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Preparations to make insufflated DMT more tolerable Options
#21 Posted : 4/12/2014 12:52:34 AM

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Swim has tried using the acetate tincture from the q21 tek with great success.

15 drops were heated on a spoon over a flame till most of the vinegar boiled off and a sticky residue was left. This was mixed with an unmeasured portion of sodium bicarb till fizzing stopped and a paste like consistency was achieved.

this paste was then scooped up with a toothpick and applied inside the nostrils as high as possible. Squeezing nostrils between fingers after application helped to spread things around. It is necessary to keep the head upright so as to avoid nasal drip.

It was combined with half an oral dose of haramala's in solid form under the tongue 30 minutes prior.

The only burn experienced was at the very front of the nostrils (outside), like when you've had a cold and been blowing your nose a lot. This probably came as the result of the nose becoming runny and the drip reaching the front. This was very tolerable though. The day after no noticeable pain/discomfort remained.

Effects were gorgeous and repeated in the same session with great success. Rinsing out the nose with a neti pot post session is recommended.

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#22 Posted : 4/12/2014 4:17:27 AM

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I had a pretty amazing experience last weekend snuffing 22mg of chaliponga alkaloids mixed with an eyeballed lump of harmalas and based with a little bit of sodium carbonate..the mixture was dried and powdered and snuffed all at once, half up each nostril. It was the most profound snuffing expereience I have had, with fantastic visions on par with ayahuasca. The burn was only present for the first few minutes, pretty bad at first and then it just vanished when I started to peak. The acetate tincture hurts way way more..so do fumarates. I would suggest people def go with freebase over fumarates/acetates for snuffing.
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#23 Posted : 4/12/2014 4:47:30 AM

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Hyperspace Fool's COCO Tek For Insufflation Of DMT:
1) Take your dose of DMT and place it in a small shotglass.
2) Mix with enough mildly hot water so that 1 drop will equal 20 mg spice (use more water if needed to dissolve everything).
3) Add a touch of vinegar to convert freebase to acetate (not needed with salt spice).
4) Add a few drops of COCONUT CREAM (not oil, not water)... until solution is cloudy and white.
5) Mix thoroughly and suck it up into an eyedropper.
6) Drop the drops into your nostril while inhaling to spread them over a larger surface of your nasal mucosa.

Has anyone tried this ^ ?

I once ate 40mg harmalas and then snuffed 30mg freebase DMT a little over a half hour later. It was very intense and I even had a short breakthrough, but the burn was just too much, way too much. My nose even felt messed up the next day. I'd never do it again unless I knew the burn would be very minimal. I have a very sensitive nose to...Long dry winters haven't done it any good.

Apart from the burn, I feel that snuffing is a fascinating and very useful way to explore DMT.

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#24 Posted : 4/12/2014 6:00:21 AM

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I hope there is a way around the burn. I tried snuffing DMT fumurate awhile back and really enjoyed the effect aside from my nose being on fire for about an hour. I liked that it kicked in slower than smoking it. I would experiment with it more if theres some way to make it not burn as much.
#25 Posted : 5/4/2014 2:52:45 PM

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I'm curious -could one add a very small amount of powdered citric acid to the FB so that it drops the ph, just a bit?

I bought some citric acid to try this. I've never tried insufflation on this molecule. I'll wait and see what others say before attempting. A very small amount may be just the right thing to neutralize the burn.

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#26 Posted : 5/4/2014 5:29:47 PM


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Dissolving DMT into a purified water saline solution just makes too much sense for insufflation.
#27 Posted : 5/4/2014 11:35:58 PM

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AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:
I'm curious -could one add a very small amount of powdered citric acid to the FB so that it drops the ph, just a bit?

I bought some citric acid to try this. I've never tried insufflation on this molecule. I'll wait and see what others say before attempting. A very small amount may be just the right thing to neutralize the burn.

I think I would probably prefer to use a food-safe acid other than citric, simply because I would imagine that the sour flavor of citric acid combined with DMT would make for a horrid-tasting drip. Sick

Either way, I would definitely recommend using one of DMT's salts over freebase. Freebase DMT feels a whole lot less pleasant in the nasal cavity than DMT fumarate.
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#28 Posted : 5/5/2014 8:16:48 AM

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this makes me want to suggest to the moderators that it might be interesting to open a snuff section in the forum... Rolling eyes
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#29 Posted : 5/5/2014 11:09:54 AM

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Using baking soda or a salime solution sounds a good idea the burn is distracting but I doubt you could avoid it alltogether. I recall it feeling like a hot stone stuck up my nose but like others here I liked the duration and pace of the experience very much.

The Swedes and their Snus making methods could provide ideas as could Yopo snuff, supposedly utilises calcium hydroxide that oxidises to calcium carbonate if left out in the air.
Glycerol has also been mentioned..
Personally I would be ok with sodium bicarbonate and then maybe a squirt of water up the nostril a bit later.
Should be thoroughly powdered before insuflation.
#30 Posted : 5/16/2014 10:00:46 PM

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This idea may sound really stupid but I randomly had this thought occur to me because I like spicy foods ut sometimes the mouth needs a cool don, so knowing cucumbers is a god thing to eat to cool down the mouth. One day I decided, what if I skin a cucumber slice it really thin, then dehydrate it? I Did so and when it was dry I owdered it and snorted a SMALL amount after some DMT and for me it was almost instant relief... I'm not suggesting anyone snort vegetables but as I said I knew it took aay the spicy burn of hot food in my mouth so I figured what the hell 30-60 mg of it up the nose couldn't hurt.
Understand: Nature knows no EVIL, Nature knows no GOOD, people know these things, because we perceive these things, with the gift of senses given to us at birth. A good or bad experience is simply a bridge to a another existential time frame, so always live in the moment and make every one a positive moment!

Any and all posts or interactions are to be held as my fictional writings/short stories or dreams. I may even have some delirium setting in, I've never been tested for it. The only exception to this is the statement about nature above, I feel this is a fact!
#31 Posted : 5/16/2014 11:16:17 PM

Homo discens

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TOXSIN wrote:
This idea may sound really stupid but I randomly had this thought occur to me because I like spicy foods ut sometimes the mouth needs a cool don, so knowing cucumbers is a god thing to eat to cool down the mouth. One day I decided, what if I skin a cucumber slice it really thin, then dehydrate it? I Did so and when it was dry I owdered it and snorted a SMALL amount after some DMT and for me it was almost instant relief... I'm not suggesting anyone snort vegetables but as I said I knew it took aay the spicy burn of hot food in my mouth so I figured what the hell 30-60 mg of it up the nose couldn't hurt.

This might work, but I guess I always assumed that the water content of cucumbers was responsible for offsetting the burn of spicy food... I could very well be wrong though, so it's worth a shot! Thumbs up
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#32 Posted : 5/17/2014 3:20:02 AM

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Snorting cucumber thats a new one! What next? Plugging carrots? ...o wait...
#33 Posted : 5/20/2014 10:45:33 AM

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Entheogenerator wrote:

I guess I always assumed that the water content of cucumbers was responsible for offsetting the burn of spicy food...

I don't think that this is the case, cause capsaicin is hydrophobic. That's why you usually want to use milk or sth. like that after taking a bite of a hot habenero chilli.
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