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Jorkest's D-Limonene & Fumaric Acid Approach Options
#181 Posted : 7/1/2009 7:13:44 PM

Cosmic Dragon

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Okay so this is probably off topic but:
A quick question; the FASW that is saturated with DMT in it evaporates and leaves behind both DMT-Fumurate as well as Fumaric acid, correct? If so what is the easiest way to separate the acid from the DMT.

Also if the DMT-Fumurate and Fumaric acid that is collected from a Pyrex dish is mixed directly with sodium carbonate to basify it, would the end result from pulling with D-limo be only DMT Freebase or would the D-Limo pull other junk, i.e. Fumaric acid?

This question goes out to jorkest but if anyone knows I'd be very grateful.



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#182 Posted : 7/1/2009 8:17:06 PM

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ok so the easiest way to separate the dmt from the acid is to wash it with acetone..

and for the second question...why would you want to pull with d-limo again? but the sodium carbonate will neutralize the acid so if you pulled with acetone..all that would come out after filtering and evaporation will be dmt freebase
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#183 Posted : 7/1/2009 8:30:23 PM

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also SWIM was experimenting with this j spice...hes thinking of calling it JimJam(named after the goopy hyperspace substance that can create anything)

anyway...he was rather let down...but there are also awesome things about it...first of all...lower doses seem to produce nice effects..and is a great place for new people to start exploring dmt...but the higher doses produced AWESOME visuals...awesome euphoria...but the let down was that there was no information transfer or increased thought processing...its possible the elves were just having a welcome home party for SWIM but who knows...he'll have to try going back again..

also this was enhanced herb...he had passion flower, peppermint, lavender and mullein in the mix...it was a 2:1 herbVery happymt mix...there was about 100mg lavender, 150mg pepperment, 200mg passion flower, 150mg mullein..and 300mg of JimJam

SWIM didnt weigh his doses at all...so he doesnt know how much he smoked..but the come up was the easiest hes ever had...there was absolutely NO fear involved..it was extremely cool..but was just kinda a light show...SWIM will have to go back and see if it happens again..

he tried this three times in a row and got to the same place..it was very drippy and goupy...JimJam like...one room that he came to was full of naked cartoon women...and they had jimjam flowing out of their tits...it was rather strange but cool...

he loves the taste of this stuff too..its soo good..this is definitely his favorite dmt..even though it was lacking the information transfer that hes use to..but perhaps it was just the experience..and they were taking it easy on him because he hasnt been back for quite a few months before that..

overall...awesome experience...easy to smoke...like reallly easy...easy breakthrough...easiest hes had...
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#184 Posted : 7/1/2009 8:35:09 PM

Cosmic Dragon

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^In response to your question^

Instead of pulling with acetone SWIM would pull with D-limo because 69ron says that's what his FOAF does and the freebase taste orangy when he does it, also it is more natural then acetone. Thanks for the quick response.

#185 Posted : 7/1/2009 8:41:44 PM

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the reason for not using d-limo for that part is because it doesnt really evaporate very cleanly..and acetone is very natural...its in your body right now...IPA actually gets converted into acetone in your body
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#186 Posted : 7/1/2009 9:48:28 PM

Cosmic Dragon

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yeah your right, SWIM did notice that. would IPA 91% work instead of acetone for pulling the freebase? SWIM doesn't have acetone but could get some if needed. Thanks again.

#187 Posted : 7/2/2009 12:14:45 AM

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well...the problem with that is that there is 9% water in that IPA...you may be able to dry it with some anhydrous magnesium sulfate
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#188 Posted : 7/2/2009 3:57:18 AM

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just get 99% ipa and add anhydrous epsom salts, works better than acetone in SWIM's experience.
Everything I post is made up fiction. SWIM represents a character who is not based in or on reality.
#189 Posted : 7/2/2009 4:10:27 AM

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in what ways does it work better than acetone
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#190 Posted : 7/2/2009 5:01:51 PM

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SWIM has never gotten a solid product using acetone in the freebase step, it is always either an oily consistency, or peanut buttery. SWIM thinks, and I believe others on the forums have mentioned this, that most hardware store acetone leaves a residual oil behind when evapped. Using IPA yields off-white powdery freebase that does not become a liquid with higher temps like the peanut butter yielded from the acetone. This is just SWIM's experience, but acetone also reeks, and that's why SWIM doesn't use it.
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#191 Posted : 7/2/2009 5:57:16 PM

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narmz wrote:
SWIM thinks, and I believe others on the forums have mentioned this, that most hardware store acetone leaves a residual oil behind when evapped. Using IPA yields off-white powdery freebase that does not become a liquid with higher temps like the peanut butter yielded from the acetone. This is just SWIM's experience, but acetone also reeks, and that's why SWIM doesn't use it.

The shit at Ace Hardware is contaminated...but it's just water used as a filler.
(Acetone is also capable of pulling moisture out of the oxygen if left out in the open long enough)
You can use those same anhydrous Epsom salts to dry it out as well!! (make sure you are filtering the solids back out, after drying though!!)

BTW, the Acetone I get at Home De-POT is good & clean!! Evaporates away 100%!!

