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Enhanced Leaf Question(s) Options
#1 Posted : 6/25/2015 8:24:40 PM


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Last visit: 31-Aug-2015
Hello all,
I'm new here, and new to DMT in general, so I apologize in advance if these questions seem like no-brainers... The more and more I read, the more I'm convinced that I must try to make some enhanced leaf. I'm going to get some Caapi leaves, but was thinking about doing a "test run" before I acquire them. A good friend of mine grows Mint in her garden. Would this be a good herb to try a small batch with? I figure the mint would taste very nice and make for smooth hits. I assume I would have to dry the leaves first, by just hanging them for a few days? The rest of the process I understand. But one last question, and forgive me if this is a really stupid question, but what is this "cone" that all the Changa threads and FAQ's are referring to..? Thanks for any insight!

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#2 Posted : 6/25/2015 9:53:51 PM

Nullius in verba.

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Mint is fine even though personally I'd prefer a mix of different herbs.

A cone is the herbs you are smoking - no matter if they are in your bong or joint. I might have difficulties explaining it but I'm sure someone else will chime in.
#3 Posted : 6/28/2015 12:08:13 PM

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Mint is by far the best for vaporizing... Mullein I found didn't work that well because the DMT tend to stick right in there and had to vaporize more times to get it out...

If your smoking of course it is best to use Mullein because it is an expectorant (clears flem and gunk and helps you breath better)

IMO, vaporize only with mint... maybe even stick it in an old chamber of Vicks VapoRub to give it more minty KICK/OOMPH
#4 Posted : 6/28/2015 12:18:45 PM

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A 'cone' is the part of the bong or pipe you load up with plant material. Smile
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#5 Posted : 6/29/2015 5:16:43 PM


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Great, thanks for the replies! So my caapi leaf is on the way. I tried a VERY SMALL test run. 100mg dried mint leaves, 100mg of DMT, 4mL of 91% IPA (all I had at the moment, it seems acetone is better correct?), all in an empty salt shaker. Everything looked fine at first, leaf material between 5-10mm high, just covered with the iso. But it's been almost 3 days now, and the liquid is a very dark almost black color.. Is this normal? It does seem to be slowly evaporating. But I wasn't expecting it to look so black.. Possibly the leaves were too dry? Or not dry enough? I guess we'll see when it's done.. I can post pics when I get home from work.

EDIT: Nevermind! It worked beautifully! I'm never smoking freebase again! Thanks for the replies!
#6 Posted : 7/3/2015 8:19:11 PM

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Acetone works well but if you are going to add harmalas to make proper changa, use IPA.
#7 Posted : 7/5/2015 1:03:07 PM

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3 days? IPA takes anywhere from 10 hours under a fan, even a plate is better because of the air ventilation.

The blacknees is from the tannins comming out into the ipa... finished evapped herbs will look slightly black too and be a bit oily... you can tell when the dmt is all gone because it is crispy and not so dark anymore.
#8 Posted : 7/5/2015 4:44:33 PM

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If you use 91 % IPA then remember that there water also that needs to be evaporated that will take longer. Glad you sorted it anyway Smile Next time try get some 99%, or acetone which evaps in less than an hours under a fan.
#9 Posted : 7/6/2015 6:12:43 PM


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Thanks guys, yeah have since gotten some Acetone and some 99% IPA, which work MUCH faster. Had another question about freebase harmala.. But instead of making a new topic, ill just post it here. So my next experiment was to try to boil up some 10x Caapi leaf (which from what I understand, really only yealds 6-7x). Anyways, it turned out fine, except that the infused leaf weighs significantly heavier than the original. So if I wanted to say, put 500mg of spice into 500mg of this enriched Caapi, it seems (at least visually) a lot of spice for such a small amount of leaf.. Either way, I'm probably gonna give it a shot anyways, but this brings me to my question. I'm reading that the boiling method produces harmala in its salt form and not it's freebase form. I will soon be acquiring some pre-made harmala freebase. According to "The art of Changa" thread, a proper 1:1 Changa would include 1 gram of freebase harmala, 1 gram of spice, and 1 gram of leaf material (non-enriched). But I've seen a few other posts indicating for smaller amounts of harmala.. Once I get it, I plan on doing 250mg of Caapi, 250mg of Mullein, and 500mg of spice. So should I add 500mg of freebase harmala to the spice and ISO for a true 1:1? Is there any reason why some would recommend a smaller amount? Thanks for any replies!
#10 Posted : 7/6/2015 6:34:50 PM

Hyperspace Cowboy

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Simply increase the pH of your acidic harmala solution to about 12 to yield the freebase. See here for a good overview of how to extract freebase harmalas (they've used syrian rue, but the process will be essentially the same for most harmala bearing material).

As for the mixture question, you might as well make it 1:1:1. Some people recommend less harmala because it can have some unpleasant side effects (most notably, for me, is a dull headache after thoroughly indulging)
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#11 Posted : 7/6/2015 8:11:30 PM

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I don't quite get why you would add 500 mg of enriched leaf to 500 mg of spice. Then this would not be a 10x 1:1 anymore, it would be far less than that. Usually if I make a 10x 1:1 the final weight of 1 g of enriched leaf will be around 3.5 g. So that spice makes up around 1/4 of the final weight. If you put 500 mg of enriched leaf to 500 mg of spice, then this would be much less than a 10x 1:1, more like 3x 1:1 or something.
#12 Posted : 7/6/2015 8:51:14 PM


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Thanks for the info, BongWizard!
JustCurious. wrote:
I don't quite get why you would add 500 mg of enriched leaf to 500 mg of spice. Then this would not be a 10x 1:1 anymore, it would be far less than that. Usually if I make a 10x 1:1 the final weight of 1 g of enriched leaf will be around 3.5 g. So that spice makes up around 1/4 of the final weight. If you put 500 mg of enriched leaf to 500 mg of spice, then this would be much less than a 10x 1:1, more like 3x 1:1 or something.

Ohh ok I get it, thanks for the clarification. So the 1:1 is referring to the leaf weight before enrichment. That's what I was hung up on. I did, in fact, get exactly the same results, 1 gram of leaf became 3.5 grams. So if 1g spice with 3.5g enriched leaf would result in a 10x 1:1, by that token I could do the proportional math to figure out how much spice to add to 1 gram of enriched leaf for the same result? In other words, 1gram spice over 3.5grams leaf equals x grams spice over 1 gram leaf, which would give me about 0.286grams per one gram of leaf? Sorry if this is confusing, I only ask because I don't have that much spice left.. Lol
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