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Obama in Cairo Options
#1 Posted : 6/4/2009 11:04:38 PM

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I'm not sure how political many of the people on this forum are; however, I'm curious if any saw, heard or read Obama's speech in Cairo? If so what did you think? Also feel free to comment on Obama's time in office in comparison to Bush.

I voted for the man, I was a Political Science student in my undergraduate studies, and I must say, the man can speak. This is his third, or so, speech which has really blown me away. Thoughts?
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#2 Posted : 6/5/2009 4:09:52 PM
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Too bad that right at this moment, when we have an american president in office who actually seems to want to change relationships between the west and the islamic world, the iranians are working hard to get their hands on nuclear weapons. And it doesn't look diplomacy is gonna change that since ahmedinejad and his friends are actually mad satan-worshippers.
At the same time the israeli government led by benjamin netanjahu is still overambitious in terrorising all of the palestinian people including those who're not aspiring to the phoney-martyrdom this region is renownned for.

It will take a few generations to change things in the middle-east. And i don't think that much will change; even a civillized nation like the USA still has these backward regions where a majority of the people seem to suffer from down-syndrome so in that perspective it is highly unlikely that those regions of the world with an even higher inbreed-rate then the renowned bible belt are soon going to devellop into pacified places of civillization, peace and kindness.

But at this moment i'm just very sad because where i live, the national racist party has just won some elections so right now i'm just very pissed of and sad about everything. Especially about retarded, stinking piles of shit and the amounts in wich they come, and how they fuck everything up.
#3 Posted : 6/5/2009 4:20:11 PM

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I like obama, but I'm going to give it a couple of years before I make a concise decision.
#4 Posted : 6/5/2009 6:23:19 PM

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But at this moment i'm just very sad because where i live, the national racist party has just won some elections so right now i'm just very pissed of and sad about everything. Especially about retarded, stinking piles of shit and the amounts in wich they come, and how they fuck everything up.

I heard that dork with the weird hair who made that video about Islam (can't remmeber his name) won the european parliament seat. Do you see that as bad or more as a way to get him out of your political situation and let him just go do nothing significant in the EU parliament?

Anyway about Obama. Well domestically I think is messing up hard but thats another story. But concerning his foreign policy speeches I am a bit irritated as well. He can say all the right words for sure. But words aren't important to people who have bombs falling on their heads.

Basically I am very dissapointed because he is not taking an aggressive stance on ending the Iraq war or seriously changing US foreign policy. All he is doing is changing the "tone" of US foreign policy.

I know there is a time line and all in Iraq but there are still planning to be there for like 10 years even with just a small force and rediculous embassy palace. He is also intensifying the war in afghanistan which will probably just lead to more chaos and prop up a group of corrupt thugs (the northern alliance). Although the taliban aren't any better I still don't think war is the answer.

I am not impressed. If the US was serious about "change" we would take all our troops home from foreign countries and completely slash over seas spending.
#5 Posted : 6/5/2009 9:34:00 PM

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Interesting. Thanks for the responses. I do agree with you burnt, in the end its just more rhetoric. However, after sitting through 8 years of Bush, I can't help but have at least a sense of relief in a President that can speak properly and with a little passion.

I also agree with you polytrip. How important can fighting Islamic Fundamentalists really be when in the U.S. we have Fundamentalist Christians murdering doctors that preform abortions. The religions are equally at fault in my mind, and domestically things are pretty bad, I have to agree. It is encouraging though to see communication with parts of the world which we "refused" to negotiate with prior...because that really is just naivety at its finest. Although I did read that Iran completely jammed satellite feeds coming into the country to restrict viewers from seeing the speech.
“I am getting so far out one day I won't come back at all.” - William Burroughs

"There was a time before we were born, if someone asks this is where I'll be." - Talking Heads
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#6 Posted : 6/5/2009 10:44:21 PM

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burnt wrote:
But at this moment i'm just very sad because where i live, the national racist party has just won some elections so right now i'm just very pissed of and sad about everything. Especially about retarded, stinking piles of shit and the amounts in wich they come, and how they fuck everything up.

I heard that dork with the weird hair who made that video about Islam (can't remmeber his name) won the european parliament seat. Do you see that as bad or more as a way to get him out of your political situation and let him just go do nothing significant in the EU parliament?

Not he (the one with the stupid hairdo) but his party got 4 seats in the EU parliament so he ain't going nowhere. He's a right winged populist with no real answers, only some ideas that sound good for the retarded part of the population, unfortunately we have loads of the here. Sad

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