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#1 Posted : 5/28/2009 9:20:55 PM

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My friend from Peru is somehow baffled. Please be so kind and help him re-organize his thoughts. This is what he told me:

"So I mixed 40mg Spice with Paul d'arco and took everything in two hits. I felt the effects instantanously harder as I've ever felt it before. I managed to turn of the light and gazed into darkness, where patterns where rapidly forming. But after a couple of seconds I knew that this would lead to nowhere so I turned on the light again and took one big hit of clean spice....this took all my conscious effort...

Patterns where infolding like pages from a book...fan patterns dissolving reality around me, shooting at me, sourrounding me.

I felt like I was in a differen room as these geometric pastel patterns where shooting thru my body, dissolving it. I felt my eyes melting...not very pleasent! My body awareness was shrinking rapidly to a point where I was almost uncertain of my bodily existence. There was a distinct quality to my new sorrounding...a bit cold, synthetic ...not easy to put into words.

The room dissapeared and I was back, but the interior was morphing and glowing in the dark. As I turned on the light, I had the feeling of beeing inside a dollhouse....inside a living HDRI Image.

I tried to return and took another hit after a moment of shock, but not much happened except one thing:

It felt like a ball of energy was crawling under my spine...and it made my head move...something took control over my body....

Sounds eerie? I found it rather interesting and I'm shocked, that I'm not panicking right now. I mean, the atmosphere was very neutral, neither positive nor negative...but thewse strange things ...oh....

I was shaking afterwards....I think this was quite a new thing for me.

I don't know how deep I got...I thought about it but can't figure it out. Maybe this is just the borderlands, maybe itÄs the beginning of something...maybe it's the end (I hope not)

What...tell me what...I mean, I don't want to exeggerate it, I could handle it ...but still....I mean WTF?!"

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#2 Posted : 5/29/2009 7:02:45 PM

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Today I was a bit angry but I've got no idea why. Maybe because my experience left me somehow unsatisfied. It was different, more intense than ever ...but it's still very hard to judge how deep I went in. I'm not even sure why this is so important to me.

But can you help me with your experience?

I also can't explain my rather fearless state of mind during the experience. It was scary at one point...the moment I realized, that this would be a different trip. Not just some pretty patterns, but a co0mplete change of my sourroundings.

The enery marble rolling thru my spine was also a very peculiar sensation because somethin controlled my head movements.

I realized, that this substance can change your body feeling to an enourmous degree. I'm sure it can make you feel very strong pain. I'm sure you can experience getting your eyes pierced with rusty nails.

That's quite a perspective.
#3 Posted : 5/29/2009 7:27:03 PM

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very interesting...SWIM will be getting some pau darko soon
it's a sound
#4 Posted : 5/30/2009 8:30:24 AM

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that's very interesting. Did it have a malevolent feel or was it done in a more of a playful sense of sorts? Do you feel violated a day later or more intrigued?

also, SWIM can't keep up with all the different terms discussed on here. what is Paul d'arco? an herb?
#5 Posted : 5/30/2009 11:49:51 AM

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A close friend of mine experienced being physically controlled after indulging in the spice a few weeks ago. The experience lasted about half an hour and was one of the oddest things I've ever experienced with psychedelics in 20-odd years.

She started with some kind of spinning motion but after a while this developed into what she said felt like some kind of force grabbing onto her arm and yanking it away. No control over it at all. Quite funny for a few minutes but was actually quite scared myself after a while.
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#6 Posted : 5/31/2009 6:28:46 PM

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Did it have a malevolent feel or was it done in a more of a playful sense of sorts?

Message from my friend:

There was neither a positve nor a negative feel to it. It just felt weird, somehow cold, robotic, sterile. A room made of germicide, somewhere dark , propably underground ....

I heard the ringing sinus tone and a cold, mechanical crackling sound...

How close was I to breaking through ?


She started with some kind of spinning motion but after a while this developed into what she said felt like some kind of force grabbing onto her arm and yanking it away. No control over it at all. Quite funny for a few minutes but was actually quite scared myself after a while.

That's pretty scary. At least she didn't jump in front of a train or something. Pleased

Pau(l) d'arco is also known as "lapacho" ..and yes it's a tea made from a bark....best known for it's anti-inflammatory/cancer killing effects.

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