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A Few Tips for New Folks from a Regular Member... Options
Coma White
#41 Posted : 9/7/2014 8:42:56 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hey Guys,

Its great to finally have an account set up, I been a using the forum now for the best part of a year. The site itself and of course the people that contribute to it are amazing & have helped me without there knowledge, greatly.

Anyone that has posted in extraction guild/help section over the last year, I feel like you have become a wonderful brother & teacher. Everything I needed was covered in the extraction section of the nexus I didn't need to ask anything I've used CYB's tek during the last year & have had many successful extraction, thanks to everyone who has unwittingly helped & guided me to this stage.

I'm not one for posting on forums or anything online but I felt compelled as I just thought it was unfair of me to at least not say Thank You for all the help this site has offered. Thank you.


Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#42 Posted : 9/7/2014 9:12:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I would like to say thank you to the Nexus, for not spoon feeding me! I seen many posts on here of repeat questions soo many times before over the course of just a few months of me being a member here.

reading is good....

I do it everyday now lol. I find more knowledge in it and as long as im interested in the subject (Nexus, believe me, im pretty interested) I will continue to learn, discover, and grow.

How could you not with soo many great minds working together to do better bigger things!

Props to all who made the Nexus Happen!Thumbs up

Namaste, ---dls---
Marty McFly
#43 Posted : 9/13/2014 11:13:15 PM

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Board is great, can't wait to post in the other sections.
Mr Benting
#44 Posted : 9/29/2014 8:01:47 PM
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Happy to have found this site
D.M.T ®™
#45 Posted : 10/24/2014 10:19:54 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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So much useful info on here for a newcomer like me thanks to all!!! Looks like you have another brother joining the journey Smile
#46 Posted : 1/12/2015 7:57:42 PM

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I think that this thread sets a pretty positive tone, all in all.
#47 Posted : 3/7/2015 1:53:14 AM
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I like this site, thanks to everyone for making this a safe place to share experiences, techniques and opinions! the internet is too cool.
#48 Posted : 4/7/2015 9:47:32 PM

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d*l*b wrote:
A more efficient site search using Google uses syntax as follows:

The whole site:

"required string" optional string site:dmt-nexus.me

The forum:

"required string" optional string site:dmt-nexus.me/forum/

The wiki:

"required string" optional string site:wiki.dmt-nexus.me

Can't thank you enough for this tip. With so many sub threads and useful comments beneath the surface, this is a blessing
... not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace. Life is just a ride - Bill Hicks.
#49 Posted : 9/20/2015 8:35:20 AM
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Thanks for the advice. Already had helpful direction and a request not to use "SWIM". I can understand that as it is annoying when it is used. Also, very grateful for the DMT Nexus forums. What a relief.
#50 Posted : 12/26/2015 6:27:18 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Just joined. i appreciate everyone here who contributes. So many intelligent people on here real chemists!!!Thumbs up awesome!!!Thumbs up . I want to be welcome here and find my way. pretty new to forums in general but this one seemed worth itTwisted Evil . SWIM just learned extractions and prefers the natural Q21 TEK 2 option but recently has had problems with ending resluts. If i could be pointed in the right direction where to find my answer, maybe something ive yet to look at...or where i would be allowed to post a question in order to assist itd be much abliged. I was able to find a thread of similar issue but no responses.

1 more Q: i understand there are listed suppliers for botanics other than MHRB. So i assume this isnt allowed which is discouraging, but SWIM's main issue now is making sure the MHRB being used contains heaven.

