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Yet another Colorado cannabis mishap ... Options
#1 Posted : 4/25/2015 2:13:23 AM

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What is going on in Colorado? Here's a recent story, in case you hadn't seen it: http://denver.suntimes.com/den-news/7/103/113324/colorado-mom-pot-brownie-son-window/

Very unfortunate, but I've read other stories where this guy consumed more than the one alleged "dose". I suppose any "Reefer Madness" story is deemed newsworthy - but I don't think there are typically any follow up stories on tales like this. Confused


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#2 Posted : 4/25/2015 2:39:19 AM
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It's unfortunate and I hope it happens less and less as the culture adapts to this new freedom, but also the resulting injuries were not life-threatening. When I was a teen I was doing all sorts of stupid shit. I don't see what marijuana has to do with it, and I would urge anyone who says it's the cause to look at news stories of injuries/deaths resulting from alcohol. Heck, they're so common that they aren't even considered news...But when someone does something stupid after smoking pot it makes headlines.
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#3 Posted : 4/25/2015 2:46:14 AM

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Rolling eyes Don't worry, they'll lose interest soon enough. I mean, it's been a long time since there was ever a news story about "So-and-so killed himself while drunk..." or "Mr. Blank of Grimbal county drank enough alcohol for a small village and died.." You get the point. When weed has settled in, and ceases to be the new thing, they'll quit reporting stupid stories about stupid people doing stupid things.

That's pretty funny he jumped out a window. What a dork!Razz

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#4 Posted : 4/25/2015 7:44:27 PM

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Blame it on the brownie.

The goofball that flung himself through the window is a man, 19 year old young man. They point at him like he is an innocent teenager who had no choice but to eat this delicious brownie his mommy gave him. Ridiculous.

Where is the back story? Nothing? Terrible reporting. Biased reporting at it's best. I have lived in Colorado my whole life and have seen the reports on the local news just gobble up any negative angle towards marijuana that they can. The media is a corrupt. I don't watch the news anymore. You have to decifer everything they say. Translate from bullshit to reality.

I would venture a guess that this was not this man's first time ingesting marijuana brownies. Anyone want to guess the backstory on why this man really threw himself out the window? Decifer the bullshit?

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#5 Posted : 4/25/2015 9:01:34 PM
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All I have to say is "undiagnosed pre-existing mental condition"

Marijuana does not make normal teens jump from Windows, even if they were dosed unknowingly (which don't get me wrong is a horrible thing to do to a person)

#6 Posted : 4/25/2015 9:14:18 PM

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DmnStr8 wrote:
Where is the back story? Nothing? Terrible reporting. Biased reporting at it's best.

Bingo. That's my big gripe with this type of reporting - the fact that it is not reporting, just sensationalism. This sort of thing is nothing new in the media world, but disappointing nevertheless.
#7 Posted : 4/26/2015 3:59:13 AM

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^^^ As you say, it is nothing new. Back in the day there was the story of So-and-so taking LSD, thinking he could fly, and jumping off a building to his death. I actiually think this happened to a somewhat high profile person's son.

When ever I see stories like this one about weed, or the infamous person who thinks they can fly, I think about what Bill Hicks had to say about it. It was something like, "Guy thinks he can fly, so he jumps off a building. What an idiot! If you can really fly, then why start with a building? Why not start from the ground, and work your way up?" So really, it's just a case of someone being stupid.

Someone likely to do stupid things being stupid without drugs is not news, since those types are all over the place. Someone likely to do stupid things, doing something stupid while on drugs is somehow news! Go figure.Wut?
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#8 Posted : 4/26/2015 7:57:11 AM

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#9 Posted : 4/26/2015 1:38:43 PM


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FRUITA, Colorado — A man accused of shooting and killing his wife in Fruita nearly three months ago is now under arrest in her death.

KKCO-TV (http://bit.ly/1G53bxl ) reports that Steven Spiess was arrested Tuesday after being released from St. Mary's Hospital after being treated for his injuries in the Jan. 11 shooting.

Danya Speiss called 911 that day and police arrived to find her dead in their home. Steven Speiss was found suffering a gunshot wound to the face.

An arrest affidavit released by police says Danya Speiss called 911 to say she was nervous because her husband was drunk and walking around the house with a gun. Police say her sister told them the couple had been fighting that day because she wanted a divorce.

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#10 Posted : 4/26/2015 3:20:23 PM
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The interview is painful to watch, but I couldn't help laughing when the host threatened to kick him off and Tim went "Ooooohhh, nooo!!!"
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