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DMT + Nitrous Oxide - Try it yourself! Options
#21 Posted : 4/2/2015 2:37:02 AM

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Sorry - double post Mad

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 4/2/2015 9:57:48 AM

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Murbz wrote:
Do be careful with the nitrous! While it produces an extremely euphoric experience, you really need to be careful - especially in combination with other drugs - I say this from experience.

One of my high school buddies was a car enthusiast (aka "motorhead"Pleased who had nitrous injection for his vehicle. This is bad idea #1 - using non-medical grade stuff - who knows what other adulterants were in there. In any event, the experiences were a lot of fun - and also potentially dangerous if you aren't appropriately prepared. This stuff will pretty much incapacitate you and black you out - even if only for a few seconds - but that's when you can pass out and hit your head on hard objects, etc. (again - experience - I've done that Sad )

It's an interesting and very euphoric substance - I do like it, but always had that feeling "wow - this stuff probably isn't good for me" - maybe it's the hypoxia effect kicking in. I will say, that, even as a parent I've probably disappointed the kids by leaving them flat whipped cream after sucking up the nitrous as a kitchen whippet Razz

Don't mean to be a doom and gloom person, but just want everyone to be safe and gain from their experiences without getting hurt. Do your research, be wise, and be safe. Moderation is always a good guide - be safe

Anyone taking nitrous meant for cars just did not do his homework at all... The only nitrous you should use are the major brands of culinary nitrous (ISI being the very best) or, of course, medical nitrous if you can get your hands on. Nitrous is one of the safest drugs there is if, like everything, is used like it should be used and by people who have informed themselves properly. Nitrous leaves the body very quickly with little to no side effects. This is why it is used so lightly by dentists all over the world (and god knows they are the very first nitrous junkies, haha Razz). The main issue with nitrous is hypoxia, BUT there is a huge misunderstanding surrounding this topic. When you empty your lungs and breath in nitrous you are at that very moment breathing a hypoxic gas. Hypoxia is not in itself a huge problem. Free divers expose themselves to hypoxia during each dive. The problem with hypoxia is that if it is prolonged it leads to unconsciousness and subsequently to cell damage (including brain cell damage). This is the hypoxia we want to avoid: "Hypoxia leading to cell damage". You cannot produce hypoxia leading to cell damage just from holding your breath, you just simply can't, you pass out first precisely to prevent that, this is how our bodies are built. This is they very reason we use balloons! ALWAYS USE BALLOONS! Because as soon as you are about to lose your consciousness your body cannot hold the balloon anymore and you return to normal breathing leaving the hypoxia behind BUT not without reaching maximum dissociative effects first Smile. Therefore, in general, the risk of hypoxia leading to cell damage when nitrous is taken from a balloon is limited. Needless to say that most (if not all) deaths from nitrous occur to people who thought it would be fun doing it in a closed environment opening a canister of nitrous into a room or a car or also typical: people using plastic bags to deliver the gas and then choking when they become unconscious.

Last but not least, heavy use of nitrous depletes B12 reserves. It is a known fact. However, you really need to be a freaking nitrous junkie to suffer from this problem.

Having said all this, drugs are not candy and all of em come with a certain amount of risk.

Read for better info (also source of what I just explained) https://www.erowid.org/c...us/nitrous_health1.shtml
#23 Posted : 4/2/2015 10:37:49 AM

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Varox wrote:

Anyone taking nitrous meant for cars just did not do his homework at all...

Absolutely correct. I don't think any homework was done there - and that was pretty stupid on our accounts.

Great points in your post, Varox. Among other risks, going straight from the tank or canister is not a good idea, given the opportunity to get some very nasty burns from the cold temps involved.

Being knowledgeable and exercising appropriate caution is always a good idea.
#24 Posted : 4/2/2015 11:41:25 AM

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Nitrous is no doubt an excellent adjunct to other substances. But, for me at least, it is VERY moreish. Once I start, often the rest of the experience is spent chasing ever deeper peaks. You spend the evening glued to the dispenser, and for me, eventually that detracts from letting the trip unfold.

