 AM

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The above thread i think corroborates swimmingly with yours. Smile

I had re-read a very old digital scrapbook of interesting descriptions of sensory transformations from erowid reports, which is a bit of a subtle but meaningful guided meditation that allows me to sort of daydream-generate some of the sensations that are described. One of the phrases i found myself with after rereading after many years was "simultaneous familiarity" which of course familiarity involves something related to memory.

I found this amazing book that contains that phrase, whose excerpts available seem to relate very strongly (some more than others), it is a philosophy/metaphysics/psychology book. Smile
Now that this thread is here, I will find the most relevant quotes to this specific subject and bring them here in a bit!

#9 Posted : 8/14/2015 4:22:36 AM

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There were many more than i had remembered, so i have folded them up in this spot here. Smile I think beyond the smell and memory combined aspects, these written descriptions do seem to relate to float tanks as well, and, the perceptual transformations caused by allowing sensory and memory processes to seemingly self-reorganize themselves in ways that bring both profoundly startling and profoundly healthy reorientation. Thank you for making this great thread!!

#10 Posted : 8/14/2015 4:05:54 PM

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trncefigurate_aomn wrote:
I think beyond the smell and memory combined aspects, these written descriptions do seem to relate to float tanks as well, and, the perceptual transformations caused by allowing sensory and memory processes to seemingly self-reorganize themselves in ways that bring both profoundly startling and profoundly healthy reorientation.


As someone whose 2 primary tools are Salvia and Floattank...Getting yourself out of the way and allowing blocked energy from witin to move and self correct seems to be foundations of these workings for transformation to a more balanced state.

For S. Divinorum what I find really interesting is with a strong buccal dose, the olfactory triggering is the bridge that is only present in the initial onset phase & can last around 6-10 minutes as the Salvinorin climbs to it's peak level. As the Salvinorin stabilizes it shifts in quality to much deeper memory, ((ideally to))--> regression to events that shape imbalanced patterns and then to re-balancing,re-ordering, re-structuring for an hour or so. Im constantly blown away that peoples consciousness in deep Salvia Space will naturally start doing something that is more or less exactally like Parts Therapy, with no knowledge about this technique.

To contrast this with the smoked experiences, an obvious bell will go off here: the 6-10 minutes is the majority of time for a smoked experience. So most smoked experiences have themes that end up being wrapped in the skin of this 1st bridge: acsension / contact / dimensional awareness. So, this is whyy most people can't orientate to Salvia Space and find is so confusing; the rapid reaching back into the symbolic memory model is so dramatic and swift the re-orientating refections to models that hold imprints relating only to the nature of the 1st bridge and the bridge keepers.

(obviously doseage, repeat use and personal abilities are major factors here, this is a generalization)

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#11 Posted : 8/15/2015 5:15:23 AM

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T.Harper wrote:
Also I am offering this as more evidence for the Salvinorin Olfactory Memory model.

this report back is short section from a 2 hour high-dose buccal extract session I facilitated with someone. (The color bolding is mine)

" In the days following my Salvia session I have looked at different goals and everyday feelings with a greater sense of awareness. The smell of a summer morning reminded me of going to summer camp, which I did not really like, and so that smell makes me feel uncomfortable and somewhat upset. I had no idea that this is why summer mornings upset me or that I had a choice to realize and confront the feeling of sadness summer mornings gave me. When I walked outside on an early summer morning, I felt that sadness come on. I was able to identify the sadness, realize it was artificial and irrelevant, and dismiss it and feel quite better about myself and what I was doing. The sense of awareness of my own emotions and how my actions are linked to these emotions and memories is something I have never before felt. In engaging with my emotions addressing their roots, I find it easier to change them and make myself present, content, and aware more often "

T.Harper wrote:

For S. Divinorum what I find really interesting is with a strong buccal dose, the olfactory triggering is the bridge that is only present in the initial onset phase & can last around 6-10 minutes as the Salvinorin climbs to it's peak level. As the Salvinorin stabilizes it shifts in quality to much deeper memory, ((ideally to))--> regression to events that shape imbalanced patterns and then to re-balancing,re-ordering, re-structuring for an hour or so. Im constantly blown away that peoples consciousness in deep Salvia Space will naturally start doing something that is more or less exactally like Parts Therapy, with no knowledge about this technique.

