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#1 Posted : 11/6/2014 2:55:47 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Yesterday I had my third experience with smoked Salvia Divinorum extract (15x). Like my past two experiences, they began with a smaller dose, which kind of "led" me into a bigger one. My first experience is documented here and explains it better:


The first experience was a dose of 25mg and then 50mg. My second experience was 50mg and then 80mg, with very similar effects to the first experience. The initial dose was basically me asking the goddess to come out and play, and the second dose was when I got catapulted into the other world: very intense closed eye visuals, although, unlike DMT, they were less geometric/fractal in nature, and more colorful. DMT also has a more lucid vibe than Salvia in my opinion. There's a very big "what the hell just happened?" vibe on the comedown (or come up...or peak, for that matter) of a Salvia experience. Yesterday was unlike anything I could have imagined though.

I performed my rituals and loaded 100mg of extract onto a bed of mullein into my bong. "What are you going to show me this time?" I asked her. I cleared it in about one or two hits and that's then things started getting strange. I became aware of a "presence," although, unlike past experiences, there were several entities floating about instead of just one. My perception of the world in front of me had these strange bends or folds in it, almost as if light was being reflected/refracted incorrectly somehow. I realized that the entities I was aware of exist at all times, unseen, behind the scenes, affecting reality. I looked around my bedroom and, though I couldn't "see" them, I could sense them, and I could tell where they were because of the "waves" or the "bends" I saw in front of me. They were not talking to me with words, but they were definitely communicating with me somehow. "Smoke more," they told me. "And ditch the mullein. Put some pot in there."

I put a small bed of Cannabis in the bong while saying "Really? This is what you want me to do? Are you sure?" I noticed a common phenomenon is that I talk out loud when I'm becoming immersed in the Salvia experience, almost as if I'm trying to remind myself that "I" still exist in this reality. So I took out my bag of extract and poured some into the bowl. I did not measure it and I have no idea how much I smoked, but I had this almost irrational confidence that whatever amount I smoked would be "the right amount," and I could almost see one of these invisible entities standing next to my bong, slightly tipping the baggie so that more and more extract fell into the bowl. I cleared the whole thing in about two or three hits, and that, gentleman, was that.

The come up was too intense to remember, but once I was "there," it was beautiful. I tried to describe the scenery to my friend shortly after the experience: I was being led around this giant neon, pulsating factory/warehouse by an entourage of metallic dwarves that were showing me the sights. All around us, more gnomes/dwarves/elves were doing their daily grind, constructing consensus reality for us pathetic mortals. There was all kinds of machinery. One specific one that I remembered was a massive wall that looked like a telephone operator console, or a patch bay in a recording studio. The gnomes were standing on top of each other's shoulders to get to the high inputs on the console, and they were switching which inputs the cables were plugged into. There was a giant monitor next to the screen and I could see how the gnomes changing the inputs was affecting reality. For example, the monitor was showing a man and woman arguing. Then the gnomes took a cable out and put it in a different input. Suddenly, the man and woman were smiling and hugging again, and I got this stark realization that events in consensus reality have a basis that few people are really aware of. There was all other kinds of machinery too, and the endless army of gnomes were constantly changing inputs/connections, flipping switches, and doing all sorts of other things. During all of this, however, I had an acute sense of how their specific actions were altering reality.

The metallic dwarves, (who were the ones in charge), continued to lead me around the building, being extremely friendly and playful to me. They were high-fiving me and asking me how I liked it here. Me, being dumbfounded, had nothing to say, so "I" (or whatever "I" was) smiled back. Next thing I knew, we were in some sort of VIP rooms. There were a lot more metallic dwarves now, and we were all drinking, smoking, and doing drugs. There were also girls there (girl dwarves/gnomes? I don't know how you even tell the difference). However, there wasn't really a "party" vibe to the whole scene as much as a "divine intoxication" vibe, like I was part of some sort of ceremony/ritual. The dwarves told me: "You're one of us now. How does it feel?" All I could do was to keep smiling.

I came to a little later, sprawled out on my back, ceiling slowly coming back into focus. I got up and felt extremely lucid, although definitely still in an altered state of consciousness. The whole experience lasted about 20 minutes (I checked the time before I took the first hit)

One thing I noticed about this experience was that it fit very closely with the "stereotypical" DMT experience, ie. astral machinery, machine elves, entities, etc. However, this was infinitely more intense than I've gotten with DMT. I've vaped 40mg+ of DMT, and only then have I gotten actual entity contact. On lower doses, I still have this awareness of entities and can see them meandering about hyperspace, but I've never had this much interaction with them. These metallic dwarves were the most friendly, welcoming beings I've ever met. They welcomed me with open arms and even brought me to their little VIP room party after they showed me around the factory, and told me "You're one of us." Usually in a DMT experience, they're just kind of off to the side doing their own thing.

