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Drinking water from your air conditioner! Options
#21 Posted : 12/2/2013 11:45:03 AM

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Dreamer, the phrase "cleanest purest water you can drink" brings to mind breathing pure oxygen (a practice that is beneficial as part of a therapeutic regime but generally not a healthy thing to inhale all the time) and calling that "cleanest purest air you can breath" Razz

But in essence, it is as you say; there is no real debate since there are no strong arguments for either side. I choose err on my statements re drinking distilled because I see a risk (proven or otherwise), thus I err against it. But it all of course lies in the proper balance: if you think that you diet supplies you with enough minerals to counter-balance any potential adverse effects of distilled water and if you feel fine and healthy overall, well then all is good.

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#22 Posted : 12/2/2013 11:58:37 AM

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Yes, distilled water is dangerous in long run for mineral depletion. Sick
You can drink distilled water if you're dehydrated or if you have sufficient amount of minerals (check regularly your carence).
If I were to use this distill water on a regular basis I'd mostly brew various teas (coca tea is very mineral for instance) or add some halite himalayan salt crystal to mineralize it.

It's good to think how to recycle water. Thumbs up
Smell like tea n,n spirit !

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#23 Posted : 12/7/2013 1:57:04 AM

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imPsimon wrote:
What are the cons for chlorine in drinking water?

If there is organic matter present during the chlorination chloroform, trichloroethylene and other chlorinated organics may be formed. Also, chlorinated tap water prevents effective supplementation of the water supply with the mind nutrient lysergic acid diethylamide. So I'm told Big grin

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#24 Posted : 12/23/2013 11:32:56 AM

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don't see any issue in this if you have no alternative or it is to suppliment your water supply.
we collect our A/c condensate for watering plants.

We ran outta water on a boat once on a long run and drank the dehumidifier water.... whatever works.
"We're selling more than a cracker here," Krijak said. "We're selling the salty, unctuous illusion of happiness."
#25 Posted : 9/5/2014 6:36:40 AM

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One of my upstairs neighbors has a very leaky air conditioner, it drips next to my door all day. Below that, a weed grows ferociously and extremely happily, through the crack it found in the concrete surroundings. It is the only green life that exists on the property, and it really likes the water from the a/c!

I occasionally have to trim it because it grows wild.

I am soon going to put a pot down below there and plant some things. Better to utilize that water for what I want to grow, rather than have an unsightly weed in a puddle next to my door all the time. Razz
#26 Posted : 9/5/2014 6:58:26 AM


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Update: Haha so for what it's worth I switched to spring water, only used the distilled to make teas, soups, kombucha, wines and the like now.

Spring water really is where it's at, good call on that. Cool
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#27 Posted : 9/9/2014 10:59:15 PM

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Spring water found running down a mountain right near the peak in a place with little to no external pollution.. mmm!

You guys are reminding me of this documentary.

And as always... take it with a grain of salt. You know, the video.. or the water. whatever floats your boat (pun intended).
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#28 Posted : 6/14/2015 10:03:56 AM

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I wouldn't drink it. That water runs through tubes which are not very clean. And Legionellae are nasty bacteria too.

Use it for extraction purposes! This idea came to my mind yesterday, and I harvest AC water every day now. I get nearly 20 liters, it's close to 100 F these days, and my AC runs almost entire day.

20 liters of distilled water is a lot. It can serve for extraction purposes very long. Why would I go to the store to buy distilled water, when I have it dripping from AC drain hose?
#29 Posted : 7/15/2015 11:04:54 AM

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This is very possible I have a 10000 BTU AC that is portable and also has a dehumidifier all I did is run a longer hose instead of running the hose outside I put the hose in a 5 gallon bucket

It will fill the bucket up overnight easy although I do live where it's always humid
After you collect the water with the dehumidifier run it through a zero water filter I use multiple that screw into the bottom of a nother five gallon bucket to filter faster.

Or you can make your own big filter out of rocks,sand, homemade charcoal
All you have to do to make charcoal is get wood cut the wood in a stell paint bucket and put the paint bucket in the fire make sure to poke holes in the top lid it is very important to use a soldering torch to melt off the plastic coating in the inside of the paint can if you're making your own charcoal which will be a plastic contaminant which you are trying to avoid.

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#30 Posted : 7/24/2015 4:01:56 AM

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marzbar329 wrote:
This is very possible I have a 10000 BTU AC that is portable and also has a dehumidifier all I did is run a longer hose instead of running the hose outside I put the hose in a 5 gallon bucket

It will fill the bucket up overnight easy although I do live where it's always humid
After you collect the water with the dehumidifier run it through a zero water filter I use multiple that screw into the bottom of a nother five gallon bucket to filter faster.

Or you can make your own big filter out of rocks,sand, homemade charcoal
All you have to do to make charcoal is get wood cut the wood in a stell paint bucket and put the paint bucket in the fire make sure to poke holes in the top lid it is very important to use a soldering torch to melt off the plastic coating in the inside of the paint can if you're making your own charcoal which will be a plastic contaminant which you are trying to avoid.

Sounds cool might have to try this.

Have not seen you around for 9mo plus hope all is well.
You rock.
#31 Posted : 7/29/2015 8:25:48 AM

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Distilled water is not likely pure water, as it leaches CO2 from the atmosphere and forms carbonic acid. I may be wrong, but wouldn't this leach metal ions as carbonate salts, only to be excreted in urine?

These metal ions are important, as they become electrolytes. In some cases, bacteria may not even always be a bad thing, as it strengthens the immune system for most people.

To drink distilled water, you'd first need to boil off the CO2, and then seal the container while it cools.
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