These posts together make me think of an idea that may make you happy to think about. Smile
Plants do seem to have an evolutionary need to create a way to encode an affinity for them in the memory of lifeforms that interact with them such as for pollinating and seed distributing...(as well as, it is worth bringing in the many anecdotes especially including your own that indicate that plants, diviner's sage specifically, does have a conscious and behavioral existence on a higher plane where people can be instructed by this layer/dimensional space or space series/modalities)
and a regular method seems to be to end up with a way of trying to encode into the olfactory memory of the lifeforms visiting the plants!

In the case of Salvinorin A, it seems to have produced a result that is so uniquely/specifically compatible with olfactory memory that it is able to bring about a consistent and uniquely visceral, very direct metaprogramming-type experience.

From your descriptions gathered from improved medicinal use...it does seem like Salvinorin A matches the olfactory memory system so much that it may have been formed directly in response to how the olfactory memory and any significant related systems including the overall embodied consciousness programs itself!

I am reminded of how some butterflies from different families can end up with a replica of the other's color patterns, and vary in which color pattern is copied depending on which corresponding butterfly is local, as well as, how vines can find their best path to climb. Whatever DNA truly and completely is, this seems to be its specialty, to use knowledge of its other iterations in creating compatibility...!

Thank you for bringing word of these direct, clear, revelatory and breathtaking ongoing discoveries and experiences to us!!
#12 Posted : 8/15/2015 3:04:39 PM

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trncefigurate_aomn wrote:

These posts together make me think of an idea that may make you happy to think about. Smile............


regular method seems to be to end up with a way of trying to encode into the olfactory memory of the lifeforms visiting the plants!


In the case of Salvinorin A, it seems to have produced a result that is so uniquely/specifically compatible with olfactory memory that it is able to bring about a consistent and uniquely visceral, very direct metaprogramming-type experience.

this is some golden insight, I often cycle through this idea on Salvia's unqiue survival strategy:

Visions of being a small rooted plant and being taken care of by a large mobile (sometimes feminine) salvia spirit is quite common. This creates a very powerful bond, by switching of roles in Salvia Space, this reciprocal relationship extends back onto Earth Space where you perform this role for the plant. Ive seen it in myself and with others, your behavior becomes Motherly/Parental when talking about or working with The Divine Sage. You want to protect it and keep it close from harm (misuse, abuse) and for me I feel almost personally violated when I see or hear people smoking high doses just for the novelty of blasting their heads open.

On a metaphysical level I often wonder if our co-development, aka Salvia being a cultigen, has encoded this type of visionary experience (becoming a plant and being taken care of) and that this communing to re-program our historical, emotional, genetic, through re-processing the core memory channel, is a mirror which is extended by the desire to repair the genetics of the Salvia clones, by hand pollinating and spreading new offsprings that will flourish in new locations.

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#13 Posted : 8/15/2015 4:50:14 PM

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T.Harper wrote:

Visions of being a small rooted plant and being taken care of by a large mobile (sometimes feminine) salvia spirit is quite common. This creates a very powerful bond, by switching of roles in Salvia Space, this reciprocal relationship extends back onto Earth Space where you perform this role for the plant. Ive seen it in myself and with others, your behavior becomes Motherly/Parental when talking about or working with The Divine Sage. You want to protect it and keep it close from harm (misuse, abuse) and for me I feel almost personally violated when I see or hear people smoking high doses just for the novelty of blasting their heads open.

On a metaphysical level I often wonder if our co-development, aka Salvia being a cultigen, has encoded this type of visionary experience (becoming a plant and being taken care of) and that this communing to re-program our historical, emotional, genetic, through re-processing the core memory channel, is a mirror which is extended by the desire to repair the genetics of the Salvia clones, by hand pollinating and spreading new offsprings that will flourish in new locations.

I'm enjoying this quite a bit. Thanks for the speculative ponderings.

I've been dreaming on olfaction, memory, emotion, space and the "limbic system" and I will continue with that. This conversation is awakening that space for me.

Becoming plant. When I dream on salvia, I'm held in a bed of green, a feather bed of green. And she is so shy; I can so easily miss that she is holding me. She is so close that I can miss her.

Breathing helps. Tasting her helps. Catching her scent.

And naturally she is shy and I'm shy for her. She is so simple. Complicated people just won't understand and she will only confuse them and knock them off their habit and happenstance. Concrete people will reach for the concrete in repeated, vain gestures. And they will catch nothing else of her.

She will be gone. She will hide. Truth is, she is only reached by those quiet enough to listen. And she is everywhere.