So where the hell did I go? Salvia and DMT have very different mechanisms of action and neurological bases, and the experience itself is drastically different, but if I didn't know better, I'd say I went to hyperspace. Not only did I go to hyperspace, I was escorted around, shown its secrets, and allowed to party with the dwarves. Furthermore, I SAW these dwarves with my eyes open wandering around my bedroom before I closed my eyes - I did not have full-blown visual hallucinations, but I could tell where they were and see them moving about by the bending of light.

Another point of discussion is: what IS hyperspace? Is it some sort of collective, universal unconscious mind that we can tap into as individuals? Or is the place I went to the inner workings of my own consciousness? Was the operator console/patch bay really some sort of astral, neurological device that changed the way my mind worked? The specific event during the experience that made me think this was the aforementioned monitor displaying a dispute between a couple. This mirrors a situation I have been dealing with the past few days. Then the gnomes changed the connection and the couple was suddenly happy and no longer arguing. As I came down from the experience, I noticed that my perception of the situation I was dealing with changed dramatically - not in the sense of me "thinking" about the situation changed - it was more subconscious. I just "felt" different after the experience. So did these gnomes basically change my subconscious thought processes by switching the connections? Was the "VIP room" really the command center for my own consciousness? Were the dwarves congratulating me for reaching this plane, and thus, being aware of the subconscious neural processes that change my perception of reality?

This is further than I've gotten on any substance, ever. I've eaten 7g+ of mushrooms, had ego crushing experiences with DMT that felt like a 10 minute orgasm, smoked Cannabis to the point where there were open-eyed visuals, etc., but NOTHING compares to this. When I describe DMT experience, I don't call it a "trip," but like to refer to it as a "journey."

This was not a trip, it was not an experience, it was not a journey; it was pure, unadulterated, divine trance. I feel as if I looked into the eyes of God/Goddess/whoever; I feel as if I was shown sacred information, basically having the "meaning of life" set down in front of me. I don't know what else to say.
Akasha224 is a fictitious extension of my ego; all his posts do not reflect reality & are fictional

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#2 Posted : 11/6/2014 3:57:08 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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This was very interesting and easy to read, thank you.

I have only smoked small doses of salvia, just a couple times a few years ago but it was a very unique and intriguing feeling, I may try it again soon, I have felt some kind of calling to it and this has inspired me. On the low doses I smoked I actually felt great and exhilarated where as other people tend to not like it so much. There is a strange feeling of motion when it comes to the way salvia destroys your reality it seems; I felt like the world was shifting gravity and my ex who took a large dose felt like reality started flipping pages and the room we were in was being flipped away and she was yelling at us to get back in the book, get back on her page!

Anyways, very interesting stuffLove
#3 Posted : 11/6/2014 4:19:22 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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spractral wrote:
This was very interesting and easy to read, thank you.

I have only smoked small doses of salvia, just a couple times a few years ago but it was a very unique and intriguing feeling, I may try it again soon, I have felt some kind of calling to it and this has inspired me. On the low doses I smoked I actually felt great and exhilarated where as other people tend to not like it so much. There is a strange feeling of motion when it comes to the way salvia destroys your reality it seems; I felt like the world was shifting gravity and my ex who took a large dose felt like reality started flipping pages and the room we were in was being flipped away and she was yelling at us to get back in the book, get back on her page!

Anyways, very interesting stuffLove

No problem, brother, thank you for reading.

My past experience with Salvia was also only small doses, and all I ever really got was the "pins and needles" effect and very slight euphoria. I'm very interested in experimenting with Salvia in other forms as well, because I feel that she has a lot to offer aside from ego-shattering breakthroughs.

As far as your calling...it's real. Maybe I'm just truly starting to become unhinged, or maybe all the parts are, in fact, falling into place. There was a period of strange patterns in my life just a few weeks ago...a sort of "motif" to my existence if you will. This pattern led me to all sorts of strange research, which inevitably led me to the topic of Salvia Divinorum. She summoned me. It seems obvious as anything in retrospect, but made no sense as it was happening. Part of understanding the interconnectivity of events and cause and effect, perhaps the biggest part, is letting go and following what you feel you should, in any context, no matter how big or how small. If you want more information about what led me to Salvia, and perhaps to share your own "calling," feel free to send me a PM so we can discuss it in greater detail.

