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What do you mean by spiritual/spirituality ? Options
Tuesday's Gone
#1 Posted : 7/13/2015 7:53:07 PM
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Cognitive Heart
#2 Posted : 7/13/2015 9:02:25 PM

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Spirit as in being. We are human but we are also beings. Spirit as in energy that is awake, aware and alive.
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

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We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
#3 Posted : 7/13/2015 11:31:52 PM
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I would say "spirituality" = "non-material personal philosophy". That's how I use it at least.
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#4 Posted : 7/14/2015 12:41:09 AM
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Spirituality ..If I EVER say it. I would have it refer to general After-death/karmic/moralic values
#5 Posted : 7/14/2015 1:37:37 AM

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I would say in some ways I think of spirituality in a similar way that I think of consciousness.... When I say spiritual person I mean something similar to "consciously aware person." When I think of "spirits" I think of energy with consciousness attached (whether that energy is a physical body or a more subtle non-physical or less physical body). I wouldnt say I see the two exactly the same, but then again, maybe I do.... I'd have to think about that for a while... I think they are at least similar in my head and the way I think about them though...
#6 Posted : 7/14/2015 2:32:45 AM

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travsha wrote:
I would say in some ways I think of spirituality in a similar way that I think of consciousness.... When I say spiritual person I mean something similar to "consciously aware person." When I think of "spirits" I think of energy with consciousness attached (whether that energy is a physical body or a more subtle non-physical or less physical body). I wouldnt say I see the two exactly the same, but then again, maybe I do.... I'd have to think about that for a while... I think they are at least similar in my head and the way I think about them though...

I really like this definition, and it's pretty much how I feel on the subject as well. Spirituality for me is a state of existence that I observe in myself and others, particularly certain individuals more than others unfortunately. But hey, that's duality. Wink
#7 Posted : 7/14/2015 4:44:58 AM

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I like the word spiritual a lot, and I'll admit that I use it frequently. I think it falls outside the dichotomy of religious versus atheistic, as religious people subscribe to certain religious ideologies (e.g., Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.) and atheists do not. I think you can be religious or an atheist and still be spiritual or not spiritual. Or agnostic and spiritual, or agnostic and not spiritual.

What I'm getting at is that spirituality and religion are two separate things in my view. There are plenty of people who are spiritual through their religion, but there are also those who simply follow the moral guidelines of their religion without necessarily believing in the more metaphysical aspects of it.

I consider myself nonreligious and spiritual. I do not subscribe to any religious system, label, or code, nor do I like being labeled an agnostic. I cannot believe any one way or the other with that as it would preclude believing in something else that I simply cannot know about, so that's how I am with religion. However I do like to think that things go a lot deeper than we consider everyday in a spiritual/consciousness sense, and I do also enjoy thinking that there are some kind of larger powers or realms with which humans generally have a difficult time interacting. This non-reductionist view is what makes me spiritual, in my opinion.

It's considering "the more" rather than just "the surface."
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#8 Posted : 7/14/2015 6:34:11 AM

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Funny these names like "white-spirit" or "21% spirited alcohol bottle" Very happy
Points to something volatile.
#9 Posted : 7/14/2015 4:10:46 PM

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Jees- i always thought the term, as in'mineral ' or reference to whiskey to reflect back upon the spiritous nature of those products, that is they are essences- perhaps that could also be considered volatile.Wink

OP: Good question. Although I really don't agree with the philosophy behind twelve steps, i attend a meeting for community and often this subject comes up and i feel compelled to speak upon it, but more often than not remain silent. My concepts of the higher divine nature of myself, and my attempt to understand both the nature of and where I fit into the whole matrix of reality, are what I call, due to lack of a better term, spirituality.

I really don't like the term all that much due to it's ambiguity, especially for such a complex subject. It's akin to the word 'love' in English, one word for so many things.

However it is opening into conversation about the complexities of one's personal comprehension of all it implies, or it is a gate keeper, where one can guard either the security of their deepest thoughts or the integrity of their ignorance. Only through investigation does one find out what it means for another.
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#10 Posted : 7/14/2015 4:45:24 PM
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In a kinda obvious way the word spirit implies a non-physical presence/existence, so spirituality to me would be the process of finding out whether there is an existence beyond form.
Tuesday's Gone
#11 Posted : 7/18/2015 9:01:26 PM
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#12 Posted : 7/19/2015 6:09:48 PM


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To me the term means cutting through the illusion of the self, by whatever means at our disposal.
Cognitive Heart
#13 Posted : 7/19/2015 7:29:32 PM

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Citta wrote:
To me the term means cutting through the illusion of the self, by whatever means at our disposal.

Opening the blinders so to speak.. Thumbs up
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
#14 Posted : 7/19/2015 9:45:15 PM

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Spirituality to me is the concept surrounding the awareness of the well-being of ones character not related to physical health or financial state etc.

Kind of a more sterile translation of some of the above definitions.

Spiritual wellness could be defined as how well one reacts to the world in absence of all other comforts through natural contentment or inner strength. By this definition, religion's not actually all that spiritual Razz
#15 Posted : 7/20/2015 7:22:53 AM

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Spirituality to me is the concept surrounding the awareness of the well-being of ones character not related to physical health or financial state etc.

Or the holistic perspective on and the development of ones owns own non-material needs.
#16 Posted : 7/20/2015 8:19:34 AM


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spirit: the software that runs the hardware.
spirituality: knowledge about software.
spiritual: being more of a software person than a hardware person (software engineer vs. electronics engineer)
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#17 Posted : 7/20/2015 6:34:26 PM

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Ufostrahlen wrote:
spirit: the software that runs the hardware.
spirituality: knowledge about software.
spiritual: being more of a software person than a hardware person (software engineer vs. electronics engineer)

I like this. Pleased I tend to feel like DMT allows us to see the code our brain is running on, and even rewrite it at times.
The Traveler
#18 Posted : 7/20/2015 10:06:21 PM

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Ufostrahlen wrote:
spirit: the software that runs the hardware.
spirituality: knowledge about software.
spiritual: being more of a software person than a hardware person (software engineer vs. electronics engineer)

What if the software is 'hardwired'?

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#19 Posted : 7/21/2015 2:10:21 AM

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The Traveler wrote:
Ufostrahlen wrote:
spirit: the software that runs the hardware.
spirituality: knowledge about software.
spiritual: being more of a software person than a hardware person (software engineer vs. electronics engineer)

What if the software is 'hardwired'?

Kind regards,

The Traveler

On some level, all software is hardwired insofar as that it is manifest in the physical system, if that's what you mean. Or maybe not, we have a lot to learn still.
#20 Posted : 7/21/2015 3:47:36 AM


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To me, spirituality is believing in the spirits that resides in everything that is alive and has ever been alive and less about about one single creator.
Perhaps I am asking the wrong questions but it doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

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