There are so many salvias from that region and they all have their distinctive gifts. There is a salvia garden in Golden Gate park that has a number of different species. I found a book in the library there years ago that even had lists of many of the terpenes in different species. It is most likely still there. And this is uncharted and unresearched territory. These many terpenes and their properties are as yet unexplored.

Salvia divinorum is a cultigen. But she is tougher than she seems at first. A little exposure to the elements helps her strengthen.

I wonder if that truth is not analogous to her recent exposure to rough fools and rough foolishness. I've had dreams that told me to keep quiet about her. But now I see that she is an open secret that cannot be touched.

In another space when the lights are dim and I can hear the birds and I let go of all concrete coordinates, in that space I can dream in and in those dreams I can allow for the wild thoughts to have a place. In that space I touch on her. The preparation is long.

It is so like a subtle scent. I have to sniff slowly enough and give it enough space to notice and think about a scent. I have to take the time to slow down my breathing. I have to take the time to notice.

No wonder the Mazatec shamans were so shy when Schultes showed up with all his "knowledge" and "ways of knowing". She does not work that way. Whatever you come with you have to give up before you approach. Or she will take it from you.

On the gentle path, she will just hide and you will never see her and you will think there is nothing there. On the power path, she will be too fast or too strong and she will take everything from you. Unless you are quiet and empty enough.

That is something of what she told me.

#14 Posted : 8/15/2015 6:31:52 PM

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T.Harper wrote:
You want to protect it and keep it close from harm (misuse, abuse) and for me I feel almost personally violated when I see or hear people smoking high doses just for the novelty of blasting their heads open.

On a metaphysical level I often wonder if our co-development, aka Salvia being a cultigen, has encoded this type of visionary experience (becoming a plant and being taken care of) and that this communing to re-program our historical, emotional, genetic, through re-processing the core memory channel, is a mirror which is extended by the desire to repair the genetics of the Salvia clones, by hand pollinating and spreading new offsprings that will flourish in new locations.

I have also had these feelings of personal injury. The plant has become part of me in a sense and I have this incredibly intimate relationship with it so it's as if she's a spouse or a close loved one. I've also wondered a lot about the history of this plant and how it may have evolved. Being a cultigen, Salvia must have an intricate symbiosis with humans for its entire existence. At least I've thought along those lines many times and been shown things by the plant that strongly infer that interdependency.

drfaust wrote:
Truth is, she is only reached by those quiet enough to listen. And she is everywhere.

Whatever you come with you have to give up before you approach. Or she will take it from you.

I couldn't have said it better myself. You have to be completely humble and very quiet, very still, to hear what she has to say.

drfaust wrote:
There are so many salvias from that region and they all have their distinctive gifts. There is a salvia garden in Golden Gate park that has a number of different species. I found a book in the library there years ago that even had lists of many of the terpenes in different species. It is most likely still there. And this is uncharted and unresearched territory. These many terpenes and their properties are as yet unexplored.

This discussion, and many thanks to T.Harper, I'm starting to research these terpenes a lot more to see if I can find something that will further T.Harper's olfactory-salvia connection. To be honest I've been rather obsessed with it lately, finding myself thinking about it and daydreaming. Anything Salvia related is incredibly fascinating to me and I also enjoy horticulture and botany/ethnobotany.

drfaust wrote:
On the gentle path, she will just hide and you will never see her and you will think there is nothing there. On the power path, she will be too fast or too strong and she will take everything from you. Unless you are quiet and empty enough.

This is a great description of how different approaches will garner different experiences with Salvia. A balanced approach is absolutely necessary. Well said Thumbs up
#15 Posted : 8/15/2015 10:45:10 PM

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"tc" wrote:
Anything Salvia related is incredibly fascinating to me and I also enjoy horticulture and botany/ethnobotany.

Pineapple sage is a lovely salvia that grows at about 6,000 feet in the Madrean "sky island" ranges, amidst mountain moisture and mountain streams.


"The leaves and flowers of S. elegans are edible.[4] The plant is extensively used in Mexican traditional medicine, especially for the treatment of anxiety, and also for lowering of blood pressure."

They taste good and they are beautiful in their own right. When you wander in the "sky islands" you come across them. And who was that first person who ate enough of them for long enough and quietly enough to listen to them and know of such effects? They had to become as shy and as wandering and ephemeral as dew on sky island sage.