I agree with the "motion" aspect of Salvia. While Psilocybin makes walls breathe and makes everything more vivid, where DMT makes everything more alien, Salvia just makes everything "weird." That's the only word I can use to describe it. Like I said in my opening post, there's a very WTF? vibe to the Salvia experience, even if it's just a threshold. Reality just sort of tears apart. I didn't think anything could top a 30-40mg DMT journey, but I'm having my doubts now.

If you do choose to follow this path, I implore you to share your experiences. They're simply too beautiful to keep inside.
Akasha224 is a fictitious extension of my ego; all his posts do not reflect reality & are fictional
#4 Posted : 11/7/2014 3:08:47 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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They do call it the most powerful spirit of them all. Smile

But I'd say the key to bring the attention to in all of this is that through all the experiences of changing planes, dimensions, forms, voids, etc., including the one this very moment, there is a common thread, whose name is I. THAT is worth detecting and not letting go out of 'sight'. The rest is play.
Here it is - right now. Start thinking about it and you miss it. ~ Huang-po
#5 Posted : 11/10/2014 2:06:02 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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zhoro wrote:
They do call it the most powerful spirit of them all. Smile

But I'd say the key to bring the attention to in all of this is that through all the experiences of changing planes, dimensions, forms, voids, etc., including the one this very moment, there is a common thread, whose name is I. THAT is worth detecting and not letting go out of 'sight'. The rest is play.

I can see why. As I said in my original post, I didn't really think anything could top DMT, but this changes everything.
Akasha224 is a fictitious extension of my ego; all his posts do not reflect reality & are fictional
#6 Posted : 11/11/2014 9:35:47 PM

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I love DMT. I just have to start with that Smile

But I found Salvia many years before DMT and I've cultivated a deep relationship with the plant over the years. I haven't had the time to do the same with DMT, but I also think it's because I find Salvia more agreeable for me. Sounds strange to hear 'agreeable' and 'Salvia' in the same sentence, I know Laughing

DMT is beautiful. It's one of those experiences that I think everyone should have at least once in life, if they choose. Salvia is something different. It's impossible to describe certain aspects, yet they seem so obscenely clear at the moment of revelation. But in terms of sheer power...Salvia does take the cake.

I also subscribe to the idea that DMT and Salvia bring us to the same place, just by different paths. These places feel astoundingly real, and distinctly separate from myself. I used to fall back on the idea that perhaps these experiences were all self-contained; generated by my imagination. I can't do that anymore. I just can't deny the existence of these realms any more, just because it frightens me a little Smile

So what we call DMT Hyperspace and Salviaspace do feel like one and the same. I've had too many crossovers since I first found DMT to really come up with any other conclusion.

And I think most of us are really comforted by the knowledge that there are entities watching out for us, exerting positive influence on our lives. Someone tending that light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak Smile

Thanks for sharing your experience, I enjoyed reading Thumbs up
#7 Posted : 11/13/2014 12:46:57 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Metanoia wrote:
DMT is beautiful. It's one of those experiences that I think everyone should have at least once in life, if they choose. Salvia is something different. It's impossible to describe certain aspects, yet they seem so obscenely clear at the moment of revelation. But in terms of sheer power...Salvia does take the cake.

I also agree that DMT is beautiful. It's a terrifying experience to go into, but I always get the same message from a DMT breakthrough - "amor omnia vincit" - love conquers all. Smile

On the other hand, Salvia is more like "Well you wanted it, so here you go," as reality starts to melt and I forget that I exist. I agree with you that Salvia takes the cake. I feel as if it's not a substance that should be "recommended" to people. I personally believe that everyone should have one solid DMT/Psilocybin/Ayahuasca experience in their life to shake them to their core and set their heads right. However, Salvia doesn't have that "perspective altering" effect, unless you let her in and welcome her with open arms. When I begin to feel the come up on Salvia, I tell her: "Take me beautiful, I'm ready. At least I think I am."

I've never had such an affinity with a substance as I do with Salvia. I always felt an emotional bond to DMT, psilocybin, even Cannabis, referring to them as "plant allies," "botanical teachers," etc., but not until Salvia Divinorum have I actually felt the embrace of a spirit that wasn't there before, that doesn't even exist according to consensus reality. She is a beautiful lady, and I adore her more than words can possibly convey.