I appreciate any input/ advice/ suggestions from all.

~~~wish i came here soonerLove
Christine Breese
#51 Posted : 8/14/2016 12:21:11 AM

Christine Breese

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Thanks for the tips and giving newcomers a chance to be here, and thank you for your guidelines, I wholeheartedly agree.
Save the world! It's the only one with chocolate!
#52 Posted : 4/10/2017 4:29:17 AM


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I agree wholeheartedly. Sometimes it can be difficult to find the information you are looking for in the MOUNTAIN of posts generated here. That is where spending some time, and in many cases several hours, reading existing material is required. I probably spent 10-12 HOURS in the past two days alone, not counting the many hours I spent in the past just getting my feet wet on the extraction of the mixture, on the topic of Harmine/DHH separation and reduction to THH before I made a post in an already existing thread with a few questions and a brief summary of what I found out along the way. I probably made 10 pages of hand written notes with equations, experimental data, and the like before I felt like I could make a post that MIGHT have some semi-intelligent questions in it. This place isn't the kiddie pool, It's jumping into the rip tide, with sharks. Doing your due diligence is something that can take a significant investment in time, even if you have a pretty good grasp on basic chemistry. Having said that, the information presented here can teach you almost all of what you need to know to find a reason to really enjoy chemistry, if you didn't have one already.
Disclaimer: The "I" that has been referenced above is the character in a fictitious biography, narrated by BioTron. Any and all resemblance to actual events is unintentional, accidental, and/or coincidental in nature.
#53 Posted : 4/15/2017 10:45:23 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks going to read this now so I can get off to a good start here.
#54 Posted : 6/24/2017 10:07:44 PM

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Hello, I would like to thank all the people who contributed to the vast knowledge resource that is DMT nexus. I have been using the site as a guide for nearly 2 years, almost all questions are answered by digging a little.
#55 Posted : 8/2/2017 12:45:32 AM

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Hi, this is only my second post. The first was my intro. I'm scared shitless to post anything because of all the warnings I read when trying to learn more about this forum and what's expected of me. No complaints, I'm just saying I'm starting to get a little paranoid.

But that's okay. I really shouldn't ask questions or even try to provide help until I've gone through more than what I alrady have. There is something I wanted to ask about (as it relates to searching first and then asking)... I've been doing most of my research offsite because the site's search engine keeps coming back with "database error". I can usually get one search in a day but that's it. Am I doing something wrong? There's probably a FAQ on this somewhere but I'm asking anyway. What the hell. Go for it.
mAH wants to know: Are We Having Fun Yet?
#56 Posted : 8/2/2017 12:52:33 AM

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mikeAtHome wrote:
Hi, this is only my second post. The first was my intro. I'm scared shitless to post anything because of all the warnings I read when trying to learn more about this forum and what's expected of me. No complaints, I'm just saying I'm starting to get a little paranoid.

But that's okay. I really shouldn't ask questions or even try to provide help until I've gone through more than what I alrady have. There is something I wanted to ask about (as it relates to searching first and then asking)... I've been doing most of my research offsite because the site's search engine keeps coming back with "database error". I can usually get one search in a day but that's it. Am I doing something wrong? There's probably a FAQ on this somewhere but I'm asking anyway. What the hell. Go for it.

I am new around here as well, and haven't been scolded here even once yet Smile

I haven't had problems with the Nexus search feature, but you can also use google for searches on the nexus. Just do a google search for "thing you want to find site=dmt-nexus.me" this will find things on the forums, wiki, etc.
#57 Posted : 8/3/2017 2:38:59 AM


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mikeAtHome wrote:
Hi, this is only my second post. The first was my intro. I'm scared shitless to post anything because of all the warnings I read when trying to learn more about this forum and what's expected of me. No complaints, I'm just saying I'm starting to get a little paranoid.

But that's okay. I really shouldn't ask questions or even try to provide help until I've gone through more than what I alrady have. There is something I wanted to ask about (as it relates to searching first and then asking)... I've been doing most of my research offsite because the site's search engine keeps coming back with "database error". I can usually get one search in a day but that's it. Am I doing something wrong? There's probably a FAQ on this somewhere but I'm asking anyway. What the hell. Go for it.

The built in search can be hit and miss, usually better results can be obtained by using a site specific search in google ala "site: dmt-nexus.me changa recipes" or what have you.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
#58 Posted : 9/17/2017 4:28:47 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Awesome Possum. Thank You. I feel very fortunate to be in here finally 😍
#59 Posted : 10/8/2017 3:18:55 PM
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It's great to finally make it to the next step of being a member. I love the philosophy nexus has. During my trials and tribulations of growing cubes, the shroomery was my source of information, except the maturity level of some members are kinda low. Hope to have a better experience here!
#60 Posted : 10/10/2017 10:11:50 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Yes we need more positive vibes in this world Big grin Big grin Big grin
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