A curiosity and a willingness to experiment, a quiet listening, a noticing of effects without priming, a listening inside of oneself for the signature of that taste, of that flavor.

Have you seen the connection with flavones? flavonoids and such? The taste the flavor of this my sweet, sweet sage. My bitter sage. My green sage.

And now I was just reading how tears were green for the greeks, how moisture was green for them, because green was the color of alive.

Of course she is green. Yes she is green and she lives in a sky island of the mind.

#16 Posted : 8/16/2015 12:48:29 AM

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drfaust wrote:
Have you seen the connection with flavones? flavonoids and such? The taste the flavor of this my sweet, sweet sage. My bitter sage. My green sage.

And now I was just reading how tears were green for the greeks, how moisture was green for them, because green was the color of alive.

Of course she is green. Yes she is green and she lives in a sky island of the mind.

The first herb I learned to identify was common green sage Smile My grandmother used to grow it in our backyard when I was a child and she would fry the leaves in oil to go with roasted chicken....mmmm Very happy

Smell/taste is indeed one of our most primal senses. The smell of my Salvia plants is so enriching. That is interesting that the Greeks viewed moisture as green. That has always been my favorite color Smile

Maybe next summer I'll try to get a hold of some Salvia elegans, that is one Salvia I am not familiar with.
#17 Posted : 8/16/2015 1:50:17 AM

Another Leaf on the Vine

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Superb thread!

Let's not forget the association between terpenes in rosemary & spearmint with memory-recall...

β€œI sometimes marvel at how far I’ve come - blissful, even, in the knowledge that I am slowly becoming a well-evolved human being - only to have the illusion shattered by an episode of bad behaviour that contradicts the new and reinforces the old. At these junctures of self-reflection, I ask the question: β€œare all my years of hard work unraveling before my eyes, or am I just having an episode?” For the sake of personal growth and the pursuit of equanimity, I choose the latter and accept that, on this journey of evolution, I may not encounter just one bad day, but a group of many.”
― B.G. Bowers

#18 Posted : 8/16/2015 3:30:47 PM

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A quick search of the Allen Brain Atlas shows reasonably high expression of the kappa opioid receptor in the olfactory bulb of mice. Might be something there.

"There are many paths up the same mountain."

#19 Posted : 8/16/2015 3:58:15 PM

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Nathanial.Dread wrote:
A quick search of the Allen Brain Atlas shows reasonably high expression of the kappa opioid receptor in the olfactory bulb of mice. Might be something there.


Now we are talking, your input on this mattter is greatly appreciated.

Also I was skimming my journals last night from 2010, from when I went and undertook this. This little section seems to be the -aha- moment where I experienced the mechanism of embodied relational memory.

Session 18. July 14th, 2010 --

.....I am going deeper into this realm with a feeling as I will β€˜pop’ into it and fully transfer. My human mind is being overpowered by a mere glimpse of this reality. I sense that I am being watched and welcomed into my next stage of development, awareness of higher dimensional mechanics. Entities are awaiting my arrival/granting me access, but still there is this baseball and Mickey Mouse thing hanging out in the center of my mind.

The β€œOf Course!” moment comes, it all becomes clear; my mind is attempting to translate this otherworldly event by reaching for a memory from my past that perfectly mimics the same dynamics. I clearly now enter / remember this actual event that I have only thought of maybe once after it happened. This truth is hidden behind the shadow of a memory imprint, It makes total sense............
then the entry goes into describing this childhood memory that is an overlayed imprint to the room & the study I was in.

*Looking at the charts and my journals I think this dose was around of 1350ΞΌg of Salvinorin A

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#20 Posted : 8/16/2015 4:30:41 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 176
Joined: 27-Jun-2015
Last visit: 28-Apr-2020
Nathanial.Dread wrote:
A quick search of the Allen Brain Atlas shows reasonably high expression of the kappa opioid receptor in the olfactory bulb of mice. Might be something there.


In that line,

I found this:


"Results indicate that mu and kappa opioid agonists can interfere with sensory transmission at the level of second-order neurons of the olfactory pathway, the mitral and/or tufted cells."

One aspect of my salvia experiences has been not just interference with sensory transmission but a stimulus of a sensory channel without any input.

I was in the dark and I smoked enhanced leaf. Along with space/time fragments I experienced a series of bright flashes, as bright as flash bulbs, one after the other, as if I were getting a light perception straight from somewhere inside my optic sensory channel.
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