May the Shepherdess guide you, brother.
Akasha224 is a fictitious extension of my ego; all his posts do not reflect reality & are fictional
some one
#8 Posted : 12/20/2014 3:11:40 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I just want to say you write beautiful, I was totally taken away.
And it made me feel the call now too..

I've smoked it one a long time ago. I also felt a "presence" in the room with me. The reality I warped into felt so real, it seemed my whole life up to that point was a mere illusion. I didn't get to hyperspace. That's my intension now, gradually building up to it of course, see if I manage.

Have you ever tried oral salvia? Might take the "wtf just happened" effect away, comparing it to oral/smoked dmt.
some = one | here = some | there = one
#9 Posted : 12/20/2014 8:26:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Great read I can relate to much of that, salvia is..just salvia isnt it, profound weirdness (super hi-tec organic technology for example) with a pinch of wisdom and a scattering of divine love. Intrigues me immensely. The dwarves may well have been a representation of your neural processes who is to know, my friend had them internally working his body..maybe the lesson there was that we can control our own perspectives and shape our own realities more than we think.
However Im sceptical of the purely internal phenomenon view as I had something happen that to this day still makes my hair stand on end. It was roughly 15-30 minutes after I had come back from salviaspace. I was lying on my bed when my door slammed shut for no reason.
This could of course been a freak draft (or not related to my ingestion of salvia whatesoever) but my flat was on the top floor of a 3 storey building, my windows were shut and the door that slammed was an internal door almost in the centre of the flat. I have had gail force winds before that hadnt created a draught strong enough to cause such a slam. I can only think that I had let something travel through me into our dimension.
physics envy
#10 Posted : 4/16/2015 12:31:41 AM

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Hi Akasha - I enjoyed your read :-)

"Behind the scenes" is a perfect way to describe the experience IMO.

After 100+ high extract journeys over the last 4-5 years, salvia journeys have become very consistent in certain ways for me. I also have 100+ DMT journeys, and they are somewhat consistent as well at this point. But I haven't experienced much of a 'crossover' as you have. When I've used them together, Salvia attributes dominated the experiences, and when I use them separately, their characteristics are rather distinct. However, if I could put my Salvia experiences in artwork, they would look like much of the visionary ayahuasca/dmt artwork by Alex Grey, etc.

I think most psychedelics cross over in the sense that one may be able to gain some sort personal insight (whether from the sub-conscious or the cosmos...).

Over time, I found that Salvia basically does the same thing for me each time I journey with it. It allows me to mentally get 'behind the scenes' of this dimension in a different way than I do with DMT. With Salvia, I perceive that the world as I know it is projected out of my body like a 360-degree film projector. Salvia detaches my consciousness from the eye-holes in my body, and I go backwards and inwards. With closed eyes, I can then see the normal 'world' falling away as the eye-holes drift farther from my awareness point. As I go inward, I can then see things on the inside of my body. But instead of biological stuff, I start to see other information, like the monitors you described previously. I also frequently perceive that the regular world that my consciousness projects out from my body flips inside out. If my body was a balloon, then the balloon would turn inside out, and everything in this universe that I perceive would be on the inside of the balloon now. At that point, I've basically detached from my physical body and am in a large space. This is what I would call my Salvia Space.

This zone feels 'parental' to the regular 3D world...a step up in the hierarchy.

At lower doses, this sort of imagery or feeling happens every single time anymore. So to me, this is just what happens to my awareness when I smoke Salvia. I get to detach and go 'up a level'.

With higher doses, I go through that initial 'falling away' almost immediately, and I go farther away from the eye-holes and inside/out body - to the point of forgetting there is a family, an I, etc.

When I first started using Salvia, I always felt like I had to keep track of where my 'eye-holes' were located and I would end up missing out on the journey because I felt like I needed to be able to get back to this dimension. Honestly, it is still hard to let go initially, but at least now I know ahead of time what is going to happen and can prepare for it a bit.

Although I don't necessarily perceive other entities on Salvia, at lower doses I start narrating my experience mentally, and frequently I perceive comments from other family members, although it usually feels as though I'm 'doing' their voices. I try to use this space to ask questions and gain insight about personal things, relationships, etc..., and sometimes I get something, but I have not personally had much success with personal insights using Salvia. Perhaps quidding would be better for this, but I haven't had an opportunity to explore that method much yet.

I also do not get any sort of non-dual feeling from Salvia, the way 5meoDMT is frequently described. I also do not get the feeling of being able to connect to an awareness of others I know, such as my wife or kids, while on Salvia. I feel that I'm only exploring my own awareness...

Best of luck on your future journeys, Akasha224!
Salvia quid enthusiast
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