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Non DMT white powder left when naphta evaporates. Options
#1 Posted : 3/5/2015 3:27:36 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi Nexians. This is mi first post, and SWIM is not pretty sure SWIM put it in the correct site.... SWSWIMM have try like 15 extractions with abouth 4.5 kg, but SWIM haven´t got anything yet. SWIM have try a lot of STB, and SWIM done a preety well done A/B. SWIM got to the conclusion that my naphta is crappy, because non DMT was crystalized when SWIM do it (But it has floaters in it). SWIM even left it 3 weeks in the freezer but non crystals were formed... SWIM am about to get some Hexane and Toluene to see what SWIM could rescue from my previous attempts. But something weird happen. From all my naphta that doesnt yield any DMT, when SWSWIMM left a little in another container and left it for a lot of days, the naphta gets evaporated (At room temperature) and left a white powder in the jar. The first 2 times that this happened, SWIM try to smoke it but it has a high boiling temperature and doesnt lights good. SWIM sniff a little and it feels "funny" and a little harshy. SWIMn my last attempt, (The A/B) after not getting any DMT from the freezer, SWIM put alumminium at the top of the jar with naphta. Then SWIM put it inside a ziplock bag. A little naphta pour inside the ziplock, nd SWIM put the jar above a ceramic morter (So the naphta in the ziplock pass the ziplock and is in the ceramic. SWIM forgot about it for weeks. When SWIM quit the naphta jar above the ceramic mortar, SWIM found the naphta was completely evaporated and there was a kind of crystals where the naphta used to be. SWIM separated it in two parts one was very white, and the other kind of gray (looks pal and dirty). SWIM try to smoke it and as the others, it doesn´t burn.... SWIM sniff VERY LSWIMTTLE, and it was the harshest thing SWIM have sniff in my whole life. SWIM combined it with some real DMT and smoke it, and it was good but SWIM noticed the white crystal doesn´t burn as well. **SWIMn my second extraction, SWIM used a lot of naphta (like 2L for the 4 pulls) and after a failed attempt in the freezer, SWSWIMM put them out and just let them at room temperature. After 2-3 weeks, there were a little red rocks inside the naphta. SWIM took them and put them to dry and they turn like pinky/red. SWIM smoke it but it wasn´t so good. Then SWIM loose them....** What could be this white powder???? SWIMs there a possibility that it is lye???? At some point SWIM thought it was sodium carbonte, but SWIM stop using it and the powder continues appearing. SWIMs there a possibility that this is really naphta, or what could yield this little red rocks??? Thanks a lot.

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#2 Posted : 3/5/2015 4:14:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM must have gone terribly wrong somewhere because red rocks are indeed strange (unless you mean orange/yellow) you are more than likely snorting and smoking toxic substances and plastic. my advice is to be CAREFUL.... very careful on what chemicals you are using and for gods sake follow a specific tek availiable on the wiki ("WIKI" above)

EVERY chemical or solvent has to be pure.... this is done 1 of 2 ways
1)read the ingredients on the side of the container. for example: you will find NaOH containers will say >99% NaOH.
you do NOT want to be using drain cleaner that has heaps of other toxins and denaturants
2)on the side of the container will be a UN code. example: UN1268 (which is the naptha i have used before)
Search on google: UN1268 MSDS
this will return a Material Safety Data Sheet which will outline exactly what chemicals and how much of each are contained and most importantly will tell you (for the specific product) if it contains toxins or denaturants

P.S we know SWIM is you
"you know, there are many people in the country today... who, through no fault of their own: are sane. some of them were born sane, some of them became sane later in their lives. it is up to people like you and me (who are out of our tiny little minds) to try and help these people overcome their sanity" -Monty Python

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#3 Posted : 3/5/2015 5:23:03 PM


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Curb wrote:

P.S we know SWIM is you

WAIT! You mean this guy is SWIM!?!?! I hear all sorts of crazy stuff about that dude, and I've always wondered who it was. We've finally found the mysterious SWIM! He emerges from the darkness.
All of my posts are entirely fictional. I am a writer, and as a means to research the life of a fictional character that I'm writing about, I post on the Nexus to get into character. In real life I have no interest or interaction with mind-altering substances.
#4 Posted : 3/5/2015 5:51:12 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Also relevant.

Please next time break that wall of text into smaller paragraphs and yes the SWIM thing makes it much harder to read.
#5 Posted : 3/5/2015 11:17:25 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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ScientificMethod wrote:
Curb wrote:

P.S we know SWIM is you

WAIT! You mean this guy is SWIM!?!?! I hear all sorts of crazy stuff about that dude, and I've always wondered who it was. We've finally found the mysterious SWIM! He emerges from the darkness.

Maybe so, but who the hell is SWSWIMM? Ever deepening mystery...

Regarding SWIM's (and SWSWIMM's, I'm guessing) problem...huh?

(Wink I'm just funnin with ya, SWIMLaughing )
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#6 Posted : 3/9/2015 12:40:26 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks guys, noted for the next time.
#7 Posted : 3/10/2015 6:29:34 PM

ThGiL fO TiRipS

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did you actually read the tek properly and did you understand it ? you are obviously using too much naphtha for pulling and also it looks like you have no idea how to smoke it.

if I was you I would read and learn all this properly and then start all over again.

if you don't want to learn no one can help you. you only waste your time and money.

PS: no need using swim here it does not give you any special protection.
We are each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another.


We are all living in our own feces.
#8 Posted : 3/11/2015 12:24:14 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 07-Mar-2015
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My take on chemicals especially solvents might be a bit paranoid and oberkill but I do have the time to do so so I do:

I tend to clean up the solvents I get from the home depot by freezing out stuff (you wont believe how much somethimes comes from a solvent thats says its very pure on the packaging), distilling and making anhydrous. Also you can use various tests to verify when you first work woth a supplier or a chemical you havent used yet.

Same idea is behind me only working with gaseous muriatic acid, cant cary much junk along.

I usually would recommend doing so, altho I guess no one but me does.

May I suspect something in the A/B process went terribly wrong because honestly, if there is no product (at all) left after evaporation, it probably was mever present at all or not in the right (base / salt) form at the right time. No matter how "bad" your solvent is, as long it has the desired polarity and the solvent you want it should at least pull something if possible.

The crystals you got in later tries sound good but please verify they are the desired product and not something scary, and it shouldnt burn, it should melt, and evaporate Smile
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