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[study] The subjective experience of acute, experimentally-induced Salvia divinorum inebriation Options
Dead man
#1 Posted : 2/23/2015 5:09:10 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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The recorded effects and conclusions of this study are rather obvious to anyone who is familair with Salvia divinorum, but it should be kept in mind that this study is the first to quantatively describe the effects of Salvia based on dose and with placebo's. Check it out if you have the time (I attached the pdf below).

The subjective experience of acute, experimentally-induced Salvia divinorum inebriation
This study examined the overall psychological effects of inebriation facilitated by the naturally-occurring plant hallucinogen Salvia divinorum using a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Thirty healthy individuals self-administered Salvia divinorum via combustion and inhalation in a quiet, comfortable research setting. Experimental sessions, post-session interviews, and 8-week follow-up meetings were audio recorded and transcribed to provide the primary qualitative material analyzed here. Additionally, post-session responses to the Hallucinogen Rating Scale provided a quantitative groundwork for mixed-methods discussion. Qualitative data underwent thematic content analysis, being coded independently by three researchers before being collaboratively integrated to provide the final results. Three main themes and 10 subthemes of acute intoxication emerged, encompassing the qualities of the experience, perceptual alterations, and cognitive-affective shifts. The experience was described as having rapid onset and being intense and unique. Participants reported marked changes in auditory, visual, and interoceptive sensory input; losing normal awareness of themselves and their surroundings; and an assortment of delusional phenomena. Additionally, the abuse potential of Salvia divinorum was examined post hoc. These findings are discussed in light of previous research, and provide an initial framework for greater understanding of the subjective effects of Salvia divinorum, an emerging drug of abuse.
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Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 2/23/2015 11:50:12 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Interesting study, thanks for the link.
#3 Posted : 2/24/2015 12:18:32 AM

Another Leaf on the Vine

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One gram of 98% pure [Salvinorin-A] was dissolved in methylene chloride and mixed with 25.6 g dried SD leaves containing 0.4% SA (by weight), resulting in 26.6 g plant material containing 1082.4 mcg [Salvinorin-A].


Always check your math, even if you paid a lot to go to the school. Twisted Evil

Although more papers on SD are needed, and it's nice to see Siebert involved, they started to lose me with the references to "intoxication","YouTube" and "abuse potential."

And "psychotomimetic" has been a worthless term for at least several decades now.

Apart from that, it's welcome confirmation that smoked 13x extract can reliably produce ASC!

“I sometimes marvel at how far I’ve come - blissful, even, in the knowledge that I am slowly becoming a well-evolved human being - only to have the illusion shattered by an episode of bad behaviour that contradicts the new and reinforces the old. At these junctures of self-reflection, I ask the question: “are all my years of hard work unraveling before my eyes, or am I just having an episode?” For the sake of personal growth and the pursuit of equanimity, I choose the latter and accept that, on this journey of evolution, I may not encounter just one bad day, but a group of many.”
― B.G. Bowers

#4 Posted : 3/11/2015 11:03:45 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Just seen this, good that its getting studied although the wave of direspect will continue unfortunately but She has a way of making sure people know there place! The plants will always win as Dennis McKenna once said.

A video too https://vimeo.com/111295166
#5 Posted : 3/12/2015 2:40:05 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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" an emerging drug of abuse. " That last line says it all. This seems like propaganda.
Or i suppose it's the definition of abuse. Anything with any effect is a drug of abuse.
#6 Posted : 3/12/2015 2:52:07 AM

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MaNoMaNoM wrote:
" an emerging drug of abuse. " That last line says it all. This seems like propaganda.
Or i suppose it's the definition of abuse. Anything with any effect is a drug of abuse.

As someone who works in psychedelic research, don't be too sure that this is propaganda. There is huge pressure on researchers not the break the mold if they want to even THINK about getting published in a mainstream journal, which for most, is kind of a job requirement.

If you want to get the data out there, sometimes you have to spin it in a way that runs contrary to your beliefs. There may be no other way, and if it's data that you really think should be in the literature, you'll have to make some compromises. If you read the current lit on serotonergic psychedelics, you'll see that, even if the authors are totally gung-ho about psychs, they all phrase it in terms of determining what the 'dangers of psychedelic drug abuse' are.

It's a sad situation to be in.

"There are many paths up the same mountain."

#7 Posted : 3/13/2015 12:25:28 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I didn't balk at that line "drug of abuse" because it has been horribly abused. See youtube for proof of that. Can it be classified in the same manner as other addictive drugs? Certainly not.
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