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trichocereus pictures Options
#1 Posted : 12/20/2014 2:49:23 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2889
Joined: 31-Oct-2014
Last visit: 03-Nov-2018
Two trichocereus pachanoi, one lophophora williamsii ceaspitosa and one lophophora williamsii.
entheogenic-gnosis attached the following image(s):
KINDLE_CAMERA_1417786909000.jpg (229kb) downloaded 121 time(s).
KINDLE_CAMERA_1396349845000.jpg (293kb) downloaded 119 time(s).
KINDLE_CAMERA_1417786851000.jpg (254kb) downloaded 120 time(s).

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 12/20/2014 6:05:03 PM

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Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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Looks like they are not getting enough light. Why are you not growing them outdoors all summer and bringing them in to go dormant in winter, if you don't mind me asking? The growth would be more full.
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 12/21/2014 7:33:52 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 29-Sep-2011
Last visit: 20-Dec-2023
Yea the lophs and the trichs both would like moar light, try what Jamie said.
"we are not human being's having spiritual experiences, we are spiritual being's having human experience's." (Teilhard de Chardin (1975?)
#4 Posted : 12/21/2014 12:17:31 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Just got the trichocereus without the arm in the mail three days ago, so it's still getting adjusted.

I never put the lophs outdoors, I have had the ceaspitosa for over 4 years and I think it's doing great. The 2.5 cm and the pups I have not had as long but I feel they are doing great As well. Trust me the lophs are well taken care of and well looked after.

The trichocereus with the arm has been through some hard times. It had a fungus on the roots that turned the top of the cactus into black mush, I had to buy new soil and a new pot and set it up in that, since then it's been healing up nicely. All the arms that it has produced have been healthy. It was sick last year,this year it's been doing great, I think it's recovering quite nicely.

I keep the trichocereus's under a hydro-farm box with 8 24W high out put florescent lights, it's worked well so far, though I'm always trying to make improvements. (I live in Denver in a small apartment, I'm honestly doing the best that I can with what I have)


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