I've never use IPA as a solvent for any step of an extraction before though, so I don't know if it's any better or worse than Acetone or anything else.
I do however think it stinks worse then acetone!!Wink


All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#192 Posted : 7/2/2009 7:08:10 PM

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same here...SWIM likes acetone much better than iPA
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#193 Posted : 7/2/2009 7:18:11 PM

The Root

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hey ok about that jungle thing - swim did the tek and washed the fumarates with acetone then freebased it and was very very happy with the product - it was just more gentle - came on like a dream. then there was this other spice - intense spice - it had been converted to fumarate->freebase->fumarate->freebase and washed but still had some jungle it seemed - perhaps the jungle changed (jungle spice changing in effects when left to sit has been noted before in the old jungle teks here) but it also took me to some place with lack of info transfer - just almost like a loop - not a nice place - with a female entity with insect eyes and thoughts(been there b4 so i handled it fine) - the onset was fast and it was the most visual spice swims ever smoked - it also lasted much much much longer - like at least 2 times as long.
swim is happy with his spice from this tek but will soon try grow some beautiful lotuses like ws.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


โ€นJorkestโ€บ the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

โ€นxtechreโ€บ cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#194 Posted : 7/2/2009 7:50:45 PM

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so the stuff that lasted the longest was the stuff that you "fumarate->freebase->fumarate->freebase and washed"

this was the intense spice?

the plain jane jimjam(:winkSmile from this tek is extremely gentle...very very gentle...SWIM thinks that he may be able to up the dose a lot and still be very comfortable with the experience...
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#195 Posted : 7/2/2009 7:56:25 PM

The Root

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yep - the intense one was the one that went thru so many processes - (like being locked inside a box tightly with a praying mantis(in the shape of a human) the same size of you - pressed together with no concept of outside the box)
the other spice is dreamy and peacefull - time to test it again.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


โ€นJorkestโ€บ the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

โ€นxtechreโ€บ cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#196 Posted : 7/2/2009 8:07:33 PM

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Jokerst & Phlux, I have had that same kind of effect from it I think & so have two good friends of mine that are equally familiar with my extractions (lucky bastards!!Twisted Evil ).

So, I feel like I'm traveling through the experience, rather than being 100% interwoven into the hyperspace, like I do with pure N,N-DMT, do you know what I mean?

Another way I explained it to one of my buds before he tried some was that I felt like I was witnessing the experience from inside of a bubble & hyperspace was pressed right up against that bubble 360-degrees around me, inches from my point of view!! But distinctly not touching me...or in the case of a full on breakthrough...shooting through every atom of my consciousness!!Shocked

I like it!! But I still prefer the pure, heavy duty, other galaxy experience myself!!

BTW, I finally tried one of the .058mg crystal formations that I have & it was awesome!!!

First, it was the smoothest vapor I've inhaled to date!!! Seriously!
I used a small bong with a Brillo bed, like I always do & there was ZERO taste & ZERO harshness!!
At first, I didn't think I had got it heated enough, but then it started kicking in.Shocked

All of it in 2 tokes, EASY!! Then a third to "MOP up" (hehehe..:twistedSmile

There was also ZERO tensing of my body!! It was so freaking smooth & powerful at the same time!!!
I was not expecting it to make any difference in the experience, I've been extracting extremely pure DMT for a while now
But these pure crystals were just so wonderful to smoke & the experience was just that much smoother too!!

Inhaling Hyperspace...That's All!

I'm going to combine a bowl filled with .100mg of the lotus x-stal's (meant for more than one set of hits...BTW), plus .200mg of a combination of pure Harmalas, for the S.H.E. tomorrow & I'm so excited to go for an extended stay in that smoothest of DMT space!!

Man, I am in love with big-ass, pure DMT crystals!!!Embarrased

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#197 Posted : 7/2/2009 8:50:00 PM

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Jorkest wrote:

he tried this three times in a row and got to the same place..it was very drippy and goupy...JimJam like...one room that he came to was full of naked cartoon women...and they had jimjam flowing out of their tits...it was rather strange but cool...

HAHAHA now that's what SWIM is talking about.

SWIM found 99.953% pure anhydrous IPA online. It's used as an electronics cleaner and it says, "In compliance for use in food plants" SWIM thinks IPA stinks more than acetone but has the opinion that it is more natural.

Also Narmz, has SWIY tried the stuff made with IPA and washed a few times? SWIM would like to hear a trip report. SWIM will try in a few days with harmalas and post a report.
All posts are from higher vibrational alien entities. These entities are not physically real to your understanding and do not exist in this dimension, therefore accounts of all posts did not take place in reality.
#198 Posted : 7/2/2009 9:04:22 PM

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There was also ZERO tensing of my body!! It was so freaking smooth & powerful at the same time!!!
I was not expecting it to make any difference in the experience, I've been extracting extremely pure DMT for a while now
But these pure crystals were just so wonderful to smoke & the experience was just that much smoother too!!

Inhaling Hyperspace...That's All!

its extremely interesting the differences that have been noticed with this extraction tek...is it possible that the d-limonene is drastically changing the experience? making it way more gentle but also just as powerful? also SWIM is definitely going to try Phluxies idea...with the fumarate->freebase->fumarate->freebase idea..and see how that comes out..and also gonna do the awesome crystal growing that hes getting so excited about
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#199 Posted : 7/2/2009 9:16:47 PM

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I'm going to combine a bowl filled with .100mg of the lotus x-stal's (meant for more than one set of hits...BTW), plus .200mg of a combination of pure Harmalas, for the S.H.E. tomorrow & I'm so excited to go for an extended stay in that smoothest of DMT space!!

isnt the SHE on the 11th??
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#200 Posted : 7/2/2009 10:04:08 PM

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Jorkest wrote:
I'm going to combine a bowl filled with .100mg of the lotus x-stal's (meant for more than one set of hits...BTW), plus .200mg of a combination of pure Harmalas, for the S.H.E. tomorrow & I'm so excited to go for an extended stay in that smoothest of DMT space!!

isnt the SHE on the 11th??

Embarrased EmbarrasedYupEmbarrased Embarrased

OK, Next week then...Laughing

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
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