I have also met some rather undesirable entities on combination of AL-LAD and NNitrous, which made me re-evaluate my usage.

If you really want to enhance LSD, mushrooms etc, smoalk some DMT Twisted Evil
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#25 Posted : 4/2/2015 12:24:25 PM

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Purges wrote:
Nitrous is no doubt an excellent adjunct to other substances. But, for me at least, it is VERY moreish. Once I start, often the rest of the experience is spent chasing ever deeper peaks. You spend the evening glued to the dispenser, and for me, eventually that detracts from letting the trip unfold.

Yes, i agree... that is why I always set a goal before doing nitrous. I usually limit my nitrous trips to a maximum of 6 a session. Actually 4, if after the 4th nothing amazing has happened I just stop there. If im having a blast then I do two more and that's it. 4 might seem little but if you really ride the ride then its enough. I have a lot of exp with nitrous, I have probably done it around 300 times and for me MDMA is a must if you want to extract the true potential of the balloon. Otherwise you dont have the -let's say- "stamina" to do nitrous properly.

Purges wrote:
If you really want to enhance LSD, mushrooms etc, smoalk some DMT Twisted Evil

For me they are all complements. I would not chose one over the other... is like having to chose from chocolate and vanilla... maybe sometimes you prefer choco and other times vanilla... I dont like to chose where no choice is necessary... My best psychedelic session ever involved MDMA and weed, then I smoalked and when I was back I blasted off again with nitrous. I am working on the report of that night and will post it soon.

#26 Posted : 4/3/2015 4:29:41 AM

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Dead man wrote:
This report is a heart breaking read about someone's N2O abuse and negative conequences. It's very well written so check it out.

I've never thought of trying N2O before, and after reading this story I think I will keep my distance. It seems that the more addictive drugs are anesthetic in nature.
#27 Posted : 5/11/2015 9:37:42 PM

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I used to combine these as well sometimes - it has been years, but I still remember the first time....

A friend and I had started with mushrooms and a walk in the forest. When we got back home we decided to smoke DMT and somehow ended up trying a double hit of DMT followed by a balloon of nitrous immediately. Soon we were just passing pack and forth the DMT and the nitrous until we both went really deep....

I experienced these little elves showing up in the room with us (I could still see the room around me and was still in my body). They carried me off under water and took out all my bones, counted them, and then put them back in me. It kinda felt like when a doctor gives you Novocaine - it didnt hurt, but I could still feel everything they were doing to me. Not sure why I didnt freak out - maybe I didnt believe it or something - I stayed really relaxed the whole time....

A few days later I read about the same exact experience in a book by Graham Hancock called Supernatural. The experience was being described by an Ayahuasca shaman. That was the first time I had ever heard of Ayahuasca or shamanism, and I immediately felt I needed to learn more lol!

I think that was 6-7 years ago.... I actually havent smoked DMT in a few years, and it has been even longer since I ever worked with nitrous, but it was a powerful experience for me that helped point me in a good direction!
#28 Posted : 6/26/2015 8:00:46 AM

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If someone else knows better please explain.
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#29 Posted : 6/26/2015 1:28:55 PM

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Murbz wrote:
but always had that feeling "wow - this stuff probably isn't good for me" - maybe it's the hypoxia effect kicking in.

I don't think Hypoxia is an issue in such small doses of this gas, especially if you take in a few good lungfulls of air before and after inhaling. Only prolonged anaesthetic doses require 50/50 oxygen/n20.

I have heared a few people say things like "this stuff probably isn't good for me" but with the evidence of what is going on with rats I would say it isn't harmful at all on serotonergics like DMT:


#30 Posted : 6/26/2015 5:11:14 PM

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Shane237 wrote:

If someone else knows better please explain.

You're absolutely right! I think the manufacturer adds ammonia to the canisters to discourage off lable use. An ex-family relation had a car that run a nitrous set up.

*edit* I remember ammonia, maybe that was the additive at that time. Sulfer dioxide is added, and prolonged use can lead to pneumonia.
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